4372/Hello Again, Rose

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Hello Again, Rose
Date of Scene: 01 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ravager, Superboy

Ravager has posed:
    When Rose disappears she *really* disappears. Everything was going great with her and Con, then came that fateful (and awkward) discussion about something... more. Nothing specific, but it was enough. And Rose Wilson went off the grid.

    No one at the Tunnel has seen her for months, the lease on her old place wasn't renewed, and as far as anyone is concerned the girl just vanished. As in 'beamed up by aliens' vanished.

    So it's probably a bit of a surprise when the familiar white-haired girl is just lingering on campus, right outside a building where Con has class. Dressed in civvies, she's sitting on a bench and reading a campus newspaper.

Superboy has posed:
    Conner was not concerned about Rose vanishing at first. He knows the young woman goes into crazy adventures regularly. Besides, she said she wanted 'more space' which in girl-speak means 'get lost for a while Con'. This is not his first rodeo.
    But weeks passed and he made a few phone calls, unanswered. Then got a little concerned and checked her usual hangouts. The Tunnel, her apartment. Nothing. At this point was seriously considering asking Robin to look for Rose and treat her as a vanishing person case. Maybe even ask Clark.
    Conner has no idea Rose is Deathstroke's daughter, or than her codename is Ravager. He does know she has some enhanced speed, strength and stamina. And she can definitely take care of herself. So, he has delayed seriously seeking her for days, and weeks and... wait, Rose reads newspapers? Campus newspapers? No way! "Okay. Where is the real Rose Wilson and what have you done with her?" He says at greeting. "Also, hello," he adds with a grin.

Ravager has posed:
    Her senses may not be Superman-good, but they're far better than the average human's. So she knows that he's here, long before he speaks. She snaps the paper closed, tucking it neatly under her left arm as she rises. Turning, she faces him.

    "You need to be really careful if the next words out of your mouth express surprise that I can read." Roses offers. But she's smiling, and there's no hesitation when she steps up to embrace him as well. "You're allowed to be surprised, you just don't get to choose the subject."

Superboy has posed:
    Conner smirks, "I didn't know you could read... paper." He knows she can read and speed-type (at almost Kryptonian speeds!) on a cell and a tablet. He can't remember to have seen a book in her apartment, though. Not that he looked very hard.
    Then she is hugging him, and that has the usual effect to make him lose track of his line of thought. "I am surprised. I was starting to get worried," he admits, wrapping his arms around her back. "You can surprise me anytime," he offers, generously. "Where have you been? Everything okay?"

Ravager has posed:
    Rose may be faking at being a student, but there's nothing fake about the hug. It even has the desired effect, so she gives him an extra squeeze. "Oh yeah, everything's been just fine. But no questions, alright? And no assumptions. I just needed a little space."

    She was also on the sort of job that Con wouldn't likely approve of. In Cambodia, where drug cartels are willing to pay a premium for someone with Rose's tactical mind and skillset. "But you can tell me how classes are going while I buy you dinner."

Superboy has posed:
    What? He gets to talk about his boring classes and she won't tell him about what he is sure were cool adventures somewhere in Asia or maybe in an alien planet. How is that fair? Oh... buying dinner. Yes, the bribe always works.
    "No promises, Rosie. Curiosity is killing me," he admits, grinning so she knows he is not serious. No, he doesn't want to know. He is not stupid, just maybe too trusting. Conner wouldn't expect Rose would do anything really bad. Maybe (definitely) illegal, but not really villainous.

Ravager has posed:
    Disentangling from the embrace, Rose starts off and sets the course. They walk side by side, almost like a couple except they're not holding hands or arm in arm. "Well let's just say it's not for the faint of constitution. Even yours." she replies.

Yeah, it's something illegal alright. "That good Chinese place still in business near campus?" she asks casually. Yeah, his appetite will be his downfall someday.

Superboy has posed:
    Conner rolls his eyes, but lets her go (reluctantly) without further questioning. She didn't invite him. But was it because they were getting too close or because it was too illegal. Instead he started college, and it has been a boring eight months compared with what was his life before. College parties do not compare with fighting super-criminals, alien invaders or... hungry dinosaurs with a white-haired Rose at his side.
    "Chinese place is there, and still pretty good," confirms Conner. "Want to catch a movie afterwards? Maybe hit a club?" Too fast? But he is always going fast. It is part of his 'charm'.

Ravager has posed:
    Rose smiles at that. "No promises." she quips back, adding a wink for good measure. In a lot of ways having Conner along for some of the work in Cambodia would have been a tremendous help. His rigid moral compass would not have been, however.

    "For starters, though, I'll tell you that I don't have anything new in the pipeline these days. But I finished a pretty successful gig recently. No dinosaurs, but plenty of hot, uncomfortable jungles."

Superboy has posed:
    Conner tsks at the response. Promises are never happening, obviously. But Rose is still high on his list of fun and sexy women, so the chance to have her back to his life is too tempting, regardless of her somewhat skewed moral stance. And maybe he can convince her to become a real super-hero, anyway. Yeah, that is the plan. After dinner.
    "I seem to remember you liked hot jungles," he quips back. "And hated the New York winter. Which has been pretty cold now I think about it." But he assumes a pretty successful gig means she has money for a while. "So staying in the city for a time? Are you going back to bouncing in the Tunnel or seek something better? I still think you should join SHIELD." Old joke among them.

Ravager has posed:
    Rose rolls her eyes at the mention of SHIELD. For numerous reasons, of course. "As if some of my jobs weren't morally wishy-washy enough?" she adds. "SHIELD is, like, two steps below the CIA in terms of integrity."
    And her daddy would be so proud.
    "Not sure if I'll go back to bar-bouncing, though. It's fun, but kind of one-dimensional. And not a lot of future prospects."

Superboy has posed:
    Or well-paid, if Conner remember correctly. Rose's adventures to get rich were always fun, if not terribly successful. Maybe she did succeed this time? "Yeah, you can do much better. Although it was that way we meet, so yes, it was 'fun'."
    "You think SHIELD is dirty?" He adds with a faint frown. Conner always thought they were James Bond types, cool and heroic-ish. Not that he has met more than two or three agents in his short life.

Ravager has posed:
    Rose shrugs at that, and the look she gives him is only partially serious. "Oh, you're right. They're probably no more dirty than the KGB." Then she laughs. Yeah, she's pushing his buttons a bit. "And who says I'm not -looking- for something better? I just haven't found it yet."

Superboy has posed:
    "Uh, there has not been a KGB in 34 years, Rosie," notes Conner. Surprisingly he was paying attention in his Modern History class. "But I get it you don't like them too much," he adds, opening the door of the restaurant for the young woman.
    Still looking for something better? Good. "I guess you will have time if you managed to get enough money in those jungles. You didn't smuggle priceless historical artifacts out, did you?" His morality would have been on the way in that case. But it is not too bad. Yes, he is digging.

Ravager has posed:
    "As far as we -KNOW- there hasn't been for 34 years, you mean." Rose replies, looking genuinely surprised that he knew that. Almost. But at least Rose knows to wait when the door is opened for her. Apparently someone taught her how to be a little bit like a lady.
    "I'm not so hard up for cash that I'd stoop to stealing historical artifacts, Conner." she adds. Then again, Rose's vices were always less of the 'taking things from others' variety and more along the lines of 'cutting people's hands off'. Or worse. Once they're inside the restaurant, however, she changes the subject. "Okay, all the professional talk stays outside now. I want you to tell me all about your classes, and what you want to be when you grow up."