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Ragnarok pt 4: Alpha Flight pitches in!
Date of Scene: 22 June 2018
Location: Asgardian Ship in Earth Orbit
Synopsis: Alpha Flight lends their expertise to helping the Asgardians.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Darkhawk, Thor, Yin
Tinyplot: Ragnarok

Supergirl has posed:
    News had gotten to Alpha Flight from one Tony Stark. They had been informed of the situation with the Asgardian vessel in orbit. Lack of supplies. Lots of survivors. A lot of traumatized people who had lost everything but the clothes on their back.
    It had taken some work but the leaders of their group happened to be very good at what they did. In short order, supplies were gathered on a nearby military base for distribution to the refugees in orbit. It wasn't enough. It would just help for a few days. They could fire it into orbit on one of their ships but there was an easier way.
    Although Supergirl was not one of the members of Alpha Flight, but instead the junior group Gamma Flight, she was gifted with the ability to fly into space unaided. Using a large vessel that was able to survive reaching space and returning without going up in flames, the supplies had been crammed to the very top of the space available.
    If there were any sensors on the Asgardian vessel, they would go off as a large metallic box with heat resistant tiles covering it came into range. There were a pair of figures with it.
    Towing it along was Supergirl. She came to a stop near a window of the Asgardian ship, putting back a hand to simply stop the box behind her from floating forward any more. Then she did what anyone would do. She knocks on the window while smiling brightly then waves.

Darkhawk has posed:
The vessel was crammed to the brim, literally. There wasn't even a place for Darkhawk to sit. As he hadn't yet learned to reach escape velocity, he was currently holding onto to some of the rigging that Supergirl was using the tow it. And while it might be a bad idea to have someone like Darkhawk along on this mission, he had a problem with reaching escape velocity. He had no problem with the heat, or the lack of oxygen, and once up in space, he could function pretty normally. So, he was a natural choice to accompany Supergirl.

Meanwhile, a second batch of supplies were being prepared to be zetaported up to Mackenzie King Station, though that was an arduous task, given the limited amount they could sent in a single zetaport transmission. Still, it was easier than having people like Supergirl tow it into space, but not significantly easier.

Once into space, Darkhawk flew out into space, and grabbed a second harness, and began helping Supergirl tug it. She was stronger than him, but he was helping as much as he could. Darkhawk's scanners became active, trying to figure out where the cargo bay was and once he had located it, he explained, "The cargo door is on the left ventral side. There seems to be a manual latch, though, it'll probably need a secondary response from the crew. I mean, who'd design a ship where anybody could just open it up from the outside." He didn't know it, but the suit was Shi'ar in origin. But maybe the Asgardians might be able to tell him about it.

Thor has posed:
    Within the floating vessel high above Earth, no sensors were active enough to mark the launch and approach of that ship of mercy. There was no warning within the marginally lit confines of the ship, no klaxon warning to make those within ready. Though, curiously enough, there was a tall man in dark garb with a single silver blade in his hand resting with it point down into the very side of the hull. He stood out there, with only a modicum of protection from space and the deprivation of its vacuum, casting his gaze broadly...
    Only then to espy the approach of Supergirl and her cargo. When she was still some ways out he crouched, his armor silent in that emptiness and leaned forwards to rap his knuckles heavily upon the window. Without there was nothing, within there was a steady /thump-thump-thump/. It was enough to bring some of the guards to attention and have them rush forwards into position...
    Just in time to see Supergirl approaching that window and waving inside. The guard in the high-horned helmet lifts his spear and offers her a salute, then he lifts an armored covered hand to indicate the rear hangar bay with its shimmering magnetic field. It's to there he leads her even as he turns to apparently call out across the deck of that bay, drawing the approach to attention of those within.
    Once they reach that magnetic field they'll be able to see within. To see the three shuttles of unknown design being worked on by a myriad of Asgardians craftsmen. Two other ships are lifted up in what look like aircraft cranes, holding them ready for launch but out of the way of the landing bay floor. It's there that they'll see a figure standing between two guards. A figure who lifts a hand in greeting, though he's distorted by the flickering of that field.

Supergirl has posed:
    As they are greeted by the Sentry, Supergirl gives a nod then looks over to her companion. She grabs her strap and, assuming he grabs his, they follow the guard toward the hangar bay. The shimmering field makes her pause a moment, glancing around at it and wondering if it'll just shut off so they can go inside.
    The figure inside is waving like they expect them to just come in. So, is that how it works? She reaches out a tentative hand and finds that it goes through the shield without a problem. That gets a big smile but she turns a moment to position herself underneath the load since inside there seems to be gravity. No good pulling it in to have it go ka-boom when the gravity took effect.
    "Darkhawk, can you steer us in?" she asks, somehow able to talk despite being in a vacuum.

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris had actually wanted to ask his science teacher about that, regarding superheroes, asking how they could talk in the vacuum of space, but he couldn't find a reason he'd know that to justify the question, so he had left it. He'd been meaning to ask Dr. Hudson, but Chris wasn't really on a fire name basis there, so didn't have much chance of bringing it up. "Sure, Supergirl," he replied. His suit had built in communications, and technically, wasn't a suit, but that was complicated. He got on one side, helping to steer it in space, and direct her once she took over lifting it. Thankfully, he was able to float in the atmosphere too. Once it was landed in the cargo bay, he replied to the first Asgardian who approached, "So, who's on the hook for these 20,000 pizzas?" And then, thinking these guys probably wouldn't get the joke, "here's the first batch of supplies from Alpha Flight."

Thor has posed:
    Once they break the plane of that magnetic field they will indeed feel that pull of gravity 'downwards' to the gleaming metal deck of the hangar bay. The metal is shiny though there are a few black marks that have excoriated the surface but despite those scars it still seems to shine and shimmer, perhaps some subtle feeling of energy coming from the material. And as they slip past it the people snap into focus without that field in the way. The two guards standing at either side of the bay, and then the solitary one of the man who has advanced to greet them.
    He is a tall blonde man, strong of limb and broad of chest, recognizable for those who were familiar with the Battle of New York as Thor Odinson, though his hair has been shorn close and a strapless eyepatch covers his right eye. When the ship floats inside and sets down he will approach and his gaze turns first to Darkhawk.
    "Indeed? Then you shall enjoy all of Asgard's thanks for the pizza of New York is indeed a food worthy of the mighty." He steps forwards and rests a hand upon Darkhawk's shoulder, his smile a little wan but there is a warmth there. "Thank you, my friends. Your efforts humble me." He gives a small thump to the young man in armor's shoulder, then looks over towards Supergirl. "Again, thank you."

Supergirl has posed:
    "It might've been Chicago pizza though. Not sure it's as mighty," Supergirl says as she walks from the other side of the large container, once it has been placed gently down inside the ship.
    Once opened, they will find lots of MREs, clothing, medical supplies, water. Those were the things they felt should be delivered first and in a large quantity all at once, thus the use of the duo instead of the technological resources Alpha Flight had at their disposal.
    She comes to a stop in front of Thor, giving him a nod in greeting. Her own smile is less bright now that she is faced with the leader of these lost people. "It is an honor to meet you, sir," she says, not sure what she is supposed to call him. Highness? "You're welcome and there will be more coming through the zetaport system. We just wanted to get these to you right away instead of in smaller batches. And to offer the services of Alpha Flight in any way possible. I'm Supergirl." She lets her companion do his own introduction.

Darkhawk has posed:
Had Chris actually been there, again, it's complicated, or capable of expression through the armour, he'd be squinting. Instead, the optical sensors, unseen beneath the emotionless visor, focused and re-focused on the man. He then said, "Thor?" As if he had trouble recognising him with the hair and the eye patch. "Wow," he said in surprise, quietly, under his breath, again, if he had breath. He was about to ask for an autograph, but the small thump to the shoulder derails that train of thought, and he actually stumbles a bit before regaining his balance, "it's an honour, sir," echoing Kara's thoughts. He offered the hand of his suit, the one without the Wolverine-like claw. "I'm Darkhawk." Somehow, even through the synthesised voice, he came across as less than confident in his chosen superhero name.

Thor has posed:
    "Supergirl," He gives a firm nod of recognition and then acceptance as he looks upon the young woman, his one good eye meeting hers. "I have had words with your..." Thor tilts his head slightly to the side as he perhaps searches for the words or the memory, "Relative? He seemed a well and honorable soul. I am sure he is pleased to have you carry on his legacy."
    "Darkhawk!" His voice lifts a little, "A strong name, similar to a warrior of Asgard whose time has passed." For there were many warriors of Asgard who would no longer draw steel in its defense. "Your aid is well come and with the aid of you and yours we are recovering."
    He steps away from the vessel, turning to one of the guards near the hangar bay doors. "Harald, detail two of your men to the unloading of these supplies. There is storage upon D deck. See to the distribution to those with the greatest need."
    That said he turns back and asks of them, "Will you walk with me?" Though he asks he perhaps presumes they will as he already turns and starts to move across the heavy steel deck.

Supergirl has posed:
    "Cousin," Supergirl offers when he mentions Superman. At least, it sounds like him. She can't think of any other Kryptonians that might've fit that bill.
    As he asks if they would walk with him, she gives a nod even as he is turning away. She glances over to Darkhawk with a momentary "oh my god" expression before she gets it under control. After all, it isn't everyday they meet an actual god. Sure, he's an alien like her but he is still more than that. Then she realizes she is forgetting something. Something rather important.
    "Oh! We need to get in the box! Yin's in there!" She turns back to where his people are starting to open the doors on the box. "She came along to help with the people who need medical treatment."

Yin has posed:
Yin awakens from her meditative trance in the box and rises, stepping out and inclining her masked head to the people unloading the containers. She stretches, taking a deep breath and silently drifts out into the hold through the newly opened container doors.

She walks around the likely confused people at the door and walks toward her teammates, who she is sure have already introduced her. "Greetings." She steps up quietly, merging with the rest of the group.

Darkhawk has posed:
"Hello Yin, I hope the trip wasn't too bumpy in there." Having lost gravity part way through, and then getting it back, might have been disorienting. "This is Thor, the God of Thunder, leader of the Asgardians, and of course, the strongest Avenger." Yeah, he read the mission briefing. He was still as awesome as Kara, maybe even more so, but it seemed to help that Thor had bumped his shoulder and liked his superhero name.

Thor has posed:
    At the hesitation, Thor quirks the eyebrow just over that eyepatch, his gaze flitting from Supergirl, to Darkhawk, then back again as he realizes something's amiss. One of the guards looks to him as they'd been about to open the doors and he holds up a hand as if to stay the men from action as something very well may be amiss.
    Then when Yin emerges he gives a nod to her, "Yin, I bid you greetings as well. Be you welcome. I am grateful for your aid." He touches a hand to his chest then looks on turn towards Darkhawk, smiling at the introduction. He turns back and starts to move away, "Any help you may render we will appreciate. I would have words with you all if you will join me. I am told that Alpha Flight is charged with the defense of Earth from those without."
    His footsteps carry him across the room towards the door on the far side. Once he draws close enough to it that door does not whisper open, but instead grinds sloooowly as it reveals the hall beyond.

Supergirl has posed:
    At least Supergirl has the grace to look a little embarassed. Nothing like getting all awestruck at meeting Thor and forgetting her own teammate. Hopefully Darkhawk wouldn't tell.
    "Sure thing," she says, falling into step behind the Asgardian leader. As they near the door, she finds herself immensely disappointed. She had expected Star Trek. She got the Flintstones going by the sounds and speed. It's like there is a dinosaur in the wall dragging it open or something.
    She might watch've watched too much tv in her first few years on Earth too.
    "That seems--broken?"

Yin has posed:
Yin drifts after, footsteps silent. "Thor." Senses out, she just follows quietly for the moment. She knows she's the new kid, and she knows she is here to meet the healers rather than the front line of gods and warriors, and she is maybe happy to let Supergirl stew in her gaffe a little bit longer. In any case, she seems happy for the moment to be getting her bearings and looking around.

Darkhawk has posed:
Darkhawk is still a bit awestruck. He's been on the station, but this one isn't man-made. He's on an alien space ship. And that's just plain cool. Though he is a little disappointed at a slow grind, rather than a precise swoosh when the door opens. "So... King Thor, how long have you had this ship?" Yeah, he was trying to make small talk, and ask about it being broken, but somewhat more diplomatically.

Thor has posed:
    "Several months?" Thor answers first Darkhawk, then Supergirl, "What, this?" Thor says, looking back towards them. "It just needs a little maintenance." He lifts a hand and gestures towards the still slowly opening door and then reaches towards the gap and pulls on one of the door sections to the side. It makes a loud /scrraaaaape/ of metal and then suddenly gives way in his grasp cracking off at one of the inner hinges to suddenly be cast askew and... now very broken. "You see..." He cocks an eyebrow as at least they can get through now. "Better."
    But then he steps through the partially open doorway and says over his shoulder, "Watch your step." Once he's in the hallway beyond. Though it's not a long one, it leads some twenty feet further and then lifts up into a flight of stairs that in turn lead to a raised dais that provides a place for a heavy metallic table to rest. A quintet of high-backed chairs are there and in the middle of the table is a decanter with several glasses set by.
    But it's not that table that draws the eye at first, instead it's the view as the observation deck is really just a large half-bubble window that allows those within that meeting room to see the infinite expanse beyond them with its billions of lights off afar. Thor pauses at one of the chairs and gestures for them to be seated should they wish. "I am afraid I need your aid. I know that Alpha Flight is tasked with handling of matters such as mine, but I would know all you can tell me."

Supergirl has posed:
    As he takes the door to task, Supergirl has to literally slap her hand over her mouth to keep from giggling. Which hopefully he doesn't notice since she manages to get her hand back down just before he turns around to see them again. "Much better," she agrees. So much for WD-40. She'd have to tell her adoptive dad about this one, explain how it was a better fix. After all, the God of Thunder said so.
    She trails along silently but when they reach their destination, she takes a moment to look out at the stars. Being out here in space seeing them just makes it all more breathtaking. Even as often as she's gone into space, that just never gets old. At his rquest though, she turns and settles into one of the chairs. "Uh." Not a lot of information shared in that syllable. She isn't sure that she is qualified to answer questions so she looks at the other two then gives a shrug as she looks to Thor.

Yin has posed:
Yin slips into a chair quietly, as that seems the polite thing to do. Still a bit quiet; the situation isn't her forte. She watches Thor moving, reading what she can from his posture and mannerisms, noticing lots of tiny details her companions likely would be uninterested in from it. Ooh, stars. Pretty...

Yin shrugs faintly. "I am here because I have some skill with healing people with ch'i, but I don't personally have much knowledge about the other aspects of the situation. I am happy for any details you might be able to tell me, if you are familiar with the medical situation."

Darkhawk has posed:
Right now, Darkhawk was very glad that he didn't need to breath air. Though he was a little concerned for Yin. Thor certainly was hospitable, but he didn't seem to be gentle with the ship on which they all walked. And then he saw that view. "Wow," he repeats for at least the second time since he had boarded the ship. He never got tired of these kinds of breathtaking views. It was one thing to have them as a background on a computer, but to see them, in person, or as close as he could, given the intricacies of his 'suit', well, it was another level entirely. His reverence for the view was only broken when he heard the request, "um, did you have anything specific? We're comparatively low ranked, all three of us are Gammas. It goes Alpha Flight, then Beta Flight, and finally us. Not that it was meant as a sign of disrespect or anything. Just, Supergirl can break orbit on her own, I can function in space, and as Yin said, she can render medical aide. We were judged to be an appropraite support team by the higher ups."

Thor has posed:
    The tall blonde man with the severe visage looks between them, his eye alighting upon Supergirl but finding little there to aid him in his quest for answers. It then turns to Yin and he cocks an eyebrow above that eyepatch, gaze considering as he looks upon her.
    When she speaks of helping heal the fallen his face brightens and he gives a single sharp nod. "Indeed, then you are well come as well, for we have those who are suffering but what craft we have has not been enough. When you wish I shall task someone to lead you to them." His brow furrows, "They are on the lower decks, we have done the best for them that we can... but perhaps you will see more than our own healers can."
    That said he shifts back towards Darkhawk. "Ah, I would know then to whom I should speak. I believe I caught Carol Danvers stating she was counted among your ilk. Who leads your people that I should parley with?"

Yin has posed:
"Alpha Flight is dealing with an invasion of voracious alien fungi right now, sadly. Canada is large, and there are a lot of myconid xenoforming sites to deal with as a result. Apologies if we are a bit less senior than you would have hoped, but there is no sense rescuing everyone and bringing them to a planet if we lose the planet." Yin frowns under her mask. "I'm sure you understand the frustration." She frowns, certainly feeling the frustration herself of having to say things that way to Thor. The God of Thunder deserves more than just her and her companions, but she wants to do everything she can.

Darkhawk has posed:
Since Carol Danvers was public about her identity, he had no problem admitting to it, "Captain Danvers would be a good person to talk to. If not her, Guardian, Vindicator, or... maybe the Prime Minister? I don't really know what the proper political protocols are for a... well, God, but I imagine any one of them would receive you warmly. I mean, this is the first shipment of supplies, with more on the way. So, it's got to be going well." He didn't know who had arranged the supplies, just that he was helping to ferry them. "And yeah," he nodded to Yin, "we wish we could say that sort of thing is unusual, but really, it's just another Thursday." And then he was very thankful that he didn't have facial expressions in the suit, as he remembered the etymology of Thursday.

Thor has posed:
    A hand is lifted as if to fend off Yin's words. "I hold you no ill will, Yin. You and yours are doing what must be done." He instead broadens his attention to them all and gives another nod. "I appreciate your aid in this dark time, my friends. And Stark has informed me of this alien invasion, one of which may well menace this ship if the orbit does not change." He frowns and seems for a moment to focus on the distance in silence, then he gestures with one hand.
    "Please, take what time you may before your return trip to Midgard." He motions to the bottle and the glasses in the middle of the table, then he focuses upon Yin. "If a healer you are then I shall have you shown to those who most need your aid." He looks to the others, "I will see now ill befalls your comrade while she is in my charge."
    And with that said he starts to move back around the table, back towards the door that befouled his journey earlier. "And do not fear, the mead is suitably watered down to suit the constitution of those of your realm."

Yin has posed:
Yin rises and follows Thor. For a moment, she turns to her teammates, "I will let you know if I find anything interesting." She touches her ear lightly. "Let me know if there is anything you need to know about." Then she is gone, on her way to see to the wounded.