2380/Not the Tiger He was Looking For

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Not the Tiger He was Looking For
Date of Scene: 09 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Feral, Vulcan

Feral has posed:
Finishing off her tea as she pauses under a streetlight, Vanya crushes the cheap cup in her hand and drops it into a nearby trashcan. The weretiger's golden eyes sweep slowly around the intersection and her nose and ears twitch, taking in the district's sights and scents. Boredly, she stretches her arms over her head and yawns heavily, lulling out a broad felid tongue while flashing a very~ sharp set of teeth. In any other part of New York a man-sized tiger on two legs might be cause for alarm and panic, in Mutant Town... well in Mutant Town it still draws looks, but it hasn't drawn any police... yet. Not everyone can relax around two hundred pounds of sinew and claws - or maybe it's that she's using her thick coat of fur in place of clothes...

Animal nudists. There's no getting rid of them.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan is running down the street, vaguely wondering how someone who has the technology to create a suit capable of teleporting anywhere in the world or a monofiliament sword couldn't build @#$@#$ flight into the thing? But he is fit enough to wear and run at full tilt as he chases after Vanya. It isn't because he thinks she is a criminal, its just that...he heard about a tiger in the news and is working to protect it before it does any damage. He took Arthur Curry's speech to heart and while he can't diverge from his primary mission, helping make the planet BETTER isn't outside those parameters.

Feral has posed:
Vanya turns at the sound of rapid footfalls and a full set of claws pop out the fingertips of her nearest hand as she locks eyes with the would-be hero and smiles enough to show her canines. "And who are you?" she wonders in a voice that reverberates in her barrel chest as her tail flicks behind her. There's a very slight sink as her weight coils in her legs and the tiger braces.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan blinks and thinks he might have heard about some kind of talking tiger with Shazam but this is not something he expected. "I....er.....sorry." How does he say I was looking for you for your own protection? Or is she a different tiger? Its all confusing. But she's obviously pissed so the armored masked hero w the very sharped (though sheathed) sword needs so say more than that. "Are you the tiger that was in the news last week...or is that some other tiger?

Feral has posed:
The tiger's claws pop back out of sight and Vanya relaxes with a light frown of disappointment. "No, I'm looking for that one. You come running at me with a sword at your hip and the first thing you do is apologize? Kakogo cherta, this district is starting to disappoint me," she grumbles, mingling English with her native Russian.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan's armor is golden and curved, almost like riot armor but it fits in perfect sync to his form, made of a thick but viscous material with his face protected by an almost golden visor that is opaque but still clouds his facial features. He has two pronounced silver gauntlets. He laughs, "Chica, I have never met a talking tiger. Now that I realize you aren't one it isn't as ...jarring. So you arent the one mentioned in the news? Was that a real tiger?

Feral has posed:
"Only one kind of tiger gets *that* big. If he's here he is a long way from home," Vanya notes, rolling her shoulder as she looks back at the gold-armored young man. "And who says I'm not a talking tiger?" she asks with a toothy grin, gesturing to her front. "I have the stripes and I talk."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan points to his gauntlet, "Opposable thumbs. Only aliens and ape descendants of some kind tend to have them." He grins, "I'm Vulcan, and you are?" He scratches his head, "Do you have a bead on the actual factual tiger?

Feral has posed:
The werewoman suddenly leaps forward, springing from the pavement and kicking up her legs to pounce on top of the golden knight and pin him to the sidewalk.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan is suprised as hell by this manuever but is no slouch in a fight and brings up two rather potent force fields between her and him. Comments about tigers, wonderful things and bouncing all withstanding.

Feral has posed:
Vanya slams thunderously into the forcefield and her claws grip impotently at the air, sliding without purchase against the barrier until she drops back to the ground and stands back straight. The werewoman laughs heartily as she lifts her head and appraises Vulcan anew. "Vanya. That's a nice trick, Vulcan. And no, all I know is he's not anywhere I've already looked."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan nods, "I try not to make assumptions. I didnt know if you had his scent or something. So, I do know that based on...research." The encyclopedia in my head..."that the food problem would be huge for him. That's a good way to track more than looking. If someone isnt feeding him, he is likely looking for wide open areas, and I'm assuming not a man eater until proven otherwise. And glad you like the trick. That was quite a leap.

Feral has posed:
"And that was without a running start," Vanya smirks. She nods thoughtfully and scratches her neck. "There are enough buffets around here to feed a couple tigers at once but unless someone's buying him whole pigs, he can't do *that* quietly..."

The tiger scuffs her foot against the sidewalk in annoyance. "But that means sitting and waiting for him," she gripes.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan considers, "I don't like sitting and waiting for anyone. And ...wait buffets as in actual buffets? Like...raid a chinese restaurant or something?" He grins, "You will have to show me a running start some time.

Feral has posed:
"Gladly," the weretiger purrs with a gleam in her eye before she nods. "And yes, like 'all-you-can-eat-until-they-run-out-of-tofu-and-kick-you-out'."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan grins at the purr and nods, "Yeah I guess a tiger would eat whatever it could if it had to. Still, poor guy has to be scared out of his mind. I'm amazed they havent blocked off the whole area. Guess it must be because its mutant town.

Feral has posed:
"With a tiger that large and no zoos reporting it missing I wouldn't be surprised if that's another one of those werewolf shapeshifters or somebody's special pet," Vanya remarks. "If they live here, they at least haven't come out for a while..." Turning towards the west, the weretiger abruptly starts padding down the sidewalk. Maybe Vulcan's meant to follow?

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "Yeah. For that matter someone could have a power that lets them summon tiger or dinosaurs from another dimension or something. Or turn hammers into tigers. Or fruit." He looks around and takes her up on it. Its as good a lead as he has and he doesnt want to just 'give up'"

Feral has posed:
With air in her fur again, Vanya sets a brisk pace for a walk, gobbling up strides with springy steps. She laughs at the suggestions, a sound that comes easily and heartily. "I was just hoping for a tiger-man but that almost sounds more fun."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan doesn't mind the bouncing curves as she moves...he mostly doesnt star. "A tiger man? I suppose. There are gorilla men and wolf men so a tiger man seems reasonable compared to anyone else." He keeps pace well despite not having any movement powers.

Feral has posed:
"Wolves are fun but they can get yappy when you catch them by the tail," Vanya remarks idly, smiling crookedly at a memory. "There is /nothing/ fair about the claws on some of those werewolves either..."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "You have fought werewolves? Interesting. I have fought weird things but mainly just villains associated with my mentor...they're plenty weird enough. " He is trying to discern if she has a specific destination in mind and is not succeeding."

Feral has posed:
The knight might have a long wait to learn that. Vanya's following her nose and her gut in a random wandering around the city, and every so often the little pink end of her muzzle twitches as she draws in more scent. "More than once," she purrs cheerfully. "They're fun. I've heard there's a pack of them somewhere in Queens but I haven't sniffed them out yet. Maybe I should leave out some dog treats..."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan laughs, "I am amazed that you are making ...what is that offensive humor to werewolves? I dont know what etiquete for that is, though I suspect you wouldnt care if you did..." he still makes some noise. He is not a ninja and while trained in the armor and adept at moving, he has not formally taine in stealth. He still likes the purr and vaguely wonders if it si some power.

Feral has posed:
"Da, dog treats for the dogs and milk for the cats. I would butcher a horse and leave it outside to attract the fun ones, but you know how sensitive people can get," Vanya cracks crassly. Looking across the street of an approaching intersection then sideways to the green lights emitting a steady stream of city traffic, the tigress bears her teeth again in a small. "Watch," is all she says before exploding forward in a run.

Bounding to a few feet short of the edge of the sidewalk, the werewoman leaps upwards and tumbles through the air, rolling head over heels several feet above the height of traffic before slamming feet first into pavement on the other side. The tiger's springy body coils as it soaks up the shock of impact and after a moment, Vanya's tail twitches and the golden-eyed beast straightens back up with a self-satisfied grin stretching her muzzle in mimicry of a much more human expression. Mostly it just succeeds in showing more teeth.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan doesn't indeed find the idea of butchering a horse for bait appealing. He fostered on a ranch once. He nods, and does watch. As she moves with speed and grace he is quite impresed as she leaps, and cant even come close to that agilty, though he simply follows and smiles, shaking his head. It's fun, even if it is random. "So are you a weretiger?

Feral has posed:
Vanya indulges herself a few moments of smugness while waiting for Vulcan to cross the street like a normal, law-abiding citizen. She even mimes checking a pocket watch as the light changes.

Once he approaches, the tiger gives a wide-armed shrug, presenting herself as much as dismissing the question. "I'm covered in fur, yes?" she confirms, bringing her arm back in to tug at the untrimmed puff of white growing down her chest. Someone's winter coat might be coming in soon.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan smiled, "Well there are so many things these days; mutants, aliens experiments I didn't want to assume." He does linger a bit at the highlighed area. "Siberian Tiger?" Those are rare, endagerd.

Feral has posed:
Vanya pauses in surprise and the tips of her ears bounce upwards as she chuckles. "Da moy drug, ya sibirskiy tigr - luchshiy."

"You have good eyes under that visor," she adds in English again.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "My russian is rusty. Nominally there are dictionaries in the encyclopedia but its not like google translate. But the accent and the stripes made it a good guess. Is Luchshiy like a Leshy? More of a spirit? I read up some on russian mythology but didnt get the last word." He smiles."

Feral has posed:
Vanya leans forward into the young man's visor, her eyes glinting again - predatory, the color of molten bronze. "I said I'm the best tiger you'll ever meet, Yankee," the werewoman enunciates slowly and clearly. The hot breath that splashes against Vulcan's face smells like a mix of tea and salsa. Someone had Mexican for breakfast.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan blushes slightly but is sure she can't see that. He grins and says, "Well I am inclined to believe you but I dont know what standard one sets weretigerness for. His stomache grumbles at breakfast and he realizes he hasnt eaten all day.

Feral has posed:
"To start I bet you $100 that I can maul any of the others," Vanya offers freely as she leans back smugly. The growl catches her ears and draws another laugh from the werewoman. "Building an appetite carrying all that metal around, are you? What do you say to some lunch - your treat?"

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan doesnt really mind as she leans back. He wipes his eyes, trying to get his wits, "I dont think I'd like to be the source of you mauling anyone. And lunch...I'm not loaded but sure I can do that." He would normally change out of his gear but he has a secret identity...but he can lift a visor to eat, "What did you have in mind?

Feral has posed:
Vanya spreads her arms in another shrug. "You buy, you pick."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan considers and since she had mexican, he wnats something different. They go toward a greek place that smells rather good. "Heroes having Gyros...seems appropriate." He bows and motions for her to go first, smiling.

Feral has posed:
"Mmm..." Vanya coos as she sniffs the air, licking her lips as they draw near the door. "This smells expensive, but who said anything about heroes?" she laughs, nonetheless taking the offer to step inside first and peruse the display. The end of her tail brushes Vulcan's arm as she walks by.

"Oy, what foods are vegetarian?" she asks of an employee behind the counter.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "Well I assumed if you were helping a tiger? Seems heroic to me. And....you need vegetarian food?" THAT he would not have expected. He seems to like her tail."

Feral has posed:
"A woman has to watch her figure," Vanya answers impishly over her shoulder before turning back to the food, scanning it more like it's a meal to chase than one to purchase. "I will have..." she starts slowly, curling her tail up and over her back to scratch the top of her head while roaming her finger over the display glass. "One of these, two of those, two of these, one of that, and three of the fried blintzes... and a large soda."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan gurgles slightly but doesnt say no. Buying food for a woman who is teasing him isnt something he hasnt done before and more over, she DID provide a valuable lead on the tiger. He orders 3 bowls of soup for himself; 3 different kinds. He smiles and sits down at a table. "That is....a good apetite

Feral has posed:
Vanya detours to the soda fountain and comes back with a full cup of bubbling lifeblood, also known as Coca-Cola. She smiles back as she takes the seat opposite, maneuvering herself down carefully to thread her tail out the back first. "A body like this doesn't come free. You wax your armor, I feed... well, all of this," she chuckles, patting a striped bicep. "Spasibo for the food."

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan nods, "Welcome." He does speak a tiny tiny bit of Russian. "I imagine that muscle mass requires a lot of calories to maintain." Seeing how she has to place her tail he is suddenly glad he doesnt have one. He sips a soda.

Feral has posed:
"You have no idea," the tigress replies, taking a sip of her own. There's some interesting neck tilting involved at first but after a moment Vanya manages to shut her lips around the straw. Some things tigers were not meant to drink.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan smiles but doesnt smile enough to seem like he is making fun. He can sip but as the food arrives, keeping the visor low enough to cover his face is almost a comedy.

Feral has posed:
Vanya's nostrils flare again as she glances over knowingly. "You look almost as bad as a wolf eating lettuce," she jests before looking down at her own plates - covering most of the table in fact. The hungry huntress ordered enough for at least two.

Rolling her head from side to side to loosen her neck, the restless werewoman... changes. At first it could be a trick of the light, but a subtle softening, shortening, and smoothing of her features soon becomes hard to miss as the hypercarnivore's muzzle retreats back into her skull and her wide, flared nostrils curl into a downturned nose. Vanya's bestial face regresses itself almost back to a human shape, stopping at perhaps half-and-half with fur tones and a feline pointedness still clinging to her like a pile of bodypaint and hair extensions. Even the werewoman's arms look a little different as muscles slide slightly to more comfortable, bipedal locations and her hands get a little less thick and a little more nimble. The winter coat vanishes too but there's still enough summer fur to keep her from getting kicked out.

"There, now I can actually eat all this," Vanya concludes in a voice that's gentler if only from losing its low, rumbling timbre. Grabbing a fork, she deftly flicks a ball of fried chickpeas into her mouth.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan laughs and smlies, "I'm not that bad at it...I just dont normally eat with it on hence the soup." He...finds her a lot more dangerous as she looks more human and stops for a moment, admiring the curves. He still lets her keep going and sips the soup. He is ok at it.

Feral has posed:
Vanya glances back up with the same predatory golden eyes beneath a human brow and smirks, having lips to form the expression fully now - complete with a glimpse of an elongated canine. "What? You didn't think I used a litterbox too, did you?" The werewoman chuckles at her own question and resumes eating, sampling her way around the dishes with all the patience and delicacy of a vacuum cleaner.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan laughed, "you said you were were, so no I didnt" he grinned, working on his second bowl of soup, "So you arent a hero? What then? Mercinary?

Feral has posed:
"Tch, please. I only need enough money for good food," Vanya dismisses with a wave of her fork before shoveling in more food. At least she's waiting to swallow first. "I mostly do odd jobs and beat people for a living. You would not believe how many people think they can handle me in a fight."