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Latest revision as of 16:23, 14 September 2018

Happy Birthday!
Date of Scene: 03 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Harry and Molly celebrate her 21st birthday
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Molly Carpenter

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden woke up about 9 this morning, shaving, then showering in his ice cold shower, he decides that since it's a special occasion, he'll get gussied up for Molly, a fresh black undershirt goes on under a grey short sleeve button up dress shirt, which gets tucked into the waistband of some black bluejeans. Cleaning up the cowboy boots he likes to wear and adding a layer of polish to them, he slips them on before going about putting on his rings and amulet.

    Mouse of course is watching all of this with doggie amusement laying in the corner and watching. "What? It's her birthday, she'ed kill me if we went out in my three stooges shirt and shorts or something.." he says to the dog before he makes his way out to the living room drinking a coke and reading a book while he waits for her to arrive a white envelope, and a black case setting on the kitchen bar..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter had been up bright and early as usual. Mostly because she had to help wrangle the jawas to school amidst hugs, and lots of birthday breakfast pancakes from the parents. It was a good start to the day. She took longer than usual to get ready as she picked through her closet searching out exaclty what she wanted to wear today. The black dress was short but not TOO short on her long legs. It was perfect for the weather. Adding in some heeled ankle boots she makes her way off to Dresden's. Only after casting an illusion to make it seem like she was wearing pants while on her motorcycle. No way was she giving anyone random a show.

Knocking on the door she announces herself even though she was already using the charm he had given her to enter through the apartment's warding spells. "Harry! Wakey wakey!" She calls out though, for once, she didn't have coffee with her. Slipping through the door with a swish of her skirt, she blinks in pleased surprise to catch sight of him actually dressed up. "Guess I don't need to drag you out of bed today."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden takes in the sight himself.. "Not bad Miss Carpenter, you clean up quite nicely." he says in an amused tone setting down his coke and walking around out of the kitchenette to wrap her up in a hug. "Happy Birthday." he says letting the hug go after a moment. "First, I got a surprise for you, well a two parter really." he says as he moves over to where the box, wrapped in black paper he scoots it over for her to unwrap, finding the case for a brand new glock pistol the envelope being a reciept for a local conceal carry place for a weekend class..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter laughs a bit as she leans into the hug enjoying it perhaps a bit more than she should. It was her birthday though; she was allowed. "Oh, really?" her voice is sweet as if she weren't expecting some kind of a surprise, or at the very least trying not to seem too excited for the fact that there was one. The box is taken, and the card eyed with a tilt of her head. Box first. It's opened to regard the weapon with a low whistle of appreciation. "Wow. This should come in handy. Though I hope I don't ever have to use it." In spite of the sentiment she knew it was better to have it than not. And it would likely get used. Her fingers pluck open the card and receipt for the class next with a broad grin. "I'm sure Murphy will be more than willing to give me pointers, but this is a good headstart on things too." Lowering the card she looks toward Harry to lean up giving his cheek a quick, chaste kiss. "Thank you Harry."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden smiles, lightly scratching his cheek where the kiss was placed. "yeah, the lisence is the important thing, so you don't get locked up or it gets confiscated. " he adds. "and since you're a bit younger, I figured it would work for you, the younger wardens don't seem to have an issue with semi-automatics, so I figured something with stopping power and a couple of magazines would be up your alley.. You know.. big gun, big boyfriend.." he says waggling his eyes a little. "Hope you're hungry, I skipped breakfast to add that special something to going and eating at Mac's" he says picking up the keys to the Ambush Bug and holding his arm out politely "Shall we?"

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter rolls her eyes just a little bit at the big gun remark though it does cause her to laugh. "Yeah, I don't seem to have quite the effect on electronics as much as you do. Tablets though... Ugh." Yeah those didn't do well around her at all. Too small and electronicy she imagined. The box is shut for now and set aside as she moves over to take his arm, hugging to it. Sure, it wasn't the age-old way of holding a guy's arm, but she also wasn't classically trained in etiquette. It worked. "I had a few of dad's banana pancakes, but that was hours ago. I'm good to go!"

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods guiding her out to the car, a little paper princess hat that says "Birthday Girl" sitting in the passengers seat. "Your crown m'lady?" he says as he opens the door for her Harry being in full playful but chivalrous mode. Once she's sorted he slips into the other side the car starting with only a few whines before he's out on the streets of Bludhaven to pull into the old brownstones parking lot who's basement holds Mac's..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter snorts out in laughter at the paper hat even as she eyes it dubiously. "Oh, why thank you sirrah," she offers back while sweeping it up and tipping it ontop of her hair with a precarious tilt. It's worn the whole way until they get to Mac's where she reconsiders the crown. "Hmm. I suppose I'm going to have to wear this the entire time, huh?" She reasons with a wry grin.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden's eyes light up with mirth. "yup, it's tradition!" he says "For today, you are the princess, and it's only right for you to wear the crown jewels." he says in a rather pompous but playful manner. "Why do you think I wear a paper crown on /my/ birthdays when hells not breaking loose?" he says winking at her.

    Getting out of the car and coming around to the other side, he once more opens the door holding his hand out to her laying it on thick. "It is but this squires job to see to thine needs for the very day upon which your birth is to be celebrated." he says still grinning cheekily. "Besides, it'll let everyone else know too. Mac definately knows you weren't twenty one last week when we came by for some lemonade.. "

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"Oh geeze." Molly sweeps her legs out of the bug keeping a hand on her lap to ensure that the skirt doesn't ride up higher than would be polite. Once upon a time she wouldn't have cared, maybe even done that on purpose. Now? She really was growing up. Taking his hand she gets out and reaches up to adjust her paper crown. "I suppose if it's tradition. I just figured you did it because it was easier to remind people that it's not just a holiday for you." Grinning she adds, "I could just show Mac my ID... but okay."

Molly steps in against his side again to let herself be led along, at least until they got to the stairs which were kind of a 'one at a time' situation. "So you guys are the beer snobs. What should I try for my first ever official Mac beer?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden quirks a brow at Molly "Mac, one of your honey specials, then lets get this pretty young thing one of your special ales." he says with a grin, the older man just grunting. "Happy Birthday Molly" he says actually stringing more than one word together. With that he pulls out three shot glasses and a dark bottle, a light yellow liquor being poured in before he slides them over to you and Harry "Here's to a long and happy life, filled with laughter, good cheer, and better company than me." Harry says the last bit a bit cheekily to Molly before he and Mac down theirs

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter smiles broadly when Mac wishes her a happy birthday. This was definitely the most she'd ever heard him speak in one go. "Thanks, Mac." The little shot glass is taken up, raised in salute, and she tips it back taking it like a pro. At least until she gulps it down. It wasn't BAD, but it was stronger than some of the stuff she's had a chance to try in her life so far. Lightly coughing, but not too hard, she sets the glass back down only to laugh at her own reaction. "Wow, here I thought I'd be a little tougher than that."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden smirks.. "Finding your wild girl persona wasn't as wild as you once thought?" he asks cheekily before mac produces two black bottles, stuff he doesn't just sell to the normal crowd. "This stuff, is good.. drink it slow though, it goes even better with his steaks and homefries." Harry says grabbing both bottles and nodding to one of the near by boothes. "Shall we get more comfortable m'lady?" he asks

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter reaches out to lightly punch Harry in the arm in retaliation. "I've had to reign in the wild girl side, remember? It's been a few years. I'm rusty." When the dark bottle is offered over she raises it for a sip only to hesitate when he warns her to sip. Sip she does, humming a bit at the flavor. That was quite a difference from the honeyed drink they'd just had a shot of. It was a nice shift in taste though. "Hm, of course, sir," she agrees moving to the booth with a graceful step as if she were every bit the princess her paper hat declared her to be. "Honestly this is kind of great, you know. I admit there's times I've just wanted to be able to kick back with a drink and relax. Now I actually can."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods. "Just no going and getting drunk." he says with a grin.. "or if you do.. you call me instead of Charity, I'll tell her I had you working late on some case, or something." he says offering alibis for any future time. "Just don't make it a habit." he adds a bit more soberly. "but the occasional letting your hair down is doable, you're old enough, and you've got the control." he says

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter blinks several times at this. Lowering the beer bottle she leans into the table, staring across at him with a thoughtful expression. "I've got the control? Since when? I thought I had to watch myself constantly to not lose control? You know avoid things like getting drunk, and..." An eyebrow raises with a pointed clearing of her throat. "*Other* relaxing things."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "I'd say for a year or two at the most.." he says simply "I didn't tell you?" he asks curiously "You mean you've been this whole time avoiding ... Menag-a-Moi's?!" he asks lowering his voice as he asks that question.. "I.. " he coughs "I...." he breaks of unable to think of what to say or do in this situation.."Happy Birthday?" he says a bit lamely..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter continues to stare at Harry. Very hard. There's a certain clenching of her jaw as she continues to stare at him with the intensity of someone trying to burn holes with their vision. "No. No, you didn't happen to let me know that." Finally her gaze breaks with a groan as she just drops her head down to the tabletop. "Dammit Harry." There's exasperation but ... given the topic it's not like she could be totally upset at him. Still she would have thought he'd have just told her 'hey you're doing great at control, relax now!' or something. Her hand fumbles for the beer bottle only to lift her head again taking another sip. "You... Are so lucky I'm not a warlock right now."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden grins.. "Look on the bright side, had you /been/ a warlock you wouldn't have learned all this handy self control through self denial of bodily.. ahem... pleasures.." he says simply taking a drink of his own beer. Mac calls out "Harry" letting him know that the steaks are done, to which the aforementioned Harry makes his escape "food coming right up princess." he says as he moves to the bar to get the two plates slipping one infront of Molly before sitting back down with his own. Generously salting the fries he grabs the ketchup to pour out a pool for him to dip them in..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter waits until Harry comes back to think of a proper way to get back at him. Of course the distraction of food is... distracting. She plucks up a fry, nibbles on it testingy, and then reaches for the salt. "You know Harry, you DID say that you would 'see to my every need' today, riiight?" Smiling coyly at him the fry is raised to her lips only for the tip of her tongue to come out pulling it into her mouth. The tease is emphasized by the feel of her foot against his calf beneath the table.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden coughs, his fry going down the wrong way as he feels that leg, taking a swig of his ale to deal with the coughing fit, he glances at Molly tilting his head as if studying her for the first time, his eyes slowly moving down over the dress to where the table meets her torso, and back up again.. "I do believe I said I would now didn't I... It would be remiss of me to fail at my given word wouldn't it.." he says as his eyes meet hers again his eyebrow quirking as he sees her gamble, and rases one of his own..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter runs the tip of her tongue out over her lips watching him in return. His reaction wasn't what she expected though. Trying to maintain a seductive, alluring expression she bites down on her lower lip a bit too hard. Enough to send a little shiver through her making her lose her nerve. Instead a heavy blush creeps over her as she slumps back into her seat. The feel of her foot disapears. "Okay, okay, you win," she utters with a sigh. "I can't keep a straight face when you're like that." Shaking her head she looks down at the steak to start digging in.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden grins widely before he takes a bite of another french fry. "Awww, too bad, you might have gotten lucky if you pressed your luck." he says his own foot playing with her ankle for a moment before he grabs a knife and fork and starts digging into his own steak. "I'm sure there's a lot of pent up... Tension after four years of semi-self imposed celebacy.." he adds with a snicker.. "Should I buy you a hotel room for the night, and tell your parents we've got a case over in Gotham?" he asks cheekily..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter flicks a french fry over at Harry in response. She hadn't stopped being red-faced just yet, but she was grinning again at least. "Only if it has a massaging showerhead and one hell of a hot water tank. Or a jacuzzi. Or both." Chuckling she adds, "Oh god if I don't show up for dinner tonight I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden laughs.. "If we're doing a case in Gotham, I can't go to your party either... With what they're already thinking.. if we both didn't show up.. on your twenty-first birthday.." he trails off into silence.. "I wouldn't survive the next encounter with your mother.." he says deadpanned. "So no.. Dinner at six, party til eight.. Then you can go check yourself in some place nice.." he says with a smirk. "Just don't tell them I bought you a hotel room." he adds with a slight shudder at the concequences..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter nods solemnly in agreement. "Even with mom being a bit more open to you being around, I think that would be putting some nails into your own coffin. Aand... No, I think I can manage another day or so on my own." Though by the way she goes quiet as she chews on a cut of that steak it's clear she's really considering that option. Hmm. The thought is shaken out of her head, and she takes another sip of her ale.

"Harry?" Looking up from her meal with a frown she asks, apparently out of the blue, "You remember my friends from when I first... I mean... I've kept away like I was supposed to. I figure you or someone from the council's been keeping tabs on them, at least to make sure that they..." Her lips purse together looking back down to the tabletop. "I was just wondering how they've been doing. If they're okay after what I... what I did to them."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods, a bite of steak in his mouth that he holds a hand up in pleading for a moment as he chews it.. and chews it more... before finally drinking it down with some ale. "Rosie is doing fine, had the baby moved to Wisconson where some family are, the last I heard she's doing pretty good, finished school and is a nurse.." he says giving his answer for the easier of the two. "Nelson... He's in an assisted living facility that Father Forthill was able to get him into, he still suffers from night terrors at times, and well... he requires gentle handling.. " he explains as tactfully as he can about the two of them..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Hope. That's what the first one gives her, and she smiles warmly knowing that Rosie at least was doing well. Along with the baby. The smile falters at mention of Nelson's situation though. "Oh." Somehow, in spite of the single sylable word, her voice manages to crack just a bit forcing her to swallow against a suddenly dry mouth. A few deep breaths are taken before she nods to herself. "I guess a few years of celebacy is the least I could do as penance for what I did to him. I hope... I hope he gets better in time." But she couldn't try to help him. Too much temptation. Too much chance of screwing up again, or making things worse for him.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden slides out of his side of the booth to slip in on the other scooching her over till she's up against the wall and he's sitting beside her, an arm swinging around to pull her into a hug. "You tried to help them.. both of them were in a bad way, and Rosie might not have..." he trails off into silence for a bit.. "It came from the right place Molls, just wasn't done in the right way.. That's why we train like we do, and practice like we do." he says pulling her head down to his chest as he hugs her tighter.. "I'd say don't feel guilty... but I know that's not the right thing to say.. just.. don't let it control you.. and try to live your life where that's the only guilty action you have to feel for." he says kissing the top of her head and not letting go..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter turns toward Harry to lean in against him heavily. Someone, in spite of her stature, she comes accross looking very small at the moment. Maybe it was the first vestiges of being buzzed making her more emotional, or maybe it was the update she'd held off on asking about. Or maybe just the guilt she felt over the situation. Whatever the case, she tucks against him taking several steady, deep breaths to keep herself from outright crying. Liquid clouded her eyes, but she manages to keep it from spilling over as he reassures her. "I know, I just really screwed up big time. I'm glad Rosie and the baby are okay. It could have been worse but I don't know, either. Maybe she would have on her own." She starts to shake, just a bit, as she chuckles at herself morosely. "I'm never going to stop overthinking this am I?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden smiles kissing her forehead. "Nah, you're not.. about once a year, right around the anniversary of when it happened, I think back to when I killed Justine and Elaine... It's Elaine dying that really gets me though... I tried to go back in and help her but there was an explosion and I got knocked out... woke up surrounded by white cloaks.." he says thinking back to that day his life changed forever shuddering at the memory..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter shifts just a bit. Enough that her arms can untuck from where they'd been caught against Harry's chest to instead slide them around his ribs hugging him in turn. The position was just a little awkward, but she didn't really feel like moving. Not right now. "You tried, Harry. Even us wizards can get burnt right? Youc ould only do so much."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden shrugs.. "Enough somberness." he says reaching over to grab his plate and slide it infront of him, letting Molly go but keeping his hip socketed right up against hers in support. "Lets finish our great steaks before they get cold, finish off our ales, and then go do what ever you want to do for the next few hours before we head over to Chateau Carpenter for cake and your favorite home cooked meal." he says leaning against her to shoulder check her lightly.. "Today's a happy day, you don't turn twenty-one every day..." he says though he did say that about her turning twenty last year.. and nineteen the year before that...

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter loosens her hold and lets him go free finally with a smile. "Yeah, just looking back on the past is all, I guess. I'll blame my Catholic upbringing. Guilt and all that." She leans against him bumping his shoulder in return as she takes up her fork to dig into her steak again. "Would be a shame to let these get cold. Seriously I don't know how he manages to do this good a steak in this tiny place. Must be his own kind of magic."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden mmm's and nods making sounds of agreement around his own steak. "magic.. definately magic.. " he says with a smile his steak and potatoes quickly being devoured along with his ale. "I'm going to get a glass of lemonade, /you/ though can have another bottle of ale if you want. What would you like?" he says moving to grab his empty plate and bottle to take it back over to Mac..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter considers that offer while swirling her bottle with it's remaining sip in hand. "Tempting as that is... And it really is... I think if I drink much more I'm going to be napping on your couch for the rest of the afternoon. I'm sure Mouse and Mister would approve at least. I'll be good and have what you're having."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden smirks.. "ohh no! a hot blonde is sleeping on my couch! what ever would I do!" he gasps dramaticly vanishing to the bar to get two lemonades to return with plopping one down for Molly before he slips back in beside her..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter has at least some time to think of a proper retort by the time he comes back. "What would you do? Knowing you, get a blanket for her and go take a cold shower, you hermit." She's teasing at least. It was a start to lightening the mood. "Or get punched. You do seem to get punched by a lot of the blondes in your life, you know. Karrin. Mom. I'm sure there's others."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden gasps. "Like I would take any unseemly advances on you like that!" he says with a laugh winking at her and thinking.. "But with /that/ dress on... I'd have to practice all my self control.." he adds with a little flattery at the end winking.. "Seriously, you look amazing.." he adds taking a drink of his lemonade and reaching out to just hold her hand giving it a squeeze before letting it go..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter flushes again, but this time with a grin at the compliment. When he squeezes her hand, then lets go... she reaches out to brush her fingers to the back of his hand with a light wink. "You're looking pretty good yourself, Mr. Dresden." Oh man she hadn't called him that in years. It felt weird. The touch of her hand strays away again and she takes a sip of her own lemonade. "Actually now that I think of it a nap might not be such a bad idea."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden playfully rolls his eyes.. "not even two in the afternoon, and you're wanting a nap... You're not a teenager any more.." he teases downing his lemonade and moving to get up.. "Finish your drink, I'll take you home and you can take a nap in my bedroom, I'll work down in the lab testing your work on the communication stones or something." he says reaching out to take her hand and help her back up

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"It's my birthday. I'm allowed to be a little lazy, aren't I?" Molly quips back with a batting of her eyes. "I'm sure the stones are going to turn out fine. I've kept every side of them the same when sanding. I mean, even if the shape is off a bit, the fact that I've done exactly the same amount of passes for each stone should help to tie them together with the similarities a bit. I'm hoping the symmetry of the process will make up for any flaws I may have overlooked."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods.. "You're doing fine.. It's more a way for me to be out of your way and tinkering." he says "Lets go settle up with Mac, I'm going to buy a case of ale for the party later Michael likes it just as much as I do. Besides, when you go to drink one, it'll be fun to watch Charity's reaction." he adds reaching to grab his wallet and do just that..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter laughs warmly. "Oh man. She might not let me just so I don't set a bad example for my brothers and sisters." Then again... Sometimes Charity surprised her. Who knows. She follows along, patting a hand over her full belly with a sigh of contentment

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden grins buying the beer which soon finds its way under the hood of the bug before he is once more holding Molly's door open and the two are driving back to his apartment one hand idly resting on top of hers when he's not shifting gears..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter pretends not to notice. She does though. It was nice. It was... giving her ideas she hadn't considered in a long time. Or tried not to consider, rather. Sure, she didn't have the same sort of feelings for him as before, but the seed of it was there. Always had been. Surely he meant nothing by it but for now? She was going to just enjoy it. That closeness, however simple and easily misunderstood it may be, left her with a warm fuzzy feeling she was happy to indulge in just for now.

Once back at his place she exits the Bug and stretches with a small groan. "I'm full, and pretty sure I'm slightly buzzed," she informs Harry wih a relaxed, lazy grin. "Good thing I'm with you and not someone who'd take advantage."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden rolls his eyes "Always coming back to that.." he says he himself just about as buzzed due to no breakfast this morning. Suddenly he pulls her up against him wrapping his arms around her. "It's like you /want/ me to take advantage." he teases looking into her eyes

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter lets out a little whoop of breath when she's pulled in close. Without missing a beat in this game of flirtatious chicken, she stretches her arms out to wrap around behind his neck. "You wouldn't take advantage Harry. That's not you." Mischeif twinkles in her eyes. Leaning in closer, not even needing to rise on her toes thanks to her heels, she lets her cheek brush over his to whisper in his ear, "But who says it's not an offer?" The tips of her fingers rake over the back of his neck at the nape of his neck at the same time as her teeth nip at the lobe of his ear.

It's about this time that she realizes what she's doing through the haze of her buzz. A soft sigh breaks her lips tickling over that nipped ear and she tucks her face down against his neck with a small groan of mortification. That went a bit too far. "I'm sorry, Harry, I know how you feel about me. I shouldn't tease. Or attempt to tease. I got carried away."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden's eyes close and a soft gasp comes from his lips as he feels her whisper in his ear the hairs on the back of his neck raising as a soft shudder runs through him as well as a light moan at the teeth. He's about to say something.. or maybe even do something when she snaps back to reality..

    "ohh.. yeah.." he coughs... "teasing's bad m'kay?" he says his voice a little husky as he coughs again to clear his throat.. "You're right.. yeah.. of course.. It's ok.. just uhh... Don't let it happen again!" he says trying to say those last five words sternly and utterly failing even as he doesn't move to seperate or push her away...

Molly Carpenter has posed:
That was one thing about being a empath. This close, this 'open' as she was, it was hard not to feel that moment of... indecision. Her face reddens considerably along with a tightened squeeze as if she had no intention of letting him go.

They were drunk. Both of them. Not completely, but enough that judgement was impared. She could press the issue, easily. Knowing that though made her hesitate al the more. What if this were a situation like Nelson again? Was she just projecting her own desires and influencing him? Would it be any different?


"Can we just stay like this for another minute?" She whispers quietly. "Just a minute."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden thankfully /isn't/ a sensitive.. he's just a blunt object that throws himself at things.. But he can be tactful when the need is high. Nodding and not saying anything, not able to trust his voice to sound right, or proper he just squeezes tightening the hug around her bringing one hand up to run up under the ends of her hair letting his fingers work down to her scalp as he presses her head against his chest gently his fingers wiggling softly stroking his heart pounding in his chest as he just tilts his nose down to nuzzle the top of her hair and breath in her shampoo. "Sure, more than a minute if you want.." he finally says in a soft barely there whisper..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"Harry." Molly's voice is soft, quiet, a whisper of her own still able to be heard. Twenty Mississippi. Twenty-one... "Maybe my control isn't as good as you thought. I think I'm bleeding over on to you. Like a ... mini-whammie." Thirty-eight Mississippi. "So I'm going to just enjoy this for right now. Just a moment more." Forty-two Mississippi. Fingers reluctantly draw away from the back of his neck. Her grip loosens. "I'm sorry. I'll just go lay down." Fifty... something. She'd lost count. With a deep breath she lifts her head away from his chest to give him a gentle smile. Leaning in she risks a kiss to just the tip of his nose as her arms slip away entirely, and her foot moves back. Time was up.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden doesn't let go.. "just enjoy the moment Molls.. You can't bleed onto me, we've practiced our mind fortresses and got those locked down years ago along with our defences. just.. " he trails off at a loss for words, his hand in her hair trying to pull her back against his chest..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Oh. That was right. That was one of the first things they'd done. It was so long ago she'd almost forgotten. "Right, but..." He tugs her closer again causing her protests to falter completely. Exhaling a soft sigh she allows herself to be pulled close again turning her head to rest her cheek to his chest with eyes falling shut. "Yeah," is all she musters to say. Instead she just rests against him feeling the motion of his breaths until her own move in synch with his.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden rests his chin on top of her head his fingers still rubbing against her scalp as his other hand moves up to just rest on a shoulder blade. his heart beat slowly relaxes her position letting her listen to it as he just enjoys the closeness, something that he's not had for... well for a long while.. probably too long if he were to admit it to himself.. Letting the minutes pass by one by one.. He can't say how long he just holds her like this before he finally speaks up.. "Still want to take that nap?" he asks not moving or pulling away, just stating a question..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter mmms? Quietly in response. Somewhere she'd started to just drift off losing track of time herself. But there's a little nod from her, and she risks opening her eyes just a bit staring off at nothing in particular. "I... yeah. That or a cold shower. Which is the only type you have anyway." The joke is a bit weak even if honest. Pausing, she mumbles, "Want to join me? To sleep I mean. Not... I mean... nevermind."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden laughs.. a full belly laugh.. "Yes to the nap, no to the shower, wouldn't be any fun, cold showers aren't fun for anyone participating.." he teases leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Let me go in there and change into something more comfortable than a dress shirt and jeans and we can take a nap." he offers not wanting to let this closeness go just yet..."Why don't you pull out the hide-a-bed, it'll be more comfortable.."

Molly Carpenter has posed:
The majority of the tension seems to dissipate at least. Just sleeping, cuddling, there was nothing wrong with that. Right? Right. Molly smiles warmly at him, stepping away with a nod. "Fair enough. I should... probably change too," she admits looking down at her dress with a raised eyebrow. Luckily she had a change of clothes. Yoga pants and a t-shirt in her bag downstairs, as usual. "It's a nap-date then. See you in a few."