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Germination: Of Mushrooms and Men
Date of Scene: 20 June 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Tyler, Tommy and Josh save a boy from a space mushroom with help from the Green Arrow. Iron Man drops in to clean up. Jean busts the boys.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Twitch, Iron Man, Speed, Green Arrow, Phoenix
Tinyplot: Germination

Elixir has posed:
It is a beautiful New York day, not too humid for once, with not a cloud in the sky. People are out in fuller force than usual, summer wear very much in evidence for any who can get away with it at work or wherever they are off to or from. Traffic is slow, but eventually Tyler is able to wind his way through it to Apple Park.

The park had been in the news recently because Wonder Woman had shown up with some other super heroes and fought a huge space mushroom there. When the boys arrive, part of the park is full of people, no small number of which are mothers with their toddlers. Part of the park though is fenced off with the kind of temporary, slot together fencing seen at construction sites. The grass in the center of the fenced off area looks dead, but growing right out of the middle is one of the space mushrooms. It was probably a young one, standing about five feet tall.

Twitch has posed:
After parking his bike, dismounting and storing his helmet, Tyler looks over the park, then towards Josh, "This is the place, I guess." His attention then ends up on the fenced off area. After making sure that his buddy is okay getting off the motorcycle Tyler begins to make his way there. "I can't believe Wonder Woman was here!" He says excitedly as peers through the slats in the fence. "These mushroom things are really getting to be a big deal."

Elixir has posed:
"Seriously. I wish we were here for the fight. How cool would that have been?" he says, just avoiding falling off the bike. "And Wonder Woman is hot."

Josh walks up to the fence and peers through as well. "Shit, look at that! It's like, growing again or something. I heard on the news they might actually be from space. You believe that?"

Iron Man has posed:
    The eerie alien 'mushroom' stalk stands roughly the size of a person, though the broad canopy stretches that same distance as well. The ground all around it was already scarred and destroyed from signs of battle, but directly under the shadow of the stalk, the ground crawls with a mold-like white fungus. It churns, like the top of a beer, with a few shapes moving in it. The white plant 'squidlings' are present, though small, and mostly hidden in the mush of corrupted soil. Now and then a shiny surface of one of the monsters can be seen, as it moves around, or a piece of a long vinelike tentacle appears. They aren't big, perhaps only a foot high, but there's at least a few of them in there.

Twitch has posed:
"That would have been dope," Tyler agrees with his buddy as he stares at the fungus. "And she definitely is. Super hot." As he watches the strange organism he comments, "I'd believe it. That thing looks weird as hell." His hands rest on the fence so that he can lean in to see better. "I saw on YouTube that you're not supposed to burn these things down. Apparently it just makes them angrier.

He pauses and tells Josh, "You know who would like to see this? Tommy. Let me shoot him a text." With his heightened agility Tyler is able to text at rapid speed sending to Tommy: 'We're at Apple Park. Giant shroom here. Come check it out.' Then he looks up to continue his study of the alien growth.

Speed has posed:
Tommy is winding up a study session when the text comes through.

Tommy >> Sure thing. Be right there.

The text is sent and then true to his word Tommy is there. Zooming to a patch of trees by Josh and Tyler than walking out at snail speed to keep his powers on the down low.

"Hey," he says as he joins them, looking at the shroom through his yellow tinted shades. "So, these are one of those things everyone's making a big deal about huh?"

Elixir has posed:
"Seriously? That's messed up. You'd think fire would kill it, like a normal plant, you know?" he says.

He looks over at Tommy. "Yeah, man. Check it out, it's freaky as hell. Like look at those tentacle th...."

Josh stops mid-sentence as three white blobs pulls themselves out of the roiling mass at the bottom of the mushroom and crawl quickly towards the fence. A small dog had run through a gap in the temporary fencing and was barking at the shroom. The first of the blobs wrapped it in two tentacles and started pulling the now panicked animal. What makes the heart stop is in the next instant a small boy comes into view, obviously having chased the dog, and another of the blobs gets a tentacle around the boy's ankle.

A quarter of the way around the enclosure from the boys a woman shrieks. "Ezra!"

"Oh shit, you see that?!" Josh shouts. "Guys, we gotta do something!" He lifts one of the fence sections off its slot-in footing, creating a bit of a gap in front of them.

Twitch has posed:
"Hey dude," Tyler greet Tommy with a lift of his chin at him. "Yeah. It's got little babies or something." He points towards one of the tentacles.

There's not much time to examine the baby shroom as the dog rushes into view, followed by the human child. Tyler's eyes go wide and he looks around for a way to get inside the fenced in area. As Josh creates an opening the young man dives through it, hitting the ground and immediately rolling to his feet. The cell phone in his hands is launched towards the tentacle holding the boy's leg as it's owner books it towards the blob itself.

Speed has posed:
Tommy eyes the gross fungus with a wrinkled nose. "This thing is gross," he declares before the dog and kid get snatched.

"Shit," Tommy says, he rolls under he fence and sprints towards the tenticle. Keeping it to near human speeds, driving a foot down at the tenticle to keep it in place while he grabs and yanks with both hands trying to rip it in two.

Iron Man has posed:
While the dog and child are being accosted, subtly in the background, another one of the squid-like monsters ranges out the opposite direction, and rips a shrubbery out of the ground. It then proceeds to start to drag the shrubbery back towards the mushroom stalk's digestive base. One might say it was behaving with some measure of intelligence - or stupidity, that it thought the shrub was another target.

Elixir has posed:
The cellphone hits the tentacle holding the boy, Ezra, just before Tommy gets to the blob. The boy is screaming, absolutely terrified, and his mother is pushing her way through the fence where the boy came through. Judging from how hard the tentacle seems to be squeezing the boy's leg, he's no doubt in a lot of pain right now as well. Tommy stomps on the tentacle holding the boy, but the squiddling does not let go. Instead, two other tentacles grope forward for Tommy's leg.

The first squiddling that had come up is almost at the roiling mass at the foot of the mushroom. The dog's yelping has turned to whimpers as the squiddling squeezes the air out of its lungs. The third squiddling starts heading toward the boys as soon as Josh yelled, and now seems to be racing along the ground to intercept Tyler. More tentacles can be seen in the roiling mass.

Josh pushes through the fence after Tyler and starts running toward Tommy. "Stay back!" He shouts at the panicked mother.

Twitch has posed:
"Tom, get the kid out of here, man!" Tyler tells his friend as he jumps into the air and attempts to slam his foot down onto the little being with the intent of crushing it's tentacle spout. Then, because there's a threat slurming it's way towards him, the youth turns to address the creature that's focused on him. His body moves swiftly and gracefully as he runs a few steps towards the monster and brings his leg back and around in an arching kick, already twisting to try to avoid it's tentacle.

Speed has posed:
Tommy leaps the the two tentacles coming his way, landing and then smacking himself in head. "Duh," he says and moves to the boy instead. "Ty! Keep them off me," he shouts then takes a deep breath. He hadn't done this one before taking someone out of phase at a standstill. He quiets his mind as best he can, then grabs hold of the boy, and sets them both to vibrating, agitating their molecules in hopes that they slip through the grasp of the tentacles and on to freedom.

Green Arrow has posed:
The sound of the motorcycle coming down a path is the first sign of Green Arrow, then into view from behind a grove of trees. The first thing that the three already there will probably notice of the new arrival is a *CLINK* as an arrow is launched at the ones Tyler is dealing with. It explodes a split second later into liquid nitrogen in a place far enough for any other matter to freeze a good portion of the body. Ice starts to form over it as Green Arrow puts the skybike into auto-cruise control and starts to fire off arrows at the squidlings nearest civilians, trying to distract them, instead of disabling like the freeze arrow he just launched.

Green Arrows voice mask can be heard easily as he pipes up, "I'll cover you. Block them off and contain them, I'll handle fire support." Another Freeze Arrow is launched towards the squidling dragging the shrubbery.

Iron Man has posed:
The shrub-carrying squidling drags the bush in closer-until suddenly chilled by the ice arrow. With a last little 'ooph' of cold, chilled slow body, it tumbles into the digestive patch and the stalk eats and draws from the shrubbery, growing, and forming a brand new 'fruit' blob under the canopy: no doubt creating a new little child monster. It is small now, but soon enough it will join the others in trying to draw in dog and boy and those other additional snacks that seem to be getting closer and closer. The cold-arrow shot monsters generally will try to fall back to the soil, to recover from being frozen.

Another item, easy to overlook, arrives as well. It is a small flying mechanical drone, about volleyball size. It zooms down from nowhere, little repulsors flashing. There are little flight panels with spinning servos underneath, fins for flight balance, and a large ocular apparatus on front. It surveys what is going on, pausing near the fence. A close look will reveal the STARK logo brazen on its backside.

"Is assistance requested by vigilante team?" a little robot voice questions flatly, waggling robotic limbs. Is it 'danger, will robinson'?!

Elixir has posed:
The first squiddling disappears into the roiling mass with the dog. There is a spine tingling shriek from the animal that is cut off suddenly as it began.

The squiddling holding the boy misses Tommy completely and is flattened to the ground by Tyler's kick. When Tommy starts himself and the boy to vibrating the thing seems to grow momentarily stronger. Ezra writhes and yells as there is a vague crunching sound, then suddenly the tentacle seems to fall through the boy's leg to the ground as Ezra and Tommy go out of phase with it. The kid's leg looks angry and red where it was being crushed by the tentacle.

The third squiddling goes flying backwards as Tyler's kick intercepts it before it can get a tentacle on him. Then literally mid-arir and mid-motion it is caught by the Green Arrow's freeze arrow and hits the ground hard and shatters. Its only unfrozen tentacle poofs into an explosion of spores.

"Fire support? Assistance requested?! The fuck is going on?" Josh yells as he comes skidding to a halt beside Tommy. "Oh shit, there's more coming. Give me the boy, help Tyler!"

Three more squiddlings come crawling out from below the stalk and start heading toward Tommy. The tiny new one seems to be growing fast, too.

Twitch has posed:
As the critter he's engaging suddenly turns to ice and explodes on the ground Tyler turns away to address the next threat. He charges the three approaching Tommy, leaping into the air in an attempt to Mario the mushroom monsters flat, keeping himself moving the whole time to remain a hard target for the shrooms.

"Yes, we request assistance!" the young man yells to the robot as he dodges and stomps, moving from one creature to the next. "Bring me a machete or something!" He clearly has not actually looked at the robot, being so caught up in fungus fighting.

Speed has posed:
"Here," Tommy says handing over the kid like a sack of potatoes.

"Ty hold on, will be right back," Tommy zooms away.

He's gone for two minutes before he's back with a machetter for each of them and a bin of random knives likely scooped off the shelves of the kitchen section for Tyler to throw.

"These going to work?" he asks dropping the bin and throwing Tyler the machete trusting his hyper-reflexes to let him catch it okay.

For his part Tommy brandishes the machette and waits for the squidlings to come at him.

Green Arrow has posed:
The motorcycle continues to drive on it's own as Green Arrow keeps balanced atop it, his mechanical quiver building freeze arrows for him almost as fast as he's launching them. Getting closer to the action itself, more freeze arrows fly in the direction of the squidlings Tyler is slowing down with his kicks, aiming for that perfect nook where the liquid nitrogen will splash over the majority of the bodies.

Green Arrow is getting closer now, but is still a ways off; he's keeping the cruise control on the skybike at a minimum to keep distance, it seems. "Stop showboating, Stark, and get down here. You're not doing anyone any good up in that ivory tower of yours." Green Arrow grouses as he stops about 50 meters off from the main action.

Iron Man has posed:
"Your request for Avenger assistance is now pending approval; requests are reviewed by severity designation," the little robot assures them in the same tone, and continues to hang out by the fence and observe. The movement of the flight calibrating wings make it seem fretful and nervous in posture.

Perhaps the drone did not like having its creator being accused of showboating. Or this is just protocol for the very busy Avengers that are dealing with maneating fungus all over the country.

Elixir has posed:
Tyler's strikes do slow each of the squiddlings down, knocking them into the ground and forcing them to take time to get their tentacles under them again so they can keep running. Each one gets up and was a threat, until it takes an arrow to the nook.

The remaining squiddling is joined by another that dropped from the underside of the mushroom shortly after the dog disappeared. But there do not appears to be any more tentacles than these two, and they are both still small as they make their way to the edge of the mass and start along the grass toward Tyler and Tommy.

Josh catches the boy as Ezra is dumped into his arms. He reaches down with one hand and puts it on the boy's leg, then closes his eyes. There is a faint golden glow and the skin on the leg smooths out. There is a grinding sound and the boy yells, then passes out as his leg is set and healed. Then Josh is on his feet and running toward the boy's frantic mother who grabs her boy with outstretched arms and starts running back toward the fence.

Twitch has posed:
When Tommy's gone Tyler does his best to fight back the encroaching fungus creatures, dodging, flipping and rolling the whole time to keep away from their tentacles. As his pal shows up and tosses him the machete Tyler snatches it out of the air and whirls around, swinging it towards the nearest creature's body, "We're about to find out. Thanks Tommy!" As he notices the box of knives he starts to crack a smile, cartwheeling away from the monsters towards the potential projectile weapons. He reaches down with his machete free hand and comes up with a blade, tossing it towards a tentacle. Then he goes back for another, "They can't grab you if they haven't got their arms."

Speed has posed:
Tommy does his part zooming in cutting and zooming out. Trying to follow Tyler's lead and attacking the tentacles. Zooming back to the throwing blade box he pauses, "So, we got a plan on how to take the big stalk down? Or are we just whooping ass on the squidwards here?"

Green Arrow has posed:
"Going to run out of bomb shafts at this rate..." Green Arrow mumbles under his breath as he launches two more freeze arrows in rapid succession towards the squidlings. Then, he gets off the skybike, and starts to walk over, closing the distance at a brisk pace.

"I've been monitoring these things in Starling. Most of the scientists agree it's better to put them in cold."

Green Arrow can be seen coming over to the three now, the white lenses of his domino mask looking right at the stalk, "I'm getting the impression that thing takes from it's surroundings, with the way the shrubbery was taken. Pulling it from the ground might work."

Iron Man has posed:
The drone has been observing. It does another scan over the squid-dust and the stalk itself. It states, despite that nobody asked it: "Emergency level adjusted, minor immediate danger found. Organism growth observed. Do you still request assistance?" It's asking if they'd like to continue to be on hold. At least it isn't playing elevator music. "Response in route, please wait!" The drone suddenly declares cheerfully.

Overhead, a blaze of energy streaks across the sky; they've won the lottery, and pulled Iron Man as a response, it appears. The suit is obvious and glaring even at distance: red and gold, with the brilliant energy signatures as he hovers over the park. There's a group of robot drones with him, swirling like an eager cloud, which fly down rapidly in a low circle around the stalk. Three of them drop onto the soil just beyond the stalk's reach, long spears slammed into the ground like spikes, neatly unfolding.

Elixir has posed:
"Thank God you jumped in," Josh says to the man in the mask, jogging over. "Who are you anyway?" Josh asks before he is interrupted by the screeching arrival of...

"Holy fuck, it's Iron Man!" he says needlessly, pointing.

Twitch has posed:
"Is it legal to carry a sword and a bunch of throwing knives?" Tyler asks as the monsters are finally taken out of the fight. "Because this is kind of awesome." He looks away from the site of the battle for an instant when Tommy speaks, then goes back to focusing on the stalk, "No idea what we're going to do about the king shroom..." The kid trails off as the costumed vigilante supplies a good idea, "Sounds like a plan, Green Arrow." Suddenly there's noise in the sky and Tyler twitches as his head turns to look up at it. "Damn!"

Speed has posed:
Tommy nods, "Great idea, but how do we do that exactly?" he asks Green Arrow about the stalk when the answer arrives in grand style: Tony Stark.

Tommy's eyes widen in surprise and, okay, some fanboying, before he crosses his arms and murmurs, "Yeah, he's alright."

Green Arrow has posed:
"I'm Green Arrow." Green Arrow offers to Josh Foley as he asks for his name. The voice mask is in full effect, but he's certainly understandable under the hood. "I was going to suggest waiting for one of the strength oriented metas, but it looks like Stark get out of his Ivory Tower." Green Arrow quips as he pulls another freeze arrow, nocking it as he keeps watch.

"You've got to give it to him; when he understands a problem, he really knows his engineering to work on solutions." A beat, "I'm assuming he's cracking the ground open to pull the stalk out, but I could be wrong." Green Arrow continues.

Iron Man has posed:
Iron Man drops dramatically out of the sky with a somewhat lazy arc. He doesn't land, but does glide down quite low. Data from the drone that had been there for a while means he's pretty aware of what happened, naturally.

"I'll just go ahead and take this off your hands, if nobody objects," Tony's flippant, casual voice issues from beyond the mask, boosted to be quite easy to hear. The drones are creating some kind of field around the stalk, setting it up, while vaguely monitored by Iron Man. "Any injured, an ambulance is located at the west entrance," he continues, with a two-fingered gauntleted point in the correct direction. He has a somewhat tired quality to it, like he's been doing this routine for hours. That fact has knocked the arrogance down a few notches, though it is still present.

Tony's gaze settles on Green Arrow, though, and the hooded hero gets a half-wave. "Oh, didn't see you there. Hey, 'Arrow. If you need more target practice, though, I'll hold off a bit?" Tony asks Green Arrow 'generously', ribbing the other hero.

Elixir has posed:
"Uh, I'm Josh," he answers the Green Arrow and comes to a stop beside Tyler and Tommy, watching Iron Man come down. "Just rip it out? That's cool," he adds to Green Arrows comment.

"Nobody's hurt, ah, Mr. Stark," Josh says when the ambulance is offered.

Twitch has posed:
"This certainly beats the hell out of my plan to just try chopping the thing down," Tyler says as he lifts his machete and gives it a little swing. He divides his attention between the stalk and what Iron Man and his robotic minions are up to, "This is not where I saw today going, that's for sure." As the hero in the colorful red and gold approaches them Tyler nods his head at the man, "Okay, Iron Man. It's all yours."

Speed has posed:
Tommy extends a hand to Green Arrow, "Tommy," he says by way of introduction. Then nods, along with the other to Tony, "Sure, be our guest," he says when he offers to take it off their hands.

He does break down a bit and sends Josh and Tyler, an 'okay, this is pretty cool' look their way.

Green Arrow has posed:
"A pleasure." Green Arrow takes Speeds handshake with his own. The green gloves having an unmistakably kevlar texture to them.

"I'm just doing some global recon, Iron Man." Green Arrow replies to Stark, "helping where I can to contain this stuff, and seeing the state of the rest of the world."

Like Iron Man, Green Arrow has the undeniable tone of 'been doing with this shit for ages' to his voice, "when this stuff first appeared in Starling, I got the distinct impression Alpha Flight was going to have to get involved. I was thinking of planting a few grappling arrows into the stalk and see where that got us, but you seem to have this dealt with." A professional nod of respect is given to Iron Man. Say what you will about their differences, Green Arrow at least seems focused on the priority; dealing with the threat.

Iron Man has posed:
"'Ripping'? I am not the Hulk: but I could see the confusion, we're both incredible. So, no: we are teleporting today," Tony answers, still upbeat, and covering up that momentary lag of tiredness with his outgoing tone. "Energy dampening required, though, so don't try it at home. 'Ripping' them tends to shower their spores everywhere, and then we get /more/. They protect their roots." Iron Man observes the machines doing their little array, and abruptly there's a sound of something powering up, and a quick burst, and a big missing spot churns with upset digestive mold where the stalk was. The patch, with no stalk left now, starts to decay quickly.

"I've got eight more of these to relocate; cold and ice is the way to go, if you have it, to delay," Tony says, mostly to Green Arrow, friendly. "And, well, good teamwork; saving children gets a gold star from me, keep it up," Tony says, with a wave to the younger unmasked men, before he blasts off.

Elixir has posed:
Josh shares the pretty cool look with Tommy and Tyler. Then the shroom is just... gone.

"That's amazing," Josh says and laughs. "What a crazy day!"

Twitch has posed:
"Cool!" Tyler exclaims when he sees the stalk teleported away, afterwards looking around as if to check to see that everyone else saw the same thing he did. "That was awesome!" At Tony's compliment he gets a big grin, glancing over at his friends again and giving out a chuckle. He's forgotten about the dog that got eaten in the heat of the moment. "Alright! Who wants to go back to the school and tell everybody that we fought a bunch of monsters and saved a kid?" Then his attention settles on Green Arrow, "Thanks for the help out there! Those arrows were sick! Where do you get them? Do they come in hand grenades?"

Speed has posed:
Tommy grins as the stalk is teleported away. "Wow," he says breaking down fully. "That was pretty fucking cool," he allows.

"And totally," he says to Josh, offering a fist bump to him, then to Tyler, before a moment of consideration and he offers one to Green Arrow as well. "Crazy day is right," Tommy agrees before nodding. "Definitely game for that," to Tyler before to Green Arrow he adds: "Thanks for the assist."

Green Arrow has posed:
"He's the epitome of the mad scientist sort." Green Arrow observes as Iron Man flies away. Then, he turns his attention to Tyler, "They come from here and there." Green Arrow smiles as he gives the vague answer, before he hits a few points on his compound bow. It collapses neatly into a solidly built staff, before it gets places in a the holster on his back quiver. "You all seem new to this." Green Arrow gives a nod to Tyler, "I know you are sort of, and we talked earlier." The Green Arrow looks to Speed, then, "These things are pretty dangerous, but you all fought them off anyway... and I get the feeling you're all going to keep going."

A moment passes as he looks to the aftermath, "Don't think I'll be recycling any arrows today." He quips, before he taps a button on the device attached to his ear under the hood, and the skybike a distance away turns itself on... hovering in place as the wheels go horizontal and starts to drift over to the group.

Phoenix has posed:
As if on cue with Tyler's exclamation, Tommy, Josh and Tyler himself will hear what should be a familiar voice ringing in their heads. <<Don't you mean who wants to go back to the school and tell everybody how you explicitly broke curfew and disobeyed rules set by faculty, in a remarkably irresponsible display?>> The tone is dead serious, no joking being offered here.

Elixir has posed:
Josh's eyes go wide. "Oh shit," he says. "We are /so/ busted." He looks around to see if Jean was actually there.

Twitch has posed:
"Ms Grey?" Tyler speaks out loud as he also looks around to see if the woman is currently present. Then he looks over at the Green Arrow and says, "I think we'll have to hold off on fighting these things for a while." He thinks as hard as he can, hoping the lady can hear him as he speaks, "I thought we were just not allowed into the city." Damn it. "It's my fault, Ms Grey. I took Josh out here and told Tommy to meet us. Then I forgot about running away when the kid got caught because I didn't want the monsters eating anybody."

Speed has posed:
"Yeah," Tommy says in support of Tyler. "We're likely going to be serving twenty-five to life in detention for this," he says about fighting more monsters.

~We helped people, that counts for something right?~ He thinks actively, like he did when he was trying to communicate with Ms. Frost. Probably sounds a bit like yelling to Jean.

Green Arrow has posed:
As the skybike comes over to him, Green Arrow taps a control, turning the hover mode off as he catches it in a hand and drapes himself over it. He looks about to take off when Josh makes his exclamation. Looking over, Green Arrow squints behind his mask, his face taking on a confused expression, even with the domino mask.

A moment passes as he listens, before he takes a look around the area... and sees no one new, "Who are you talking to?" Green Arrow finally asks.

Phoenix has posed:
It doesn't appear like Jean Grey is anywhere in the area, though her voice speaking inside the mind of the Xavier Students can certainly be confusing. Particularly to those not yet accustomed to it. There are after all new students in this lot, making their offense all the graver. <<Are you trying to be clever while ignoring the very basis of the rule? I would say owning to your action would at least put you in a more favorable light.>> Maybe the students shouldn't let Tyler be the one to speak on their behalf. So far he's not doing great.

If Jean is annoyed by Tommy thinking his words too loudly, she makes no mention of it, though she does allow his sentiment <<helping others, is ultimately what we want to do, but within reason. There have been multiple attempts on a student's life, the Reavers and Donald Pierce have not yet been resolved, and there's another entity up to no good. Ample reasons for student to heed the warning put forth by faculty.>>

Another brife pause, before a question is presented, <<how did you find yourselves out here without the company of a faculty member, not permission explicitly given? Were you alerted to the trouble, and decided to undertake it yourselves, without telling faculty? Not even Ms. Frost, your direct advisor?>>

Elixir has posed:
"Uh, it's sort of hard to explain, but someone from our school can hear us right now" Josh says out loud to Green Arrow, then adds. "Ah, we just wanted to see one of the space mushrooms up close, Ms. Grey. We didn't think. And then this kid started getting dragged in right in front of us, so we had to jump in. The Green Arrow is here right now, he got involved And Iron Man just left."

Twitch has posed:
"Umm," Tyler says before a deep sigh escapes from him. He looks over towards Green Arrow and frowns, "Yeah. What Josh said." Then he says, trying to make sure it's pronounced in his mind, "I really didn't mean to break the rules today. If I'd known leaving the school was off limits I wouldn't have done it." He rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands and says to the guys nearby, "I think we should probably be heading back now." Turning to Green Arrow he says, "We're in trouble. I think we've got to split."

Speed has posed:
Tommy manages to quiet his thoughts some, ~We just came to have a look, then when things went down we couldn't turn away~ he says reinforcing Josh and Tyler's points.

"And yeah, we need to get going, Good fighting with you," he says.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Telepaths." Green Arrow offers by way of unneeded confirmation, "Good luck with that. I have a number of stalk sites to check out, myself." A two fingered salute later, and the archer vigilante drives on, disappearing into the city.

Phoenix has posed:
<<From what I've heard those things a threat to the upper echelon of heroes, the Avengers and the Justice League are teaming up on those, aren't you a little out of your depth chasing those things? Particularly with a curfew enforced?>> Jean sounds quite disappointed when Josh explains further. <<You're lucky Green Arrow and Iron Man were involved.>>

A few seconds of pause, and then another comment, <<Tommy is better versed at dealing with being questioned, you should learn from him, Tyler.>>