8090/Spare ribs in school!

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Spare ribs in school!
Date of Scene: 28 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaydin LeGraize, Cypher, Mason Steele

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    The school was originally going to serve a healthy meal of salisbury steak for lunch, but kaydin had other plans. Pooling together money from some of the more wealthy students, he manages to go all the way to chicago to order some spare ribs and coleslaw. The ribmeat is tender falling off the bone and the bbq sauce is a sweet with a slight burn to it. Kaydin then manages to serve coleslaw and ribs to the school, allowing people to choose wether they wanted to add bbq sauce or enjoy the meat with its own herbs and spices.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug happened to be in today, and he swung by the cafeteria to get lunch. "This looks a little *lush*," He says, rolling an apple across his hand. "...And it's going to be tough to fit into my meal plan." You don't get to be an IT guy with lats like that without a metabolically perfected diet. He rolls an apple across his hand, and then liberally adds black pepper to his coleslaw.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Being among those wealthier students, Mason was happy to take part in helping to finance Kaydin's plan. He didn't know Kaydin personally, but he likes good food. The teen rock star comes into the lunch room, his nose leading him. "Smells like it's here," he announces, entering with a voice that gives him a little presence. With all of the Sentinel business, Mason has avoided leaving the grounds very much unless he is required for one of his classes in the city. He hears Doug's comment. "Lush? Sorry bruh, don't think they'd be a fan if we snuck in booze here." Apparently his mind defaults to a different use of the word.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "The food is good but sometimes we can do better. Besides I got coleslaw, so it is healthy." Kaydin says as he serves the tray to Doug and he smiles at Mason and makes a large plate of food. He then hands it to Mason. "Thanks for the money man." Kaydin says with a smile to the teen and he looks to Doug and chuckles. "Yea they would get angry if I brought in booze." He says calmly.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug quirks his mouth. "You're in one of the school's poshest private schools. However it IS run by telepaths, so yeah, I wouldn't try it. At least not until everybody's out. Not that I'm suggesting you DO that, I'm just saying... hypothetically." Doug licks barbecue sauce off his thumb. "Not bad though. Sam's is better. I think his grandfather was in the phillipines after World War II and recreated Inihaw na Manok when he got back to Kentucky..."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason has a twinkle in his eye. "They can't be reading your mind all the time. Don't give something to make them suspicious, and they never know." Of course, Mason has mild resistance to telepathy, so scans that are not done with any real intention behind them don't turn much up on him.
    He takes the plate, "Thanks for pickin' it up. Kinda handy having your power, huh?" he asks. He takes the plate and finds a seat. "What made you think of goin' to Chicago, anyway?" he asks. "I mean, there's lots of good barbeque places between here and there."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "My dad's from chicago. He knew of a great barbeque place there ran by a friend of his." Kaydin says as he gets a large plate for himself and goes to look for a place to sit somewhere. He then looks to Doug. "Maybe I can give his barbeque a try then. Name's Kaydin, School's resident speedster." He says as he holds a hand out to them.

Cypher has posed:
    "Doug Ramsey." Doug says, "My mutant power is to attract bullets." He gives a firm handshake, and then takes another bite of one of the ribs. "Nice to meet you, Kaydin. I'm kind of eating and running today, but I'm always glad to meet the new faces."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason doesn't introduce himself formally, but then, anyone who is aware of popular music already knows who he is. He tends to take that for granted though in the case of people who might still not know that are at the school at this point. He also doesn't offer what his powers are. He takes a bite of his ribs, getting some on his chin as he does. "That's fair. Cool to support a family friend and all."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Nice to meetcha Doug. Mason." He says as he shakes the teen's hand back and he begins to dig into his ribs. "So how are things here at the school? I been away at home." He says calmly. "Not much going on in Seattle." He says calmly. "Mom keeps me busy when I am back home."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug studies his rib bone, turning it over in his fingers, thoughtfully. "Well, I'm starting college classes, to burn through them and get in my prerequisites before I take the LSAT. I also decided that I'm out about being a Mutant. No more hiding." He looks between the other two, and then says, "Also, you two might want to duck, because Glob Herman's about to throw this very pricey coleslaw at the kid sitting behind us, and he's going to miss." He takes two steps backward.

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Got one summer class with Julliard," Mason answers, "Doesn't count toward anything, but it was chance to learn from Valery Gergiev, he is coming in just to teach on the relation of positioning of instruments in the orchestra and how it can be manipulated." He seems to light up some. Here comes the geek out."
    "You see, traditional format of an orchestra prioritizes the violins while Woodwinds often come along the side, brass in the back, This is partly because of the perspective volumes and the way that the acoustics work in a concert hall. But Gergiev is going to talk about ways that can be manipulated to enhance the effect of certain pieces of music, create intentional dissonance and tembre for the maximum impact of a movement." Mason doesn't quite process the warning. "Throw his coleslaw?" he asks in echo.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin watches as the coleslaw flies through the air. While it was moving fast for Mason and Doug, to him it was just inching it's way towards them. He moves in a blur and tries to pull mason down to avoid being hit with it. He then looks at the kid and groans. "And people say I am immature." He says as he looks to Doug. "I am going to start college soon. Been here for a couple years and they are kicking me out. Would like to get a track scholarship but most people think being connected to the speedforce is cheating." He says sadly.

Cypher has posed:
"...And now somebody else is about throw pudding. So I think that's my call to get out of here, because I have to be someplace and I can't afford to get slimed today. ...Maybe tomorrow." Doug grins at the other two. "Pro tip? You're never really 'kicked out', it's more a question of what you want to do with your life." He sticks his hands into his pockets, janks his head back to avoid a flying glob of pudding, and then turns around to walk out, as things heat up.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason finds himself shoved down as the coleslaw flies over head, one small pece landing on the table before him before th rest of the cup splatters across the lunch room. "Oh man," Food fight time," he laughs. "Haven't had one of these since like... I was ten." He grins and looks behind, searching for the pudding slinger that was warned of by Doug.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin smirks at mason and gets some coleslaw and hurls it at the kid who hurled coleslaw at them. He then looks to mason. "Sometimes the true classics never go out of style." He says as he offers him a glob of pudding to throw.

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Says the guy that can't be hit by any of it," Mason teases. He glances down at the pudding, and a smirk comes across his face. He looks at the ribs. "I got ribs bruh," he reminds. "Can't be losin' those!" He takes a bite again, standing up and backing up to watch while holding the morsel in his hand.