8024/Surprise Party! (part 2)

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Surprise Party! (part 2)
Date of Scene: 24 June 2019
Location: Clint and Skye's, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: The mystery parcel has Stark tech to save Skye from not being able to use her hands - and everyone else from Skye! May is convinced to eat some questionable looking salsa courtesy of Rhodes' daughter, and finds it good. Bucky... relaxes. Who knew kids and dogs were a thing. Stay tuned for part 3!
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake, Darcy Lewis, Winter Soldier, War Machine, Melinda May

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The party prep is underway. The first burgers are being grilled, May is making potstickers, and Peggy has picked out a 40's style playlist of Postmodern Jukebox songs.

After a promotion is handed out by Skye to Nyx, Clint is handed a box delivered to the house at May's instruction. Clint's brows raise when he takes it "I appreciate it May, but my birthday was weeks ago," he says with a wink. Opening it, he peeks inside and then looks up to May and grins.

"Skye, I think you're going to want to see this," he says as he opens it up the rest of the way, setting down some fancy looking Stark branded tech on the table in front of her. "Think May got you a fix to your typing problem."

Quake has posed:
"Am I?" Skye is curious about the package. It's likely a gift - this is a birthday party, right? She's still not 100% certain she likes birthdays and gifts and the like, but in this case, curiousity wins out. What would May have had delivered here that would require signing for? Skye had thought the potstickers were the present - that's what she'd given last year. So many potstickers, as well as a bunch in their freezer to have when they got back from vacation.

They hadn't lasted near long enough...

"A fix to my typing problem? What, she get me the lastest version of Dragon?"

Skye wanders over to check.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Having refound her chill, Darcy meanders her way back in to see what's doing. She'd taken some time to call the place she found for the cake and was assured it would arrive soon and that it was just as ridiculously awesome as Darcy had been hoping for. Mind at ease, and people begining to fill the house, Darcy slides her own gifts onto the table, one on each side of the blue painter's tape that demarcates which presents belong to which guest.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck is still keeping a decent hold on his own chill. HE's found a relatively comfortable position on the couch, braced leg stuck out before him, Lili at his side. He's already dropped multiple gifts on both sides of the line, and is content to laze where he is, slouched down into the corner, watching the others.

War Machine has posed:
     There's a sudden knock at the door. A quiet shave and a haircut. The smell of more food wafting from just outside the door that fills the air with a new scent that sneaks it way up and under the way into the room proper.

     "Landshark" The voice of James Rhodes calls to the other side. A pause as out on the steps stands Rhodey dressed in a simple all black getup with his bomber jacket and usual cargo pants. Next to him a young girl bounds up and down on the spot with a small bowl of.. something. It's got Peppa Pig on the front of the container, but it just looks like maybe salsa? Is salsa supposed to be an almost glowing shade of green? It's probably supposed to be like that.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
As Skye comes over to check things out Clint opens the rest of the box leaving it partially open so Skye could easily lift it without hurting her damaged hands.

Inside is a full Stark tech holographic interface similiar to the Science Twins' holotable with a few extra bells and whistles.

The arrival of Rhodes is met with a grin, "Hey Rhodes, come on in, you and the munchkin can make yourselves at home."

Quake has posed:
Cue one gobsmacked Skye. "Hothermotherfuckingshit. May got me that for my birthday?"

Skye looks about, all eyes and excitement. "Hey, someone needs to help me put this together. Where are the Bobsey twins?"

War Machine has posed:
     "Don't say that too loud." Rhodes says giving a look towards Lila that says: 'No you can't' the moment her face lights up and she starts eyeing the nearby electronics. "Lost three microwaves to a certain someone making herself at home."

     Walking into the room he holds up the heating bag in one hand spinning it around as he pulls the contents out of the bag to reveal a 7 layer dip. The layers make a rough approximation of the SHIELD Logo though anyone who didn't work around the symbol daily might need to ask what it's supposed to be. An Eagle or a giraffe.

     Rhodes rolls out a shoulder looking about the place while the munchkin sets her offering up on the table with a bit of a hop. The salsa is... yeah it's really glowing, quite a bit more then some people might be comfortable with, that is to say at all really but still. Shove it in a dark room and you won't have a dark room for much longer.

     She sets down quiet on a chair and just fiddles with her portable tool kit for the time being taking apart her watch for the fifth time since they'd left the house to make another little tweak to the design. Before it hits the floor at mention of putting something together.

     "Keeps taking things apart to 'make improvements' and by the time she's done I need to go buy a new Microwave." He pauses. "Or Washing machine" Another pause. "Or TV"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I think they snuck off somewhere," Clint says of FitzSimmons. "They got a lab report emailed to them or something. Want me to give it a go?"

Then hearing Rhode's warning, an idea strikes.

"Hey you and the kid any good with Tony's stuff?" he asks gesturing to the new kit. "So long as she doesn't take it apart on us. I think this came direct from Tony."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The knock on the door drew Darcy's attention, but as James and his neice made their way in, she smiles as she watches Clint and Skye geet them and then offer the girl some tech to play with. LIke Bucky, Darcy keeps to the outskirts for the moment, a beer in hand, content to watch as things unfold about her.

Winter Soldier has posed:
He brought a kid. Is that wise? Buck's here. Not that he's very likely to go ape and start killing people anymore, but....Barnes furrows his brow, looking at the child, then up at Rhodes.

Then there's the faintest ghost of a smile at that. Resisting the temptation to ask if she's German.

Quake has posed:
Skye blinks, "Tony sent it to me? Wow, why would he send me a birthday gift like that?" Then again, May knew it was coming, so maybe May told him? "I don't care who helps me, just I want to see it in action!"

Mind you, the middle of a party might not be the best time and place for this, but as long as nobody else is speaking up about the matter, Skye is more than willing to play with the tech at her birthday party. Because Skye.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I think May had something to do with it," Clint says. "Well, I'll let her clear up the details when she's done cooking. Anyhow lets get that set up."

At which point Clint offers whatever help is needed. No comments made about playing with toys at her birthday.

Quake has posed:
Skye is all a flurry of directions on how to *carefully* take the bits of tech out of the package. "Ugh. Why aren't the Bobsey twins here. I wouldn't have to tell them.. No! Don't let those bits touch. There's a reason they're covered in protective paper. Augh!"

Yeah. Skye, unable to touch her tech in setup, is a very consternated and ever so difficult to deal with Skye. Then again.. there might be a reason May made arrangements for this very tech, to wit: to save everyone else from that very Skye.

War Machine has posed:
     "Hey Darcy" Rhodes pulls out a small bottle from the side of the heating bag and tosses it over her way. The lable is bright yellow boasting the title Snake Venom and a 67.5 percent ABV in big bold lettering on the side. He's got a few more in the bag. "Catch."

     "Got a few of those on my trip across the pond." He rolls his shoulders checking over what he's brought and making sure to plate it and get it looking all fancy for when people start showing up. Just because it's a party doesn't mean it can't be a party. "She's spent enough time crash coursing her way through working on it to help me put the suit back together when someone like Toxic Atom Smasher knocks it apart on me." Kicking off the cap of a beer of his own and kicking back a sip of the contents. "That's usually where the microwaves wind up going." Spoken a bit more under his breath as he gets a bit comfortable splitting his attention somewhat.

     There's a pause as he plates down the chips for the dip trying to make sure the multicolored chips line up just right to fit the image. It wasn't exactly something he was great at, but he's at least giving it a shot, if only for this one party. "You know I'm pretty sure I brought something too for your birthday, but it might just be a repeat of that christmas party where I got the matching Barbies for you and clint."

     Lila doesn't say much just kneeling down to pick back up her watch and put it away before moving her way over to the proclaimed tech. In fact she doesn't really make much of a sound at all on her way over just giving a long moments pause to look over at Bucky and that arm before looking back to the box.

     Looks like Tech skye isn't the only one who is going to be kept busy by that as Lila silently goes over to help work on the device after a moment spent to reach out and almost touch the metal arm in awe before just going right back to pull away, and work on the thing she has permission to work with.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The German Shepherd sitting by Bucky goes from grinning to watchful, but Buck's apparently not stressed enough for her to intervene. "You can touch if if you want to. It's pretty hard to break." If she's a budding engineer, saying 'unbreakable' is merely a challenge.....and the last thing he wants is for her to feel like she has to give it that old college try.

Melinda May has posed:
May has finished up prepping potstickers and frying up about three dozen of them. The very last six, still sizzling faintly, are carried over and set where Bucky can reach them easily, along with a pair of chopsticks. She says something to him quietly in Mandarin, then disappears back into the kitchen after waving hello to Rhodes.

There is no way she is going anywhere near Skye and that equipment. Not right now.

Quake has posed:
It's a slow process, but Skye manages to give clear enough directions that eventually she stops sounding like she's stuck in rush hour traffic and about to commit atrocities, and is giving much more calm directions as to how to set up the computer interface. "Now all we need are a couple of my laptops and to sync them to this gear and we're all set."

War Machine has posed:
     One thing Lila seems to be good at is following directions even when they're shouted by maniacs stuck in rush-hour traffic. Though the entire time she does occasionally take looks back over to the arm thinking about how it must work, how she could make her own. The usual things a youngin thinks about when faced with advanced retro tech.

     Rhodes on the other hand is taking his time working out how to make this idea of his actually work. He's not doing a great job, but then again he's a pilot not a chef. It's to be expected that the image in his head won't turn out right but at least he gets the Happy birthday right side up.

     He smiles at the sight and smell of fresh dumplings taking in a deep breath of that aroma, before finally uncapping the glowing green plastic container filled with salsa. The smell is rather sweet, but pungent a strange sort of almost fruity smell to it a bit more like guac then tomato salsa. It still glows in the dark though so that's cool

     Best of all it even came with a spoon that's got a built in flashlight to light up what you're stirring for some reason. And the handle spins slightly while stirring. It's got to be useful for someone somewhere. "Nice to hear a forign language that's not Najdi, gets a little boring after the first few months." Spoken with a light chuckle as he stirs away.

     "I know I'm not likely to even begin to understand the technojargon." Spoken as he nods to the strange computer thing. "But what is that supposed to do?" a light pause. "I mean my first guess is help win more rounds of Maden but I didn't think you were into that series."

Winter Soldier has posed:
May being solicitous for Lili makes Buck smile, just a bit, and murmur his thanks. He finds a paper plate, put the little dumplings down where the dog can get them.

Mostly he's watching the girl work, before he glances over at the salsa. "What is that?" he wonders.

Melinda May has posed:
May leans over the counter a bit to look at the concoction that Rhodes brought. "Is that soursop I smell?" One thing's for sure, she's not going to taste that stuff. It's GLOWING.

Returning to her having commandeered the kitchen to prepare side dishes to go with Clint's grilling, she nods to the man with the lurid salsa. "There's a reason why I'm hiding in here. Likely the only thing I would recognize on that equipment is a power button." She sets aside a container of diced onions, likely for topping burgers and hot dogs. "And even that's not a guarantee."

That IS Stark tech in there, after all.

Quake has posed:
Skye? Totally in her glory. The only thing better would be if she could be touching all the things and hooking them up. "I just need to get this talking to the home network, and we're good." Which necessitates a quick side trip to the basement -- just as well, she has a tiny wee project to finish up down there before the other guest of honour arrives at the party.

Sooper Sekrit Project for the win(tm)!

Oh, and she nabs up that sheaf of dot matrix paper. What on earth could she need that for anyway??

War Machine has posed:
     "I asked Lila to help me make some salsa." He says while finishing up setting out the 7 layer dip for later. "She came back with this, I have no idea what it is, but it tastes good and it hasn't killed me yet." Giving a bit of a smiling chuckle as he takes a chip and eats a small spoon of the stuff.

     Lila over near Sky just pouts for a moment before going over to check Winters Arm. Something about having her cooking questioned just sends her into a sketch fest with her little Spongebob Squarepants notebook, and the pencil set that Rogers had gotten her a ways back. Already she's silently scribbling out how she thinks the arm could work.

     There's a bit of an angry tinge to how fast she's scribbling away with little schematical drawings of what it might look like taken apart while she just watches how the arm moves.

     "It's a joke" Rhodes tries to say but it seems the damage is done and someone is off in sketchup land. He lets out a low sigh under his breath before just putting back down the over engineered spoon. "Surprisingly enough it is soursop, along with about a quarter of the spice cabinet, though I admit I'm still not sure how she got it to glow." A light pause as he lifts it up for a moment, little bits of basil floating around in there along with other mixed spices. "Asked for a recipe but she started writing everything down in code." He pauses a moment before saying more under his breath. "At least I hope it's code."

Winter Soldier has posed:
HE lets her work silently for a bit. And then Buck holds up his good hand, as if to indicate a pause. Then he reaches over, levers up one of the plates near the wrist, and fiddles with something there for a moment. All the plates of the arm promptly pop up, like the feathers of a bird trying to keep warm. It gives it an absolutely bizarre appearance, but it reveals the inner workings - wires, gears, little servos.

Quake has posed:
Skye, sadly, is in the basement tending to sooper sekrit project, alas. Not that she'd poke at Bucky's arm, but dude, that's impressive. Then again, she's having fun, unattended, in the basement, with the household server, setting things up. (Yes, May, she's being careful.. but she is touching all the things).

Melinda May has posed:
Ah, what the hell. If the kid made it, how can May refuse? She sets aside another bowl of chopped veggies, then plucks a chip from Rhodes' carefully sculpted arrangement (nothing shifts), and spoons up a sample of the salsa.

Hm. Flavorful. Not overly spicy, but a fascinating profile of spices. A shame that it glows.

After taking her sample, May calls to where Barnes is sitting, this time not bothering with Mandarin. "This salsa is quite good, Barnes. Would you like some?"