891/Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Date of Scene: 11 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Magno

Green Arrow has posed:
Late night in Starling City.

The Green Arrow crouches on the fire escape outside a decrepit warehouse on the edge of Glaberton.

"You're /sure/ that this is the place?" he asks quietly into a comm set attached to his throat.

<<Definitely. Just hold tight,>> responds a voice into the vigilante's ear piece.

"I'm just saying...if someone's using this place as a makeshift lab for radically improving robbery tech, it shouldn't be so dead insi--"

The archer stops as the lights in the building suddenly get thrown on, and the area's contents are revealed to include a large, open space with a number of massive machines of varying stages of completion.

Inside, a group of armed individuals begin to make adjustments to one seemingly-complete device in particular--one with a dais or 'landing pad' marked out next to it. It begins to hum, quietly, but the volume slowly increases until it's loud even outside the building.

"Belay that," Green Arrow says quietly. "I think there's something just starting. Maybe we'll get a glimpse of how they plan to get around the city's vaults..."

Magno has posed:
Experimental teleportation technology is the worst, Dyrk decides. His atoms could be scattered, he could be even further lost in time or space, he could land in the middle of a hostile crowd!

You know, like now. Shimmering into corporeal form atop the suddenly glowing landing pad these guys have spent all this time fussing with.

It's a good thing that Dyrk is wearing his Science Police uniform; not because it's good to look like a Space Cop in the middle of a bunch of criminals, but at least there are some measures of protection in it.

"Uh... Hi."

Green Arrow has posed:
As soon as the pad shimmers to life and something begins to materialize within it, Green Arrow curses and leaps forward through the window next to him.

"It's fully operational!" he shouts, performing a forward-flip in the air as he draws and nocks a bow, aiming it toward the teleportation device. It looses just a moment before he completes his flip to land on his feet.

In response to the double surprise, the armed individuals grab their guns and scramble for cover. A number of rounds are fired at the man coming into substance on the landing pad. Even more are sprayed at the emerald archer and the window through which he arrived.

As Green Arrow lands, he drops to a knee and then somersaults, firing off four more arrows at his assailants--although they're headed in the direction of the newly-materialized Science Policeman, too.

Magno has posed:
"Sprock sprock sprock sprock sprock," Dyrk curses; exposed as he is it's DAMNED GOOD that he's got a little armor, because a hail of bullets and arrows (Arrows?!) is nothing but bad news while he scrambles for cover. Taking his own firearm, he sets the stun setting for 'Terran Human' because he has *no idea* if these people are powered or not, but once behind one side of the platform he starts firing off crackling bolts of pale blue energy.

"This is how you treat guests on Earth in the TwenCen? So unfriendly!" Dyrk mutters, in Interlac since he figures no one's going to listen to him anyway what with all the shooting. One thug tries to get around and flank him, *pistol whipped.* English. "Behave!"

Green Arrow has posed:
"Okay," Green Arrow mutters, "I'm not totally sure, but I think this device drives its users crazy when they teleport."

<<Uh...>> a voice replies over his earpiece. <<Did you say TELEPORT?!>>

The warehouse inhabitants begin dropping left and right--an energy bolt here, an arrow there, a pistol whip to the skull there...

Soon, there are only four or five opponents left. Their positions put some of them, at least, in the cross-fire between archer and Science Police.

*BRRRAAPP* *BRRAPPP* resound a pair of Uzis.

*ZIINNNGGGG* responds an arrow.

"All of you have /one chance/ to surrender!" Green Arrow shouts. "You're going to regret making use of that device of yours!"

Magno has posed:

Now there are 2.

As Dyrk circles, he tries to signal to Green Arrow - who looks super-familiar, but he isn't sure exactly why yet - to keep an eye on the last two guys while he creeps around to get them between the two heroes. But... wait, *all* of you surrender. Confusion!

Green Arrow has posed:
In the flurry of projectiles fired about the warehouse room, Green Arrow nocks and draws a pair of arrows at once.

"I'm not asking again!" he shouts. "Put the guns down--whether you're shooting bullets or...whatever else!"

To punctuate his demand, the archer lets the arrows fly. The first hits one of the tech-crooks in the shoulder. He falls backwards, hitting his head on a structural column and then slumping to the ground.

The other ricochets off a different column toward the spot Dyrk /could/ be, based on his own firing pattern.

While the missiles fly, Green Arrow sprints and slides behind a half-built device that looks like it might be built to sort small items of some kind (gems? coins?).

Magno has posed:
*Spang!* *Spang!* *shunk!* "GRIFE!" ... It didn't sound *pained* but that arrow definitely hit something. "Sprock!"


The shot sizzles off the device Green Arrow slid behind; more a square warning shot than anything else. "What the *sprock* is *wrong* with you?!" Dyrk yells in his terribly accented English. There's still the one dude with an uzi to worry about.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Tell your man to stand down! This is /my/ city--I'm not going to put up with more criminals trying to settle in!" Green Arrow calls back, reaching for another arrow.

He peeks out from around the edge of the machine he's behind--and then quickly ducks back for cover as another spray of Uzi fire ping-ping-pling-pring-tings off the machine chassis.

"This won't end well for you," the archer growls. "But thanks for screwing up your own equipment! It'll make my later work that much easier."

Magno has posed:
"MY men?" Dyrk shouts, "*MY*--" and he shuts up fast as a spray of bullets pings off the columns *he's* hiding behind.

Once it stops, he yells again, and fires off a couple of shots in *that* guy's direction.

"These aren't MY guys! Don't you ASK before you SHOOT anything here?!"

Green Arrow has posed:
One of the pulses hits the man full-force in the back, and he crumples.

As the bullets stop getting fired, Green Arrow peeks out again.

"You're going to tell me you have /nothing/ to do with these guys? You came in on their teleporter! At least think up a credible lie!" he shouts, bow half-drawn but pointed toward the ground.

<<Do we actually know they're working together?>> the voice asks on the archer's ear piece.

"Really?" he whispers. "You too?"

Magno has posed:
"If I were *lying* you'd be dead!" Dyrk howls, flustered and annoyed. Since he managed to zap the last guy shooting and he knows Green Arrow is *supposed* to be some kind of hero even if he doesn't recognize him... UGH.

"I'm coming out, *don't shoot me and I won't shoot you*"

And true to his word, he stands up. The arrow from earlier is embedded in a seam of his shoulder-armor; from the depth, it's probably jabbing him uncomfortably but he's not too terribly injured. He looks grumpy as hell, though.

Green Arrow has posed:
Exhaling deeply through his nose, Green Arrow relaxes his draw, holding his bow and arrow in one hand, the other empty. He slowly steps out from behind his cover, empty hand raised.

"Alright...let's take it easy..." he says calmly.

As the emerald archer gets a better look at his dance partner, he frowns. "You don't look familiar. Who're you working for? Just once, I'd love for someone to use a goofy uniformed theme for easier recognition of the scrubs they hire." Green Arrow casts a quick glance at the arrow in the other man.

Magno has posed:
"The Legion." Legion?! Dyrk reaches up and grabs the haft of the arrow, pulling at it to try and work it out. "Of." Grunt of effort, metallic noise. Success! "*Super-Heroes*."

Eyes fixed on Green Arrow, Dyrk's annoyed face doesn't change as he tosses the freed arrow back over to him.

"Teleportation accident. New tech on our side. Don't know *why* I materialized here.

Green Arrow has posed:
Under his hood, the Green Arrow raises an eyebrow. "I..." He pauses for a beat. "I can honestly say that I have no idea what that is, pal. Is it, like, an after-school club or something?"

The Arrow nods to the man's gun. "I'll admit you've got some powerful tech there. But this is a dangerous job, and if you're going to try and teleport yourself blindly into random places, you're going to end up fused with a fly or halfway into a block of concrete or something."

He shrugs. "What do I know? I just stick to tried-and-true knowledge."

Magno has posed:
"We're from the future," Dyrk says curtly, though he's starting to come down a little as the combat stakes of immediacy lower a little. "Stuck. Our Scientist was testing a transmat device." He agreed to it, but still.

"We should immobilize them, call the authorities." Dyrk smiles a little at the compliment of the gun, twirls it once to show off and holsters it. "Standard issue."

An offered hand is next, "Office Magz, Science Police."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Uh ... huh," Green Arrow replies, blinking a few times.

"These guys? Yeah, we should." The archer looks around at the assortment of downed foes and reaches for a cluster of long zip ties. "Grab a few, we'll knock this out," he says, extending his hand toward Dyrk as the handshake is offered. "Oh. Right. 'Green Arrow.' Let's work."

"So ... the future," he says as he kneels to one of the men and restrains his hands behind him. "In the future, you guys just test random devices willy-nilly? Was there some civilization-ending apocalypse or something that ruined all records of the scientific method?"

Quickly, Green Arrow shakes his head. "Wait. Don't tell me. I don't want to disrupt the timeline, or whatever."

Magno has posed:
"Relax. It's happened at least twice, just like all the fires in your own known ancient history." Dyrk would be more annoyed, but hell, it's all getting sorted. Taking the zip-ties he starts working, muttering under his breath.

"This technology is more advanced than Terrans should have at this point, isn't it? I'm not a historian, but this doesn't seem quite right."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Really?" Green Arrow asks. "Crap. Guess it's time to start a secure underground library, then." He shakes his head and sighs.

"So ... do you have /any/ idea where you're supposed to be right now?" The archer looks over his shoulder at the future-man while he pins another semi-conscious individual under his knee and ties his hands together.

"Just in case you don't: welcome to Starling City."

Magno has posed:
Raising an eyebrow, it becomes clear that the answer to Green Arrow's question is 'Definitely not.'

"Brainy didn't say. Where is Starling City in relation to New York? Is it very far?"

Yeah. No clue. Stepping on the hand of a guy trying to be sneaky reaching for a gun, Dyrk is just as clinical manhandling the guy and dealing with tying him up.

"What were they doing that drew you here? Did I interrupt an investigation in progress?"

Green Arrow has posed:
The archer stares at Dyrk for a long moment before breaking into laughter, shaking his head vigorously.

"Man, I don't know what kind of second Pangaea thing that's going on whenever you're from--and don't tell me, I don't want to disappear, Back to the Future-style--but Starling and New York are a /little/ ways away from one another." He grunts as he stands up from another zip-tying.

"These morons ... I got word that someone was working on a few devices to really kick up their bank-robbery game," Green Arrow notes, nodding to the teleportation machine. "I was doing some recon when you showed up. Hence the assumption that you were with them."

He looks around. "The investigation's not really ruined, per se. I just need to wreck shop here before I leave."

Magno has posed:
"When I come from, Green Arrow, Metropolis has expanded so greatly as to take up the majority of the Eastern Seaboard. Distance is relative." Dyrk doesn't seem to be terribly worried about temporal ramifications. "High-tech bank robbery?"

"I wish I were a better historian, I might be able to offer a guess. I'll report it to our scientists, though, maybe they'll have information that can help."

Zipping up the last guy near him, Dyrk walks back over towards Arrow. Pointing at the L* ring on his hand, "This is a communications device. I trust you have something similar?"

Green Arrow has posed:
"Don't /tell/ me stuff like that!" Green Arrow snaps, covering his ears for a moment. "Yeesh, man, you're gonna make me flicker out of existence!"

He grumbles incoherently for a few moments, tying together another individual's hands, before he finally sighs. "I guess you should be more concerned with screwing up your own timeline, though, huh?"

The Arrow looks up at Dyrk's ring. "Well, /we/ call that a 'ring'. It's mostly jewelry, although I know a guy..." He shakes his head. "There's communications technology, yes. But most of it doesn't look like that."

The archer taps his ear. "I've got a receiver here and a transmitter here," he adds, leaning his head back to show the device on his throat. "It's pretty solid, but there are others with bigger budgets that can do more in tighter spaces. Why?"

Magno has posed:
Pointing his ring in the direction of Green Arrow's indicated ear, Dyrk pushes something on it that doesn't even look like it's a button let alone can do anything, "This should project one of our allied communication bands to your device, so that we can get in touch should we need to."

Whatever tech wiz on the other end of Ollie's earpiece can probably catch that and analyze it anyway, right?

"So that at least I can forward you any information about the device they were making here, if you want it?" Cops and heroes, they work together!

"... Just *how* far from New York is Starling City?"

Green Arrow has posed:
"Hey!" the Arrow cries, pushing himself to his feet and stepping close to Dyrk. "Don't you know anything about invasion of /privacy/?!" He rips the ear piece out and throws it on the ground, smashing it under his heel.

"I don't know what society's like off in the far-flung world of tomorrow, but here and now we don't just take over one another's equipment like a bunch of costumed fascists!" He looks around the warehouse. "Well, usually, anyway..."

The archer inhales deeply and rubs his chin. "Look. All I need to know is that I can wreck this stuff and put these guys away. Any leads beyond that are good, but I'm not going to rely on some sort of uninformed mystery man from a million years from now try to tell me what's up."

Green Arrow quickly points a finger roughly eastward. "New York's that way. Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. Seriously, even," he adds. "It's a good six- or seven-hour flight, non-stop, on most airliners."

Magno has posed:
"Only a thousand," Dyrk says mildly as he watches Arrow rip the earpiece out and stomp on it in full blown 'Don't Tread On Me' mode. He just puts his hands up, blinking slowly - doesn't even bother arguing or explaining or whatever.

"Fair enough, though." Modern airliners... Well, the flight-ring can handle that pretty quickly, actually. "Thank you for possibly only flesh-wounding me," he adds. "And the directions."

Screw flying, "Brainy," Dyrk talks into the ring, "Can you get a lock and bring me back? I'm a lot farther afield than expected."

Green Arrow has posed:
Green Arrow stares at Dyrk while he shakes his head. "Good luck, pal. Just don't go materializing inside-out or anything."

Then, he begins walking from machine to machine, attaching an explosive-rigged arrow to each. "Don't worry--these only blow when I press the detonator. I'll move these bastards outside first."

And, in fact, the Arrow slips his bow over his shoulder and begins dragging the first man out a side door and toward an open parking area.

"Future, my butt," he says between grunts and groans. "Some people ... *hunfh* ... just can't ... *unhh* ... tell the truth."

Magno has posed:
Dyrk just sort of eyes Green Arrow, nodding, but he answers some chatter with, "Some place called Starling City. Do you know anything about the Green Arrow? I feel like he should be familiar."

He stays where he is, however, while the Arrow works. Because of needing to get a lock and all that stuff. While Ollie grunts and mutters, another shimmer portal opens up a few steps from Dyrk. Nowhere near the actual machine. Before he goes through it, he gives the Arrow a quick salute as a farewell.

But then he's out, and the portal is gone.