5653/Military History

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Military History
Date of Scene: 26 October 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ikaris, Peregrine

Ikaris has posed:
The museum of Natural History in New York City, with sister sites in Metropolis and Gotham. This week they have exhibits shipped in from the smithsonian and several private collections. Collections of weapons from all across history. Copper, Flint, and Bronze swords from the age of Prehistory. Egyptian Khopesh's and spearheads. Armor and shields and military ordanance from across the ages. Right on up into US civil war era weaponry, muskets, bayonets and the like.

In another wing they have modern military, up to circa 2008 anyway. Anything after that is probably still in use somewhere and the military cant very well go sharing secrets. F-22, F18's.. and sections of them are here. M-16's and even cross sections of bigger caliber weaponry like sniper rifles and a rocket launcher cut in half. Most of the critical peices of the firing mechanism have been removed to stop some enterprising young mind with a 3D printer from starting a private arms race.

Ike is here, as he usually is. Just walking around, his STAFF badge around his neck on a lanyard. He's offering bits of knowledge here and there, and keeping an eye out for troublemakers.

Peregrine has posed:
A woman with short red hair, wearing a gray blouse and skirt, walks into the museum, nodding slowly as she gravitates towards the airplanes, sighing softly as she looks wistfully at some of the more powerful aircraft are here. She sighs softly, looking a bit melancholy as she starts to look at something else. Something that doesn't remind her of the past she was forced to leave behind.

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris see's her come in and watches her make a beeline for the aircraft. Focusing on her a bit he can feel her. Sadness cheif among them. A shame.

Ike slips through the crown, using a few of his other gives to subtly nudge his way through the crowd without touching anyone for too long. He walks up beside her and up at the cross section of a Harrier jet she's examining. "You like flying do you?" he asks, his voice deep without being gravelly.

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove nods. "I loved it," she muses soflty, using the past tense. "Well... I guess it's over now." She glances at you. "How can you tell?" asks the woman who has an obviously military-style haircut. "I'm just looking around. I've even flown some of these planes..."

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris shrugs a little. "I saw you came in... you kinda made a beeline for the planes. Your hair is distinctive." He says glancing up at the auburn locks atop her head. "I had an ex with red hair. Kind of a thing I notice. " He says and shrugs. "Thats kind of awesome. I love to fly too." He admits, and for a moment he looks wistful. Some wounds never heal. He offers his hand breifly, stepping closer and away from a bigger lady coming through. She's carrying ice cream and it's already messy. "I'm Ike. Nice to meet you."

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove nods slowly. "I'm Deanna. Maybe my history here isn't as painful as a lost relationship - but to me it still is... raw. I suppose my current life isn't too bad. I'm working as a car mechanic. Hardly glamorous, but it pays the bills."

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris nods. "Jobs a job right. But.. i wouldn't shortchange yourself. Losing a passion can be just as painful as losing a loved one. All depends how much of yourself you devote to it. Right?" He asks, looking after the ice cream lady with annoyance, watching small splatters of bright ice cream hit the floor. He just knooows he's going to have to clean it up.

But then his attention shifts back to the forlorn Deanna. "So you used to fly? Judging by the uh.. *ahem* severe cut you're rocking, it was military and it wasnt that long ago because you've still got the doo. How am I doing?" He asks.

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove smiles faintly. "Yes... I do have other reasons. For one - I know it's a very short haircut. But it's very easy to maintain. Just a quick hairbrush after the shower and I'm good to go. It _really_ cuts down on time getting ready.

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris laughs. "Yeah, same reason most guys keep it short. " He says running his fingers through his own hair, several finger lengths long. Almost bleached bonde. " So.. can I ask a personal question?"

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove nods slowly. "You may," she states as she looks around, glancing at the ice cream on the floor. Damn, that sounds good. "Maybe I should go get some ice cream..." she muses. "I tend to eat a lot. I have a high metabolism."

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris pauses for a second, words things right in his mind before he speaks. "You're missing it. The rush, the feel of the aircraft.. why not go get a civilian pilots license and play with stunt planes?" He asks and offers her a look, one that lets her know he thinks that should be obvious. "There's an ice cream cart outside. We can talk outside if you like. "

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove blinks. "That's... not a bad idea," she muses. "I'd have to think about that... but a fast car can be a rush on its own." Or, hell, running supersonic. For a moment, her eyes flash with yellow lightning as she visualizes running faster than even a supersonic jet. She heads towards the outside, smiling softly. "Well - are you allowed to just leave, or would it be your break?" she asks, glanicing towards the 'staff' tag.

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris raises an eyebrow, seeing the lightning in her eyes. "Aaahh.. so that's why you are grounded." He says, seeing her eyes flash. His perceptions are a touch better than most. Then he spins on his heel to face the entrance. "IT's fine. I know more about any of this. All of this.. than anyone here combined, including the curator. They aren't going to fire me. They'll just make me play tour guide for the next group." He says and winks, pulling the STAFF badge off and tucking it into a pocket. "Shall we ice cream?" He asks, thrusting an elbow in her direction, a clear gap for her arm should she choose to take it.

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove just gestures to her eyes. "Damnit. There goes that," she mutters. "What do you mean, you understnad more than anyone combined - and you saw my eyes, didn't you... I bet you know what that means too..." She is now wary as she shrugs, taking your arm, to the ice cream.

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris gives her a 'who cares' shrugs. //You've got powers. So what. Just live your life. If others want to be scared of you, that's their business. // He says. Except his lips dont move. And he doesnt look at her. That voice was in her head. "You should use that.. it's a bit more.. fast paced in there. Could do much more than run around." He says walking with her through the crowd and ignoring the pointed stare of a mousy man on a balcony watching him walk out.

They emerge from the museum and his points them towards the cart on the street corner. It's easy to have missed him on the way in. "Maybelline?" He asks her.

Peregrine has posed:
Deanna Dove blinks as she turns to stare at you, tapping her forehead nad raising aneyebrow. "Yeah... I am trying to figure out what to do with myself." She sighs softly as she gets some ice cream with you - she goes with lemon custard, her favorite.