5829/Witchy Chok'lit

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Witchy Chok'lit
Date of Scene: 21 November 2018
Location: Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, Riverdale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sabrina Spellman, Archie Andrews

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    After school usually means Pop's Chock'lit shoppe is busy with students. While it might be a retro hangout, it's still popular. Many of the students from Riverdale high can be recognized here. Including the blurred form of Reggie Mantle as he runs away from Moose. Dilton and Jughead can be seen in another part of the shoppe as well, with Jughead eating a burger, of course.

Archie Andrews has posed:
    Archie makes his way into the Shoppe with a broad grin on his handsome face, and his backpack over one shoulder. "...I know right? I totally should have gotten at -least- a B, but..." He shrugs, chatting with another student. "...I just needed to pass for my dad to let me go on that New York trip. So, ha!" He pauses as he looks about diner, considering where he should sit.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    That's when Archie gets a pat on the shoulder. 'hey Archie. You can sit with me if you want." She says gesturing to a booth. "Looking forward to the trip to New York are you?" She says setting her backpack down and sliding in next to it.

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He blinks and glances over at Sabrina. "Oh, hey, 'Brina! Sure. Thanks." He makes his way over to the booth and slides in across from her, setting his backpack down as well. "Oh, absolutely. I mean, I've been a few times, but it'll be nice to go without having to sneak out." Archie grins ruefully and glances up at the waitress. "Hey, Candi. Uuumm...large order of fries to share and a vanilla shake for me."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Chocolate for me." Sabrina says to Candi. "Is all of Riverdale heading to New York? or just the senior class?" She says as she seems to be thinking about it.

Archie Andrews has posed:
    "Oh, just the uh..." He hesitates. "...It's one of the clubs. I signed up just for the trip." He chuckles. "The club's small and the teacher is chill. I'm sure you can sign up, too. Would your family let you go? Guardians need to sign-off." He's known her for awhile, but...he isn't exactly super familiar with her familial situation.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I'm sure my aunt's would sign off easily. They're pretty laid back." Sabrina smiles a bit. "I mean.....I did ask them to move into Riverdale so I can transfer to Riverdale high after all." She then shrugs. "That's chill for you."

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He looks surprised at that. "Wow. Yeah, that's crazy. My dad is cool, but he wouldn't move to a different town for me." He chuckles and shakes his head, sitting back a bit and watching the girl across from him. "So, on that note...how're you settling in?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I'm doing okay. Seems Ms. Grundy's liking me in the class already. Mostly because of how well educated I am already." Sabrina looks over a bit. "Still working out the Betty and Veronica 'situation'?" She giggles at that.

Archie Andrews has posed:
    Archie blushes a bit at that and hides his cough. He is about to answer when the fries show up, and he sets it between them, before squirting out some ketchup to dip in. The shakes also arrive, along with the metal cups with extra. "Weeeell, yeah. I mean, kind of? I'm not really seeing anyone right now, actually. Been...single for a bit." He shrugs. "Weren't you seeing some guy from Greendale? Or...?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I was, but he was a bit of a pest. Plus, kind of boring. At least you guys have music in common. He...didn't even have that. Plus he was a bit of a jock." Sabrina then holds up a stalling hand. "Moreso than Moose, if you get my drift." She says her tahnks to Candi and she starts on her shake. "Plus, even Dilton has his charm around here."

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He looks surprised at all of that and laughs. "Wow, that's...I didn't think somebody could -be- that much of a jock. That's crazy. Well, you seem happy, if that means anything. So, maybe it was for the best." Archie dips some fries into the ketchup and downs them as he glances about the diner.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "It was. Plus my aunt's were sort of bored in Greendale." Sabrina doesn't say anything else about what happened though. Archie doesn't need to know that Sabrina, even in her youth, is in Gamma Flight, and a pretty powerful witch in her own right. However, she just tries to be a normal girl. "Will the club have Reggie with them? It's possible he won't be, I think Midge tricked him into being put into traction again."

Archie Andrews has posed:
    "No clue. Could be." He sips at his shake and considers it all. "Oh! Check this out. You know Andrea Jackson?" SHe's a world-famous pop star and open mutant. Like Taylor Swift with superpowers. "Well, last week I won a VIP pass to her show when she was passing through town. It was crazy. She was also -super- nice."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "That's good. Really nice I imagine?" Sabrina says with a small smile. "Was it a crazy good concert too?"

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He nods to that. "Good stuff, really. She had me play her guitar for her and stuff. I played this song I wrote when my buddies and I were kids and tried to start a band. Super old-school song, but...she liked it." Archie seems proud of that.

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
Sabrina Spellman smiles and nods. "You should be proud of it. As far as I remember, you were a fairly successful local band after all. Plus, I thought 'Sugar Sugar' was pretty catchy."

Archie Andrews has posed:
    "I think you're one of the only people to remember that," he replies with a lopsided grin. "So...uh." He pops another fry back. "Who're you going with to the Winter Formal? Probably have boys falling over eachother to ask you."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I just got to Riverdale, Arch. Most of the boys are still trying to figure out who I am." Sabrina chuckles a bit. "It'd be nice to have the guys falling all over me, I'd like them to ask their girlfriend before asking me out." She says sipping at her shake. "PLus, anyone I end up going with won't be interested in me."

Archie Andrews has posed:
    "Well, challenge accepted," the redhead replies with a lopsided grin. "How about this, then? You go with me, hmm?" He pops another few fries back, pushing the big plate towards her so she will have some, too."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina blinks a couple of times when Archie is so bold about it. "uhm....What about Betty and Veronica? Won't they be fighting over the chance to date you?"

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He shrugs a bit. "Honestly, Betty is kinda hanging out with Jughead a lot, lately...and Roni is never lacking a boy on her arm." His tone isn't a jealous one. He's just stating facts. Archie flashes a grin. "So, what do you say, hmm?"

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    Sabrina takes a deep breath and nods her head. "All right, Archie. I'll go with ya. Just....don't pass off the blame to me if they come after you, okay?" She then pats him on the arm. "Just don't string them along if they confront you, okay?"

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He blinks and then grins a bit. She can feel that, even though he's too clumsy to make it onto the teams, he's clearly tightly muscled, when she pats his arm. "Sounds fine to me. And hey, if it doesn't work out, like...romantically? At least we can have fun together and not be alone, right?" Archie winks at her, before sipping more milkshake. "But I've been dieing to ask you out since you transferred in."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "That's the idea Archie. We'll have fun. Doesn't have to be romantic." Sabrina doesn't want to take Archie away from Betty or Veronica, who're just crazy about him, but she does have to admit, Archie had a heart of gold. "Just don't get too serious too quick, hmm?"

Archie Andrews has posed:
    "No promises," he replies with a teasing grin. He's being playful, but he -has- had a hint of a crush on the blonde since she showed up. She was just so...mysterious? Is that the right word? He sits back a bit, comfortably full. "How's your algebra, by the way? I am -sucking- at it this year."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I've got a grasp on it." Sabrina then smirks at bit as she starts to steal fries....eating them just with salt, and sipping her shake. "I'm better at Geometry though."

Archie Andrews has posed:
    He pushes the plate of fries towards her, as if urging her to grab more. "Ah, I suck at both. I was gonna ask if you wouldn't mind helping me out, is all. Betty'd normally help, but she's been super busy lately."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "Betty usually has a full day ahead of her, but sure, I'll help as best as I can." Sabrina chuckles at Archie's plight. "Never were good at math, were ya?"

Archie Andrews has posed:
    "Deeefinatly not a numbers guy." the redhead admits. He chuckles and shrugs to himself, brushing his fingers back through his hair. "And if not, it's cool...but I wouldn't mind the help. My dad's working late if you wanted to come by a bit later and study."

Sabrina Spellman has posed:
    "I'll help ya, but you have to work on the homework and get it done first." Sabrina says before she finishes the shake. "Plus, I'm pretty sure your mom would still be there too." She says getting up and grabbing her bag. "Come on. The sooner we tackle the homework, the better." She says softly. She seems serious about helping Archie with his homework first.