4445/The Big Bounty

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The Big Bounty
Date of Scene: 14 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Ravager

Superboy has posed:
It is almost noon and really too late for breakfast. But Conner always defends it is breakfast time whenever one a) feel like waking up, and b) in any other moment one wants waffles. Of course being solar-powered means he doesn't sleep much. So b) is more common for him. But today he did sleep a few hours. Waking up about half an hour ago.

Rose? She might wake up because the smell of waffles. Also, Conner is no exactly quiet when working in the kitchen. Probably due to lack of practice.

But no, it is not that. It is her cellphone buzzing 'loudly' somewhere. Nearby.

Ravager has posed:
Rose shuffles out of the bedroom wearing a t-shirt that's both too wide and too long to really belong to her. Draping to just above mid-thigh, it leaves plenty of her long legs exposed. The buzzing stops after a while, and the reason is apparent.

Rose has the phone up to her ear. "Yeah, it's me." she husks, voice husky as ever first thing in the morning.

Flashing Conner a half-smile, she reaches up to take a coffee mug out of the cabinet before picking up the coffee pot to see if he's left her any.

Superboy has posed:
Conner grins at the girl when she wanders into the kitchen area. He seems to be in very good mood. As if he cooking wasn't clue enough. "Who is that?" He asks, curious. As far as he knows it is the first time he hears that cellphone ring.

At the other side of the line there is an automated message directing Rose to a private, triple-encrypted undernet place. Something she was expecting. A bounty has been posted for one Baran Flinders, a.k.a. Mammoth. A super-villain of some note. Wanted alive, it is Metropolis, but this is a semi-legit bounty likely posted by some 'upstanding citizen' with a grudge. Too much money to be the city hall. And this is good news because Rose already knows where the guy is hiding. A safehouse in Metropolis Suicide Slum.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager makes a hand-waving motion to shush him while she listens to the details. Those blue eyes flicker as the message plays; she knows she'll only get to hear it once, but once the target is identified she only half-listens anyway. Yeah, she's got this one alright.

Rose pours herself a tall mug of coffee, dropping in 3 sugar cubes as well. Head tilted, the phone is cradled between her shoulder and her ear while she stirs the coffee. A shrug drops it into her hand, and she ends the call. "We've got a target." she declares. "Unless you've got some overdue library books to return or something. How long since you've been to Suicide Slum?"

Superboy has posed:
"Metro?" Conner frowns faintly. A target? That doesn't sound good. "I guess maybe a week. When I visit Metropolis I like to check the place, it is pretty bleak still. Even the reconstruction after the alien invasion has not done much. Crime is high. I mean, for Metropolis. Still better than anything in Gotham, I guess." That was probably too much babbling. And he notices. So he makes asks the question next. "What do you mean by 'target'?"

There is coffee. Not for Conner, though, his coffee is a minute of sunlight. He made if for Rose. Shows he cares.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager nods slowly to that. "Right. Metro's garden spot." she quips back. Phone on the counter, she cradles the mug between her hands and sips deeply. She drinks again before she answers, blue eyes bright over the rim of the mug.

"Bounty. Live capture, this time. Too much money to be a government job, so this probably guy probably pissed somebody off." She smiles, then. "Baran Flinders. And I -happen- to know a guy who let slip where his safehouse might be. Apparently he thought it might help his current... situation... if he let me know."

Superboy has posed:
"I know that name," replies Conner. Someone (Red) Robin mentioned once when he was just Robin? But it was years ago. So he goes to his laptop to check.

Live capture this time. What has been Rose doing the last year? Bounty hunting instead of bouncing in clubs? He is not sure if it is his business or if he should be concerned... he glances at the white-haired girl and sighs. Yes. It is his business.

"This guy is really strong. Almost invulnerable, too," he points out, quick-reading the online information. "And a murderer," he adds.

Ravager has posed:
"Ah-LIVE." Rose emphasizes, taking another sip of coffee while thumbing through her phone. "I don't care if he's a murderer, a contract is a contract." After a moment she does look up at him, though. "I could use your help on this one, if he's as strong and tough as you say."

It's also not like Rose to admit that something is beyond her, and this is probably as close as she'll come to doing so. "Tell me what else you've got on our boy."

Superboy has posed:
"I don't kill," states Conner, sounding vaguely disturbed. "But I do care he is a murderer," mostly because Mammoth needs to be jailed, and also because he is rather dangerous. "Yeah, I will help you." There isn't much in the webpage Rose wouldn't be able to find with Google, although it is a private website with passcodes and all.

Baran Flinders has clashed with a few heroes in the past. He is an idiot, but incredibly strong. Can her swords cut that skin? He might be vulnerable to drugs and poison. Maybe gas pellets. Anti-tank weapons probably would only annoy him. High-energy weapons might be able to injury him some.

Ravager has posed:
Ravager scans over what little information she can find, flipping rapidly through her phone while Con checks on his laptop. "Yeah, looks like this guy is Tonka-Tough alright." she declares after a bit. Glancing up, she smiles over at him. His prohibition against killing isn't something she pushes, after all.

"Whoever wants him must have some way of containing him, or otherwise dealing with him." Rose continues. "Think I'd better pack the energy swords for this one, though. I'd rather not break good blades on this asshole. Any other thoughts?"

Superboy has posed:
The idea of calling the Metropolis SCU force crosses Conner's mind, but only briefly. Fact is Mammoth is very likely to kill a lot of cops if they go arrest him. No, this is better handled by superheroes. Or, er... Rose. Well, super-humans anyway.

"I think the waffles are burning," he realizes, rushing back to the kitchen. Damn.

"Get dressed, we can go to your place for your armor and gear and then I can fly you to Metro," he offers.

Ravager has posed:
"Dammit." Rose grumbles, following back into the kitchen. The girl DOES like her waffles, after all. And she knows that this is better handled by people who are equipped for it. Rose doesn't care so much if Mammoth kills a lot of cops, but she knows that Con does.

"We've got time for breakfast." she declares, doing what she can to help rescue the waffles.