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Latest revision as of 14:38, 2 August 2018

Log 4705
Date of Scene: 21 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Green Lantern (Cruz), Adam Warlock

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr is still stranded aboard his own ship somewhere just beyond Sol's asteroid belt, trying to figure out if he can get the systems running again so that he can try a manual override and 'cure' the sabotaged code. That is until it strikes too many giant asteroids and becomes completely irreparable.

    Thus far not having much luck, though. He could try to blast through the hull, but that would damage the Sentinel more than he'd like and would take far too long. And plus, what would he do once he got out without any means of propulsion? It was just...a very, very frustrating situation. He's called for backup, but that will take cycles to get to this tiny backwater system in the middle of nowhere.

    He sighs to himself. Might not be getting out of this one any time soon...just perfect. That is, unless the locals help him. Which isn't likely at -all-. They probably just wanted to prevent that other ship from getting destroyed.

    As for the Sentinel itself, it isn't considered a large vessel really--at least not by Cybertronian standards, but to anyone humanoid it is pretty huge. It looks to be just floating there, drifting aimlessly through the asteroid field and occasionally knocking into a few of them, causing small chunks of rock to break off and drift away.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
After dealing with the fallout of the near-collission near Jupiter, and the crystalline Krytptonian ship towed away - and defusing an interstellar diplomatic incident... Green Lantern Jessica Cruz returned to the other shipo which was still there, just... sitting there. She tries to establish contact, and if successful, will say that she's Green Lantern and trying tohelp. Letting Anillo take care of that, she tries to find any windows or viewports or anything, especially in the control center, and tries to look in them and knock on them.

Blurr has posed:
    As Jessica examines the ship, she will probably note as she may have already from last time, that this vessel was designed to accommodate someone much larger than herself. Sure enough, if she looks through a viewport that leads to the cockpit, she will see the Cybertronian staring out at her.

    As for getting in, although the ship doesn't have any unintended holes in it, she might be small enough to actually get in through a vent shaft.

    Meanwhile, Blurr hears what is presumably a broadband message from Jessica and immediately peers out of the windows to spot a glowing green flesh creature. Hmm...the Lanterns? He was almost certain they'd avoid him. << Jessica Cruz? >> Comes an answer over the communicator. << But I thought you Lanterns weren't supposed to come anywhere near us... you know, just like everyone else... >>

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "I suppose we never had reason to go to your system... and..." She trails off. "Less... reason now. There is nothing that I know of that forbids contact with your kind. May I enter?" she asks. "I can probably phase through this window." She touches it. "I was the one who stopped the collision course between your vessel and the Kryptonian ship. That was my willpower, powered by hope."

Adam Warlock has posed:
As Blurr and Jessica Cruz both conversed inside of the alien ship, They would discover a portal opening space. As if reality was being somewhat skewed to allow for someone to travel. And lo and behold, out came Adam Warlock!

The Avatar of life floated towards the ship with staff in hand, hood over his golden head, and wearing his black and red wizard robes. He seems to have a curiosity as he doesn't speak, though he does simply use magic to allow himself to phase through the wall of the ship so that he doesn't have to worry about sneaking in or anything like that.

"Hello?" Adam asks somewhat curiously. He's NEVER seen a ship of this make, so his inner life-nerd is going a little ballistic.

What? Being the avatar of life will do that to you.

Regardless, Adam seems to notice Blurr and Jessica, offering a smile to both. "Hello." he says casually with a smile that may be as warm as the sun...without, you know, the intense heat.

Blurr has posed:
    << More like, you had a good reason NOT to go there. >> Blurr replies, sighing as he sort of slumps into the pilot's seat in a defeated fashion. His optics widen at the mention of phasing. << Ph-phase? Holy slagging Primus. Well I guess I couldn't really stop you. >> The Autobot shrugs, glancing away for a moment but then looking quickly back at her. << Imeanthanks. For--helping with the collision course problem. Come on in, I guess. >>

    And speaking of phasing, Adam just...comes right in. This definitely startles Blurr, causing him to jump back and draw his weapons. Panels on his arms slide back and guns emerge, all in the blink of an eye. He doesn't fire yet though, instead just staring at the strange being in front of him.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz carefully glows bright green and phases through the window, smiling softly. "What's your name?" she asks the impossibly tall cybernetic creature before her - then her face falls when she sees Adam Warlock show up. "Oh. It's you." She sighs as she slumps, shaking her head. "Go away."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam Warlock tilts his head at Burr, as if comletely agast in surprise at what he is! "Forgive me. Unfortunately, my senses couldn't detect any organic organisms aside from The Green Lantern. I apologize, I did not mean to startle you." he smiles warmly, though he doesn't appear to be threatened or even scared that Blurr drew weapons on him. "My name is Adam Warlock. What is yours?" he even sets his staff aside so he could look at Blurr and show him that he was unarmed.

Though Jessica's negative response towards him makes him tilt his head in confusion. "Have I done something wrong?" he asks her curiously.

Blurr has posed:
    "..." Blurr stares down at Jessica and Adam. He talked to Gamora before--briefly. But he really has not had much contact with organics thus far. It seems to boggle him that they are just--automatically friendly? When they don't even know him. -So- weird.

    The guns slowly, tentatively retract until they are once again concealed fully. Then he just stands there, gaping at the two humanoids for what seems to be an eternity. Well to him, anyway. In truth it was only a few seconds. Huh. Maybe, these waterbags aren't what he thought they were. "Uhm--uh..." he stammers. He -really- isn't used to this sort of thing at all.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz sighs. "I had a drunken run-in with him at one point," she mutters. "It almost cost me my relationship. But that's neither here or now." She gazes at Blurr. "May I have your name?" she asks again to Blurr. "And... what is wrong with this vessel? How did you end up here of all places?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam seems to tilt his head at Jessica, he doesn't appear to have any memory of this situation (likely because he was also under the influence). "Oh good heavens. I'm so sorry. I had no intention to ruin anything for you." He looks truly apologetic before he looks to Blurr. "It is alright, friend. We will not harm you. Though...may I ask you where you are from? I have never seen anything like you before."

Adam speaks with a wonderous awe to his tone as he gazes upon the massive robot. He wonders what it takes to even fuel such a thing. Clearly it isn't a machine that was made by ordinary minds. No...this creature is extremely intelligent and has //opinions//! Truly wonderful! Not to mention how it seems to be able to morph itself to fit the standard, like how it's guns retracted and the like.

Yes, Adam was the Avatar of Life. He loved all life in all of it's forms. Including robotic.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr arches a brow at Jessica. He doesn't seem to know what in the slag she is talking about. "Erm--oh--ohokay." He seems to have a habit of talking so fast that his words just kind of blend together sometimes.

    Oh, right. A name. "Blurr." He finally answers, still just boggled by the humanoids' warm behavior toward him. "Howdid--? Oh, yeah. The ship. Someone sabotaged the control frame, locked me out of the system. That's why I almost hit that Kryptonian. I managed to jump to hyperspace before they could force me into a planetoid, but then--yeah. You saw what happened. I've been trying to reboot it with a manual override, but--" he sighs, shaking his head. Well it sounds like a sigh, but it is really just vent system cycling.

    Then he stares even harder at Adam. "I--friend?! But I barely know you." he frowns. "AsinIjustmetyoujustnow." He crouches down as far as he comfortably can to try to get a closer look at the strange golden individual. "I'm from Cybertron. We...don't exactly have the best reputation out there." he admits.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz shrugs. "Let me see if I can help..." She then asks, "Have you heard from any other of your people, Blurr?" she asks as she floats up towards the control panel. She tries to interface with the computer core, seeing if she can figure out the corruption inside it - but it might take a while - the Corps just doesn't know much about Cybertron.

Adam Warlock has posed:
"Cybertron?" Adam asks curiously. "I did not think such a thing existed anymore...very curious indeed." He smiles softly to Blurr even as it crouches down as far as it can go to look at him. "I see. I am happy to see that you are alright, Blurr." Though then he's questioned about if they were even friends. "Why of course you don't. That's what pleasant meetings are for." he smiles softly to Blurr. "Regardless, I am happy to have made another friend." he bows his head lightly to Blurr.

Well, Adam clearly isn't a hostile. But at least he can help keep Blurr calm while Jessica does her work.

Blurr has posed:
    When Jessica attempt to interface with the ships' systems, she is allowed a window into it but everything is definitely in Cybertronian. But perhaps her ring can help her with that, if she can focus up enough. It has been infiltrated by a virus of some kind, which shouldn't come as a surprise. "Yeah," Blurr answers her question. "But it'll take them a while to get all the way out here."

    "It barely exists." he answers Adam, looking a bit downcast as he straightens back up. The Autobot studies him a moment, still somewhat bewildered by this behavior. "Howareyou--I mean, how are you just...so nice and friendly and-and trusting by default?!"