3841/You're not the boss of me!

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You're not the boss of me!
Date of Scene: 09 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Batman

Wonder Woman has posed:
    Diana wasn't sure if he would show up or not. Batman was often busy with the affairs in his city. If it was a world threatening crisis, he'd be there in an instant if he could. But just to talk with her? It wasn't going to be a priority if he had other things. Lives were more important, of course. With the people in Gotham, it was rare he got down time at all.
    She was sitting at the table with the holographic projector on above. A few taps of the keys brought up the information on Oa and the Green Lanterns. She touched a few keys and it shifted to each of the other colors, pausing when she reached the Red in particular. They didn't have a lot of data. What they did have was concerning.
    She reached out to pick up her glass of water, taking a sip before she continued reading through the data on the Red Lantern Corps. A touch of a button brought up the Orange Lanterns. No, Lantern. Singular. It seemed that the Lanterns based on Greed consisted of one member and there was only one ring. Fitting for the vice it represented.

Batman has posed:
    Yes, he was late. Not terribly so, she was not left there alone to her own devices to stew at such neglect. But it was long enough for perhaps the first hint of creeping suspicion to reach in and give a touch of doubt. Yet just as that might be manifesting, the monitor would most likely note his arrival. Just enough of a warning to give the Themysciran a heads up, and a minute afterwards the doors to the hall open with a whisper of shifting mass and hydraulics.
    And there he was, dark and grim in his own inimitable manner.The cape curled around his body and hiding most of him from view save for his cowl and that emblem upon his chest. A brief glance is given as he scans the room with a glance, his cape glistening with the small hints of snowfall still melting upon his cape and shoulders as the Winter still touched Gotham for now.
    "Diana." His voice lifted, a rumble in greeting. He stepped further into the room and his eyes lifted, irisless yet narrowing as he looked upon the data she had accrued. "You've been busy."

Wonder Woman has posed:
    She had considered hiding the data from view. But to what purpose. It was this that had started their disagreements so it may as well be present as she tried to smooth things over with her teammate and friend. Diana glanced over, swiveling her head so she could watch him entering the room. She gave a nod and a soft smile in greeting. "While I may not have agreed with you, I know that you have reasons for your concerns. I felt it would be prudent to investigate a bit more into the various Corps. Some are..." She tried to think of the proper word and realized diplomacy was failing her in this instance. "Suspicious. Red Lanterns seem to be a time bomb just waiting to go off. I'm not sure I understand them all. Then the single Orange Lantern as there is only one ring because they don't want others to have them."
    She shakes her head a bit then taps another button. An image of the Earth took the place of the Lantern data. There were red areas over most of the earth masses that were heavily populated while places such as Antarctica only hade a spot or two. "This interruption of services by the hacker organization has things in an uproar below. We have the computers working to try to find the source of the interruptions. No luck so far." She glances his direction again as she zooms in on Gotham City on the map. "How are you and your people faring?"

Batman has posed:
    A few steps carries him forwards as he looks at the data display of the lantern information. His eyebrow lifts as he looks at her sidelong, but then he withdraws a small thumb drive from his belt and pushes it into the USB slot in the console, causing some of it to propagate in the display she has up. "This is what I've found so far." And, true to his word, the data connects and adds to the information she has, fleshing out some of the spheres of influence that she had depicted and extending some other political impacts on a few particular worlds.
    But then the display shifts to the angry red of the data interruptions as the people on earth must deal with the loss of communications. Batman looks back towards her, "People are on edge. It's disturbing. As for us, our network is functioning well."
    There's a pause then, but then he adds. "Better in some ways. Fewer cat memes." Though with Damian there are still a few. Yet he turns away from thedisplay and looks to her. "If you just needed the data, I could have gotten it to you." He tells her that in that firm tone of voice, the unspoken words there being, 'So why did you call me?'

Wonder Woman has posed:
    "There is something reassuring about your own systems not being safe from cat memes," Diana says with a soft laugh, her smile brightening a bit. He should've never told her. She is going to make sure he is subjected to them more than he would ever care to be. At least a couple a week from her. "I suspect Oracle might do it on purpose?" Since she would. Damian is also a suspect. Such a strange young man. At odds with one side being the child and the other definitely following his maternal side's genetics.
    Leave it to Bruce to cut to the chase. She pushed a button to save the data from the drive so that it was all there for her to read through more thoroughly later. A moment later, the display shifted back to Oa, circling above the table in silence.
    She turned in her chair to face him more fully, that smile still in place. "I wanted to apologize to you. For dismissing your concerns so hastily. It is difficult for me to suspect friends such as the Green Lanterns who have helped us and been our allies so many times. Yet, I should have looked into things before simply refusing to listen to your point of view. I intend to speak to Hal about your concerns, see what he can find out for us. Then follow up from there, perhaps with a trip to Oa. There are so many of the various colors out there and we know little about most of them other than that they exist."

Batman has posed:
    As she turns in her chair to face him and starts with an apology, he holds up a gauntleted hand as if to stay her as he looks to the side slightly. "There's no need." To apologize. He remains where he's standing, that seemingly unassailable individual in control, even as he looks back towards her. "That's why we came together. So we can cover each other's blind spots." Of course would he admit that he had any? No, not likely.
    But as she speaks his brow furrows slightly. "Before you leave the solar system, give me some time. I'd like to put a few things in place to cover a few possible contingencies." But he does not elaborate.
    There's a pause then he steps around the table and finds a seat, resting a hand on its back for a moment before lowering himself into it. He turns it to the side, one hand upon the tabletop as he looks at her through the faint greenish tinge of the hologram. "You don't need to apologize to me, Wonder Woman." He looks up at that display, then back towards her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
    "Diana," she corrects automatically, turning in her chair to face the table again. That way she can see him across the way more easily, despite the display up between them. "There is no need for such formality with me." Unlike many of their teammates, she doesn't rely on a mask or a secret identity. She is who she is. Open. Honest. Out there for the world to see. A double edged sword in some ways as she has no time to be away from the weight of her role. Certainly she can dress as a civilian but she is almost always recognized and thus, has to always been at her best.
    It can be exhausting.
    In a way, she envies her teammates like Bruce who can be relaxed as themselves when they wish, outside of their costumes. Yet, she doesn't think Bruce is ever relaxed. That he ever allows himself time to rest and put aside the troubles of his city.
    "I felt it was needed though." The apology of course. "To clear the air."

Batman has posed:
    They've known each other long enough that he knows that she prefers Diana. But he uses Wonder Woman at times perhaps when more formality is needed. At least in his estimation. "Diana." He says, as if granting the request. He looks across the table towards her, the faint haze of green still glowing between them. He says simply, "Yourself. And Clark." He says this in a level tone, controlled.. "I do what I do, so people like the two of you don't have to."
    There's silence then after he says that, as if something else should be said. But he does not press on. He does not elaborate. But as quickly as that moment arrives, it passes as he reaches forwards and turns off the data display on the holomap entirely, causing it to flicker out of life and the room to darken faintly.
    "I don't think Hal would be part of anything that had malice at its heart. I don't believe that the Green Lanterns are seeking to destroy us. But I can't know for sure."

Wonder Woman has posed:
    "I agree," Diana says as her eyes adjust to the change in lighting after a fraction of a second. She picks up her water to take a sip then sets the glass back on the table. There is no condensation, no ring on the table surface. Apparently it is room temperature. It's water. It doesn't need to be anything more.
    "Hal and the other Green Lanterns I believe are allies. But if looking into things more will allay your concerns, I am certain Hal will help us find out. He knows the other Lanterns more. He likely can provice information on all the others. Red, Orange, Violet. Obviously the Yellow since they are the enemies of the Green," she says in a musing tone. "I'm unsure if there are others that would be put under that same heading. It's a gray area that needs to be filled in."
    As much as she hates admitting that after her first knee jerk reaction at the suspicion being cast on the Lanterns at all. Her lips twist up slightly as her eyes flash amusement. "Once we resolve this though, I'm certain you will have someone else for us to look into."

Batman has posed:
    A small scoff escapes from him, little more than a 'heh' that's accompanied by a sardonic smile as he turns his head to the side as if to hide it. He looks back towards her, and then says, "It could be something to deal with down the line." The other lanterns, particularly the ones that are not free from malice at all.
    He rests a hand on the tabletop and tells her, "I'll hold off on infiltrating the Themysciran hierarchy for now out of due respect." The corner of his mouth twists slightly but then he lifts his chin and asks of her, "How are your efforts coming along otherwise? I was meaning to make a call on the embassy to signal the cooperation between our people. But then the internet went out." He pushes himself to his feet slowly, rising and perhaps expecting her to join him.

Wonder Woman has posed:
    "I am certain my mother will appreciate your restraint," Diana says as she rises to her feet, laughing softly at the joke from her usually so stoic friend. "Besides, there is no need to infiltrate. I'm an open book. And if you have a doubt, there are always ways to be sure I'm not lying." She touches the lasso hanging at her hip briefly. Then she picks up her cup of water to carry with her, not wanting to leave it sitting on the table to be found later by another member.
    "Things are well at the Embassy. We have many visitors. Some are misguided on what we represent as Amazons. Others are truly interested in learning about our world. Thankfully more of hte latter than the former. We educate them all, help them to understand our place in the world and our viewpoints."
    She drinks the last of the water out of her cup before continuing. "I'm going to stop in the monitor room, see if there is anywhere needing our attention with this mess. The computer should have notified if the source had been found." No such luck of oourse.

Batman has posed:
    A nod is given. He tells her, "Then I'm back to Gotham." He turns and starts to walk away, footsteps silent as he moves towards the door. Once the doors whisper open he stands there in the way, turning his head to the side so he can speak to her over his shoulder. "Let me know when an opportunity arises and Bruce Wayne will pay a call to the embassy. It would help relations between our people."
    He lifts a hand to wave aside whatever words might be given in protest as he says, "You've visited enough Wayne Charity functions that at this point I owe you." He turns away and then adds, "And I hate having a debt hanging over my head."

Wonder Woman has posed:
    "You don't owe me for attending events," Diana disagrees as she follows but turns to go the opposite direction down the hallway outside. There is receptacle in the wall for trash and she puts her cup in, knowing it will be recycled. No waste on the Watchtower. She pauses and looks at the retreating form, a smirk on her face.
    "You do owe me for the times I attended and you used me as a distraction so you could go run off and take care of business." And with that, she moves toward the Monitor room.