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Latest revision as of 22:07, 2 August 2018

Ragnarok pt. 8: The News of the U.N.
Date of Scene: 28 June 2018
Location: Asgardian Ship in Earth Orbit
Synopsis: A course of action is decided upon.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Sister Reinhardt, Vintridr, Nuala Duvall
Tinyplot: Ragnarok

Thor has posed:
    The beast, vanquished. The people, saved. The heroes, returning. There was no pomp associated with this victory, however. There were no grateful crowds clamoring to touch and greet the returning heroes. Though there were people there, several hundred it seems as the victors return to the old transport vessel now named 'Frigga's Mercy'.
    Outside on the hull of the ship, while the heroes pass, they'll see the two cobbled together shuttlecraft that have been affixed and bolted to the larger ship. They'd been placed there and locked down for the emergency plan to get the ship out of the way of the large squishroom that had threatened the vessel. But within, the Asgardians had not sat idle. There were supplies ready for transport and people set for the evacuation. With the ship's communications flickering in and out they had not been able to get word back to them.
    Only now, as the heroes return will they have some inkling of what has passed.
    Thor Odinson lands upon the deck with his boots making a heavy thump and thud as he catches himself. Rising from the partial crouch he grimaces as he detaches the Sakaaran helmet from his head, the force field flickering and dying as he throws it aside. No longer is his armor gleaming of steel and iron, but the grayish gore of the creature's innards have left their mark. And their smell.
    "Burn that!" He gestures towards the helmet he removed. Then he slips his hands to either side of the armored breastplate and detaches it with a moist wet squick of sound as it pulls away from his under tunic. "And this... all the armor..." There's a clang as he tosses it aside. But then he remembers all the people looking on with bated breath.
    He looks up, one eye shifting back and forth then he tells them with a small smile, "We were victorious."
    And from such strong lungs, the cheer that goes out from the survivors of Asgard is equally as strong.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    The Blue Lantern flies her way into the rear deck as well, but she doesn't land with the thump that Thor does, but barely a whisper as Thor bellows out they were victorius. Suzanne simply chuckles as Thor seems to rally the Asgardians almost immediately.....and her ring glows a bit brighter before she looks at it. "hmmm....that's....odd." She says before a window pops up.....and it's the news reports. "You're showing me this? I already know it's going to be depress...." And her ring actually turns up the volume. "The people of Norway would welcome the Asgardians with open arms if the concerns of the United Nation are duly addressed. Ever have our people felt a kinship to the tales that have come from the brief time that they visited our land so long ago. We would welcome their return home."

This raises Suzanne's eyebrows. "Wow....my faith in humanity is restored." She then chuckles.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr raises her spear, leading the cheer from the Asgardian refugees, hailing their lord and champion and welcoming him home.

    "Hail the Odinson!"


    The ship is sturdy despite its age, and mere shouting can't shake the walls -- but it sure feels like it for a moment. And just for a while, at least, a bit of the grim despair and loss is set aside as Asgard welcomes its champion home and revels in his victory.

    Vintridr lets the cheering go on for a while longer, then approaches Thor. "There's been word from the United Nations, my Lord. We should discuss the specifics in private," she suggests.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala comes in the rear, since it takes longer for the ship to dock than it does for Thor or Suzanne to land as individuals. The loading ramp lowers, and she steps off the ship, an exhaustion on her face that she fights to hide. Her slim suit pulses with energy, perhaps giving the illusion of greater energy than she actually has.
    She exited just after the cheers from the Asgardians, just in time to hear the end of the report. Uncertain of the message due to being late to the party, she approaches, keeping a mild distance from Thor as to not interfere, and turning toward the broadcast from the Blue Lantern.
    Her eyes get a little life back to them, and she takes a step closer, as if uncertain if it's appropriate to approach, but keeps her tongue for the time being.

Thor has posed:
    The cheers grow but then the words from the circle of worthies draws the attention of the crowd. A quick susurrus of whispers is heard, but the sound of the crowd sharing and understanding what has passed.
    At first Thor's gaze had been upon the people, holding Mjolnir up in victory as he looked to them, but then behind him he heard Suzanne's words quickly followed by Vintridr's as well. His eyebrows lifted, a touch of incredulity flickering over his features, then he turns to give a firm nod to Vintridr. "Indeed, aye. Best we take this to the observation deck and share what counsel we can." A nod is given towards Nuala, apparently she is included in the war council.
    He starts to walk across the deck, but then pauses. "Vintridr, we are likely to need all of our strength, how stands the warriors of Asgard?" As he asks this he begins to move towards that old battle-damaged door that leads inwards towards the observation deck. Once he reaches the door he no longer waits for the thing to try and open and instead manually shoves it aside in its track, clearing it and then stepping through.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Right." Suzanne says as she moves through the door, gesturing for Nuala to join them. "We shouldn't keep this from the rest of your people though. The assurances must be made though." She says as she uses her ring to close the door behind them. "I imagine you've heard too." She says to Vintridr as she looks back to Nuala, but then walks with them up to the observation deck.

Vintridr has posed:
    "The last of the injured warriors has been discharged from sickbay," Vintridr reports. "That makes for a fighting strength of four hundred ninety-two able warriors... Wait, four hundred ninety-three, now; young Asbjorn has taken his oaths and stands ready to protect our people."

    She smiles, looking almost gentle for a moment, but then frowns again. "Alas, not all the news is that good. A great many leaders spoke at the United Nations, and talked a great deal while saying very little. With your permission, I'll skip over the political niceties and diplomatic double speak to cut to the heart of the matter."

    She takes a breath, then continues. "As it stands, most nations are opposed to granting us asylum within their borders, or even on this planet, especially so long as they aren't sure the misfortune that befell Asgard won't follow us where we go -- your assurances have done little to assuage that fear."

    "As the Hope-bearer said, the sole exception is Norway, who is willing to grant us welcome -- /if/ the European Union's concerns about what might still follow us can be put to rest."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala starts to get the impression that the last line she heard wasn't all that was on the feed as Thor and the Lantern both nod for her to join the group. It takes just a half second for her to move, forcing her momentum to pick up as she makes her way at the back of the group into the observation room. She listens for the moment, recognizing herself to be the lowest of rank in the room, she waits to be asked for input before speaking, but her arms fold across her chest, one hand coming up to act as a chin rest as she listens.

Thor has posed:
    Thor's footsteps falter for a moment as he turns to the side, brow furrowed as he holds up a hand about shoulder height and says, "Young Asbjorn?" He seems taken aback as he shakes his head, one eye widening a bit as if time had indeed flown by. Then his eyebrows raise and he makes a small 'hmh' sound as if accepting it. He then gives a nod, "Four hundred and ninety-three then. We must make ready, battle with those many creatures draws near and we cannot let humanity think we will sit by in their time of need."
    Once that's said is when he makes it to that observation deck that some of them have been upon before. A walk up a stairway and out into the large room with the tall table that dominates it with those high back chairs. A bottle of water is set in the center along with five glasses.
    The Thunderer steps up those stairs and into the room, placing Mjolnir heavily upon the table with a loud /cloonk/ that seems to hum faintly. "Well then that is good news, aye? Norway was where we stood when we first defeated the svartalfar. Honorable that they still hold us in esteem for that time." He pauses there to look between each of them.
    Then he peers at Nuala and adds, "Lady Duvall, are you well?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Didn't think you would, Thor. Most politicians are pretty chicken though. When confronted with a straight up fight, they'll hide." Suzanne says before looking to Nuala. "Are you okay, Nuala?" She says softly.....

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr nods. "That said, materiel is... Limited. Even salvaging what we can from arms and armour too damaged to remain usable, we'll be hard pressed to fully equip all of them - or deploy them to a battlefiend from here. We have enchanters, smiths and craftsmen; what we don't have a great deal of are resources to enchant, smith and craft /with/ -- and most of what we had we used to keep this ship flying..."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Hm?" Nuala raises her eyes from being in thought. "I am fine," she says, forcibly shaking any sign of fatigue as best she can before glancing between Thor and Suzanne. She forces a deep breath, and straightens her posture again.
    "It is predictable," she comments, "That most humans would be reluctant. They have heroes such as Superman and several lanterns defending them. Earth has more than its share of dangers, though. Even without those dangers, they should have enough compassion on a people that have come to their aid time and time again." Her voice becomes a bit hard as she speaks, losing the professional edge. She stops herself. "I am sorry, I speak beyond my knowledge, and outside of my station."

Thor has posed:
    A hand lifts as the grim looking blonde haired man waves off her concerns, "You have come to us in a time of need, Nuala and stood at our side in battle. You need never hold to silence with me." Though after he says this he looks a little pensive as he turns his gaze towards the window. A moment passes, two.
    "Of those, how many Einherjar still stand with us?" He asks of Vintridr as he's dropping into one of the chairs, Thor's gaze distances as he snatches up one of the glasses and holds it in one hand, contemplating it as if it held all the ills that they faced and he had but to crush it in his hand to be done with them. But then he shakes his head and looks back to Vintridr. "Take what supplies we have and make sure half of them are fully equipped. They'll be our force that we shall use to back Stark when he makes his move against the creatures."
    He tilts the bottle on its side and first pours the water into three other glasses for them then fills his own as he murmurs quietly. "The others will have what weaponry we can spare and will be tasked with protecting the Mercy, make sure she keeps out of harm's way."
    That said he looks between the others and murmurs, "I am welcome to counsel on Midgard's politics. My lack of knowledge is woeful in this matter."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr almost winces. "The Victorious Fallen stand ready to aid us as they ever have, and ever shall until Valhalla itself ceases... But for the foreseeable future, in Valhalla they will remain. To call them forth I need to draw upon magics of life and death alike - and with Asgard shattered, only Valhalla's power still answers my call. Given time, I might be able to attune to Midgard's power sufficiently, but..."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "All politicians are liars, Thor. Remember that." Suzanne says with rather unique bluntness. "If they say something, do not accept it on blind faith. Check to see how much they are bending and stretching in their favor." She then sighs. "I shouldn't throw my own negativity into this. but you really shouldn't believe politicians. Usually they have a reason as to why they're backing something. It usually means they're getting kickbacks somehow."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "No, I really should hold it," she answers Thor. "I am neither a representative of Earth nor of Asgard. I am supposed to remain neutral." Then she doesn't. "The Blue Lantern speaks the truth," she agrees. "Politicians are liars. They are blinded by their need to keep political peace, and they fail to act." She clenches her teeth. "I'd like to show them all just what waits outside of their little speck of existence in the universe. Show them just what they //should// be concerned about."

Thor has posed:
    A short sharp nod is given as Thor accepts Vintridr's words. He rubs at the line of his jaw with one large hand and frowns distantly while he ponders his options, as if he was missing something, or there was something there he could not see. But then Suzanne lifts her voice and he gives a single sharp nod. Yet it's when Nuala starts to hedge her words, protesting impartiality that he cocks an eyebrow...
    And then she unloads and it earns her a wry half-smile as she backs up what Suzanne had said. "Aye, I am aware of those you proclaim politicians. I shall not presume entirely on the good faith of those from the United Nations."
    Again to Vintridr, "Have you a name of one you would trust to send to the land of Norway to represent our interests?"

Vintridr has posed:
    "Valdis," Vintridr replies after a moment's thought. "He insists he's hale and hearty as ever, but the years were catching up to him already before this all happened. He has experience and the gravitas of old age, and if we give him an important task he'll be less likely to go looking for something dangerous to prove himself..."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "You should rest, Nuala. As should I." Suzanne says before looking to Thor. "Do you have any place where we can rest for a bit? Even I'm dragging a bit."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The Halal officer nods, "You're right," she says, letting out a sigh. "I am not myself when I am tired, and it has been a very long two days. If you like, you are welcome to one of the beds on my ship. It is quiet and I have coffee." That particular amenity is spoken as if it has a magical property. She takes a moment to rub her face. "I will see what I can do from my end to help," she offers Thor. "I do not think it will be much."

Thor has posed:
    "Valdis it is then," Thor says as he rubs at the beard on his chin thoughtfully, "Tell him of his task and then send him to me before he departs. I would share words with him." That said he takes a sip from the water, a sip that turns into several swallows as he drains the glass then sets it down with a clink only to begin filling it again.
    Suzanne's words cause Thor to nod again, "Aye, you should recover. We have some down time. Rest well, Lady Duvall." He lifts his glass to them and murmurs, "You all have my thanks. Farewell, til we stand together once again." That said he nods to them once, then rests his hands upon the table.