7878/A walker, a werewolf....and a van

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A walker, a werewolf....and a van
Date of Scene: 14 June 2019
Location: Mercy's Garage - West Harlem
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Daniel Osborn

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy Thompson, mechanic, walker, and.....a few other things, is settled at her desk in the front office and looks over her paperwork. There's nothing going on so she's taking a walk to a local convenience store to grab a sandwich, but not before locking up the garage. since this is West Harlem. Mercy steps down the sidewalk and has brought a wrench with her, or two, or a toolbox. Since the guy who runs the 7/11 has a junker and Mercy said she'd work on it when she got time. Now's as good a time as ever, as Mercy's got her coveralls on and is enjoying the weather, nice, warm, a light rain but nothing too unbearable. Mercy pauses outside the 7/11 peering inside it...before she opens the door and heads on in. She's been here several times, though the bits of engine are new. The junker's outside, with the hood raised. Mercy's got a bad feeling about this really....

Daniel Osborn has posed:
There's someone else at the 7/11, getting gas, actually. Yeah, super surprising. But it's when the man turns to Mercy and waves that she might remember him from the other day, Oz, in his usual jeans and boots, though his shirt is different. It's no longer a band t-shirt, just a plain t-shirt, not really interesting in any way. He smiles when he spots her, maybe he'll get a chance to talk with her, or, um, listen to her talk? More, now that he isn't in a situation where he's third wheeling in a clothing store 10 thousand classes above his own or something.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy turns seeing movement out the corner of her eye and spots the van first. She sighs, looking to the van with a groan. "Great" Mercy says. "That thing's actually raising the property value of the lot" she adds then looks to Oz. "Hey!" she calls over. "I remember you from Bloomingdales. You're that band geek Oz, right?" she calls having stepped outside the 7/11 for a moment, shoving a wrench into a beat up Olds Cutlass, and sighing in frustration. "Go figure. Jose, it's dead. You're missing all the wheels, the mufflr, the front seats. The back, I don't want to know why it smells like a teenager's bedroom" she comments, "The windows are all busted out, the doors don't lock. I can't do anything with this" she says and retrives her wrench. "You bought that thing for $500. If I help with the engine, you can break even selling it for parts. Well you could do that now, but a working engine triples what you'd get" Mercy says and waves off the Puerto Rican owner. he's actually called Jessie, but everyone just calls him Jose because it's how he pronounces his name. Mercy walks over to the van and nods to it. "Old van huh?" Mercy asks and looks to Oz, digging in her pocket, pulling out a photo somebody took at the concert, all subtle like. "Here, would you take this?" Mercy asks. "I don't want an autograph. I just figurred you could make use of it more than I can" she offers then taps the van with a wrench."Let me guesss. 74 Ford?" Mercy asks and looks from Oz to the van, back to Oz again.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
When she asks if Oz is the band geek he nods, with a chuckle. He's surprised when she gives him a photo, but he tucks it away with a nod and a half shrug. He nods when she mentions his old van, but when she guesses the model year he looks at her and just gapes. He's not a car guy and even he knows better than that."It's um, actually a 2003," he says, with a sigh. She just made herself look dumb, in front of a couple other people who are at the gas station filling up, in addition to Oz.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head at the van and Oz. "Oh, a 2003?" she asks and looks over at Oz again. "So" Mercy says. "now you're not third wheeling it..." Mercy adds. "What's up?" she adds and looks amused then smiles. "You want me to check out your van? I can take a look if you'd like?" Mercy asks with a look to the van again, then Oz....yet again as Mercy gestures with a wrench to the junker. "Any ideas what to do with that?" she asks. "Jose wants to get it running" Mercy gripes.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"You were 29 years off on the model year. Should I trust you?" Oz asks, with a slight smirk, though it's clear he's mostly joking, she'd probably know far more than he would anyway, so he simply nods slightly, if she wants to look at it she's welcome to. When she mentions the junker he looks over to it. "How are you gonna get something running that's missing over half the engine?" It's a simple question really, but true, and even Oz knows enough to know that just isn't possible.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head and groans. "No idea" Mercy points out. "No idea what goes through his head at times, buys up an 88 Olds, wants me to fix it. Strips the parts and then expects me to do some wrench wench magic to fix it up. Yeah. No" Mercy says with a shrug. "Other than that....the car's in okay shape. It looks like a car if you don't look too close....as Mercy shakes her head. "WHile I'm here, you need anything done on your van? I could take a look now or have it brought to my garage and go over it from floor to roof" she offers.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I mean, it's still running," Oz says. "though I should probably get a service checkup done on it. Maybe catch something minor before it gets worse." He looks at the van, with a slight nod. It's served him well for the past few years, but you never know when something's gonna break on an older car like this.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods and gestures to the van with a wrench as if asking hey, want me to start work? Mercy's definitely ready to work on it, well, sort of. She's still unsure of exactly how the van's set up....as Mercy's looking curious about the van however. "See, it's a nice van. But.....better safe than sorry" Mercy adds and looks serious. "So, want me to work on it here, or at my shop?" she asks.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"How far is the shop from here?" Oz asks. "Probably better there." Of course he's thinking at the shop there'll be tools and the like, so it'd make more sense to just go there.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Five minutes walk" Mercy says, "Two three minutes drive" Mercy adds, "I'll walk and meet you there?" she asks and waits on Oz to set off. THen she starts walking, motioning for Oz to follow along...or find his own way there.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, hopping into the van. "You know you could just tell me where it is!" he calls, she could easily have rode with him after all. But if she wants to do it that way, well...whatever.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy leads them to the garage and waves Oz into the bay and looks over the garage itself. Grabbing a wrench, Mercy shakes her head and pops the hood on the van. "Alright, you're good" she calls. Pacing around the garage, Mercy's glad the Opel's finally gone out of the shop.....about time, Mercy's glad of that as she ties her hair back again, and taps the wrench on the van's side. "Ready?" Mercy asks.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Go for it," Oz says, moving out of the way so Mercy can begin work. He's hopeful this doesn't cost too much, he's not exactly the richest person in the world at the moment. "Thanks," he says. "It's been sitting doing nothing for over half a year."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy slides under the van and sets to work, there's noises of wrenches being turned, and bolts being undone. Mercy is hard at work checking things under the van though, as she slides back out. "Okay good news, and bad news" Mercy says, after several minutes poking around. "Which do you want first?" Mercy asks.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Give me the bad first," Oz says, "then the better can cheer me up."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Bad news. Is." Mercy says with a huff. "That you need a new exhaust pipe and muffler. Goood news is that everyting else is intact and good" she nods "I can put a new exhaust pipe and muffler on for $20. After that, you're good to go" Mercy grins.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I thought there'd be way more wrong," Oz says. "20 bucks? That's cheaper than any mechanic I've ever been to. Last time this broke down I had to sell a bass guitar to get it fixed."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Well if it breaks down get it towed back here" Mercy offers. "Actually" she adds then checks the engine. "Ah, here we go, your engine's good, but you need an oil filter" she says. "I'll throw that in for five bucks. Total cost? $25" Mercy says and nods. "It'll take....what....five, ten minutes to fix" Mercy says with a nod.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Can you just do a full on oil change?" Oz asks. "I'm certain it needs it. May as well just take care of it now."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Sure!" Mercy says and nods, looking impressed then sets to work on the oil change, filter and new exhaust pipe and muffler, too. All told....it'll cost Oz $25. Free oil change, as Mercy looks under the van in cas eany oil gets out. Mercy's ready with sand and things, really....as she looks pleased. "Your van" Mercy nods, "Is in better shape than most of the stuff I get on a daily basis" she sighs and looks amused.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Not necessarily surprised," Oz says. After all, a place like this is just asking for junkers to be brought in, a lot, but he doesn't say this out loud, for obvious reasons.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"That'll be $25" Mercy says slamming down the hood on Oz's van....gently. "And you're good to go. Now" Mercy grins, "So I missed the concert, how'd it go?" Mercy asks and looks hopeful, then over at the van and Oz again. "It's weird though" she shrugs. "I asked a few friends about you guys, you're well known but nobody wants to admit to seeing you guys play" she shrugs.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, pulling cash from his wallet, 25 bucks even which he hands over. "Thanks, Mercy. Concert went great, but, that's worrying..." He half shrugs but smiles. "Come and see us sometime. Most common gig is The Bronze in Sunnydale, that's in Avalon, if you ever come out that way."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Bronze. Sunnydale" Mercy shrugs, "Got it" she adds with a smile. "Alright, Bronze. Common gig. Alright, I'll see if I can drop by, that's Bloodhaven, right?" she asks and nods, as an old Audi comes in as Mercy nods to the Audi. "Okay what's going onw ith this one?" she adds.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods,climbing into his van. "Take care, Mercy. Thanks again!" Unfortunately, the Audi sorta blocked him in...

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy sighs and shakes her head. "Pull your Audi back out onto the street then come back into the other bay door" Mercy calls, "Youu know where the street is. And you're welcome, Oz" Mercy calls and begins the long process of rolling down one of the bay doors....if only to avoid confusion.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz grins and waves as he backs the van out, giving Mercy a thumbs up as he pulls away, and then he's gone.