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Hey lady, we need a lift.
Date of Scene: 05 September 2018
Location: New Asgard, Kvalvika, Norway, Earth
Synopsis: Thor goes back to Norway to put some efforts into action and has a strange visitor.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Widow (Romanoff), Astrid, Nuala Duvall, Poseidon, Vintridr

Thor has posed:
    In Kvalvika the traffic to and from the Asgardian settlement is much less than it once was. For the last several weeks the Asgardians had been settling in, had been focused on maintaining and constructing and adding more to their new home. The road leading up the wending path between the hillocks and towards the cliff face is now more solid with a layer of stone making the trip easier. And the shapers have had their time putting their efforts into making the housing more natural looking and sturdy enough to weather the coming Winter. Even high above the settlement the fortress is coming together though it is still little more than a skeletal structure. All in all progress has been good and the people are becoming more used to their new home.
    So much so that whenever there is a new arrival it draws more attention than it once did. Now the supply vehicles and vessels are less common, and when the Avengers Quinjet roars across the skyline and its engines shift downwards to allow the ship to shunt their engines into a VTOL mode, the people below pause in what they're doing and gesture. For each new arrival often bears news and people of some import...
    And then when the bay door lowers revealing that it is no visitor but their current lord, the two guards who had rushed forth abruptly snap to attention and exclaim. "I bid you welcome, my lord!"
    "And I offer you greetings, Harald." The tall blonde man's feature split into a wry smile as his heavy boots clomp and stomp down the ramp. "Come it has not been so long, off with you and find your father for me. And if she is about the Lady Duvall? I would have words with her."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    As soon as they land, Thor is off and heading for the door. Natasha hits the button to open it before he can make it the full distance, the ramp lowering to allow him to greet his men. Natasha remains at the controls to finish the shut-down procedures then puts her hand on the panel to have it lock down. Not that she doesn't trust the Asgardians but they are a curious people and after one incident where she didn't lock things, she learned quickly to be sure not to allow the kids to get the thing airborne. Again.
    She rises from her seat, walking toward the exit ramp at the back of the craft. She's in her usual 'work' clothes, the full bodysuit, the holsters strapped to her legs with Glocks in place, wristbands on her arms. She gives a nod and wave to the guards just before they are sent off to run errands for their King.
    Once outside the craft, she takes a good look at the changes since her last visit. "It's coming along nicely," she notes outloud.

Astrid has posed:
    When the quinjet lands, Astrid had managed to finish cleaning a turkey for the entire camp....and even gutted it. Thankfully, she was wearing gloves, so she could just strip them off, and the apron, to go and greet Thor. "Greetings Odinson. We shall have another splendid dinner tonight for our cooks." She says before looking inside of the Quinjet to see who else is in there...and spotting Natasha. "Greetings Avenger....." She doesn't know who Black Widow is.....obviously.

Thor has posed:
    Pausing there at the base of the ramp while Harald rushes off to fulfill his tasks, Thor turns to the side and gives a stern nod towards Natasha, "It is, is it not?" He asks as he starts to walk forwards. No armor is worn for the moment, instead the Asgardian King looks terribly casual considering the blue jeans, white sneakers, and the black t-shirt. He begins the walk from the landing area towards the settlement, his umbrella held light in one hand and swinging around freely as he considers the view from here.
    "There is still much to do. It will take but time." That having been said he then looks up as Astrid meets them while they're walking. He lifts a hand, "Ho there, Shield-maiden." He gestures to the side towards Natasha, "Astrid, I bid you greet our guest, Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow and trusted ally." Introductions done he continues his stride.
    "What has passed in my brief absence?" He asks of Astrid, though scuttlebutt might not exactly be her forte.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    At the greeting, Natasha turns her attention to Astrid. A smile is given to the dark haired woman along with a brief nod. She waits until the verbal introduction is made by Thor before she speaks. "Nice to meet you, Astrid." She doesn't say more, allowing for the conversation between Asgardians to happen as she trails along with Thor, somehow keeping up without looking like she's rushing despite his longer stride.

Astrid has posed:
    "Greetings to thee, Romanoff. Welcome to New Asgard." Astrid says before falling into step next Thor. "All progress as you can see, Thor. Cooks have returned to duty, builders continue to work on a more permanent settlement, Warriors are learning to become hunters. No more battle cries as they attempt to kill a deer. One of ours even felled a turkey, which shall be tonight's main dish in our feast." She then looks to Natasha. "Will you be joining us?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor pauses long enough to allow Natasha to answer that question, his own eyebrow quirking as if curious as to the answer, but once she does he then turns back towards Astrid and gives a single nod. "We may not be here as long as that. Matters proceed apace and ill tidings have come." The Thunderer clasps his umbrella in one hand as he walks, no longer swinging it around as they make that ascent from the fields to the settlement proper. As they pass other Asgardians he will smile or lift a hand in greeting.
    "Once we know more we shall speak at length, but for now I must seek counsel." That having been said he stops in what has become the 'town square' with its many tables and long benches, the focal point of the setting being the Broken Antler where much of the food preparation is taken care of not to mention the brewery.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    The brewery is that which should not be named. Ever. The stuff they make there is enough to even affect Natasha. Considering her training and physical gifts thanks to the serum in my blood, that's saying something. Next time she imbibes, she will be giving the liquor the respect it is due.
    "I wish it were possible. Your food is always amazing and the hospitality of your people even more so," Natasha responds to Astrid. "Unfortunately, I do have to get back so won't be able to stay this time."
    She falls silent to allow for Thor to continue.

Astrid has posed:
    "If ever you need a shield maiden at your side, just speak thusly. I shall watch your back, My king." Thor would note that it's the first time Astrid has ever called him 'king'.

As Astrid follows Thor, Astrid looks to Natasha. "If ever you decide to join us, Romanoff, feel free. You have earned a place at the table."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala was contacted when she arrived, as per Thor's order, and she did not hesitate. She did not come ready to deal in business, though, she is wearing jeans and a red flannel shirt, hardly the image of alien expertise. Her dusty colored hair is loosely held in a ponytail.

    She looks very tired, but her gait forces the deception that she is not. As she enters the room, she spots the collection, having not expected to be in quite as immediately formal scenario, she glances down at her clothing.
    "I am sorry," she apologizes in her unusual accent, a certain redness crossing her face that does not seem to fit. "I did not realize. I did not know there was a dinner to be prepared for."

Thor has posed:
    In the Broken Antler, only the bartender stands there behind the counter and that only for a little bit of time for when Thor enters he lifts a hand. "We would have the room, Naglfar. We shall be short so you will not lose much custom." Though that might cause a small hint of a smile from the man since really there hasn't been much use for money for some time now amongst the Asgardians, necessity had set them to a communal approach to matters at least for now for the most part.
    But it is within the brewery that Nuala is motioned towards when she enters the town square and once she joins them Thor lifts his one-eyed gaze to the woman from the stars and his lip twists slightly. "You need not apologize. These matters require speed more than propriety." He pulls out a chair and gestures with one hand to the side as he sits down upon the tabletop itself, resting his boots upon the bench seats. The umbrella across his legs he looks towards each person in turn.
    "A warband of Jotun sought battle in New York and they were sent on their way." He holds up a hand towards Astrid as if to perhaps stay an outburst or questions. He looks back to the others, "Their leader sought the Casket of Ancient Winters."

Poseidon has posed:
     As the group continues to converse, anyone paying attention to the waters by the docks? they would start to shift as if movement occurred beneath them. Coming closer and closer to the surface with speed. Until...A man rises out. No...A God.

     He is dressed in fine silver. with blue scale armor that appears on the shoulders, pectorals, and waist. His long silver hair radiating in the light along with his thick beard. Despite an older coloring, his facial features are youthful. In his right hand is a Godly Trident, radiating with immense might. At his waist is a sort of Greek-style robe that comes down to his shins. he sees the settlement ahead and he approaches.

     Perhaps people will see Poseidon approach. Some may know the Olympian Sea God and most may not. But one thing is clear: He is making a straight path in the direction of Thor. The doors to the Broken Antler are wide open, and in walks the Sea God , approaching the Asgardian King. Once he came close? he stops at a respectful distance.

     "Thor Odinson. King of Asgard." Poseidon bows lightly out of respect.

Astrid has posed:
    Seeing someone go straight for Thor, Astrid already has a bow in her hand and an arrow pulled back, aimed at Poseidon. God or not, she holds the arrow.....at least until he greets Thor and bows. She then takes a deep breath and slowly brings the arrow back forward, but she keeps quiet. he addressed Thor...not her.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Thank you, your majesty," Nuala answers with a weary smile, taking the seat. "The Casket of Ancient Winters?" she echoes, unfamiliar with the title. She falls silent as Poseidon makes her epic entry, familiar with the colors of his armor. Taking a similar response as Astrid, she falls silent, and allows the heads of state to take the lead.

Thor has posed:
    With the arrival of the Sea God, normally he would be greeted and approached for the outlooks are ever on duty. Yet with the quinjet's return and Thor's presence sending a stir throughout the settlement it had led to eyes being turned more inwards than without. Assuredly the Olympian's gaze has rested upon more magnificent homes and dwellings, for the plight of New Asgard is still in transition. Gone is the glory of the old, but there is something aesthetically pleasing about the land of Kvalvika and its new tenants.
    At the door, Poseidon was able to casually step past and through the gathered people. But none recognize him out of hand for most of their lives had been spent on Asgard and no where else. But Harald, who had been departing, turned around and rushed after the Greek God only in time to hear him announce himself.
    "Forgive me my lord!" Harald skids to a stop beside the being from the ocean. "The failure is mine, I did not seek a replacement while I fulfilled your commands." He bows his head.
    As for Thor, at the entrance of Poseidon he looked up, curious though he held a hand out towards Astrid as if to stay her. His head tilted to the side, as he turned his good eye to the man's arrival. He lifts a finger to the strapless eyepatch, scratching along its ridge for a moment but then his attention falls upon Harald and his abrupt apology. "Return to your duty, Harald and make your father aware of this. We shall speak later."
    Yet it is then that he rises from his seat upon the table and steps towards Poseidon, "Father Neptune, many of us had thought you yet slumbered." He extends an arm for a warrior's greeting to clasp the forearm of the other as he gives a nod. "What brings you to our shores?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    With the arrival of the being from the sea, Natasha remains as she was. She is standing not far from Thor, arms loose at her sides. Her expression doesn't shift nor does she draw a weapon. Yet, there is nothing relaxed about the woman despite appearances. She is prepared to move if necessary. Being only human in the midst of such beings, and with her long and varied history, she has learned that sometimes looking less is more. People tend to ignore the human in the room when surrounded by godly beings.
    It's given her the advantage more than once when it was needed.
    She remains silent as she watches. Someone might notice a flick of a fingertip but nothing more.
    Outside, the quinjet fires to life and rises into the air, the engines turned to allow it to hover as the cameras come online. Anything else shows up unnanounced, she'll receive a message. Paranoid? Maybe.

Poseidon has posed:
     Is it rude to say that Poseidon isn't even threatened by Astrid drawing her bow? He's one of the 'big three' of the Greek Gods. An arrow isn't really going to do much but bounce off. Regardless, Poseidon looks like he is about to speak before Harald bursts into the room gasping for breath, while giving a million and one apologies as to his failure to announce. "Calm yourself." Poseidon tells Harald "I simply slipped past you."

     He defends the announcer before his eyes drift to the Asgardian King, looking at him in his good eye. Stretching a hand out to clasp the forearm of Thor in what is likely an iconic moment for those surrounding them. Gods meet. "For longer than I care to admit, I did. But...troubling times awakened me from my hallowed halls. The Olympians have not yet abandoned this realm."

     Upon the question being asked, Poseidon nods. "I heard what had happened to Asgard and your father. I knew Odin well. Despite our many differences, which were rather expressed in the Asgardian-Olympian war, I admired his wisdom. His loss is a deep wound that I am saddened to bear. But...he raised a strong son to take his place." he releases Thor's arm.

     "I come bearing glad tidings. You will know that the Olympians stand with you, side by side. If you require aid, we will answer. The world is changing, and it's ripples can be felt across the cosmos. We will need to stand together now, more than ever."

Vintridr has posed:
    As the settlement, forgive the pun, settled, Vintridr found her burdens lessened; enough so to afford leisure time, even if it was keeping some of the youngsters entertained with tall tales and impromptu swordsmanship lessons. But when the god of the oceans surfaces at the docks, she can't but notice.

    She thinks quickly even as she finishes correcting Hrud's parry stance. This probably isn't an attack; if it were, there'd be nothing subtle or subdued about Poseidon's entrance, and the docks would already be kindling and slurry, so he's probably here to talk. Still, some precautions are never unwise. "... Very good, Hrud. Now, all of you, pack up your things and return to your homes. It is getting late, and we have visitors."

    Her smile is kind and her voice is soft, but underneath there is the Valkyrie's steel and authority that brooks no defiance, and the children hasten to obey as she makes her way down the path, joining at her king's side.

    She notices Astrid standing discreetly with a bow at the ready, and gives the woman an approving nod even as she shapes her left hand in a tacit 'stand down for now' gesture, then her gaze falls on Natasha and she gives the redhaired woman a graver nod of acknowledgement and recognition.

Thor has posed:
    A nod is given in return as Thor listens to the words of Poseidon. "Glad tidings indeed, though as matters are we proceed apace as best befits our people. But know that it is a fine gift granted to know that those of Olympus would stand ready." He gestures with one hand to the side. "For now I must beg your indulgence. Another matter stands at the fore and must be addressed. Afterwards we shall drink and share news. Until then..." He awaits a moment of acknowledgement from Poseidon, then shifts his attention back to the people around.
    "Some of you may remember some time ago when the Jotun Shaman, Bellos of the Bold Eye, sought vengeance against Asgard. He returned leading a warband seeking myself and the knowledge of the Casket of Ancient Winters." He looks around the room. "We were able to see them off, but we must make preparations."
    It is then that Thor looks to Nuala, "And one of those would be to impose upon you further, Lady Duvall. I would ask if your ship is spaceworthy and when we could depart. There are places we should visit to insure matters with the Jotun do not take an ill turn."

Poseidon has posed:
     Poseidon simply gives a subtle nod to Thor as he requests Poseidon's indulgence. Which is given. Until such time as Poseidon desires to speak, he remains silent as Thor informs his people of a present situation. Causing Poseidon to stroke his beard very softly in curiosity. "Bellos? hm." Poseidon says mostly under his breath, but he nods.

     Regardless, the Olympian present remains silent in respect for the King. Poseidon was in his territory after all, regardless of how small or transitioning it presently is. One must always show respect to the leader of a territory. Unless they are a vile piece of scum. Which Thor is not.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala feels the question coming before it does, and frowns slightly. "Asgardians who need use of the Sea Song," she says, "I have no objections." She glances at Natasha and Poseidon. "I have no ill feelings toward terrans," she clarifies before continuing cautiously. "You know my feelings on exposing them to technology beyond their own more than is necessary. I was recently accosted by a terran who wanted to take a deeper look at it, and it concerns me to allow others to become too familiar with it."

Astrid has posed:
    Astrid notes Vintridr and, once she's 'told' to stand down, she does. She carefully puts the arrow away, then puts her bow back on her forearm, which retracts into a simple and unassuming stick. She goes back to her mead as she listens to the conversation.....

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    At the words from Nuala, Natasha gives a brief shake of her head. "I'm not wanting to know anything about your ship or technology. This Belos attacked New York City so that made it a bit personal. I don't have to go on the trip itself if that will cause problems for Thor. Time is of the most importance here, not if I get to go or not," she adds with a shrug.

Thor has posed:
    For a moment Thor's gaze remains upon Nuala, his brow furrowing just a touch as if trying to plumb the depths of the alien earthling's thoughts. But after a moment he nods and he then says, "We will speak further later, it shall not be a long trip at all." That said he slaps his hands together, "I shall have further words with each of you in due time. For now I shall make ready."
    Turning he starts to step towards the door leading out of the Broken Antler, his gaze turning to Poseidon. "Bide just a bit longer, Mighty Poseidon and upon my return we shall speak at length at what has drawn you from your ocean home." He pushes open the door and looks back at the others, "Until later."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr nods, a sharp gesture cutting through the starting dismayed murmurs. "As you will, so shall it be, my King. I understand that you wish to /avert/ a war rather than start one, but I believe I speak for all your subjects when I say we hope you'll accept at least a token honor guard, so as not to offer insult or disrespect to the Jotun Lord..."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon seems to look upon Thor like a grandfather would look upon their grandchildren. Regardless, Poseidon offers Thor a small smile. "A wise King will always look to the safety of his people first. Do what you must." Poseidon encourages. "I will await your return. Until then, I return to my own kingdom. I will know when you will return, O' King."

Thus does Poseidon glance to Natasha. "A strong spirit, this one has. I believe she may be of use to you on your journey." Poseidon advises before he makes his way out, returning to the ocean and leaving the Asgardians (and company) to their business.

Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr bows low to the Ocean Lord, a gesture of respect to one who deserves it even if he's not the one she serves. "You will always be welcome here, Earthshaker."

Astrid has posed:
    Astrid smirks at POseidon as he withdraws. "At least one came with peace on their mind." She then looks to Thor. "If you're going to take to space, Odinson, I believe my place shall remain here, unless you order otherwise. Hunters are not fully trained yet, and we need food."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha glances over as Thor starts to exit. There is a moment of silent communication, the type that is developed over time when people battle at each other's sides for years. Perhaps it isn't as subtle as that with his warriors who have been around millennia but it is still present for the Avengers. With a nod, she glances over to Vintridr. "If you are available, I'd like to talk to you a bit more about just that."