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Latest revision as of 00:15, 3 August 2018

Ok, so let's talk about that EVERYTHING.
Date of Scene: 09 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The Titans discuss the need for a co-leader who knows how to Human, and realize they really ought to get themselves involved in the Germination plot.
Cast of Characters: Amarok, Stardust, Breath, Raijin, Brick, Raven, Starfire, Robin (Wayne)

Amarok has posed:
The night is calm in the tower's living room as Amarok sits on the massive couch, knitting quietly while watching the nightly news, the various issues of the day being discussed by the various talking heads, and generally being banal on important information....Yes I said knitting, what of it?

Stardust has posed:
Colette strolls into the room, gives no more greeting to Amarok than a casual nod of the head, and takes a seat to study her tablet.

After a minute or two, a frown spreads across Colette's face, and she looks up at him. Specifically, at his knitting. She blinks a few times, and shakes her head. She looks again to see if the knitting is still there, just in case she was imagining things. Apparently the knitting is still there. She gives a shrug of her shoulders and turns her attention back to her tablet.

A few more minutes later, she nods to herself, gets up, and walks over to an intercom. "Helloooooo Titans! If there's anyone in the tower and available, please come up and join us in the living quarters. Breathmints, if you need a shoulder to lean on or whatever, let me know and I'll come give you a hand."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa hobbles in slowly, looking like one giant bruise. ow. She's wearing a nightshirt. nothing under it on top and any comments about not being a barbie doll will be taken as a compliment. Everything hurts. She pauses a moment at the knitting, then gives a small thumbs up at it before melting into a chair. ow.

Raijin has posed:
For once...Rayner doesn't use his Super Speed to join in the fun. Instead, he just walks in, wearing a fully black suit with a blue tie and awesome oxford shoes. He has a silver watch on his left wrist and his hair is actually well done today. "Hello everyone. Letty, you rang?" Yes, he just got off work a bit ago. Being a CEO of a Billion-dollar conglomerate sucks buuuut it has it's perks.

He does move over to Colette though, smiling warmly to her. "Hey..." he rubs the back of his neck before looking to Lyssa. "Woah, hey, are you alright?

Brick has posed:

Brick is here. He wasn't anywhere near the tower, but he responded to Colette's summons, half his profection suit undone around his neck and chest and with a towel in his hands drying the water from where he's just finished shaving. Apparently he's left at least ONE bug in the Tower that wasn't a RedX device.

"You called?" he says, sealing the front of the suit but leaving the neck open. He's also barefoot. Imagine if he'd been in the shower? But surely he'd have taken time to become more decent.

*PING!* Maire Boit declaims, and Brick squints at Lyssa.

"I thought you hit her with a purple ray."


"Well, get on it Mom!"
His version of the healing light used by the Amazons, but not nearly so refined nor intense, starts to shine down on Lyssa. It increases healing rate by two or three times normal, still not enough to call Wolverine Fast Fix, but better one week recuperating than three, right?

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter continues his knitting uninterrupted until about the time Breath hobbles in. He then stops, looks down at his knitting needles, looks over at Colette, back to the needles, over to Breath, pauses for about five seconds, shrugs and asks in his eternal monotone, "...What?" He then resumes knitting as if nothing happened. Brick's sudden deafening appearance dont warrant a shift in gaze, but a couple seconds later he words again, "....Ow."

Stardust has posed:
Colette greets Breath's arrival with a nod, and Rayner's with another. Otherwise she's focused on her tablet. When a loud BOOM goes off behind her, she barely blinks, just says "Brick." She scans a few more lines on her tablet as Brick purple rays, then shuts the tablet off, puts it down beside her and looks up.

"Well." Colette's voice has an air of determination to it. "This is an interesting mix. Funny thing. Damian's nice little 'test' for us, well. I don't think he got close to the whole picture, so I was doing some scoring myself. We have the two highest scores and the two lowest scores here. Guess who's who. " A pause as she looks around the room. "In case anyone's wondering, I scored Damian and myself about half way between. So, all that stuff happened. And needs sorting out. Otherwise the Titans ceases to be a team."

Colette gets to her feet and walks over to the kitchen area, stopping by the fridge. She pulls it open, takes out a can of soda, pops the top and takes a sip. "Soda, anyone? By a lucky chance, there's exactly one each, not counting Starfire's mustard soda."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa sighs a lot. "Great. I'm just looking forward to having enough ability to try to find out if one of my contacts is being tortured yet." She heaves a frustrated sigh. "Soda is fine."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner winces just lightly as Brick just BOOMS in because of the loud noise. "Wow, that's loud. think you can put a muzzle on that?" he asks curiously before he looks to Colette as she speaks. "Oh boy..." scores. Well, Rayner probably thinks he scored among the lowest instead of the highest. "I suck at guessing. I'm going to say I was the lowest?" he asks curiously, though there's a playful tilt to his voice. "But what's your point?"

"Yeah...yeah." he says after that then. "I'll take a soda, sure." he agrees easily. Though he looks to Lyssa. "...wait, what?"

Brick has posed:
"Sorry, Boom Toob is innately noisy, and the Shush Door only works from one location. I'll work on reducing the noise."

He looks at Colette, weighing what to say without being a jerk.

"Not especially interested in scoring," Brick says finally. "I didn't formally join as a full-time member, rather, as an auxiliary to be called upon when needed. This does not excuse my failing to notice the number of injuries during the early parts of this practical examination, and does not excuse my accidental release of the bandersnatch, though, it should be noted, we did a good thing in returning it to its home."

He lets the towel rest around his shoulders, as Maire Boit continues directing the Purple Ray drones in heal-boosting Lyssa. (Normal Purple Ray treatments are about 3 hours, this one will be maxed out in five minutes.)

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter continues his quiet knitting, shaking his head in the negative when offered a soda. He seems quite focused on his pointless venture. Rayner's worried tone over his score actually does manage to pull a reaction from him, "Dont worry over your score. It's obvious the lowest was me." He says in his trademark monotone directly at Rayner before looking back to his knitting, apparently quite comfortable with being the team dragnet.

Stardust has posed:
"I have no criticisms of you," Colette tells Brick. "The Bandersnatch wasn't your fault. It was my idea to wreck the place, after all. But none of us knew, or had any reason to suspect. Accident." She pulls sodas out of the fridge as she talks. "You were highly effective. The only problem was the one you just mentioned. You're an auxiliary. Our loss."

She returns with the sodas, holding one out to Breath and then another to Rayner. "Rainman. You weren't meant to win the fight. It was a set-up. You were meant to lose well. You did fine. Seeing that you run a multinational corporation in your spare time, can't complain that you didn't have the time to be more proactive.

"You didn't say, Brick," Colette says, walking over to him and holding out a third can. "Soda? Right, Moon Moon. You got it in one. Can't be expected to have a score if you don't play the game right? I presume you quickly recognized the test for what it was because of a certain thing only you and Damian knew until I got you to comfirm my guess the other week."

Colette shrugs her shoulders. If anyone doubted the stereotype of French people and nonchalant shrugs, Colette seems to be doing her best to provide assurance. "Anyway, I've suggested to Damian we need a co-leader of the team. Someone who's better at the people stuff and won't make these kind of mistakes. I have proposed Vorpal. What do you guys think?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa ehs, "Honestly, I thought you were leading things pretty well, but hey, whatever. I'm hurting too much, and I am probably totally missing stuff, yanno?"

She looks back at the question, "I do kind of try to do things when I have time. I don't usually ask for help because honestly I don't need it for a lot of this penny stuff. I was in the middle of trying to get intel on a conversion therapy camp off the grid, and now I have been in the hospital instead of checking on the girls I slipped communicators. So if I'm in a mood? It's because someone thought a gladiator match was a better test of how heroic I am than anything I might be doing that is, yanno. Heroic. "

Brick has posed:
"Gingold soda if you have one. Moxie Cola if not. Otherwise anything citrus," Brick says. He hasn't seen Vorpal in a day or so, since the guy was going to meet him for Chinese food and texted a beg-off and something about 'space trip' that made no sense whatsoever.

"I'm sure that Vorpal is good for the day-to-day things, though I'd love for him to actually continue his education," Brick replies to the deputation of leadership. "Robin was ok as a leader, but immature in handling people, which I think is not unexpected. I wouldn't object if a different Robin were to show up to fill the deputy job."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner smiles lighty to Colette, but knew he scored pretty low apparently. Buuuut he did his best, which is all anyone can ask. He does nod though. "Yeah, well...gotta do something when I'm not tossing lightning around, right?" he speaks on his running a corporation bit. Huh, Vorpal as the co-leader? Rayner seems to ponder this.

"I'm kinda with Brick on this one. I think Vorpal should stick with studies for now, but still be with the team. I'd actually prefer it if you took the role as Co-lead. You have the social center that Damian definitely doesn't. I'd also suggest Starfire, but I feel that she's been a bit...scattered lately. If needed, Myself or Brick can step up, but that's just my thinking."

"But, if Vorpal ends up getting the majority vote, then I don't mind it if he gets the part of being a co-lead. He's good with people and tends not to let emotions get the best of him. A good foil for Robin."

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter points at Colette with one of his needles when she mentions his connection to Damian, apparently silently affirming the assertion. Her suggestion for a leader however draws his visible disagreement in the form of a head shake, "The cat is unreliable. If there's to be a secondary leader, the choice should be obvious." He says with another needle point, "I obviously cant do it. Breath is injured and prone to emotional outbursts. Brick and Raijin are split already. And Starfire is even less reliable than the cat. If we're voting on a leader, my vote is for you." Breath's off-handed remark about the conversion camp draws his emotionless LED gaze her way, "....If you need a stand in, just let me know..." He says with a predatory tinge to his voice. Brick's comment on Damian's leadership draws another reaction from him, a somewhat sadistic chuckling, but no further unprodded opinions are given.

Stardust has posed:
Colette returns to fridge to fetch a soda for Brick. It's something citrus. "I don't think it would take much more of Vorp's time," she replies. "Damian's fine apart from the whole 'people' thing. I figure he mostly just needs someone to tell him when he's forgetting how to human. There needs to be balance. Head and heart. Damian is all head. We got ourselves all split up in this test. Acting as individuals. That's a dumb thing for a team to do. We need someone who can remind us we're a team. Which..."

Colette turns her head to Rayner, looking at him for a long moment before continuing. "Which isn't Starfire. Moon Moon is correct about her. She's so distracted we might as well appoint the fridge.

"And yeah Breath, I agree." There's a shock. "This has been a distraction. There are giant mushrooms trying to eat the world. We should be helping."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa raises a finger to object to Amarok's objection to her, freezes with her hand in the air for a second, then points lightly. "Accurate. That and I really don't feel like I would be up to it yet anyways. Plus, you are totally in, I just have to figure out how to extract a few dozen kids from a camp that they have been accessing by a damn float plane."

She nods at Colette. "Also accurate. I don't know what to do about those damn mushrooms, I'm pretty sure I would just blow spores everywhere and make things worse... But we haven't been doing much, and I feel like we're letting people down." She gulps down some soda and frowns.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods very softly, nodding quite a bit. "Alright, alright, fair points, fair points." He's begining to think Vorpal is the desired co-lead. With that in mind, Rayner simply sits near Colette but keeps his eyes on Dan and Lyssa. "Amarok....I don't think you're a good fit to lead. Too distant for my taste. and that's just one reason."

Nevertheless, he nods to Colette. "Like I said, she's too distracted and distant from the team to make any real shot at being a leader possible." he stretches just a little bit, but he shrugs. "My vote is either you, Letty, or Vorpal in that case."

Simple and straight to thep oint.

Brick has posed:
"Yes. Those aren't mushrooms. They're similar in some respects but they aren't even terrestrial, and they even break physics with some of their reactions. But I've been working with some others from Star Labs on how to destroy them. Unsung Scientific Saviors Of The World, that's a band name, right?"


"Nobody asked you," Brick retorts, opening the citrus thing and scanning it before drinking half in one long swig.

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter looks at Breath for a few seconds, ".....Done, I can have them out within three days, just give me a time and place to start." He says confidently. Rayner saying he doesn't think Dan is a good choice of leader draws his gaze back, "....Of course I'm not. That's what I just said."

Stardust has posed:
"No, no Amarok," Colette agrees with Rayner. "We already know that Moon Moon doesn't fix this problem, because he could have stopped it all at any time and either completely failed to see how badly it was going wrong, or saw and did nothing. " Despite her words, there's no edge to her words. "I'll have a word when Vorpal gets back, see if I can persuade him."

"So what have you found out so far, Brick?" Colette askes between sips on her soda. "Anything that's... Titanable? Should we capture one and run some tests to see how they cope with Chaos magic or Raven magic? Rayner can hit them with lighting and I can heat them up, but apparently those are both bad ideas. Should I try looking them up in the Encyclopedia of Space and see if there's an entry? Does Madame Ping know anything?"

Brick has posed:
"Utterly boring stuff. They are resistant to nearly anything that would kill an actual mushroom, sometimes reacting exactly the opposite way. Certain chemicals along with freezing, darkforce, and other effects cause them to die or go dormant. Nothing that can be manufactured large-scale," Brick reports. "Do not repeat not use lasers or other coherent light, fire or thermals, and do not punch them, because all these things cause them to grow and/or explode into spores. Also, they are attracted to sonics which also slow them down a bit."

With his hair finally dry, Brick's optical scanner interface appears in front of his face and around the side of his head, and he zips the neck of his suit up.


"I detect incoming Titans, she says," Brick reports.

Raven has posed:
    Raven was already there. She hasn't been there for the past five minutes, admittedly- but she's already there, and she's going to play it like she has been for an extended period, because it's what she does. It was from some dark corner, when she spoke. Because of -course- it was.

    "We deal with people who are overwhelmingly resistant to everything every day." she notes, her dreary monotone fitting her sudden arrival. "If lasers and light cause them to grow, we can't let Starfire anywhere near them. Someone should also tell the folks in Metropolis. We could also place them somewhere... Very cold, if we can find a way there."

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter sets his needles down and holds up a pair of freshly knitted socks, "...Sorry. There's nothing I can do against that form of threat. Call me if you need someone for crowd control. Otherwise, I'm busy with an invasion in Gotham." He says as dull as his usual dishwater-esque personality should leave the team expecting by now. He then stands up and leaves, just like that, without a single word of warning or goodbye, taking his new socks and used needles with him.....What a pal.

Stardust has posed:
"Sound slow them down?" Colette glances thoughtfully towards Breath, then turns back to Brick. "Do we know how they communicate? Is it possible there's a sonic element, and certain powerful sounds overwhelm the communication? Or maybe it's frequency?"

Raven arrives, only she was already there. Dan leaves. Both speak up with essentially contrary opinions. "I'm with Supergoth on this one. We look for a way rather than just saying 'I can't do it.' Boom Tube or Rabbit Hole them to the arctic, then they can be punched. Or, you know, we could all just knit cute little fungus socks for them and hope that was what they were really after all along."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r was just playing with the Silkie. She knows she's useless in this fight so was only half-paying attention to the briefing. She just coooos softly, only half-paying attention. "Hmmmmmm... too bad I don't have icy breath like Superman..."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian hadn't let it known if and when he was in the tower. Those he wanted to let know, knew. Eventually he needed to venture out of his room, so the young hero suited up, some people didn't know who he was and given the proclivity for anyone to be in the tower, Robin would rather err on the side of caution. A packet of peanuts is retrieved, and opened before he tosses a few of them in his mouth. Save for anyone wanting to beat him up, it seems like he's ready for all of it.

Brick has posed:
"Except that unfortunate structural resemblance to mycorrizhae is not limited to their fruiting bodies nor to their mobile spores. They would have to be expunged from the deep soil. Putting them in the arctic only works if the arctic stays frozen, which it doesn't. Putting them on Antarctica won't help forever either. They survived traversing deep space, according to the reports from the Asgardians," Brick says. "Boom Tubes also make a lot of noise and would attract lots of them, and i am only good to generate four or five full-size tubes before I have to take a Short Rest."

He finishes his citrus soda.

"Not being a nay-sayer. My best contribution is still to work on them with the guys at Star Labs. We have to manufacture a larger scale answer."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa says, "I've never been able to do cold. Sonics? Give me a train whistle or something, maybe. But I kind of want to get my people out of that torture camp first. I feel horrible for not being able to do anything the past few days."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner looks to Damian and Kori "Hey Robin, Hey Star." Is all he says in greeting. No ounce of hatred in his voice for damian. Just a friend greeting a friend(?). Though his eyes look to Brick with a small nod for the guy. "Alright." Though his eyes fall upon Colette and Raven. "Ooooo boom-tubin' them to the arctic then giving them a wallop? Sounds like good fun to me." He looks as Dan just kinda leaves. But that's alright. "Hey Raven." Rayner greets...though admittedly, he's a little spooked by the goth-witch.

Stardust has posed:
"As I heard, you can freeze them and shatter them, Brick. But yeah that's not going to win the war. We need something that moves as fast as it spreads. Something that stops them from functioning.

When Robin appears, Colette waves a hand to him. "ROBIN! Hey, come over and join us. We're discussing mushrooms. General feeling is it's past due we got involved. Any ideas?" She hops to her feet, heading over to the fridge. "Drink, Robin? There's spring water. Rae? Anything for you?"

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter suddenly reappears, from a completely different door than the one he left from, now sans socks and needles, "....I have a thought....It's a long shot, but I wonder how magnetic waves might effect them....If electricity charges them, other forms of electromagnetic manipulation may hamper them......Of course, I'm no scientist, so I'll leave that to someone smart to look into." He then glances over the new arrivals and gives them each a small nod of acknowledgement.

Raven has posed:
    Raven lingers in the dark corner from which she emerged, quietly judging everyone present, as per usual. She eventually spoke up. "The arctic might not work. We'd have to do it when the sun isn't shining there. We'd have plenty of time to do whatever we need to do, but the important thing is... Containment. We have to find a way to stop them from growing even when they're charging. Something like... Arsenic or Cyanide, only for this fungus. So that it inhibits how they take in energy."

    "I've had coffee this entire time. I made a pot on the way here." Because of course she did. Except that would have needed time that she didn't have? Raven is weird.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Let me know when I can blast something and I'll start paying attention," she muses idly as she pulls out a cellphone and places a call. "Large pizza, mustard-garlic sauce with cheese, sauerkraut, every meat you carry, yes, including anchovies, more garlic, onions, bellpeppers..." she murmurs. She then blinks as she finds a story on her phone. "Well, looks like some eyewitnesses witnesses Superman taking out one of those fungi in Gotham, along with..." She blinks. "Poison Ivy? Isn't she a bad guy?" She frowns. "Weird. I could not imagine a more improbable team... other than my sister and I of course."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian nods to Rayner, seemingly cooler with him now. "Water's fine." He says, holding out a hand to catch the bottle. "The Justice League and The Avengers are working on it. You ask me, it's a perfect time to show them we mean business."

  Robin gives a side eye to Starfire as she says her words. "Oh don't worry, I'll let you know when you can don your bikini and lounge out in the pool, Space Princess." He says quite pointedly.

  He turns his attention back to Colette and the others. "Arsenic and cyanide will deep into the water table. If we can avoid doing that, we should be able to both contain and exterminate the fungal infection.

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter looks at Raven for a long silent moment, slowly tilting his head, before finaly breaking his silence with, ".....Sulfuric acid, maybe? Or some other form of acid? Dangerous, of course, but acid doesn't tend to be much of a source to draw on....But then again, if they're breaking physics as is......Hmm...Forget I said anything..." It would seem, as is likely already well suspected by the others, that thinking is not one of Amarok's strong points. Kori's remarks on unlikely teams gets a turn of his head and a response, "....Batman and The Joker..." He says flatly. But he says everything flatly, so that's hardly an indication of harshness.

Breath has posed:
Lyssa shrugs a bit. "I handled the last update. Psychic stuff works. Dark spooky stuff works. Cold makes them slow and breakable. Noise attracts them. They communicated with lights in space. Might even be able to get the language file. Stuff like that." She sips the soda, slowly, still bruised head to toe, and kneads her forehead a bit. "Ugh..."

Raven has posed:
    Raven shakes her head, a notion that is blocked by her hood and difficult to see in the dark besides. "We can't use regular poisons. They're probably immune to it. I was thinking... Something specific to these fungal beasts. Some inhibitor that stops them from taking in energy. At that point, it's just a matter of waiting, until the cells die. They are still biological, organic. There must be... Something that kills them. Something that stops them from 'breathing' as it were. Chokes the airways."

Brick has posed:
"If her biological approach works, more power to her, given that this is an ecological disaster and she would have to live on dead spore-world with the decreasingly few remaining if it doesn't get stopped," Brick says. "I assume he used his breath weapon, because the heat vision would have been counter-productive. We already know not to use toxins that would kill normal life ... and that many of those just feed the damn stuff. And what Lyssa said, that was in this morning's update."

Brick swipes his fingers through the air as he searches for more information. Unfortunately, nothing conclusive seems to have been reported about magnetic waves, strong or polarized fields, or other effects -- possibly because the notShrooms are disrupting some normal lines of communication, or people are too busy or dead to update the science wikis. (Science is done with wikis now instead of the 30 month wait on speculative results in print. Then they publish AFTER they have results. Or before. Or invent them. Because SCIENCE ... and MONEY.)

Stardust has posed:
Colette tosses a bottle of chilled water to Damian. "Chemicals seem to me something that other people are going to be much better equipped to manage than we can. What can we do that other people can't? Dark spooky stuff sounds like Raven territory. What has sound and light got in common? Maybe we could do something like chase one away, copy the retreat message and broadcast it? Or Vorp could like... illusion it up."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to just be dead silent during this whole conversation about biological and slightly magicked solutions. He was good at computer stuff...Mushrooms is a little out of his field of death. With a tilt of his head. "Hmmm..." he seems to clearly be in thought.

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter turns to regard Lyssa for a moment, "....Lights?...." He pauses and then looks to Brick, "Has anybody tried flashing them with UV or infrared lights?" Raven's mentioning of cells dying seems to draw his attention, "....I wonder....Anybody know how to siphon power off of russian glowcaps? Maybe the same principal could work on these?"

Brick has posed:
"Are the Purple Rays helping you at all, Lyssa?" Brick asks. Because synthetic Themyscirian medical treatments might not work as well, on some peopl Why waste the energy if they're not helping?

"YES, of course they have tried UV and IR lights. They grew. Photons make them grow, the more energetic the better."

He starts a silent discussion with Maire Boit about the possibility of creating artificial psionic devices, since that info was next on the list since Ivy was working on the use of counter-biologicals. Hopefully the stuff wouldn't just INTEGRATE the Terrestrial plants the way they had done with too many animals.

Raven has posed:
    "If nothing else," Raven begins, "We may not be capable of solving the problems, but if this team is good at one thing... It's improvising. On the spot, we're probably better than the league." she offers, seemingly shrugging, then. She sips idly at some steaming cup of probably-coffee. "That ability may be our best offer. We're not exactly a well funded laboratory or a botanist."

Stardust has posed:
"We should nab one for you to take a look at, Raven," Colette says. "If they're vulnerable to dark magic, you might be able to figure something out about them." She has barely sat down again from getting water for Damian when she suddenly breaks into a frown, and stares at the palm of her hand. She stands up and walks over to the big window, staring out, her head tilted upwards to look at the sky. For a while she's silent while the others talk.

Blessed relief.

Her internal mentor is good for one thing at least, because she's too busy discussing things with him to be her normal chattering self for a while.

Her frown deepens into a look of annoyance, and she turns back around. "Okay. So. They came here because they are hungry. So they want to eat the planet. They feed off all kinds of things. Including heat and light, which makes them grow real fast. Like that's their favorite food. The more energetic the better, right? Which raises an interesting question. Why did they come here, instead of heading straight for the sun?" She points helpfully out of the window in the direction of the sun, just in case anyone needed clarification.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian drinks from the water bottle, putting it back after he was done. He gives a nod to Raven. "Agreed, call it impulsivity, or youthful adaptability. But when shit goes down, we can work together well."

  Robin looks to the sky as Colette points out. "Well, the temperature I would assume is much too much for any life to take hold. But then again, they chose the Earth, not Mercury or Venus. Perhaps they are also too hot? Or the fact that there is no life on these planets."

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter glances at Colette, head tilting side to side here and there, "......Radiation?....Risk of overeating?........Lack of oxygen?..." He seems to pause, but as he never picks the thought back up, it's likely more appropriate to call it dropping the ball.

Brick has posed:
"They can be crippled. Reportedly. The sporelings, from what we've been able to tell, can be destroyed if you don't use fire or high energy, and the giant shrooms need to be frozen, but the subterranean body will try to grow more. The exploding thing happens mostly if you don't freeze them. And the one that was thrown at the sun got immense and then turned around under its own fower to try to return to Earth, which is not a thing that makes me happy to contemplete."

Brick shrugs, "Cutting them up WORKS if you don't feed them before hand."


"Right. Darkness, cold, energy drains, all seem to hurt them. But our old friend the second law of thermodynamics says it's hard to create those things from nothing."

Raven has posed:
    Raven can't really think of much else. "I think we have all the information we can get right now, without actually going out and doing something. Unless one of us can procure a sample immediately for our own study... This conversation likely won't go anywhere."

    Still, she isn't without her own sniping. "If you do get me a sample, I will at least be able to make you a salad."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r is listening as the Silkie has apparently fallen asleep. "I can tell you for a fact that solar radiation doesn't work. I tried that. We have to come up with an altrenate solution..." She frowns. "I could try a solar drain. I've wondered if I could do it - but it'd be very dangerous and might not work."

Stardust has posed:
"If it's too hot... then that means there's a limit to how much heat they can feed on," Colette points out to Damian. "Which means that so long as we give them /enough/ heat, it hurts them. Alternatively, there's something else there which isn't here which hurts them." She turns and leans against the window, nodding towards Brick. "So then getting close to the Sun /does/ feed them. In which case why did it try turning away from the Sun? There's got to be something we're missing here."

"Unless..." Colette raps her fingers idly against the glass. "Unless they're just really, really stupid mushrooms. And we could just offer them unlimited food via a boom tube to the heart of the Sun and they'd think we are best buddies?"

Colette's eyes drift to Raven and hold there a few moments. "Pan fried in butter and garlic. Much better. We just need a really, really big pan. But apart from that, yeah. What do you think, boss?" She turns to Damian, raising an eyebrow. "Should we go on a mushroom hunt and see what we can do to them?"

Breath has posed:
Lyssa sighs. "I think so, but there's a lot to heal. Different kind of ache." She frowns and listens. "So what I am hearing is Raven is super effective, and me and Starry are probably best staying home? I don't know what else to add to this. I could carry a train whistle, but my mobility is kind of meh without blowing spores everywhere."

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter's gaze snaps over to Brick and he slooooowly pulls a large knife from one of many holsters all over him, "......I think I can work with that." He says in a cold bit of sadism as he fiddles with the blade. "...If I see any while I'm in Gotham, I'll radio in. Now, I should be getting back. My wrist is finaly better, and I've got ninjas to hunt." He sheathes the blade and glances to Kori, "If it's dangerous, consider it a backup plan for if we're all about to die anyway. No need to risk killing ourselves if we can get by slowly." He says before turning for the door.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Boom tube right into the sun, where they can die? It is interesting to say the least." He says, though, if that was the case, the Justice League could do much the same and they haven't. "So, we have heat overload, magical death, and what else to try?" Robin asks, throwing a couple more peanuts into his mouth and chewing.

Brick has posed:
"Because it was hungry. Not lots of structural materials in space."

Brick thinks about Damian's suggestion.

"While Boom Tubes are directional, opening one inside the sun would still wash back and put solar material on my side of it. I don't want to test my invulnerability and the thermal blast would probably feed them. And release a few megatons of explosive radioactive material. It would be better to freeze them a lot. Robin, don't you have a Mr. Freeze in Gotham?"

Stardust has posed:
"Could you make like a Boom Sphere, Brick?" Colette asks. "If they were basically surrounded by Boom, then all the stuff that comes out the one end would go right back into the other side of the Boom, right?"

Colette couldn't science her way out of a paper bag, but there's got to be something said for having a vivid imagination.

"As for other things to try, well, we've got Breathmints. If they react to harmonics of some time, she could deliver them on an industrial scale. That's worth experimenting with. How's your singing voice, Breath? Or should we just try a wide range of frequencies and see what does what? Ash says he doesn't know anything about the fungus, but it's possible some of the... well there may be some information he can find out. But it's not exactly reliable. "

Brick has posed:
"I haven't tried. Maire told me not to put two ends of a tube together like that because it was naughty. Also I haven't boomed a sample yet. I'll see what it does."

Brick glares at the glimmering lights in front of his face, illegible from the outside.

"I have to deliver results betwen labs now,, Apparently the land line between Oxford in England and here in New York has been eaten by a mushroom."

Breath has posed:
Lyssa mms, "I can't sing with my breath, but I can use whistles.." She hmms, "We'll need a way to not wreck ME if we do that."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner looks to all present before he nods. "I'll see what I can come up with. But for now, I need to keep up appearances..." he approaches Colette, covertly gives her hand a squeeze before moving onwards. A nod for Raven, Brick, Dan, and Damian. "See you all around. Try not to burn everything before I show up, yeah? Always did hate mushrooms anyway." he teases as suddenly, he disappears in a bolt of lightning, using his super speed to leave.

Brick has posed:
"I'll fab up some ceramic swords with excessively sharp edges and plastic sheathes," Brick grins, remembering the kitchen knife set his dads got his halfMom for her birthday.


"Yah, we can try."

A curious glance at Raynor's attempt at sneaking PDA -- or is that Seeking Affection in Semi-Public? And shrugs.

"Back later, folks."


Raven has posed:
    Raven remains in her corner, sipping her coffee. It's late, so of course, she's awake. Idly, she considers how many obstacles are in the direction of her room, and takes another sip. "Hm." she states, temporarily considering just teleporting back to her room. "I wager that that is our plan, then. Do something random, and then if that only works a little bit, do something more coordinated, followed by chaos."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "Mmmmm.... swords... I like swords. I haven't wielded one since I was a teenager. It would be good to have one again..." She smiles as she tickles the Silkie's tummy as she goes out to pick up her pizza (which probably would knock someone over at fifty paces).

Breath has posed:
Lyssa tilts her head at Raven. "Sure, seems like a great plan to me. Unless you had a better one?" She hmphs. "If you have a better plan, I am ALL ears."

Stardust has posed:
"At least it's a plan, Rae Rae. Better than not having one, as usual." Colette smirks a little. "And if we can remember to work together this time, it might even end up getting us somewhere. Who knows."

Colette hops to her feet and roams into the kitchen area, exploring the cabinets. "Right. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hungry. We could order pizzas. Not sure how nobody thought of that. But how about for a change..." She holds up a large iron pan. "How about I cook us up some garlic mushrooms?"