5749/Pet shop club

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Pet shop club
Date of Scene: 09 November 2018
Location: Riverdale
Synopsis: A meeting at Pops, about wolf sightings.
Cast of Characters: Betty Cooper, Yin, Jughead Jones, Green Arrow

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper is seated at her usual booth with a vanilla milkshake in front of her. This evening she has her laptop with her and a newspaper next to it. She appears to be browsing the internet for something, occasionally taking a drink from her milkshake. It's getting pretty late so there aren't that many people here now.

Yin has posed:
Brooke slips into the door, looking around. She is dark skinned, about college age, thin, with a certain softness to her build. She almost prowls, with not a drop of wasted effort in her movements. Her eyes scan those seated, as she moves to the counter to order an egg salad sandwich. She has workout clothes, with a long red winter coat.

Her eye briefly skips across your screen as she steps past, more out of generally being very aware of her surroundings then of any particular desire to invade your privacy. The fingers of one hand raised slightly, in a very small wave; she is sure she knows you from somewhere, although not well.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper keeps tapping away as Brooke enters, however her eyes tend to not miss much, and as such she notices Brooke waving. While Betty does not recognize her, she is quite used to the mostly friendly nature of small Riverdale, and waves back with a polite smile. Her attention is soon directed back at her laptop. She circles something in the newspaper with a pen as well.

Yin has posed:
"Wolves. Hmm." Brooke glances over on the way back through, then considers a moment. "Have you seen anything about this, you know. In person. Maybe something better than thirdhand rumors? Or addled reports..."

She tilts her head a little bit at you with a small smile. "I really need to be keeping track of things here a bit better; this is the fourth time I've heard something about wolves.. But I don't think I've actually seen any, yet. I haven't decided what to make of that, yet."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper raises a brow, "Really? Yeah I haven't seen them and no one will let me interview them.. witnesses I mean. Have you seen them? Riverdale's been kind of quiet lately and I need a story for my school's newspaper. It's never been this hard.." She runs a hand through her hair.

Yin has posed:
Brooke hmmms, thoughtfully. "Do you have gang resources? The last I heard was from someone you, well, has gotten into a bit more trouble than he ought to. He got a little bit of a scuffle, and somehow managed to come out of it with some claw marks. Sadly, he didn't really have very many useful details to give me."

She taps her chin in thought. "It gives a few ideas, at least. I'm not sure I feel comfortable having students show up with claw marks. Who knows what they could catch from that?"

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper blinks several times as Brooke asks her question, "W-what? No.. no where.. where did you hear that? I'm sorry do I.. know you?" She shuts her laptop, "Are you.. a teacher or something?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke sits on the corner of one of the bench seats, opposite you. She steeples her fingers, shrugging faintly. "I teach at a martial arts school near here sometimes. More for the froofy, wealthier new age sort, most of the time, but I do deal with a handful of people from other unusual walks of life here and there." She takes a bite of her sandwich, savoring it a bit. "And, I suppose you might. I graduated from here, a while back."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper blinks again, "But.. you said that someone I know got in a scuffle? Claw marks? I'm sorry but that doesn't ring a bell.. who was it? And what is your name again? Sorry I don't mean to pry but.. it sounds like you might know more about me than I know about you.." She looks genuinely confused.

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods, and pulls out a business card for a yoga and tai chi studio in northern Angel Grove, slipping it over. The name listed is "Brooke Harris", acupressure, advanced taiji, chi kung. She went to school with you, but not in your grade.

"Sorry if I can't drop names of people in this case. It's just something I am keeping an eye on." She smiles and looks out the window a bit at a movement, always paying attention.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper nods slowly as she takes the card, "I.. see. I think I do remember your name.. Brook Harris. Three grades above me? You were a senior when I was a freshman. Yeah I do remember you now.. well I'm with Riverdale High's paper now, a senior now. Probably going to help my mom with the paper in town after college. But yeah.. the wolf thing.. weird. Wolves don't have sharp claws once they are fully grown, confirmed that online. Could it have been a lynx?"

Jughead Jones has posed:
As is his way, Jughead Jones drifts in all casual like, and looks around. He's got five bucks in his pocket earmarked for fries, and no agenda until later tonight which leavevs him footloose and fancy free, so to speak. Mostly it leaves him hungry. Then again, that's not really anything unusual for the tall, dark haired young man.

He gives Pop's a nod, and grins as his regular arder is peffed, which only leaves finding a place to sit.

Jughead scouts the Shoppe and spies Betty, and her company - a vaguely familiar face he's not quite put a finger on yet. Lopsided grin perched on his lips, he saunters over. "Hey, room for another at the table?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke mmhs. "Might have been metal, for all I know. Which would say something, too... I couldn't really make it out from what he showed me, since it was already cleaned and sewn up." She takes another bite. "Interesting though, isn't it?"

She gives Jughead a small smile. "Oh, hey." She scoots in to make some room and considers him a moment, scouring her memory for the tiny bit she's heard. Or seen from seeing him as an underclassman, and possibly other bits of school.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper nods, "Yeah.. really weird.." She smiles at Jughead, "Hey! Archie couldn't make it.. again. His music is really cutting into his social life.. but yeah come sit! I don't have any leads yet on this wolf thing but apparently some guy was.. clawed? Not likely a wolf thing but still worth looking into." She opens her laptop back up, no longer suspicious of Brooke, "There has to be something here that can help.. I mean we can't be the only ones looking into this.."

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead considers the seating arrangement at the table, but given Brooke has scooted over, he takes his chances there and sits down beside her. She'd likely recongize him both as the slightly odd man out in any social situation, and a reporter for the school newspaper. Mostly he's considered dark and broody, likely a byproduct of growing up on the wrong side of the tracks. If she /really/ paid attention, she'd maybe recognize him as someone who hung out not only with Betty, but with Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews as well.

"Wait, what are we looking into? And, yeah, Archie's been nothing but busy lately. We should kidnap him and take him to see a show at the Drive-In. well, maybe not there, but a show."

Yin has posed:
Brooke mms, "Well, I saw Betty looking at animal attacks. I've been, you know. Looking at some of that. On the side. I see interesting things now and then, and I figured I would mention. And see how you have been doing. It's been awhile."

She munches more egg salad sandwich and hmms. "Interesting jacket. Been keeping out of trouble?" Slightly wry smile.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper answers Jughead with widened eyes, "You know.. that thing with the wolves I showed you?? I know it wasn't a big deal at the time but it looks like a lot of people in Riverdale are seeing them, hearing them. One person said they saw a wolf walking on two legs? This is crazy.. it's probably not going to be anything super mysterious but at least it will make a good article. Believe me if there was something more important to investigate I would be all over it. I guess our paper has to grasp at tabloid material.. temporarily.. ugh.. it's sickening to even use that word.." She looks at Brooke, "Yeah I just don't remember you a whole lot Brooke but.. I do remember you.. how's the martial arts thing going? And have any of your students seen anything? Heard anything?" She's in full reporter mode now.

Jughead Jones has posed:
"You know," Jughead opines, nodding thanks for the arrival of his order of fries, and leaning across Brooke to grab up the ketchup and apply a liberal dollop on the side of his dish, "You're beginning to sound like a bad sorority horror movie. Wolves walking around on two legs, and all." He munches several fries, dipping them into the ketchup as he goes.

He nods his head Brooke's way. "Sure you remember her. She's the one whole didn't back down in fights. Gave Peter Mullen a black eye for calling her a sissy." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Not sure why he told everyone he walked into a door. Most of the playground saw it happen."

To Brooke, he shrugs. "What, this old thing?" Of his jacket with the clearly emblazoned 'Serpent' symbol on it. "You know me." None of which is an answer to her question at all.

Another fry disappears.

Yin has posed:
Brooke wells, "I'm teaching it. I hear things here and there, but nothing concrete yet. I talk to some of the other teachers in the area, and there's just enough weirdness to be interesting, not enough to make a clear picture."

She mms, "What sort of things WOULDN'T be 'tabloid'? School sports coverage?" She nibbles more sandwich. "I mean, I don't mind slipping you a clue here and there if I see anything, if I knew what you were looking for."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper pretends to be offended by Jughead with a smile, "Hey! It's not my fault people are talking about it! I would have dropped this if it was just.. one druggie or something. But regular, every day people are hearing, and seeing these wolves. And it wasn't some alcoholic who saw the wolf on two legs! I am not saying I believe that part of the story, and I can leave it out in the article we run but.. it's still weird. We might even find out that some weirdo has been running around in a wolf suit or something.." She looks at Brooke, "To most students it's all tabloids, as in all entertaining. Most students don't care about politics or crime.. much to my dismay.. but yeah I would appreciate that! Whatever you can do to help!"

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead gives Betty a fake wounded look, "You're still running the story? But what about real journalism!"

Another fry is dabbed in ketchup.

"I'll give you it's weird. Even if it were druggies going around spreading the story, it would be weird. But you have to woner just how do you get every day ordinary people to start seeing something like that, and why would you want them to?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke shrugs faintly and finishes off her sandwich. "Oh, very. I can't imagine any group trying to reveal their secret. Revealing other people's secrets, on the other hand, that's pretty common." She stretches a bit. "What have you been getting up to, Jones? I mean, really. I don't know you THAT well." She raises an eyebrow at him, thoughtfully. "Secrets are interesting."

Green Arrow has posed:
There's no fanfare to his arrival. No bodyguards. There isn't even a Limo pull-up (though if one takes the trouble to look for it, it's down at the end of the block). Oliver Queen walks through the door in a well tailored business suit. "This place is still going. Wow! It's been a while." Oliver states with a mix of wonder and excitement. The billionaire CEO hasn't been in the mainstream news outside the business section for a while... but the gossip columns have a liberal attitude towards discussing his dating life, and his steady dating of one Dinah Drake is making tongues wag since he's been keeping her around for more than a few weeks.

"I've always preferred here to big belly burger." Oliver notes as he steps up to the counter, "I'll have a chocolate shake and your best cheeseburger, please."

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper laughs at Jughead in a 'mock insulted' manner, "Okay then.. what 'real news' have you found Jug? If you have anything more important in mind that we can run I will do it! Trust me I would rather not run 'The Wolves of Riverdale' as our next headline." In fact she is really hoping that Jughead has something. She does note Ollie's entrance but doesn't make a big deal about it, she just taps on her laptop a bit more.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead holds up his hands in supplication. "I'm not saying anything. Just offering an opinion. Besides, it's high school, what are they expecting anyway?" Not that he's not one of the first to push for something better, but he's not got something else stuffed up his sleeves to offer.

His glance strays over to the newcomer. "Pop's doesn't usually get folks in here who could buy the place outright, does he?" Barring Veronica Lodge - well, her father could buy the place outright. Or Cheryl. But the Blossoms wouldn't likely stoop to adding a Choklit Shoppe to their repetoire. Besides, rumour was, and it was a quiet rumour, that they weren't doing all that well. Hard times had hit everyone of late.

"No expose on the head cheerleader? Or scandal about the football team?"

He quirks a smile at Brooke. "Me? You know me, always staying out of trouble. Just me and my fries."

And, as if to prove the point, he dips one of the now dwindling supply of fries into ketchup and gives her a half-hearted salute with it. "Best fries around. Surprised you remembered my name, though."

Yin has posed:
Brooke hmms and tilts her head ever so slightly, as if she had tasted a curious and familiar flavor. Her eyes flick briefly to the new arrival, without apparent recognition. None she displays, anyways.

She listens to the back and forth quietly. "Oh. I remember an incident or two. Peter Mullen was saying things about more than just ME, you know. Plus, I have a good memory, anyways. And yeah, they ARE good fries. Kind of a shame I usually can't stand them. All my bad habits gave me up."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Some places are worth keeping independent." Oliver states firmly as Jones speaks, over his shoulder. Then, the rest of his body turns to regard the rest of the group. Green eyes sweep to Brooke, Jones, and Betty in turn, being the most active of the people in the place, "interesting bunch." An amused Oliver gives offhandedly.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper raises a brow, "Jughead you know I don't like to gossip.. besides anything we run on Reggie or Cheryl would be old news by the time our paper prints! We have to run real stories, things that affect all of Riverdale. I guess wolves it is then.." She sighs, "Just great.. wolves. But this too shall pass I guess.." She listens to Brooke for a moment before glancing at Ollie again as he addresses her group, "I think I recognize you.. big business guy right? What brings you to Riverdale?" She is of course hoping for a story.. anything to replace wolves..

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead just grins at Betty, munching away on his fries. "I don't know. We might not be printing gossip, but nothing says we can't write stories on individuals. And the Blossoms are big news. Reggie, too. People eat that stuff up." He gobbles up a fry as if to demonstrate just how people nosh on such tidbits. "Not sure how wolves affect all of us. Or stories about wolves being sighted. I mean, if that's what you're going to use as a rubric for print. Most folks will think you're writing bunk. You gotta think of the bigger picture sometimes."

He grins at Ollie when the man speaks. "We like to think so. Pop's has been around forever." Since the kid's parents were kids, even. "Just, we still don't get a lot of folk of your sort around here. Even if the food is good." His grin remains easy for the man. "Interesting, how?"

Not to forget Brooke, that grin is flashed her way. "I try not to remember that." He says of the teasing and bullying he had during his younger years. She's right though. He'd been a victim often enough.

Yin has posed:
Brooke murmurs as an aside to Jughead, "Hey, want more fries? My treat. And I really hope you aren't having any more trouble anymore. I mean, you were always really cool."

She turns her eyes to Ollie, as expected from the shift in conversation. "Who knows, maybe he has a business lead for you." She nods to Ollie, just some random celebrity.

Jughead Jones has posed:
Jughead's grin remains an easy thing. "Nah," he tells Brooke. "I kinda have to scoot. Family business."

He makes his apology to everyone, including Ollie. Most especially to Betty. "I'll be in early tomorrow morning to help you with the paper if you want? Might have enough pocket change to spring for the coffee this time."

Green Arrow has posed:
"You've be surprised how many people think they have business leads but are just looking for handouts." As Oliver turns back to the counter, before he pulls out a bluetooth transceiver. Taking out a smartphone, he hits speeddial for Dinah, "Yeah. It's me. I'm taking a break at the pops chock-lit for a half hour or so, if you wanted to come down here and get dinner with me. I know you're busy with the shop." Oliver states into the bluetooth.

Betty Cooper has posed:
Betty Cooper looks at her laptop some more after Jughead leaves, then closes it. With a smile to Brooke and Ollie, "If either of you know anything that can help me replace "Wolves of Riverdale" as a headline, please tell me. Honestly it's been quiet in town and there's not much to write about. Jughead is right though, the wolves are just a rumor, a temporary interest. It's not real writing honestly.. but it's all I have right now.. so yeah.." She leaves her booth, laptop in hand, "My mom's going to kill me for being out this late as it is.. I'm usually here in the evening!" She waves and isn't far behind Jughead out the door.