828/Have It Your Way

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Have It Your Way
Date of Scene: 07 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, 82

Green Arrow has posed:
Evening in Jackson Heights--just late enough for traffic to begin subsiding from the rush hour but still early enough for numerous individuals to be out for a fast food meal.

At one of the McDowell's restaurants, there's a nearly packed house of high rollers, thanks to the delayed reception supposed to be taking place at a store opening in the mall next door.

'Big Mick' sandwiches are getting bought nearly as fast as they're being made--and with as much care as minimum wage can motivate.

"This tastes a lot like a Big Mac," one patron says.

"No way. These buns have no seeds!" another replies.

Even as meals are provided, a man in a long, shabby coat walks in and raises a shotgun in his hands, cocking it loudly. "Alright!" he shouts. "Everybody freeze! I want all the money in this place!"

Melter (82) has posed:
Chris is almost to the Promised Land, the end of the line, the place where he will order and then receive that most precious of foods - the Big Mick, extra Mick-fries, a Mick-shake and a Coke. The wait has been torturous, and the young mutant has tried to be as patient as he can... but there are limits.

By the time he's two people away from the end, his fists are clenched and his power whips about inside him, waiting to be used. The noise, the crowding, the crying, the complaining, but... it's all worth it. He's been smelling the fries for almost a half-hour now, and he's.. so.. close..

Then this hockeypuck shows up.

"How can they give you money if they freeze, dumbcluck," he mutters, hand going to his neck, ready to pull up his bandana into a makeshift mask. First, though, he looks back over his shoulder at the gunman, eyes narrowed, jaw clenched. And stomach growling.

Green Arrow has posed:
As the restaurant's patrons perform a mix of freezing in place, dropping to the floor, and trying to run for the door, the robber fires his shotgun, blowing an enormous chunk of plaster from the ceiling.

"Everybody shut the f%#& up! Get your money out and then freeze, alright?!" he screams, throwing a small duffle bag at the cashier. "And you--you fill that up!"

Also in the restaurant is one Oliver Queen, on hand as a partial financier for the newly opened store next door. He squats, his jaw tensed.

In his hand, he holds a spork that he very slowly and quietly attempts to break in an effort to form a makeshift throwing knife.

The gunman looks around, his eyes wild. "Come on, now!"

Melter (82) has posed:
Chris shakes his head and raises the bandana, then... he steps out of line to get a better look at the gunman; one boy, kinda skinny, certainly no threat. He's hungry and angry - hangry - never a good combo, and he lets loose his power like a whip at the gunman trying hard, hard to aim for the gun. Just.. the... gun... .

The bag is suddenly in the way, though, and as it arcs towards the cashier it explodes into steaming beige goop that then proceeds to sail on as physics dictates, splattering the front counter, the cashier, part of Chris, and at least a couple other customers.

"Frag it," Chris growls through clenched teeth.

Green Arrow has posed:
The fried bag parts cause those in the 'splash zone' to cry out in surprise and discomfort, slapping away the gloopy splatter that hits their faces, hands, and clothes.

"Awww, sh&%#!" the robber shouts, turning to point his shotgun at the teen. "I /know/ you didn't just try to screw me over, boy!"

Just as the man begins to pull the trigger, a plastic 'knife' whistles through the air and strikes the man in the back of his hand. The tendons of his index finger pull the digit straight, and the man grunts in pain as he tries, unsuccessfully, to bend his finger and fire the gun.

The gunman swings his body about, trying to identify this other new threat. "Who the f^&@ did that?" he asks, pulling the plastic dart from his hand with the other. It clatters lightly on the ground.

Queen, meanwhile, remains squatting and hiding amid the other scared patrons, working on another projectile in secret.

Melter (82) has posed:
Chris smiles tightly, then feels that freezing sensation in his stomach as the gun levels towards him and he lashes out, but... freezes! Then the dart hits, and the gunman looks away, and suddenly Chris can feel his heart beat again. And he cleches his fists and slaps the gunman with his power again, the shotgun suddenly slumping across the man's hands and running down the front of his body -A shotgun and it's ammo mass considerable more than an empty canvas bag, so the resultant colorless slurry is almost boiling as it splatters over the man and the ground.

Chris swallows, hard, feeling his power boiling inside him, wanting to be used, but.. this time, this time he hasn't taken anyones fingers or limbs that he can tell.

"Not so tough without your toy, huh?" he snaps. Oh snap. Suddenly he's one of the few people standing. Out in public. Like... ut oh.

Green Arrow has posed:
The robber's thrown backwards with the sudden, unexpected force of the shotgun-slag striking his torso. Set off balance, the man drops onto his back.

Then, a moment later, the pain registers, and he howls in agony, his hands and chest slathered in melted steel.

"Oh, God!" he screams. "Help me! Help me! I'm--I'm--I'm dying! I'm dying..." he repeats, his voice ragged and breathless.

Most of the patrons pour out of the restaurant doors, while employees call 911 and hit every silent alarm within arm's reach.

Oliver Queen puts his hands up and clears his throat. "Hey! Is that man going to die? Can you undo ... whatever you did?"

Melter (82) has posed:
For a second, it doesn't really resgister with Chris. Honestly, he was expecting to turn back into the line and get his food. But the running and the screaming might have put a fork in that.

At Ollie's question, he looks around, almost turns in a circle, then points at himself.

"Me? Um I didn't do squat, dude. I mean, you'd need to be some kinda freak to do that. He musta had some um bad ammo or something..."

Yeah, that sounds hella-lame to even him, and he backs up, hits the counter, and then does a little hop-jump to sit and then slide over behind the counter.

"Um, gonna go get some 5-0, yo," he says, and then he sprints through the back food prep area, only stopping to snatch up a couple of bags of food already sitting there and now certainly not going to be given to their intended recipients. He bangs out the back door and pelts across the parking lot as fast as he can run.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Crap..." Queen replies, pulling off his coat to create a makeshift pillow for the gunman, who's definitely going into shock. He looks at the man's chest, which--on closer inspection--isn't fused with melted steel but instead doused in some unidentifiable liquid mess.

"We need to get EMTs here!" he calls to a pair of McDowell's employees in sight, who nod, frightened, and convey the information to 911.

"Might be second- or third-degree burns, buddy," Queen says quietly to the shivering robber. "Hold tight and we'll try to get you medical help."

A minute or two later, sirens can be heard in the distance, slowly approaching the scene.

Melter (82) has posed:
Chris keeps on going, over a fence, down an alley, across two side streets and a park before the youth finally comes to a stop. He plops down on a bench, and tears into the bag of food - his flight and use of his power now has him almost ravenous. A wide, wide bite...

Feh. Chicken.