6547/Curious Coffee

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Curious Coffee
Date of Scene: 17 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Robin (Wayne), Arella Despana

Batman has posed:
     Lex is turning heads because he has a new asssistant. It's not every day someone hires a Dark Elf. Bruce, wants to meet, learn, and get a few bits of information about her. Sky blue eyes watch, and wait. Unfortunately, a lot of people insist that Damian stays close to him. Less time for them to worry about. A look is given to hisson, "Best behavior. I'm trying to figure something out," he admits and they both are to look out for a dark elf.One that should stick out given their rarity.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Despite his true personality, Damian had adopted a much more...reserved demeanor in public. Not speaking too often and not nearly the hothead he was, Damian Wayne was by all means, the Wayne that most of the tabloids and gossip columnists had a terrible time trying to crack.

  It was good to be out in public along with his father, so as he was told, he was on his best behavior. Merely occupying his time with a nice chair, getting comfy it seemed. "Yes, Father." A moniker it seemed he kept both day and night for Bruce.

Arella Despana has posed:
It doesn't take long for a clear 'mark' to emerge in the form of a tall quite attractive lady who is plainly the 'Dark Elf' in question. Arella hass stuffed her pointed ears into a beanie style hat and concealed her cosplay oriented elfish appearance. There is only so much one can do however. Arella has large green eyes - a mite larger than is natural for humans and blue grey skin. These features are pointedly ignored by the lady who serves Arella. She goes with a triple shot long black. SSShe is heavily involved at a table by herself with a very modified tablet. An earth communications device that appears to have grown a tumor of Svartalfar tech. This also is ignored. Arella thrives in the lack of curiousity at this palace of learning.

Batman has posed:
     And Bruce knows thisis not the real Damian. It's a persona people wis hwas more than aperson, but there is nothing anyone could do until Damian makes that choice. A look is given ahead. Then he notices just the odd features. Standing up, Bruce offers a hand, "Hi. Bruce Wayne, and this is my son Damian," he says gesturing to Damiana. "You're the one causing all the waves right now, aren't you?" he asks with that smile staying on his face. If she takes his hand, he will try to kiss the back of it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian stands, offers his hand, and cant help but look at Arella's tablet. The students at Gotham U may not be curious, but Damian had always been a scholar. Though he doesn't say much at the moment, letting Bruce do the talking.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Talk?" the Svartalfar's accent has a Norwegien lilt to it which is perhaps not an accident. The Dark Elves were Viking myth. And as a reality they were of course much as the Asgard an advanced alien race. "I am being talked of?" She lets Bruce kiss her hand. All ion all no different to a human woman's - just a different colour. "This is perhaps not good? My being talked of?" She nods to Damian. The encounter is more confusing than threatenting to the Elf it would appear.

Batman has posed:
     "It depends on perspective. There are not many like you in the world here. IT stands out, and I tend to judge by the person inf ront of me. So, I'm happy to strike up conversation. Learn about you," he looks to her for a moment before sitting down. "Tell me about yourself. How did you get here? What did you do before that?" he asks both questions, which her intently.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The young Wayne looks between Bruce and Arella as they talk, intent on keeping up with it all. "Only if it's positive." He comments, though if Bruce Wayne was talking to you, it was mostly good.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Myself?" Arella gets her drink and sits. "I am an alien a Svartalfar. A person of bad repute an character. Really bad. Trying to reform herself." She sits and shrugs. "What did you want to know? From your perspective much of it would be bad." More attention would be paid to Bruce Wayne and Damian in the Cafe than Arella but a few eyes turn to this anaomalous person.