7488/A Very Brief VIP Tour
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A Very Brief VIP Tour | |
Date of Scene: | 14 May 2019 |
Location: | Unknown |
Synopsis: | Helmut Zemo gives Secretary Ross a brief tour of the Thunderbolts' base, and a progress update. |
Cast of Characters: | Baron Zemo, Thaddeus Ross
- Baron Zemo has posed:
It is a rainy, dreary day at this abandoned military camp, but despite the mud, wind, and steady rain, there is more activity to be had here than this old base has seen in many years. Construction and renovation contractors galore are milling about, and heavy equipment trundles to and fro to be put to work moving earth or digging trenches for underground wiring or various other tasks. A few of the buildings even look new, or at least newly refurbished. It's all a rather chaotic scene, but one figure seems to be the eye of the storm. He's wearing military fatigues, though the cut and design isn't specific to any branch of the US Military. He bears no nametape or rank insignia or anything else of the sort. And yet everyone seems to recognize him, and more importantly everyone seems to listen very carefully to what he says, or comes to him with problems that need suggestions for solving, or approval for already-devised solutions to move forward.
- Baron Zemo has posed:
Helmut Zemo doesn't bother with an umbrella, though he does have a fatigue cap on his head, at least. He's more than half-soaked but doesn't seem to let it faze him. Presently he's walking alongside one of the foremen, studying a clipboard with intent dark eyes. After a moment he speaks:
"Shift the wiring and cabling team from the Situation Room to the Laboratories. Better to have one area fully operational than two only partially complete." He hands the clipboard back to the foreman, who speaks an affirmative and heads off to start making the required changes. And with that, Zemo pauses near the center of all the activity, hands-on-hips, simply watching all that's going on around him.
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
Ross is on site in a raincoat and umbrella, the latter being carried by an aide. While the retired general is not in uniform though he appears at home here. He asks a quiet question to a junior officer and follows the direction given, approaching quickly, the aide needing some effort to keep up. As Ross approaches he calls out, "Where are we at with this?"
- Baron Zemo has posed:
"Mr. Secretary." Zemo greets Ross as he approaches, not immediately turning to face him, but the pauses is but a moment, and he gives the man a respectful nod, "We are behind schedule, largely due to a lack of properly cleared and vetted contractors in this area. A few outfits have driven in from the Capitol region, but not quite enough to make up the difference." Zemo gestures, "Progress is being made, however. And we should be functional at a basic level just a week or two later than originally anticipated. The primary headquarters facility should be fully operational roughly three weeks afterwards, assuming no further delaying factors. The airstrip, such as it is, should be finished with it's renovation at roughly the same time. Living facilities...will be longer. Several of the buildings are in need of considerable remediation due to mold, even before the remainder of the renovations begin, and that requires a different sort of contractor. I suspect it will not be an overly comfortable stay for our recruits for the first few months."
Zemo does smile then, faintly, "But at least someone replaced the lead pipes before the camp was shut down, that saved us one headache."
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
Ross snorts at the lead pipes comment and crosses his arms and thinks for a few moments, "I see, damned lowest bidders. We get what we pay for." He looks at the various structures, "I'll get on the horn with some people and see if we can get this moving quickly. There's always a budget line we can pull from." He gestures towards a few of the buildings, "I'll do what I can to get this up and running. If you need any big favors for this project, say so now so we can do this right the first time."
- Baron Zemo has posed:
"That would be appreciated." Zemo replies in regards to the additional budget, gesturing towards what looks like an old ammunition bunker, a silent invitation to start moving in that direction. "Your office, however, is complete. It seemed...proper that there be a degree of priority applied, and in truth it required little beyond a proper cleaning, a bit of paint, relatively little wiring, and some new furniture." Two uniformed and armed guards at the entrance to the bunker snap to attention as the pair passes inside, Zemo rendering a proper American salute as they pass, heading down a short hallway to an elevator. At least it's warm and dry in here.
At the prospect of favors, Zemo considers, then adds, "If you can put a rush on supplies and equipment to the laboratories, I think it might help keep Dr. Covington, at least, from getting too bored. And any technology and weapons you can beg, borrow, or scrounge from SHIELD's vaults that they no longer have any real need for, particularly if it came from their enemies. I suspect we will be dealing with many of the same foes, and it would be good to know what to expect...and be able to train against it." Zemo half-smirks again, "At least once the training facilities are complete." A brief pause, "But in other good news, the high-speed transit system to the aircraft hangar is complete. We can test it if you would like, but it is performing as intended, even if I had to tweak the magnetic accelerators a bit myself."
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
Ross listens and nods, "I'll see if we can get engineers out here to get this moving, same for logistics." He grumbles a bit, "State might not have the toys, but defense does. We'll get that lab up and running in no time. I'll put my boot up their ass if it isn't." He looks towards where the lab will be, "Good on the transport, we'll need it more than anything."
- Baron Zemo has posed:
"Well, I'm sure you still have a great many friends at the Department of Defense, which hopefully makes them agreeable to working with us." Zemo replies, gesturing towards a heavy, polished wooden door with the "Secretary Ross" nameplate affixed to the wall beside it. Inside is a three-room suite. The first room being a waiting area with a desk for an assistant or aide to screen the Secretary's visitors and calls. The second is the office proper, a stately affair of polished darkwoods with plenty of shelf space, as well as a secure safe and filing cabinet, and just enough room beyond the pair of comfy chairs in front of his desk to set up a cot if Ross goes into super-workaholic mode. The third is a small private bathroom. All told, it's smaller than his office at the Department of State by quite a bit, but it's not to far off what some Generals might be used to.
"Not the grandest affair, but hopefully it will suit whatever needs you might have while you visit with us." Zemo notes. "Mine is across the hall."
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
"I have friends that can help us," Ross says and turns to his aide, "Get me a meeting with SecDef and DOT as soon as possible." He looks around the room, "This will certainly work. Once we get the rest of the place up and running we need to show it off to the brass, show them what they're money is getting them." He nods to Zemo, "You've done well so far."
- Baron Zemo has posed:
"Thank you, Mr. Secretary. I confess I'm eager to get started, and to see what our strange little collection of talent will be able to accomplish." Helmut grins just a touch, "Though I admit the costume will take some getting used to. Capes aren't exactly standard issue these days." He shrugs, "But I will make due, at least it has some useful features beyond making me look dashing." A brief shake of his head and he adds, "I suppose the public relations professionals know what they're doing."
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
"For what we pay them, they damn well better be effective, they have me in this damn three-piece suit," Ross remarks and says, "On other supplies how are we doing? Once we get the airstrip up and running I'll see about getting the bird out here, currently vetting a ground crew for it."
- Baron Zemo has posed:
"Admittedly, it may not send the best message to have a nation's chief diplomat wearing a military uniform." Zemo notes with a briefly amused look. "General supplies are quickly reaching operational levels. We have the mess areas ready to start stockpiling, and deliveries will begin early next week. The above-ground armory is fully equipped for the guard force, and they have all their protective gear and communications equipment." Zemo gives a slight shrug, "In short, I think beyond the laboratory equipment and extraordinary technology, our supply situation is satisfactory. I will certainly let you know if that changes."
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
"Indeed, civilian control, being peacible, just was not happy to turn in my stars for this suit," Ross grumbles, "But let me know if anything is needed as it is needed, we don't need to waste time and do not hide problems from me, if something needs fixed, let me know. I'll be more angry if it gets covered up and it is an issue later than dealing with it right away."
- Baron Zemo has posed:
"The uniform never really leaves us. Though I think I do have more fondness for a nice suit than you might." Zemo gives the retired-general a sharp salute, "Understood. I would imagine you don't have time to spare, so I won't keep you." He steps aside to clear the way for Ross to depart. "Of course, you're always welcome. I think it helps motivate the work crews."
- Thaddeus Ross has posed:
"It never does, and the fight is always there, it just changes," Ross nods, "Very well, I need to get back to DC to keep things moving over there." He grumbles "Back to trading favors and scaring people into line, but we will get this done soon."