2517/A group of four 'heroes' take on some parademons.

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A group of four 'heroes' take on some parademons.
Date of Scene: 19 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Vulcan, 1402

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan has been working to establish contacts in the community since he knows that he is fighting against this great and menacing threat to earth. He knows that they are bad (Apokolips) so he has assembled a team to go and take them out using his flame sword and flame powers. He cleverly looked for swelll heroic guys who can help him.

Vulcan has posed:
Captain Meat is a meta who has done great things for the heroic industry of meat packing, with his good right hook and his left Tenderizer. La Crayola, the master of the Battle Crayon, brought some much needed color to the team. Captain Meat pounded his fist, "LET'S GO KICK SOME MEAT!"

La Crayola nodded agreefully. He had drawn a giant smiley face on his white clip board hung around his neck, which was quite colorful with a rather realistic background of their existing city scape.

Vulcan looked around impatiently,"Where is Doctor Dentist?" This plan would not work with only three people.

Mania (1402) has posed:
    Brooding in the all concealing shadows: It's just like Batman, only this time there's no cowl and black eyeliner involved.
    Okay, some black eyeliner. Andi wouldn't be caught dead in something bright and cheerful.
    On a building nearby, Mania is sitting on the edge of the roof, looking at the streets below. This is what heroes are supposed to do, right? Hang around and inflict vigilantee justice on anyone that seems like a criminal, and break about a hundred actual laws doing so. She's seen it in various movies. Therefore, it has to be the right option.

Vulcan has posed:
Alas, Doctor Dentist, bravest of them all, had attempted to do some advanced recon on Parademon Outpost 44522, which was actually an obscure joke someone had played on someone else of very little actual strategic importance whatsoever, something about a vital Terran resource known as "Snipes" that had to be secured along with vital resources for Apokalipse and maybe certain bastards shouldnt cheat at cards four worlds ago and ensure that someone had to clean out the pits for a month because they were late for duty the next day.

Doctor Dentist had shown up in his sterling white smock and applied his ether bomb on the single Parademon sitting in front of that library branch. The ether hadn't worked, nor had his Destrecto Drill, but the energy blast left a lovely pair of steaming (and gleaming) white leather boots smoking up to the heavens....

Queue back to our heroes.

Vulcan yelled, loudly, "We simply CANNOT do this with four people. The Encyclopedia Vulcanis calls this the most efficient move against extra terrestials and calls for a four compass point attack, one attack from all four directions. Now as the heaviest hitter among us."

Captain Meat raised his Tenderizer, "I beg to disagree..."

Vulcan ignored him and said, "So, we need a four super hero. Anyone know anyone?"

La Crayola drew a lovely imprint of superman on his whiteboard and smiled.

Vulcan said, "He is busy elsewhere and just because you got his autograph doesn't count."

Mania (1402) has posed:

    Mania stands up from her crouch and webslings down to street level where she can find the trio. "Number four," Mania announces, hands on hips, body suit slithering slightly over her form, standing behind the others.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan is about to give up and blindly attack the Parademon himself when lo, a light in younger window breaks! It is the east, literally, Doctor Dentist was to take up the east. He beams, dressed in thick but form fitting battle armor that is gold, white and black with a thick visor and two silver gauntlets and a wicked looking sword over his back. "Hey! Pleased to meet you. I'm Vulcan."

Captain Meat is 6'5', 220lbs, brown hair brown eyes and a large racing style suit with endorsements from various meat packing companies as well as local deliquistesens all over his body as endorsements. His right fist is giant and his left fist, the Tenderizer, seems to be made of different kinds of meats stitched together; chicken, steak, fish, pork, squirrel, rabbit and a bit of squid into a giant glowing fist. "Captain Meat. Defender of Meat and Meat byproducts."

La Crayola is wearing a football helmet with a white board around his neck as well as a utility belt filled with various crayola implements; markers, crayons, pencils as well as rolls of paper, even some paints. He beamed at Mania and bowed, writing, "La Crayola, pleased to meet you." on the white board.

Mania (1402) has posed:
    Mania sees about one actual potential hero and two people who are likely to be in the obituary tomorrow. She folds her arms over her chest. "You're really better off if you don't get to know me too well. You're fighting demons, right? I'll try to keep you all from dying, but I can't make any guarantees. Hope you guys made out your last will and testaments." Well! She's... chipper, isn't she? Of course, she looks like evil Spider Woman.

Vulcan has posed:
"I believe the proper term is Para-"

"Parademons," says Captain Meat as, if sensing she isnt impressed, picks up a small water melon that was there for no particular reason, not having been put there when anyone was looking but there nevertheless as he lasers the watermelon Galliger style into bits and then bits of those bits, "That is what they are called." He poses dramatically with panache and style.

Vulcan just...looks at him and then back at Mania, "Yeah, look, we're going to attack from four directions at once. There is one just SITTING there in front of the library, the people are trapped in their homes. And heroing is my business. I'm an orphan."

La Crayola smiles deftly at Mania and shows her a technicolor demo on his white board of a last will and testimate that is simply too detailed or tiny in writing for it to make any sense for a person to have drawn it there. He grins and winks.

Captain Meat grunts, "Let's go get him."

Vulcan sighs, "Look, just attack from the east. I'm sure my fire attack will burn him while the rest of you simply divide his attention. Its thousands of years old. The mantle that is."

He pauses a moment and then explains, "The Sons of Vulcan. I'm one of them. That is." He pauses, "A Son of Vulcan."

Mania (1402) has posed:
    "Well, it's nice to know that your introduction includes your justification for doing this," Mania concludes, talking to Vulcan. The other two are... well they're special, aren't they. "Okay, so do any of you have the ability to control demons? Do we have any kind of plan other than 'run in and attack'? Do we have anything to counter the effects of demons?" Mania's trying to get a feel for what's going on here. So far she knows that Some Kind Of Meat Miracle has lasers and Bob Ross has some paint.

Vulcan has posed:
"Well..." Vulcan coughed, "There are a number of different parameters in the encyclopedia entry..." the what? "But it was thought up by a tactical genius a few centuries ago, as long as we talk to each other our abilities should syngerize just like..." we trained. Huh. Apparently this manuever only worked with trained groups. "Maybe we shouldn't actually..."

"I'm GOING, whether you are coming or not." Captain Meat grumbled and strarted to walk down the road.

La Crayola looked shocked at first but shrugged, smiled and walked along side of him.

"Guys? Guys? This manuever requires a lot more preparation. This is not a good idea. It only works if we can synergize our metapowers." As if they had those.

Mania (1402) has posed:
    "Five bucks says we're going to be collecting their body parts in about ten minutes," Mania says.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan says, "I really would prefer to avoid laying bets on ...that." He sighs, "I've never fought with meat but La Crayola has a great reputation....just...attack from the east, maybe we can make this work. I'm teleporting." He activated the minute countdown, "I'll be attacking from the north."

Captain Meat bellowed a challenge while La Crayola walked off into the shadows to ready his attack from the south.

The shouted challenge was answered as the Parademon left its post and began to charge at Captain Meat. FINALLY. Something to kill!"

Mania (1402) has posed:
    An upside-down pentagram in red glows softly from Mania's chest. "All right. From the east then, but if things go sideways, I'm just going to kill it myself." Her hands change shape, fingers turning into long claws, as she rushes towards the oncoming parademon.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan teleports from the north. The plan in its original inception works well...perfectly. The original manuever was conceived by a genius after all. While the parademon is distracted, it charges at Meat, while Vulcan teleports behind it. He unleashes his fire attack from his sword which looks REALLY cool. The thing is, Vulcan is still learning his powers and while a welding torch is very impressive, it basically just bounces off of the parademons armor, shocking Vulcan to no end.

Captain Meat is about to PULVERIZE it with his tenderizer but....kicks the demon instead. He retracts his leg in pain as the demon looks extremely confused by this. It breaks off Captain Meat's Tenderizer which falls to the floor. With a deep intake of breath, he is about to turn Captain Meat to a cinder when...out of the shadows leaps La Crayola. What is HE going to do you might ask?

Well funny you should ask because he begins to apply the colored markers to the Parademon's EYES while his tiny form had him in a head lock from behind.

Confused and enraged the now blind parademon leaves a nice opening for Mania though the form of La Crayloa scrambling nimbly all about his form makes a clean shot difficult.

Mania (1402) has posed:
    Mania isn't really concerned about clean shots.
    She thrusts her arms forward; they turn into multiple tendrils of black goo, and attempt to coat and cover the parademon's head. La Crayola will have to get out of the way fast, or risk being smothered along with the creature.
    "Let's see if this thing needs to breathe."

Vulcan has posed:
The good news is that it does. The bad news is that its equipped for the darkness of space so it can go a while without breathing. It does, however, breath fire.

La Crayola is quite nimble and trained in the art of Battle Coloring so he is not even there when Mania strikes instead writing insulting graffiti on the Parademons side (eyes are his only real schtick and since covered...)

Captain Meat howls in rage as his Tenderizer is removed and raises his Good Right Hook, kicking the demon again in rage.

Vulcan isn't sure what to do, but then remembers....he does have a monomolecular sword and charges the bastard, not wanting to kill him but unsure if he has a choice.

The parademon tries to breath fire on Mania which might hurt her but is in an enclosed space likely to hurt it as well....

Mania (1402) has posed:
    Mania is scorched by the fire breath, which is the only thing saving the parademon. The black goo that composes her arms sizzles and withers at the ends, turning to dust, as she jerks them back suddenly. She shakes her crumbling fingers, whimpering in pain, trying to get rid of the sensation.
    It isn't happy about this.
    It grows enraged.
    Mania's head splits open into massive fanged jaws, prehensile tongue slithering out. "I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR GUTS AND PULL THEM OUT OF YOUR THROAT!!" she screams, her voice booming, deeper, with a gravelly hiss, the sound of water pouring through a rusty grate. The injured fingers are rapidly regenerating as the claws reappear at her fingertips.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan does not want to kill it but the limited intelligence shared about these things tells him there may be little other choice. He moves and lifts his sword approaching it from behind, slashing off its right arm as it howls in pain though as Captain Meat raised his fist to stop Vulcan, "MY CLOSE KILL!" that Good Right Hook was brought in the wrong arc and while Vulcan tried to stop it ....the hand talked to the floor.

La Crayola finished his biting 2000 word critique on Apokalyipan society when the eyes were open again as he immediaetley removed his position on top of the Parademon's head before it could insult back and instead shrieked in pain from its eyes and its arm.

Mania (1402) has posed:
    Mania lives up to her threats.
    She moves in a blur of motion, her claws stabbing through the parademon's torso and bursting out the other side. High pitched shrieks come from a second mouth opening within the extension of the first and both of them chomp down on the parademon's head as she pulls and tears it away like a puppy with a sock. She grabs with her hands, still embedded in the monster, and disembowels it brutally. Whatever passes for blood, bones and organs are going in all directions from a freshly gutted and beheaded carcass.

Vulcan has posed:
La Crayola isn't there when she hits. He isnt a speedster so much as just Damn Quick, though he sighs fitfully as his critique is rendered to so much MEAT, as the parademon looks...confused. Then splattered.

So much blood, everywhere, on everything.

An armless Captain Meat stands there, in shock, wondering what just happened while Vulcan cauterizes both of his stumps as he himself is.....this....super heroes dont do this. The Sons of Vulcan do though so.....he is...quietly impressed.

A few people stick their heads out of windows, "Is...is it gone?"

Mania (1402) has posed:
    Mania's jaws spit the head out and let it roll across the street. One hand holds guts, the other lets go, and THRUSTS down into the esophageal cavity and makes good on that pulling guts through ... okay not mouth, but what was once connected to it. She tosses the corpse like it's a handful of pennies. Her breathing is ragged, and she begins to stare at Vulcan and Captain Meat. Pseudopods of black liquid extend off her her arms and legs, moving of their own accord, touching pavement, seeking something to grab onto.

Vulcan has posed:
Vulcan isn't sure if she is going into a manic rage or not but he doesnt want to stop her. His fire ability would sure do the job but he tries reason. "Um....Mania? Are you OK?"

Captain Meat has none of the subtlety of Vulcan and says, "YOU TOOK MY KILL, I HAD HIM."

Vulcan guffaws, "You're Captain Stumpy now. Let's get you to a hospital and see if they can sew these back on."

Mania (1402) has posed:
    "I should kill YOU!" Mania snarls at Captain Meat, as she raises a clawed hand to swipe at him--
    -- and then suddenly stops.
    "No... no... we can't do this. You know we can't do this." The girl sounds weak, tired, apologetic. Even a little scared.
    "I'm... I'm sorry!" she blurts out, quickly turning from the scene to flee, hands returning to normal as she web-slings up into the buildings, and away.