718/The 11:25 Train to MAYHEM

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The 11:25 Train to MAYHEM
Date of Scene: 31 May 2017
Location: Newark
Synopsis: A train robbery (stolen train!) is thwarted by the Justice League! (Guest starring Snapper Carr)
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Black Canary, StarDrake, Silver Sable

Green Arrow has posed:
The rails this time of night SHOULD be quiet. The next train's not due for another thirty minutes.

And yet...a cargo train SCREAMS down the tracks through Newark's "Ironbound" industrial district. Its speed is at a dangerous level, and the cars rock as though they're bound to fly off the rails at any moment.

The train? Reported stolen, and its contents must be acquired. An executive at Queens Consolidated has even put out an open call: whoever liberates the train receives a HEFTY cash reward.

Along the cars' roofs--and, in a few cases, hanging off the sides--the "Turnbull DCs" gang hoots and hollers, wielding all manner of makeshift weapon.

Sounds of heavy metal music blast from a series of speakers strapped to the front of the engine, held in place by barb wire and chains.

"HURRY IT UP, BOYS!" a woman in what can only be called fetish gear shrieks from the conductor's seat, as a trio of soot-ridden gang members in sleeveless denim jackets throw blocks of dense chemical compounds into the train's engine hatch. "These goods ain't gonna steal themselves--and we'll make a pretty penny on the market when we've got the entire supply!"

The train blasts across intersections without regard for cross-traffic, and a number of automobiles screech and smash into one another in an effort to avoid the locomotive.

Meanwhile, unseen at the tail end of the caboose, a lone man in an archer's costume--the Green Arrow--hangs on for dear life to a chain from the car's back wall, feet flailing behind him. He slowly begins to pull himself along the chain's length toward the roof of the rear car. Unfortunately for him, there's a guard standing watch there, even though he can't yet see the emerald stowaway.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance has a police scanner and picked up on the stolen train. She sighs, dons her fishnets, revs the Harley, and takes off like a bat out of hell. She flies along the back roads, travling three times as fast as is safe, but other than screaming and puncihing, driving is her speciality. It's taking her a while to intercept the train but she's pretty sure she's making ground on it - and soon enough she finds the tracks, stopping to listen, then drivs along the tracks. She hasn't seen anyting yet, but is traveling at over 100 MPH.

StarDrake has posed:
A hot-rod Ford (vintage 1953) races along the frontage road, dodging and weaving, and the driver, a handsome young man with a clean-shaven punk look, talks into his hands-free headset.

"Yeah, I see it. Try to shunt it off to the feeder track... No, not that one. It's going too fast! It'll derail. Wait for the industrial street switch."

There's a red light and traffic ahead and the driver snaps his fingers. *SNAP* the retort echoes like a cannon and he and his car vanish, appearing a millisecond later on the other side of the intersection.

Silver Sable has posed:
Responding to the emergency contract issued on the train is Silver Sable, unfortunately for her, the train has to be stopped as safely as possible. "Wild Pack this is Pack Leader, I have the train in sight, it is moving at a high rate of speed traveling Northbound on the Bayshore line, currently passing through Ironbound. I am going to attempt a boarding. McAllister, take the members of the Pack up route and standby for instructions." the Silver clad mercenary says.

It's about this time that her small jet will decloak just above the caboose, the canopy slides back and out launches Silver Sable herself, wearing a skintight silver bodyglove, white tactical straps, a stylish silver headband, and a small jetpack strapped to her back which she uses to launch herself at the roof of the caboose. Such a dramatic entry doesn't exactly go unnoticed by a pair of gangsters near the rear of the train, and out comes a pair of combat energy blasters from Silver's hip holsters, one shot fired at each of them with deadly precision as she lands atop the roof of the caboose, the small jetpack she was wearing discarded with a slap at a quick release, going tumbling onto the tracks behind the train. The Jet? It too departs, heading up into the sky once again on some sort of autopilot, the cloaking field engaging around it once more.

Green Arrow has posed:
The train barrels past yet another intersection, causing a pickup to swerve and slam into the side of a U-Haul. The driver of an El Dorado on the other side of the tracks screams in terror.

The conductor tugs the horn, which has been rigged to blare "La Cucaracha" instead of its default tone. She throws her head back and cackles, while her minions continue feeding the engine.

Atop the train, the spread-out gang members throw bottles--Molotov cocktails and empty glass alike--out at buildings and automobiles as they fly through the area. A few objects are even thrown at the Ford, and its sudden disappearance and reappearance surprise the train-riders, who curse up a storm nearly as thick and dangerous as their projectiles.

Two hang from rope, tethered to large companions on the roof; those hanging work on a complex spray-painted mural as obscene and profane as it is technically competent.

The archer at the train's rear finally manages to pull himself to the top of the caboose. The Turnbull there spots him and slams a crowbar down towards the stowaway's head. Green Arrow is fast enough to roll out of the way--almost, but not quite, off the side of the car. Instead, he grabs his attacker's ankle and pulls him off his feet. Then, the archer chucks the man off the back of the train.

As Green Arrow stands to his feet, steadying himself atop the train, he witnesses Silver Sable's unexpected arrival.

"Great," he mutters to himself. "Either I'm in luck, or I'm f%$#ed."

Not long after the gang member tossed off the train by the archer has hit the ground and rolled to a stop, the Black Canary is certain to see him lying in the tracks, groaning and doubled-over in pain.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance catches sight of the train, noting the hurt thug laying onthe tracks. She spares no time for him, continuing to chase down the train, attempting to come alongside it. Her best bet is to wait for it to get out of Gotham than sing at it. She does hope that this will count as her second date with Green Arrow too as she revs the Harley up even more, probably audible even over La Cucaracha - it's a loud old Harley.

StarDrake has posed:
"What? They're tossing off bodies? Well then tell 911, man. No, not you Jerry. You be ready to flip that switch ... what? Go ahead Sarah. Oh. No way. OK, new plan Jerry. Do NOT flip that switch. We'll put on the brakes. Somehow."

Snapper Carr shifts down from Overdrive to fourth gear, and *SNAP* skips another clogged intersection, barely missing a VW Beetle. He downshifts again and does an S-shaped illegality -- left turn into oncoming, then right swerve to cross the tracks, just as the barrier is coming down, and then he's going along the OTHER frontage road, and down towards where the train is racing. He can get onboard, if he times it right, but he needs to park the hot-rod...

"Sarah, can you get over here and get my car?"

Parking. No time to wait... *SNAP* he disappears...

Silver Sable has posed:
A glance is cast over her shoulder toward's the Arrow, "If you're here to help, Robin Hood, try and keep up." Silver Sable says to the costumed Vigilante, one of her pistol's shoved into a holster, the other remains in hand as she starts heading forward along the roof of the caboose, the long line of cars filled with hooting and hollaring thugs and rufians between her and the engine.

Green Arrow has posed:
The Turnbull DCs begin mobilizing as the speakers on the front of their train are pushed to their limits. The conductor gets a bullhorn out the window and screams, "Take care of the g^&*$@%#d train already! We won't get paid 'til we're in the yard and offloading this stuff!"

One of the side-doors opens to a car near Black Canary's motorcycle, and three thugs stand with nail-pierced baseball bats and cattleprods. "Hey there, sugar," one leers. Then, a second kicks a small crate at the woman.

The graffiti sprayers continue their work, although the large Turnbulls to which they're tethered begin moving, albeit slowly, toward Silver Sable's location. "Hey! We're makin' art here!" one of the taggers protests.

A dozen others do the same, but more rapidly. Half of them break into a run, charging at the mercenary.

Behind Silver Sable, Green Arrow raises an eyebrow. "Only I get to make Robin Hood jokes, sister," he replies loudly, and then he drops to a knee. Pulling a bow from over his shoulder, he quickly nocks and draws two arrows, loosing them past Silver Sable to hit two of the Turnbulls just above their knees.

The two men stumble, fall, and roll over either side of the train onto the ground below.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance smirks as she inhales, and SKRREEEEEEEEEES! The crate is blown back into the thugs, splintered, bombarding them with the contents of the crate. She zooms ahead of the train, cuts her engine, and springs into the open compartment of the train, knowing she'll fetch her Harley later as it falls over. It's made to take a beating as she knocks the heads of the two together. She knows that her Canary Cry will be noticable by the others - but Green Arrow is the only one who would know the true meaning of that bird's song.

StarDrake has posed:
*SNAP* The young man in the James Dean Wannabe outfit appears in the engine of the train, and there's a woman straight out of Roller Derby Wrestling in his face.

"Oh. Hello darlin'," he says, and *SNAP* she's now in the caboose. And there are thugs. THUGS. One of them punches him in the jaw.

Snapper reels, catching himself on the grab-bar by the door.

"Huh? Not now, Sarah! I'm in a fight!"

The scene cuts to BIFF, POW, SMASH, KNEE! and other visual sound effects.

Silver Sable has posed:
"Should I call you Friar Tuck then?" Silver Sable asks in response to the claim on Robin Hood jokes, the commentary is short lived however as the gangsters start rushing.

The gun Silver carries is not used against the onrushing Turnbulls, instead she rushes into them, pulling a collapsable baton from her belt as she takes an action slide between the mass, swatting at knees and ankles as she passes aiming to cripple rather then kill, and rising with a whole array of martial arts moves in the center of the goon squad.

Green Arrow has posed:
A police blockade seems to have been formed up ahead, complete with Jersey barriers stacked three deep.

Off to either side of the tracks, behind the cover of cruisers, crouch a dozen police officers armed with pistols and shotguns.

"STOP THE TRAIN! STOP THE TRAIN NOW!" someone in charge shouts through their own loudspeaker system.

Unfortunately, the sound is drowned out by the heavy metal continuing to blast from the train's front-mounted speakers.

The result? The train SMASHES into the barriers and flies into the air.

And, for a split-second, everything seems to occur in slow-motion...

The engine and some of assorted cargo cars rock back and forth, careening over the rubble that had been the Jersey barriers.

Other cars jackknife sharply. Still others veer off the side of the tracks, rolling over and over into nearby objects and buildings.

Half the Turnbulls fly into the air. The hanging artists are suddenly out in the air, staring their tethers right in the eye.

In the engine room, one of the thugs is slammed hard against the train's controls. It speeds up further, if that were even possible. Another is momentarily standing on the ceiling.

Much of the cargo in the car where Black Canary stands spills out the open side door. Other boxes hang about the space like it's the eye of a tornado.

Above, the Green Arrow only has a moment to register the Canary's cry when everything goes haywire. He pulls an arrow attached to a line and fires it off toward the very front of the train. "Hang...on!" he shouts, reaching out a hand to Silver Sable.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance can't hear the loudspeaker - she's halfway up the train. She is progerssing towards the front of the car she's in - then yelps as suddenly the train does a barrel roll. She manages to cling to the door, but gets flung around and battered by the rolling train. She groans as the thing comes to a stop, half-buried in boxes. She growls as she rises up, not sure what happened. She coughs as she opens the door inthe front of the car to see what happened.

StarDrake has posed:
*SNAP!* *SNAP!* *SNAP!* oh hell it's too big *SNAP!* *SNAP!*

Mother Carr used to tell young Snapper, "Lucas! Keep your head. Be aware of everything around you. If you're going to be a daredevil like your father, then pay attention!"

So, as he's hanging in the air, he's snapping people around from their place of peril to safety (in the arms of the police), and stopping what bits of disaster he can with random cargo and maybe a light box car... but not the engine. It's too big. WAY too big. And then he realizes he's failed to account for himself, as he lands and has to roll across the ground.


Silver Sable has posed:
"Blast!" Silver Sable exclaims as she sees out of her periphery the hint of the barricade up ahead, followed by the arrow wizzing past her and the shout from the Green Arrow for her to hang on. She pushes herself off from the train as it starts to lurch and tumble, and she contorts herself into a supple backflip that propels her in the direction of Green Arrow, an arm extending to clasp onto his, no doubt, to be tugged off of the train cars and to whatever safety the previously shot arrow will yank them.

Green Arrow has posed:
The train engine digs a trench through the earth in an oblique angle away from the tracks, spitting up a mix of dirt, asphalt, and concrete before it finally comes to a halt. The speakers, somehow, keep those tunes a-rockin'.

Green Arrow and Silver Sable find themselves engaging in something not unlike water-skiing, as they're pulled forward by a small device in the archer's hand that's attached to his line. The pair skid and bounce along the cars' roofs before, as the engine veers off the tracks, they soar into the air and head in a vector toward the ground near the rails.

The cars behind the engine have spilled much of their contents, and the Turnbulls are mostly incapacitated (on a spectrum of pain from 'bad' to 'absolutely terrible').

The gang's conductor groggily pushes herself to her feet and finds herself face-to-face with the Black Canary. The fetish-gear-wearing woman sneers and grabs a whip at her side, lashing it at the vigilante. "You RUINED my RIDE!" the woman hisses.

Meanwhile, as everything settles, the police begin to approach, cautiously and en masse.

Green Arrow, rolling in a haggard somersault as he touches down on land, grunts and hugs his side. "Don't...let them...set anything on fire. Prototype drones...batteries are explosive...if not treated...delicately..."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Lance growls as she's all beat up. She rises, stares down the conductor - and proceeds to beat her savagely, ending up using her own whip to tie her up. She only got one or two lashes on her arms for the trouble - no Canary Crythis time. Just brute force. She smiles as she drags her prisoner out by the leash and emits a sonic signal - a beacon sound for the authoriteis to find her.

StarDrake has posed:
The ground is moving. Snapper is certain that it's moving. In waves, kinda like the ocean when you're riding a surfboard. (It's really not moving.) Also, he feels a bit like he's been bro-hugged by Bizarro. Or Aquaman. Neither of them knows their own strength. Oh yeah. The train seems to be all derailed.

"Hey, Jerry? You should let the traffic guys know this line is out of service. Yeah. Derailed train. You can take it from there? Cool. Thanks for helping, man... (ow) Who else is still on the chat? Sarah? Is my car OK? Oh good. No, don't bring it here. Take it to the B Street hospital parking lot. I'll get it from there."

A police officer walks up and looks down at him.

"Oh. Hello, Officer. Could I trouble you to arrange for a ride to the B Street hospital? I think I need some bandages. Maybe a cast. No, somehow I'm not bleeding. But I don't know if I should move before they check me for neck injuries."

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver Sable seems remarkably comfortable with the wild ride across the train cars, then up off into the air, then down to the ground. She seperates from the Green Arrow, tucking and rolling herself to ease the impact and moving up to a crouch. "Wolf Pack, Wolf Leader, the train is derailed my location, local PD is on scene." She says through whatever radio piece she is wearing. She gives the Arrow a nod of her head, remaining in that kneel.. that was quite the impact afterall, and her suit can only take so much punishment. "Yeah, I got the memo." She says in response to the train's contents.