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Date of Scene: 30 August 2018
Location: Batcave, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Batwoman

Batman has posed:
    The Batcave is relatively quiet. The dawn is breaking, and Batman's nightly patrol has ended. At present he sits before the Batcomputer, cape and cowl set upon a stand and leaving him unmasked in just the bodysuit. On the screen, a full spectrum analysis of some strange substance brings up bizarre results. His brow furrows as he steeples his hands in front of him, staring at the read out. On another screen, the recorded feed from his cowl-cam shows a dark figure in a red cape speaking soundlessly as Batman look at him over the unconscious figure of a man in a clown mask. In a small, transparent container before him lies a battered shell casing coated in strange, glowing green ... something.

Batwoman has posed:
    Kate's also finished her night, although hers seems to have been somewhat quieter. Her presence here would hardly have been a secret, between Alfred and Wayne Manor's own security, getting to the Batcave unseen would be almost impossible. She's left her cowl somewhere upstairs, the batsuited redhead making her way in with her voice lacking the seductive lure of the Batwoman, gone with the mask. "It might be an idea to post someone just up at Arkham full time. Exactly what damned good is a prison designed to hold Gotham's worst if it /can't/ /hold/ Gotham's worst?" Hi, Bruce. How are you?

Batwoman has posed:
    A glance up at the screen is called for though. "Fun night, huh?"

Batman has posed:
    "New player in town," Bruce says flatly, not looking away from the analysis on the feed, "Made up of some sort of ... substance. Impervious to bullets. Has some sort of mentally-controlled chain and cloak. Didn't get a name. Running it - him - through the Computer."
    After a moment, he hits a key on the console at Riddler's profile fills a portion of the screen, "You're talking about this." Not so much a question.

Batwoman has posed:
    "Unlike you to resort to a gun." Kate suggests, somewhat offhandedly, "And you might want to show some respect. He's as close to a military hero as the world gets these days. Was, anyways." And there is the bombshell, as the suited woman takes a seat upon the console, able to see the reflection of the Riddler in the batsuit she's looking at. "Yeah. The Riddler. I've decided that battling through his riddles isn't going to work, and so I'm trying a more psychological tactic." She really just... Moved on from talking about Spawn that quickly, didn't she? "Of course, our last encounter didn't come with a message of any kind, just a brief outage to Gotham's telecommunications, so he was trying to sneak /something/ past us."

Batman has posed:
    "Wasn't the one doing the shooting," Bruce answers, although he thankfully glosses over that particular sticking point for now. Instead, he looks at the feed from the cowl-cam once more, "If you know him, put a name to the face. Aliases. Where he's been active. Any meta-human abilities he's exhibited. He operated ... acceptably. Minimized collateral damage. Non-lethal engagement." It seems as though Bruce is reciting more for his files than to actually make conversation.
    That said, he turns now to confront the matter of the Riddler fully, "He'll flaunt his intellect over you. Even if you beat him, he'll say you cheated. Only way around his game is not to play it. Cheat. Fluster him."

Batwoman has posed:
    "Colonel Al Simmons. Goes by Spawn now. Controls cloak and chains with his mind, can manifest and/or shoot balls of energy that seem chemical in nature. Bullets hurt him, but don't kill him, and he heals pretty quick. Former military, like myself. He's chosen his people, and he'll defend them with his life, even if that means killing someone." Kate rattles them off matter of factly, "But he wants to avoid civilian casualties, which makes him a net positive. And, he knows who I am. We might have met shortly before I received my DD." The athletic redhead pulls a face when she references her discharge from the military, "He's a giant of a man, and whatever the hell happened to him has made him more dangerous than before. I'm still working on a round that'll put him in the ground for good, but my samples are... Well, it doesn't act like any element I know of, and my samples didn't last long enough for testing."
    "For now I'd keep him on a positive and turn a blind eye to anything less than savoury going on. He's useful as he is, and as an enemy I'd say he's quite capable of taking out a few blocks on the way down." Kate suggests, before she moves back to her own subject. "I don't know if I want to cheat. He /wants/ me to cheat, and that's a part of it, but really... I don't know if I'd call his actions hostile. He could disappear, but he doesn't. He's staying here, and I want to find out why. Part of me thinks maybe that this is all just his way of saying..."
    Air quotes follow, with gloved hands. "Help me."