9132/Super Tour Guide

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Super Tour Guide
Date of Scene: 09 September 2019
Location: Lobby, Hall of Justice
Synopsis: During a Fan Event at the Justice League Hall of Justice, Superman meets a new hero and welcomes here to heroic traditions of super heroing - Hawkgirl! Giving her access to the archives, hopefully, she will find more about the Justice Society...and herself!
Cast of Characters: Superman, Hawkgirl

Superman has posed:
    Today was a great day for crowds! The sun was shining after the awful weather off the East Coast of North America was over. The birds were singing their songs, the water was drying up, and there was a crispness to the air that heralded Fall. This brought out the crowds for the big tour for this month at the Justice League Hall Of Justice!

    Advertised for the last few weeks, this was the time of year when the Man of Steel usually tries to make an appearance. The line-ups outside were massive for his 5 o'colck appearance, and the crowd's excitement was evident. This was the time and the date! Now where was he?

    With a flash of blue, white and red, and a "swoosh" of a large man passing through the air was - a man suddenly standing at the area just beside where the line started - Superman! With a large smile, and wave to everyone present, and a gentle laugh of welcome, Superman calls out so everyone could hear (but not TOO loud), "Welcome to the Hall of Justice everyone! No need to jostle or be impatient, I promise everyone will get a chance to come inside! I will see you there!" With a final wave and a nod to the two security officers out front, Superman walks inside, all the while waving especially to the youngsters in the crowd.

Hawkgirl has posed:
Kendra was in the gathered crowd, dressed in her civilian clothes. Wouldn't do to be winged and carrying a mace. As much as she loved that mace. Of all the things she had gained with her new heroic role, that mace was right up there above the wings. Just barely above.

The memories and dreams? Those she could've lived without.

Her reason here was twofold. As Kendra, she had a paper due and it involved the history of the Justice League. So what better place to go than here. She might hear a story or tidbit that wouldn't be found on the websites and public information out there on the web.

Secondly, she was hoping to get to speak to a member privately in regards to her alter ego. Not about her own history but about the team she was, and had been, a part of. Some members still needed to be found. Maybe the Justice League could help with that.

She followed the group forward, watching as several of the little ones wearing Superman shirts--one even had a cape--rushed to the front to get a better look at their hero in the flesh.

Superman has posed:
    As the crowd filters into the area with the museum and the displays, Superman wades through the crowd, stopping for selfies and pictures, taking a moment to spend a few seconds with each person, especially the kids. AT one point he was even lifting them on his shoulders for pictures! It was fun, and it was obvious that Superman's smile was genuine.
    Superman spots the little ones with their Superman shirts, and the one with the cape, and waves them all forward. Nodding to one of the caretakers of the Museum, Superman kneels down in the middle, and has the professional photographer take a picture of all of them. *FLASH*.

    "There we go! Thank you Richie for the picture. "Several kids all echoed Superman and said thank you. "With the parents and guardians permission, we can hang that in a special place of honor where you will all be a part of the museum's history!" All the parents nod and smile. "Excellent! Enjoy."

    Superman waves to a few more people who wave, smiles to others, and then finds his way over to Kendra non-chalantly. "Hi there. Is there something in particular I can help you with, young lady?"

Hawkgirl has posed:
This was not what she had expected. He was Superman. The Superman! Yet here he was taking pictures with the kids and giving every single person in the crowd a moment. She had heard he was like this. She just never expected it to be true!

When he came to her side, she found herself having to look up quite a ways to see his face. That was pretty unusual since she was fairly tall for a woman. She found herself a bit in awe and starstruck then forced a clearing of her throat. "Uh sorry. I was actually hoping to get some history in regards to the Justice League that might not be found out there in public. For a college paper I'm working on. And I was curious if you have ever heard of Thanagarians? Or, y'know, met any by chance?"

That did not come out anywhere near as smoothly as she had hoped. From the history she'd read, there had been no Hawks on the team in the three years since they were formed but that didn't mean he might not have met one. Or two.

Superman has posed:
    Looking down at Hawkgirl with a smile on his voice, warm and open, and not "looking down on her in that way", Superman plants his hands on his hips. IN a relaxed not intimidating way. It was funny...the subtleties of that motion between relaxed and intimidating was a gift.

    "No need to apologize! Everyone is welcome here. I just noticed you watching me and following around, and thought you were being considerate. You were polite by not interrupting, so I came to you. Makes it easier to talk this way." Many of the kids and even the adults were all standing at a safe distance as he was chatting with Kenda.

    Although his expression changes just a touch, it was obvious from someone so observant as Kendra to pick up on it. He had heard of Thanagarians, at the least. "Interesting topic. A warrior race of winged beings from the planet Thanagar. I have a...passing recollection of them. Anything we have here in the archives you are most welcome to. A paper you say?"

Hawkgirl has posed:
"A paper was the start. A little more personal on the other end of the spectrum," Kendra admits. After all, he isn't someone she has to worry about telling her secrets to the world. So she can be a little more open though she keeps her voice low so as not to be overheard.

"I recently learned I am not what I thought I was," she says in almost a whisper, even leaning up on tiptoe as though she needs to get closer for him to hear her. The concept of super hearing just flew out of her head considering he's talking to her like...well, a person.

"So anything with your archives would be extremely helpful."

Superman has posed:
    "I see." Superman's expression stays positive but now he was thinking. The wheels were turning. Waving at a few more kids and adults that were hanging in the area, Superman looks at Hawkgirl and says, "Follow me. We can chat while we had to a more...quiet area, and you can tell me more." With a final smile and a nod, Superman heads down the hall towards the Library, which was off limits for today.

    "Not what you thought you were sounds like the opening of a story. Come on in here. The library can help you for the first project you have, and the second, it is more private." Waving around with a left hand, Superman points out what they have there in the archives.

    "So...how can I help...with both?" Superman's smile returns.

Hawkgirl has posed:
Once they are alone in the library, Kendra's posture relaxes a bit as she considers how to even start. With a little prompting, he gives her the idea. "My name is Kendra Saunders. Up until a couple of months ago, I was just your average college student. Getting passing grades...barely. Struggling to make ends meet. All that stuff." She brushes a hand through her short hair, the nervous gesture showing she's getting to the uncomfortable part.

"Then these guys showed up at my doorstep. Government types in the black SUVs. That sort of thing. Had to go with them. They took me to some secret compound--I'm still not even sure where that was. And they showed me a costume and a weapon. Wings. A mace." Pretty obvious what those might indicate. "As soon as I touched the mace, that's when I knew. Remembered stuff. I'm not human like I thought. I knew I had powers but the mace helped me realize I am Thanagarian. Like I was the last time I was born, before I died. Well she died." She flops into a chair at a computer, glancing at the flatscreen before looking back at him. "Seems I am the reincarnated Hawkgirl from the last go round. And the one before that. And before that. It sounds crazy, I know."

Superman has posed:
    This time, SUperman doesn't interrupt letting her get her story out, and waits until the end before saying anything. "I see. That is quite a story. I can see why you would be a bit paranoid considering who showed up at your door." Superman pauses and moves towards an area of the library. "I think we may have something here. Green Lantern keeps it pretty well stocked. As well, we have a ton of information on the JL computer that Batman and GL put there. That may help.

    Superman turns back to Kendra, his smile back on. "Welcome to the world of strangeness and superheroics! What happened to those men you spoke about, that dropped this on you and how did they know?" Superman puts on an air of concern. "If you need my help, or the help of the Justice League, consider yourself one of us until we see you in action and if you want to join. I'm easy, but Batman is tougher on voting new members in."

Hawkgirl has posed:
"I don't even know that I'm the right level to be a member. Pretty knew although I have memories. Other memories. It's weird." That sums up Kendra's situation in a nutshell. So very weird. "But I appeciate the offer. The guys knew because there is a group, been around since early last century on and off. No official name but they call themselves the Justice Society. There is some big bad threat on the horizon and they need the Society back together. Certain members. We are still looking for some of them. Somehow they ..kknew I was Hawkgirl. Or had been. Would be. Whatever. I'm not sure how or any of that yet. That was the third part of my visit. To see if you all might have information on some of the missing team members from back then so I can try to track them down."

Superman has posed:
    "Sounds like a lot is going on. The Justice Society. Well, that makes for some interesting stories then. Hmmm..." Superman takes a few seconds, and thinks. "I am a little at a loss, however, the archive here may be able to help you. I will tell our Curator to give you unfettered access as he would a member, and we'll go from there."

    Superman turns to go. "I need to get back out there to the tourists, but if you need my help I am a quick "call" away. Enjoy! Oh, and welcome aboard. It is great to meet you Kendra. Hawkgirl." With a final nod, he was walking back the way they came.