5004/Devilish Meetings

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Devilish Meetings
Date of Scene: 25 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Satana, Ares

Satana has posed:
Satana has been using a sanctified ritual space for a few less than savory purposes of late. While boardrooms and corporate offices were terrible for many forms of magic, they were often chock full of evil psychic residue perfect for a succubus with a talent for black magick to put to the test.

The sacrificial lambs - in this case, the board of directors for a small but extremely corrupt capital investment firm - cooled off upstairs, tied to their chair and appropriately carved with a variety of occult symbols. She would let them simmer in their own fear for a while. In the meantime, she would relax. She let Ares know she might be about here if the god of war felt like dropping in to alleviate her boredom between ritual murders.

Ares has posed:
Oh! murders? Count Ares in! he can feed off of this stuff, the violence, the death, the hate. Simply teleporting inside of Satana's nice little ritual space, Ares smiles to her. "I can see you've been busy." and he walks up to her, kissing her lips lovingly before pulling away after a moment. "So, how have you been? Aside from putting corrupt and absurdly evil chairmen to their proper vengeful course?" he asks curiously.

"and Perhaps I can spill a little blood." he teases her softly.

Satana has posed:
Satana pats Ares atop the head as he breaks the kiss, "I've been hunting, mostly. With the world in turmoil, it's important that I keep myself healthy and strong. Plus, my skin gets all dry if I haven't gotten my proper nutrients and I'm sure you wouldn't want -that-," she grins in amusement. She wears a crimson red catsuit, matching the tone of her hair, which has been pulled up into a high topknot. "What of you? Been amusing yourself?"

Ares has posed:
Ares grins lightly at Satana as she taps the top of his head. "Apparently. I can hear them, you know." he can hear their terrified gasps, their looks of absolute terror. It was dawning on them finally that they were going to die a terrible death. But, he digresses. "True on all accounts. I haven't been doing much. Slaughtered a small militia battallion off the cost of Cuba and payed a terrorist cell in Jordan a visit. Otherwise, I've been bored." he wraps an arm around her waist.

"So, when's the finale?" he asks her curiously.

Satana has posed:
"You could hear them? And I was sure I tied those gags so tightly," she murmurs. She allows him to touch her, because touch isn't ownership and she likes contact. Not to mention that she can skim a little of his divine energy harmlessly off the surface of his hypervital being. "Oh, I have to wait until midnight. Satanic magick is very precise, always on a just so timetable and astral chart. Honestly, it can be dull, but damn if it isn't effective."

Ares has posed:
"Of course I can hear them. I'm the God of Conflict. Even their innermost turmoil of their minds calls to me like a beacon." he smiles softly to her as Ares smiles a bit, happy to simply give off some energy. It won't harm him at all, after all. Nevertheless, as she tells him the specifics, he chuckles. "Heh, that's fair." he states then, before he shrugs. "Such a dark magic is powerful, but specific. almost dreadfully so. Good thing you have your natural draining abilities to fall back on."

Satana has posed:
Satana smiles, "Fall back on? Well, I'm not certain my talents count as natural. I'm sure there are those who think me quite unnatural, although I've never had an ounce of surgery," she says, adjusting her bust in her catsuit as she makes her way over to pour wine for the both of them. "And yes, you need a powerful tool if you want to get a potent result."

Ares has posed:
Ares chuckles a bit, noticing that her bust had been adjusted (oh yes, he notices), and his eyes remain on Satana. "Well, depends on their perception of natural. Most people only just recently found out they weren't the only ones in the universe." he teases her. "And nobody knows about demons and angels aside from what's written in holy books." he makes note. "Oo...sangria. Not bad at all." he marks the particular kind of wine by the smell alone.

Satana has posed:
Satana smiles, "I like a bit of sweetness. The world is bitter enough as it is, don't you think?" she says. Of course, she makes a fair share of that misery, as does he, but that doesn't mean -she- shouldn't enjoy herself. "I think most of them always knew they weren't alone. They like to lie to themselves, that's all. I can't blame them. Lying is fun."

Ares has posed:
"Very true, and wisely said." Ares smiles a litle bit to her, and truth be told? he dwelled in misery for some time. Such is war. But, he smiles a little bit, approaching her as if to take a drink into his hand. "True....ignorance is lbiss as it were. and lying is fun...especially when something important is on the line." he teases her. "I remember making authorities aghast by telling them so many mixed stories...."

Satana has posed:
Satana settles into a large, oversized seat, velvet-lined, her legs crossed upon it as she takes it like a throne. She is a princess, after all. "I do love making the mortals squawk and flap. They're so damned gullible. Half of the stories about my wicked father are lies - and the lies are usually the tamer stories. They have no idea how truly depraved a creature a devil can be."

Ares has posed:
Ares smiles then to Satana "Or how phenomenal." in which way? well...many. Ares's eyes flash mischievously at Satana then.

Satana has posed:
Satana laughs softly, "Flattery, Ares? I wouldn't expect that of a god. But, then, flattery does get you everywhere with me," she smirks playfully, downing the rest of her wine.

Ares has posed:
Ares downs the rest of his wine, before setting it down and approaching Satana, mischievous grin in his eyes as he kneels down in front of her, his hands reaching for her, and preparing for a long night.