747/Another night, another nightmare, another day

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Another night, another nightmare, another day
Date of Scene: 01 June 2017
Location: Harry's Apartment
Synopsis: Another talk about 'us' from Karrin and Harry
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
A slow sigh escapes her lips, trying to summon up some snark, something to just put things back to normal, but she's not quite there yet. So she just takes another, deeper drink of her ale. Then, slowly, she just sinks to the side. Not exactly into his arms, but to the point that her shoulder is leaning against his. THere is physical contact, and that alone helps a lot. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just... woke up a little rough." She admits softly. It must have been bad for her to say it.

Her free hand comes down to bury itself in Mouse's fur, even as the pup stretches out on Dresden's lap. Dogs help everything. "Take all the time you need. We're awake now...eveyrthing's fine. It was just a fucking dream. No... no rush."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Wether it is a subconscious act or something he now just feels comfortable doing, Harry's arm raises and he slips it over Karrin's shoulders to pull her in closer when she leans up against him. "You and me both." he says quietly. "Not the best way I have ever woken up. Not even in the top 100."

He falls quiet, using the silence to open up his ale, flicking the top off with his thumb. He lifts the bottle to his lips and take a long pull from it. "I'm sorry."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
While she hadn't consciously planned for Harry to do that when she nudged in closer on the couch, there was a whole lot of her that wanted it and she didn't even realize until she felt his arm wrapping across the back of her shoulders. She lets out a slow, calmer breath, some inches of tension dropping from her shoulders as she tucks in against his lanky frame a bit tighter. Karrin has never been a needy or clingy person but, this morning, she'll take it.

She takes another deep drink of her ale, half smirking at his apology, "You have no reason to be sorry. You didn't put that shit in our heads, and those charms were working perfectly fine until then. I'm willing to be whoever is doing this... they tried to figure a way around. Or put energy behind it, or something to break through. Because that was vicious and personal. That is someone who knows you." Knows *them*.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Not just for the dreams, though I /am/ sorry about those. No, I'm sorry about the fighting. Maybe it has been the heated emotions between us that broke down the barrier."

He rolls one of his shoulders in a shrug and takes another long pull from his beer. "You're right about one thing though, whoever or whatever is doing this had made it personal. I'll have to bite the bullet and go see Lea, see if it is her or not...and if it is tell her to back the fuck off."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
As she realizes his apology isn't about the dreams, it's about so much more and it's far more personal, Karrin just sighs. She drains another gilp of her beer and then sets the bottle down so she can let her head fully sink to the side against his shoulder. She breathes in slow and deep there, barely noticing that she's laying against a half naked Harry and that's all bare skin. It's his scent which is more reassuring than anything. "No...I... I'm sorry too, Harry. Shit. I... don't know if I know how to love someone and not pick a fight. It's... just habit at this point. Awful, shitty habits." Karrin admits, not too proud to admit her failings, this being one of the worst among them.

"But... I don't want to fight with you. Part of the reason I keep...fighting this. Self defeating and crazy sounding, I know." She rasps those words out quietly against his shoulder and collarbone. At least she's more calm now. Exhaustion will do that to a person.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"You know what?" Harry says, brushing his fingertips against her shoulder in a light caress as he speaks, "I know how this is going to sound, but I'd rather spend my time fighting with you and having you in my life than the alternative. Yes, that is corny and cheesy, but it's the truth. So...whatever this is. Whatever it becomes, or doesn't become...I'm not going anywhere. We all got baggage, Hell's bells I have my fair share. Your bad habits are what makes you, you...and I wouldn't change them."

He turns and leans down to brush his lips gently on the top of her head, "We will get through this."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Blue eyes press shut even tighter than before, against a sting of tears she really didn't expect to cry this morning. "...damn... stubborn man..." Karrin rasps out, but there is no actual anger behind her voice at all. It sounds more so grateful, loving, and a touch overwhelmed. She turns her head into that kiss, savouring the touch and taking a moment to breathe in his scent deeper. "...We will get through it. We always do. Maybe... we can start by trying to sleep again? I won't even make you take the couch. At least if things go to shit in dreams, we aren't waking up alone..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry lets out a little chuckle after pulling his lips back from the kiss, "I've been called worse and I'm sure Ebenezer would agree with you. Come on, lets see if we can't at least get you some sleep. Knowing you, you will be going to work so you need the rest."

He shifts ever so slightly, leaning forward as he turns his torso towards Karrin, slipping his free arm under her legs and standing to lift her up in a carry.

He makes his way towards the bedroom with her in his arms, a soft, contented, smile on his lips. "Of course we will get through it, it's what we do. I'd like to see Batman take down a Lupe Garou like we did. I mean, he wouldn't even know the first thing about trying to lift a curse from..."

And that is when his towel falls off.

Harry clears his throat, his skin becoming a bit flush, "Um..Murph...Close your eyes. Whatever you do, don't look down."