761/Bugs over Supermen

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Bugs over Supermen
Date of Scene: 03 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Kal goes to apologize for slipping in up his worry. Or why everyone is afraid to make Tikki mad.
Cast of Characters: Superman, 87, 143

Superman has posed:
Those few hours that past were quiet, mostly. Superman spotted Kara fly off to tend to something, and with Lois' ICU room still unsettling him, the kryptonian makes his way four doors over. Visiting hours don't apply to Superman. Adrien would be pissed.

Carefully closing the door behind him, Superman steps toward Marinette's bedside on quiet feet while his eyes scan about for the bug and the cat.

Superman has posed:
"Tikki?" Superman calls out very softly, eyes spying the two creatures in the girl's purse. He steps forward again, misreading how the cat's head lifts from the bug's shoulder. Kal misreads the cat uncurling. Kal does not misread how the cat's tail is suddenly fluffed out, hackles raises, and looking very much like a panther, Plagg seems ready to pounce... through the fabric of the bag... even if he's not exactly pointed to him Kal if he did... somehow... get through the fabric.

Oh no. What did Kara say?

Superman has posed:
"What did she.." And then it occurs to him. Tikki asked that she remain a secret. "Oh my God." Superman drifts back a step.

"I'm so sorry. I was too... Right. I'll talk to my cousin, get her to back down. But, I'm staying in the hospital as much as I can... I ..know one of the victims."

Superman has posed:
Superman can only nod once, remorse heavy in his gaze, weighing his shoulders down.

"Say my good- Slow down, please, Tikki. This world is full of heroes. Surely there's someone else that can... Why hope he's not freed? I thought that was the point? But not unless she's awake to to purify the akuma that's infecting him." Superman looks like he could kick himself. He mutters something to himself, which while being in kryptonian and not well known on this planet, still carries the unmistaken tone of someone cussing themselves out.

"I refuse to give up. You shouldn't either. I'm sorry for breaking your trust, but I'm not saying goodbye."

Superman has posed:
"That sounds.... diasterous," Kal says, having to search for the right word. Catastrophic felt inappropriate some how. He is clearly trying to think things through, blue eyes going to the girl on the bed. So young, so fragile. He eyes the still healing wound and the damage caused by the life-saving techniques that were used.

"Embolism," he murmurs softly.

Superman has posed:
"She had an embolism. Blockage. There's scarring on the inside of one of her artieries," Superman is saying as his gaze is flitting over Marinette's prone form.

"It's not near the location of the scar tissue, so the chest compressions likely dislodged it. It could have broken down or it could just be travelling about or stuck someplace else..." he replies, voice sounding a bit distance. "Maybe... that's why she's not waking up?"

Superman has posed:
"Yes. I didn't just hear your voices when I came in the first time. The topic caught my attention. Seeing you both drew me here. If you want to hide from kryptonians, have your Chosen line her purse with a thin layer of lead. We can't see through it; the molecule is too dense. I can bring you some, if you like," Superman says, offering a way to put his powers in check to the little godling. It is definitely a trust-peace offering and apology both.

"I'm trying to," Superman says, tone slightly distracted. He is looking carefully, taking his time, and clearly meaning to leave no vein unchecked. He starts at her head, because the brain very important. He stands, not too far from Marinette's bedside.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
There is a tear in the fabric of reality- subtle by most standards, instead of the raging, screaming portals caused by banal science and power-hungry sorcery. Like a tear in silk. Out of this circular tear in reality, one can see a rather untidy apartment... untidy, but not dirty. What's more shocking, perhaps, is the Cheshire cat who steps through. He's not wearing his usual superhero threads- just a t-shirt and some shorts. Under his right arm, he carries a small case full of artisanal camembert, and under his right arm, several bags of home-made cookies, courtesy of Mrs. Hunter.

"Tikki," he calls out as he touches down, "Plagg, I've brought you so-"

Pause, wide eyed.

He stares.

".... perman ...."

Now this is awkward.

Superman has posed:
So focused on his task doesn't glance up immediately upon Vorpal's arrival. But he blinks and looks up at the feline. There's a soft smile, worried and small.

"Hello," he says before stepping fully to Marinette's bedside so he can focus better.

"The blockage must've broken up and been reabsorbed. I can't find anything physical in her system that would have caused it. But there's... something odd," he adds, face frowning, looking older for all his worry, and he tilts his head to get a different perspective on things.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Superman." Vorpal repeats himself, and hastily dismisses the portal behind him. He clumsily settles the two packages down on the chair and strives to stay off Superman's path as much as he can. It's the fricking Man of Steel in here, for crying out loud. He's terribly concerned for his friend's health. But there's also a Superman in the room. He's getting conflicting signals.

"S-ir it's a pleasure... I'm Vorpal Hunte-Tommy Vorpal..." breathe. "Vorpal."

He walks to Marinette's side, frowning, "Something odd? W-what kind of 'odd'?"

Superman has posed:
"Likewise, Vorpal. You don't mind if I just call you Vorpal, do you? Vorpal Hunt Tommy Vorpal sounds like a mouthful, even for me," Superman says with a warm smile for the feline. He knows fan worship when he hears it, and really while there's cause there isn't Reason. Clark's just a farmer's son from Kansas... who is also a bullet-proof alien from another planet, but DETAILS!

"Yes. Something just on the edge of the spectrums I can see," Superman replies, leaning down as if that would give him a closer look at the spot on Marinette's forehead that has his full attention. As for talk of Adrien, not going to comment. Respecting Tikki's wishes about secrets and such.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Tikki... it's not the same thing. He's, like, the second greatest hero on earth!"

Because, let's face it, Wonder Woman is number one in Vorpal's list. His eyes go wide. He realizes he should NOT have said that.

QUICK, back to the topic. "D-d-d-d-o you have a hint of what it could be? Tikki... do you sense anyhing?"

Superman has posed:
"Well, that's nigce of you to say, Vorpal. Thank you," Superman replies, grinning faintly before he blinks and straightens up. He looks down at the bug as she sinks to the bed, and Superman reaches out to set a gentle, strong, warm hand against her, seeking to offer some comfort.

"There's something there. I just can't see it clearly. You don't want me calling in any more of my friends, and I'm going to respect that, even if I don't like it. I feel like there's something there that if it could be removed or dislodged, she'd wake up. The only good news I can offer is the chest wound is healing well, and so far I don't see any signs of infection."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal scoops Tikki up into a tiny hug, "Tikki... don't fret... we'll get her back, you'll see. Maybe... maybe I can do something with my chaos magic?" he ask. "I mean, if we had the Lucky Charm, I'm sure it'd fix her up in no time flat, but... maybe my magic might help a little? I won't try it if you think it's a bad idea..."

Superman has posed:
Superman pulls his hand away as Vorpal draws near to Tikki. His eyes are troubled. He understand Tikki's reservations but ...if no one knows, no one can help. Superman's learned that lesson the hard way. As the conversation turns to magic, however, Superman falls quiet, having nothing to add

Vorpal (87) has posed:
That was the problem with chaos. If you could predict it, it wouldn't be chaos. Vorpal sighs and shakes his head "I am so inadequately equipped for this. I should probably go and clear my mind, see if any ideas strike me." He sets Tikki down by the pillow, rubbing the back of his neck. Secretly he wishes he could find out where Hawkmoth was so he could go and beat the ever-living-crap out of him.

Superman has posed:
Superman frowns at all of this, head turning to the side. Tikki didn't want him calling anyone, and really, who could he call? Ghostbusters won't really help here.

That commericial jingle was WAY too catchy.

"Sounds like a good idea, Vorpal. I'll stay near by, in case anthing happens..." Superman offers, not sure what else to do. Magic is beyond him. Ma would say pray. Pray. That he could do.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Sat down, Tikki nods. "All of us are, Vorpal." She has no words of encouragement anymore. She's supposed to but... You can only hear and explain the same thing so many times before it drains the hope from you. "You don't have to stay," is murmured ti Superman as she forces herself up and over to the purse. "I'm sorry. I just... " She sighs and flits back into the purse to curl up next to Plagg.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Catsare stubborn. Vorpal is a sturbborn cat... not as stubborn as a mule, but that's only because he's not that much of an ass. "Well, I'm going to think of -something-." He looks at Superman, and then he realizes something. Who is Superman's pal and number one newshound stalker.

"I am sorry I couldn't save Miss Lane. I would have, but I didn't know Adrien was akumatized. Not until after he..."

He grumble and turns around. The Rabbit Hole open, showing a vertigo-inducing sight of Metropoli from above. The Cheshire cat sprints and jumps through the portal, diving down towards the city. Because sometimes what you need is a free-fall and that fear instinct kicking in to help you think.

He might be a bit of a thrill-seeker. But it's ok, as long as he remembers to create a Rabbit Hole before he splatters. And he remembers!

Most of the time.