497/Insomnia's a Jerk

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Insomnia's a Jerk
Date of Scene: 23 May 2017
Location: Harry's Apartment
Synopsis: Karrin can't sleep, so heads over to Harry's to try passing out there.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
It's almost three am, an hour of the night no one should be awake. But after staring at her ceiling for hours, revisiting every demon in her head, Karrin just couldn't stand it any more. So, she got in her little Mazda and drove over to the only place she's gotten a decent night's sleep in ages -- Harry's. She's still in her pajamas, in fact. Nothing sexy, just a pair of black booty shorts and an oversized GCPD teeshirt, but she didn't feel like getting dressed just to sneak into his place and pass out on the couch with the dog and cat.

The sound of her car outside is quiet as she kills the engine and then scoops up that ward charm he'd given her. She's moving silent as her highly trained body can. She has no wish to actually disturb him, but just to get rest in a place that might let her brain go to sleep. She kept hearing Harvey's voice -- well, not Harvey's, Two-Face's voice, in her head. The warnings. The threats. It was like the embodiment of every piece of her exes in one horrid, scarred man. Harry's place would provide some comfort. So, she sneaks down the stairs on the quietest tip toes...

Harry Dresden has posed:
Getting in isn't a problem for the Lieutenant. The necklace lets her pass through the wards as if they aren't even there, and her key lets her past the locks without issue. The only hiccup is that damned door, and that can make sneaking a bit trickier. After that demon attack a few years ago, the metal security door tends to stick, causing the use of a bit of force to open. A quick hip check jars the door from the jamb, and it opens easily after the initial shove.

Harry isn't there, or at least not in the main room of the apartment. The rug is placed over the trapdoor, so he isn't down in the lab. So if he is at home, he must be in the bedroom. Mouse and Mister must be in there as well, as they are no where to be found.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Hip checking the door makes Murphy wince a little, half worrying that if she doesn't wake Harry she'll probably defintiely wake Mouse. But maybe her scent is enough that the little pup knows her already and doesn't go into barking at an intruder. She holds her breath a few heartbeats, dead still, waiting to see and be sure she hasn't disturbed anything before she continues the slow creep down the stairs into his apartment.

Well, no sign of Harry. Trap door covered, skull quiet, no pets. They must all be curled up in bed. So much for the dream of a shaggy puppy at her side, but the couch still looked welcoming and familiar. It smelled like him and safety. She silently tip toes over to it and slips out of her keds that she pulled on for the drive over. Bare foot and mostly bare legged, she settles into the couch and curls up on her side. Already, she feels a bit more at peace.

Harry Dresden has posed:
It's quiet once the door is closed again. At least for a moment anyway. Two minutes after Karrin kicks off her keds there is a scratching at the bedroom door. A quiet little wuffle can be heard from behind it as well.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Well, it was better than barking. Karrin blinks drowsily, having been JUST on the edge of actually dropping off, but puppies take precedence. The short blonde rouses herself again, not even bothering with shoes as she creeps over to Harry's bedroom and cracks open the door. "Shhh, Mouse." She whispers, not even really voiced, just a brush of air and her finger against her lips. "Let him sleep..." She then lets the pup into the room, inspecting if he needs out or just wants to visit. She gently tries to shut the door behind him, hopefully without waking Harry.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Once the door opens, the little puppy squeezes himself out from the crack and waddles around Karrin's feet, letting out another satisfied little wuffle. When she tries to shut the door he sits at the doorway, looking up at her with his puppydog eyes, and then looks back to the bedroom where Harry is.

A soft creek from a mattress is heard from the bedroom, springs squeaking as someone moves around.

Mouse looks back up at Karrin and wuffles again.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
That second wuffle gets a full on glare and, since Mouse seems determined to keep his butt in the door, Karrin smirks and leans down to scoop the little puppy up. He's not quite so little as he was last week, or maybe it's her head, but he's still small enough she can get him in one arm and quickly/quietly shut the door.

"Hush, you. Let him sleep. Come on... You can curl up with me for a bit." She mutters to the little canine, smoothing her free hand through his scruff for a few deep scritches. She lingers at the door another heartbeat or two, looking at the shut knob, almost torn... She then takes a deep breath and steels herself against the temptation. Back to the couch, Mouse in her arms. "Sleep. Bed time. For both of us." she mutters to the dog, tucking herself back down into the corner of the couch.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Being picked up, Mouse wuffles again and squirms for a moment until he is firmly settled in the crook of her arm. A little growl escapes the puppy's throat, but not one of warning or anger....no, more like a vocalization. The petting and scritches quiet him down for a moment as his tongue lulls out of his mouth, but once they settle on the couch Mouse lets out one bark. Just one.

Then he crawls up and goes to lick her face.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
For a moment, Karrin thinks she has him. A good petting will quiet anyone. But then she realizes just how wrong she is, settling in on the couch just in time for him to give that little bark. "...Dammit! You are SO lucky you are cute." SHe groans quietly, especially as he doesn't let her settle back into sleep. All the face licking and kisses. SHe groans, just taking it a few moments, her fingertips still burying gently scratches behind his ears. "...so lucky," she echoes again.

Then, finally, it seems Mouse's plotting works. He's not going to let her settle alone on the couch and he clearly doesn't need to pee. She shakes her head at the dog, "You little... plotter." She grumbles almost fondly before unfolding from the couch again. Back to Harry's door. This time, she pushes it open enough that she can creep inside the dim bedroom instead of let the dog out. She looks over to Harry's bed for a moment, something in her chest silently aching.

This was such a poor idea. She wanted to so damn much. So, quiet as can be, she creeps over to whichever side of the bed has the most room.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse gives a happy tail wag as Karrin gives in to his puppy ploy. He lets out another little wuffle when she calls him cute, and it /almost/ sounds like a laugh.

As Karrin creeps over to the left side of the bed, Harry slowly stirs. Half asleep he lifts his head as his eyes open barely enough to register as open and he props up slightly on one elbow. "...Murph?" He yawns, "Come back to bed. It's late." He flops back down on the bed, and approximately 3 seconds later a soft snore is heard.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"...back?" Karrin mutters curiously. What had he been dreaming? Still, even if she's a little miffed at being outsmarted by a dog, Karrin ruffles Mouse's ears one last time before settling him at the foot of the bed and crawling into the sheets herself. The quiet snore echoing from the other side of the bed gains a look and a long, soft smile. Well, at least she didn't have to answer any questions.

She shifts toned legs down beneath the blankets and stretches out at his side. Definitely more comfortable than the couch. While she doesn't exactly wrap herself around him, she does that sutble cuddling thing where her butt and the outside of her thigh brushes against his. Just the smallest bit of warm contant, a quiet indication she is there. The sound of his breath and soft snoring is enough to completely lull away those horrible earlier thoughts. She's dropping into sleep within five minutes herself, the best, most proper sleep she's had in ages.