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Latest revision as of 04:26, 16 September 2018

Steak and Mac's
Date of Scene: 11 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Molly Carpenter, Gale, Castiel, Ash Williams

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden walks down into Mac's Mouses lead in one hand, his staff in the other as he slips on in "Hey Mac, steak sandwich and two bottles of black." he says having come to his favorite watering hole to do a little bit of introspection and eating.. "ohh, and nothing but the finest tapwater and steak trimmings for the Doggosaurus Rex here." he adds unclipping the lead for mouse who moves over to the corner where Mac has actually set out a couple of stainless steel bowls for the only Canine customer he currently has..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter was already in Mac's seated at a booth in the corner by herself. There was a half eaten sandwich in front of her, a bottle of one of Mac's brews, and a glass of water. With ice. Purely a heathen thing in Mac's eyes, but she had asked nicely for it since she wasn't accustomed to drinking much just yet.

When Harry announces his and Mouse's entrance she jerks her head up from a book she was reading through to watch them a moment. Slowly she sinks down into the seat. Lower. Lower. Maybe she could turn invisible and slip out unnoticed.

Gale has posed:
Life is hard when you're a witch. At least they knocked off with the burnings in most places. Having been hiding from the press, and random occultists who are interested in something like A MAGICAL HOUSE, it's Gale! She has a cat wrapped around her shoulders. He's a pretty large orange tabby, with jowly cheeks. The two enter cautiously, Gale's dark purple eyes a bit wide. "Neat!"

Captain pauses, "Oh, the place has gone to the dogs," He quips. They're making their way to find a comfortable seat. And then a blink. "Uh-" Freeze. Should she go closer towards the front or wait? "Aw, it's a cute dog."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden plops down at the bar where Mac just grunts in greeting, looking over at the new woman as well as he expertly opens a bottle of his ale, kept warm cause to him chilling it would be blasphemy. His eyes tracking Gale. "New girl." he says simply to Dresden.

    Asformentioned Wizard has not spotted his apprentice, either obliviousness, or purposfullness, but he does turn to glance at the new comer. "Hey, I've got a cat too." he calls out to the tabby cat, "And if you ask Mouse there Mister rules the roost."

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter was intending to avoid Harry since she had a few things to take care of before she really wanted to have another conversation with him. The talking cat, though. How can she not pay attention to that? Sitting up straighter with newfound curiosity she watches the pair before letting out a small sigh. So much for avoiding. Her curiosity would kill her if she didn't investigate the talking cat and his ... owner?

The relative safety of the booth is abandoned in favor of walking toward the bar with her half-drunk beer in hand. A friendly smile is offered to Harry, and Gale. "Hi Harry. New friends of yours?" She reaches down and ruffles Mouse's ears fondly.

Gale has posed:
Tall guy. Tall dog. It makes sense. Gale carefully picks her way towards the bar, being mindful not to bump into or step on anyone. "Hello," She offers a small wave. "This is Captain. He's my familiar. And I'm Gale. Nice to meet you." She definitely looks like she escaped the engineering department. "Er, all four of you." Hey, Gale tries.

Captain grunts softly. "Nice to meet you, too," He offers. His voice is a rich baritone, tinged with a Gothamic accent. "Do - many people come here?" She's curious, and cautious. A slender hand is offered for Mouse to sniff. As dogs should be greeted thoughtfully.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Mouse gets up from where he was moving over to sniff the hand his head flopping to the side in a doggie grin one paw coming up for shaksies, the Tibetan Doggosarus wagging his tail with thick thumps against the hard wood floor.

    Mac nods to the girl motioning to a sign near by that says Accorded Neutral Territory before he goes to placing scraps in a bowl for Mouse the dog getting served before any cooking of steaks can be done for Harry.

    Harry looks around, a wizend pair of hedgemages playing a game of chess in one corner, a small gaggle of new age wiccan types taking up a corner round table as they drink Macs lemonade made with lemonade ice cubes. "Ehh, a few, those clued into the spooky side mostly. Every now and again we'll get a couple of Dude-Bro's coming in but they tend not to stay too long." He says in answer. "I'm Harry, fluffy there's Mouse, the monosyllabic master brewer and cooker of a mean steak is Mac, and Bubblegum over here is bubbles, but she likes to be called Molly." he says in introduction..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter reaches out to thump her fist against Harry's shoulder at his introduction while oh-so-maturely sticking her tongue out at him. It's momentary though and she grins over at Gale in greeting. "Nice to meet you. Mac's is a good place. No trouble here." Usually. Mostly. Lightly clearing her throat she takes up a spot leaning against the bartop watching as Mac works on the requested foods. "I didn't know that familiars could actually talk. Or at least I've never run into any that could before," she admits with an apologetic tip of her head toward Captain.

Gale has posed:
Gale smiles at Mouse. And she'll gently shake the offered paw. That's a good pupper. Even a giant pupper. "You are very handsome, Mister Mouse." She nods sagely. There's a polite smile for Mac. She'll wait her turn to order, then. A glance around. "I see. That's good to know. I get a lot of visitors ever since my house landed. I have to chase some of them off," Sigh. Of course, a magic house would draw some unsavory sorts.

Captain blinks, in a slow, feline way. "That's okay. Gale's sort are usually pretty reclusive," He gently baps the witch with a paw, no claws.

"And nice to meet you, too," She beams at Molly. "Being a cat, I'm pretty sure he's the brains of our outfit," Gale quips. It's obviously a joke, but... cats. The stripey feline seems content to sit on his witch. She'll take a spot near the wizard and apprentice, then. Captain seems content to stay up above the doggo. Even if he's being pretty well behaved about it.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Mouse smiles and goes to start scarfing down his scraps and drinking a copious amount of water as he lays in his spot a happily eating doggo he is.

    Harry ahh's a bit. "I think I read something about that in the paper recently.." he comments "LAnded in a burb of Bludhaven?" he asks glancing sideways at Molly and then back to Gale.. he's about to say something, but then stops himself just to take a swig of his ale.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter tips her head back taking a long gulp off her beer to finish it off. The empty is placed back on the bartop, and she flashes Mac a smile. "Great as always Mac." Though now she looks between the pair again a long moment considering saying something herself.

"Mister certainly likes things kept a certain way, but he's quiet about it usually," she explains with a chuckle. A deep breath is taken after and she steps away from the bar. "I was just finishing up my lunch so... I'll probably head out. I just wanted to say hi and all. It was nice meeting the both of you, Gale, and Captain."

A step is taken away from the bar before she offers to her mentor, "I'll see you Saturday, Harry."

Gale has posed:
Aw, good doggo.

Gale looks to Harry. "New York, actually. We had to had one of my relatives move it. I sort of got the short end of the stick ..." She seems a little gloomy at that. "Still, we moved it to make sure no one lost their space," She explains. "And I see." Particular pupper!

"It was nice to meet you, Miss Molly. Be well," Gale waves to Molly. Captain lifts a paw, revealing pink TOE BEANS. "Toodles," The cat offers merrily. His ears move back a little, as he looks about. Cats are curious critters, after all. Gale will wait her turn to place an order for something sweet and a bite to eat. "If you had questions about the house, I can do my best to answer them. So far, nothing's escaped the basement conduit after the necromancers riding zombie bears incident." Phew.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods to Molly, coughing a little at the reminder.. "ohh, yes.. Definately." he says giving her a bright smile before he turns to look back at Gale and gives a slight shrug. "Lots of magic out there, some weirder than others.. If it's a house and your entire family has magic then it's probably something made through the generations of magic users that have lived in that house." he says theorizing a little..

Gale has posed:
Aw. Gale waves as Molly goes. "Well. She created it herself. She was only 700 years old when it landed on her, though," She remarks. Only? Yikes. Gale is quiet a moment. "So I imagine it's having had magic users live there and its creation that cause problems. The basement contains a quantum conduit that seems to like dropping things into it. I wonder if it's all the booze she collected," Contemplate.

"I sort of made a ward that just loops people back to the sidewalk, so they don't get hurt if they try to come in uninvited," She notes. Captain curls up a bit, his tail flicking. "But I still get some weirdos wanting magic bricks or whatever..." Pause. "Sorry! I've talked about myself endlessly. What do you do?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "I'm a private investigator." he says reaching into a back pocket and pulling out a buisness card to share with Gale 5CUZ3Ik.jpg. "Generally I help folks find lost people and things. Mostly things." he explains as Mac returns a steak sandwich and pile of frenchfries slipped infront of Harry.

Gale has posed:
Gale carefully takes the card and peers at it. "I see. Neat. You must keep pretty busy around here," She muses. "I'm just glad not to be homeless anymore. I specialize in healing and exorcism. But I dabble a lot. Magic is nice and flexible that way," A faint smile. Captain's nose wrinkles at the smell of meat. "Don't worry, Captain, we'll order next," She promises, scritching her catte. "Definitely the steak," Captain suggests. The two seem to be at ease with one another.

"Have you worked long in this area? Gotham feels like a tangle sometimes."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden tilts his head left and right "Ehh, enough to pay the bills, Molly there is my partner in gumshoeing." he explains taking a drink of his ale as Mac nods to Gale moving back to start another steak. "Raw or cooked?" he says looking at the cat and waiting for an answer before starting on /his/ order. Harry lets the conversation die down for a bit as he starts to eat his food, salting the fries and grabbing a near by bottle of ketchup to pour out some to dip them in..

Gale has posed:
"Cooked is fine," The cat replies. He seems happy he's not being treated like an oddity. The feline gently hops down to a barstool. He's kind of long, as cats go.

Gale ahs softly. "Well, the important thing is if you enjoy your work. It's still fun to ride my broomstick at night, though I have to be careful. There's a surprising amount of air traffic." And no one wants to end up a Halloween ornament, or tangled in a power line. She settles quiet a moment. "And thank you so much, Mister Mac." She gently scritches Captain's back, provoking a case of elevator butt.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods "Yup, specially if you go to Metropolis." he says with a grin "don't wanna crash into Superman or Supergirl." he says his steak sandwich finished, and just a few of his fries left. "If you ever find yourself in need of some help, feel free to call the number on my card, If I'm not in the office my answering service will take a message, I check it several times in a day." he explains as mac starts cooking up two steaks..

Gale has posed:
"Yeah... I haven't really gone there. It feels too big and bright for me." Being formerly homeless, she probably got used to living a hidden life. She does smile at his grin. Gale peers back down at the card. "Oh! Of course, of course. If you want to see the magic manor or need help, I - um, have a pen.. hang on." She pats her pockets. There's a tiny pen. "I can help out. Captain sometimes takes care of the phone stuff, he's great." The cat beams as best as a cat can. "Sometimes we do a little detectivework. We're still looking for a skinwalker on the loose," A frown at that.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden frowns at that.. "IT hunting people?" he asks his voice growing soft, his eyes intense as he asks the question. Seems one Harry Dresden doesn't like it when the supernatural preys on mortal kind...

Gale has posed:
Gale nods. "They were. They seem to gain power with each victim, so I've been loathe to let the police near the crime scenes." Lest it, you know, absorb some cops and get fite power. "I'd rather not feed it a steady stream of combatants," She admits. Captain's triangle nose is all a-wriggle as steaks cook. "They've been quiet this week, but I suspect that's a ruse." The witch furrows her brows. "It's upsetting the balance. Mortals fall prey, and supernatural creatures fade, but this is way out of hand." She seems more concerned about keeping the proper balance. After all, witches in olden times were a good deal more savage than say, Gale herself. "Just be careful out there. If it gets bolder, it might come after bigger prey." Or someone Dresden knows/likes. "So far, it seems to like men."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods.. "Where is it hunting? Gotham? Bludhaven?" he asks curiously trying to get more information, reaching into a pocket to pull out a note pad to start taking some notes. He seems quite intrested in getting information as Mac returns with the two plates the cats steak actually cut up into bite sized cubes..

Gale has posed:
"Gotham in general. It likes misty places," Gale explains. Captain quips, "He smells like swamp." The cat wrinkles his triangular nose. "Thanks!" He chirps at Mac. MEAT TIME. His tail flicks eagerly. Gale smiles appreciatively at Mac. "Thank you," She murmurs. She holds off on digging in though. Captain will start in, daintily grabbing a cube and chomping. Small as he is, even a housecat has the marks of his predatory heritage.

Gale taps her chin with a fingertip. "It likes to take the form of a tall man, in a dark suit. Kinda dapper, if not for all the murder."

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods.. "I've got a few contacts in Gotham, I'll see what I can find. If I run across him I'll deal with him, but if I get an idea of where he might be held up, I'll get ahold of you to back you up on dealing with it." he says his voice very serious in what he says..

Gale has posed:
Gale is sitting near Harry at the bar, with Captain, an orange stripey tabby on his own seat and noshing some steak. The two are talking, with Harry taking some notes. "Of course. Just be careful, it likes to pick off people. I can handle myself okay, but you're sort of definitely his type," She peers at Harry. The violet-eyed witch seems concerned. "It gains talent with each victim," Frown. "So that's why I've hidden it from the cops." She'll eat slowly, but it's hard to think much about steak when chatting about a skinwalker.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel was familiar with McNally's now, and even though he wasn't a sorceror or a wizard, the angel could reasonably be said to fit right in. He arrives via the door (this time) hasving begun to grok that humans used such things with an alarming frequency, and while just popping in wouldn't be looked at askance at this particular establishment, Cas was trying to brush up on his 'fitting in' skills.

Compared to where he'd been months ago? He was doing fabulously.

Making his way to the bar, and a stool, he can't miss the faintly acrid odor of hellfire and brimstone, and mutters a complaint as he crawls up upon his stool and orders a boilermaker, "They'll let any damned thing in, won't they?"

Nearly literally.

Ash Williams has posed:
Popping in sets off some major alarm bells with some people - Who typically associate 'popping' with actions of things both nefarious and evil. The rough growl of the Delta cuts, and there's the sound of hasty movement and heavy boots a moment later. Freshly behind Castiel, the door slams open as Ash runs through it, making his way straight to the pub restrooms with a warning. "Make a path! Burrito muey picante!" He stammers in broken Spanish, before clattering through the men's bathroom door. The panic is brief, but for some, quite terrifying. It leaves one hell of an impression.

Do NOT go in there.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden nods, pulling out his wallet to pay for his tab. "I think I'm going to go do some foot work, see if I can track any information down about this guy." he says as he starts to get up, bot Mac and Harry frowning at the bull in the china cabinet making his way to the bathroom. "Great, another dudebro.." he says with a sigh.. "It was nice meeting you gale." he says with a smile..

Gale has posed:
And Gale is the engineer turned witch, who just might be more at home behind a DM's screen or at her mathlete competitions. The violet-eyed woman nods to Harry, "Okay. Just be careful." She advises Harry. "You're exactly the sort whose skin he'd love," She remarks. And then her eyes go wide as there's a Rush to the Bathroom. "Is he okay?" There's a bit of concern. The orange tabby sitting on the barstool by Gale is taking his time eating, though he pauses. "I'm just glad I use a litter box," The orange tabby quips in a rich, deep baritone voice.

"Be well, and the pleasure was all ours," She smiles to Harry. Of course, divine dudes and such are all rather intimidating to the shy witch. "It got busy," She murmurs. She might just bolt with a math book under the fridge at any moment. She blinks at Castiel. Uncertain. "Hi!"

Castiel has posed:
Castiel.. doesn't quite shine with the divine any longer. Oh, sure, he has a portion of his Grace. Enough to go grovelling back and beg forgiveness, but certainly not what was once his. Okay, so it's also enough for the fairly requisite angelic things, and he might still have a smidge of that aura if you know what you're looking for.. but mostly, he looks like and reeks of simple human. Simple human in a rumpled trenchcoat, and perhaps in need of a shave.

He notes the impending exit of the brimstone smelling one. Grunts. "Don't leave on my account."

And the mad dash to the restrooms by Ash has him somewhat perplexed given Cas has yet to meet a burrito, let alone a muey picante.

Gale, too, gets a grunt. Or perhaps it's only the fact of his boilermaker arriving. "Your friend stinks of hell, you know." Though friend might be a loose word for Harry.

Ash Williams has posed:
Don't worry. Those with overly sensitive senses of smell - Supernatural or not - Might be greeted with something significantly more traumatising than Brimstone OR Hellfire, when Ash opens the door again, revealing a blue-shirted former athlete gone most of the way to seed, chuckling to himself as he walks out. "After all that build-up, it's over in seconds." Walking towards the bar, he finds himself conveniently close enough to Gale and Castiel.

Gale is of course, his type, in that she's female. "Hey good looking. And you, stranger. Sorry about the rush in there, I felt like mexican for lunch and my guts did /not/ approve." A glance from them, back to the bartender. "Yo, barkeep. Beer me!"

Gale has posed:
"Oh. I just met him. I didn't sniff him too closely," Gale admits. Her people don't exactly get Christmas cards from the great above, but thankfully, no one seems to be holding witch burnings these days. If she can magically sense things, she keeps it to herself. Probably far too used to spending most of her life as a mortal. Also, it's rude and often dangerous to out others. Captain hrks softly, when the bathroom door is opened. But he just sort of glowers, as cats do. He has his own barstool seat, at least. "I think Mister Harry is worried about the skinwalker loose. It's been preying on humans a lot lately. I've had a hard time tracking it, but divination's not my strong point," the witch admits. She looks like she escaped a D&D session, bad physics pun t-shirt and all.

There's an owlish blink at Ash. Gale looks a little startled. She manages a polite smile, "Um. Hi. Thank you," She says. The violet-eyed woman is really caught off-guard by that one. Normally athletes would be giving her a wedgie or stuffing her in a locker. "What should I call you guys, anyway...?" She asks. "And erm, that's okay. Are you feeling better?" Eyebrows lift a little.

Castiel has posed:

Now, *that* has Castiel's attention. Even if there's a brief moment where the smell from the bathroom has the angel drawing up to a highly insulted looking position before settling back into a hunker over his beer.

"Can't say I've heard of one of those loose in.." He has to think. "Mmm, centuries, maybe."

Of course, now that he's taken up with the Winchester boys it's entirely likely such will be a weekly occurence and one of those enh, ever so blase things.

Gale's representing all the stereotypes is completely lost upon Castiel, the (mostly former) Angel of the Lord only recently come to understand humanity as more complex than the occassional need for Divine intervention.

Ash, however? "What's a Mexican for lunch?" Totally over his head. Almost predictably so. As is the matter that introductions are being made.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Oh yeah. That's the best thing about Mexican food. Once you've let it out, all you're left with is the memory." Ash Williams, master of the over share, seems to have garnered some interest in the idea of a skinwalker. Although he isn't exactly sure what that is, is does sound like the sort of thing he is used to dealing with. "Skinwalkers, huh. Dontcha wish they'd find better ways of describing these things?" A chuckle, and a mild boast to follow. "Heh, I've killed more than my fair share of things wearing skin that wasn't theirs."

His electronic hand finds the beer that's been poured for him, closing around it cautiously, careful not to break it. Castiel gets a weird look. "Mexican. It's a kind of food. You know. Hola, hablo anglais?" A specialist when it comes to bad accents. "Those guys."

Gale has posed:
Gale tries not to take too deep of a breath. Fortunately, she has her meal and drink. "They are fairly rare. But this one's been gaining power with each kill, and I'm worried," She admits. "He's hard to track, which is highly unusual," Frown. She is getting used to life as a magic user, and all the weirdness it entails. The oddest thing about her appearance is her purple eyes. She lucked out on witch's marks.

"Mexican is a word used to describe things from Mexico. It tends to use a lot of cilantro, if that's your thing. Cheap mexican food... will clean you out," Gale puts it delicately. She seems to be a rather inhibited person. Pause. "No, Skinwalker is exactly what it says. They kill humans or other beings, take their skin and take on their appearance and or abilities, depending on how powerful they are. Many of them gain strength with each kill. There's one that's been going after men around Gotham lately. So mind your backs, unless you'd like to lose your epidermis," She is concerned. "Um, what do you call yourselves? I'm Gale, by the way," She offers politely. Captain the cat munches some meat, and curls into a circle on his barstool. "And that's Captain. He talks, but he's full of meat and chill right now."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel gives a faint grumble at Gale's commentary. Or maybe it's Ash's. It's really hard to tell.

"Damned things slick around hiding in plain sight. Not much you can do but kill them." Which doesn't precisely sound like an issue to the man.

Ash's Mexican - bad accent and all - is met with a reply of, "You sound like a tourist. Stop."

He downs several large swallows of his beer before observing, "The vessel wasn't much for Mexican. Pizza. It liked pizza." He nods as though the explanation was sufficient for all. Then grunts, "Castiel. Formerly of the Choir."

Ash Williams has posed:
"Reminds me of a demon. Ball." No attempt made to pronounce the mostly silent 'h', he's just plain old Mr Testicle. Ash shakes his head. "Hey, it wouldn't be the first time someone's got into my skin, but I always get it back. There's only one of /me/." A mouthful of his beer follows, "Ash Williams. Formerly of Elk Grove. Ghostbeater, and worlds most patient lover." A wink for Gale, that's well overplayed by the greying hero.

Castiel's poor reaction to his frankly flawless Mexican is met with a shrug, "Uhuh. That would be because I'm an American. And are you /sure/ you're not one of those skin-strollers? Because you really don't seem like you're all here. And I've met someone from that place, and she didn't seem as disconnected as you." It's an easy mistake to make. The Choir, and Themyscira.

Gale has posed:
Gale doesn't seem ruffled. She has to deal with magic colliding with the nonmagic regularly. And it gets hard to explain. "Yeah... I'm just worried about the mortals he eats. It's upsetting the balance," She remarks. "And nice to meet you, Castiel. You used to sing?" Gale is pagan as all heck. She's dimly aware of angels and such, but it's not her forte. "The vessel? Do you share your existence with someone or something?" Baffled. She shakes it off. "Sorry." It's a bit nosy. Captain is snoozing softly, his eyes closed and triangular kitty ears forward.

"Hmm. It wouldn't surprise me if someone petitioned Bhaal for such abilities, but... they are a type of being of their own." She looks concerned as Ash mentions someone taking his skin. She turns 7 shades of red at the wink and freezes up. One can almost see the witch just bluescreen out. Boooooooop. Gale manages a small smile, as if she just might up and teleport or run cockroach style under the fridge.

"Oh, is the Choir a place?" She thought it was something one joined when singing. "And nice to meet you, too, Ash."

Castiel has posed:
For his efforts, Ash gets an fair stream of invectives - all in flawless Mexican, accent and all - finished off with a very American "Asshole" grunted over the downing of his whiskey. "And it's Ba'al. Make him sound like some stupid sportsball match. No wonder you humans end up summoning things you shouldn't."

He sounds, for lack of a better word, ever so slightly disgusted by the thought.

"And if I were a skinwalker, I wouldn't say so." As if. Even if in the most technical of senses Castiel is exactly that - his being wearing the flesh of another, though in his case, he did ask permission first, so there is that.

"Choir isn't a place, it's a what, girl." Castiel narrows his gaze upon the purple-eyed girl. "The Celestial Choir. Servants of the Lord. Those who hear His Voice. You know, Angel? Were you born under a rock?"

Ash Williams has posed:
Ash is smart enough to hear when he's being insulted, even in a foreign language, and has skin almost as thick as his overly masculine jaw. "Well, he's dead, so he can be whatever the hell I want to call him until he decides to come back and correct me. 'Course, he didn't ask before he stole peoples skin, he just did it." The man leans back against the chair, and adds. "And for what it's worth, I didn't summon him. I clean /way/ more messes than I start." At least, that's his opinion.

"Angel, huh? I guess the wings are in the wash. I mean, I've gone through a whole lot of demon and evil nonsense in my life, and the first angel I meet turns out to be an asshole." A chuckle, and a glance at Gale. "So you're one of the good guys? Or one of the, I'm not involved guys."

Gale has posed:
Gale stares blankly at Castiel. "Well, there are regional variants of demon names. It's trucky." She notes. "I don't do summoning," She holds up her hands. "Wait, capital G god? Oh, no. His followers tend to set my people on fire. For existing and being pagan," She seems uneasy. "So my family never really studied their magic and systems," She remarks. "That's all." Why would she know about the Choir when her family was off being skyclad and stuff?

"Most skinwalkers don't ask. They simply kill." She states. "And um. I guess- I try to be good? There's a balance between mortal life and the supernatural. It's important to keep that, as all have their place. Even the ugly parts of it." Oh boy, one of those true neutral/neutral good nerds. "But I tend to make my living healing and taking care of magical things." Beat. "Also I rarely teleport because I almost always end up in drag. I have no idea why, but I just can't do it. Portals, sure. But teleporting, nope."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel snorts derisively. "Whole sectors of humanity were assholes. Not really in His commands to burn yours on sight. Witch?" He grunts to himself in assent, having decided that's the best fit given the eyes; what she's said. "Not about to turn you into ash, so relax." It might surprise Gale to know Castiel was a foremost expert on most, if not all, known world religions. Or that he wasn't kidding about it not being a proscription to burn them on sight. "Too many things done in His name He never intended."

The angel shrugs. Humanity. They'd been left to their own devices for a reason. It was one of the reasons he, himself, had been made to leave the Choir - for meddling in that free will.

Ash Williams has posed:
"See, I find it way simpler to just kill the things that try to kill me." Ash states definitively, taking a healthy mouthful of beer to wash down the sentence. "Well, I'm glad to hear that God doesn't have it in for everyone, even though there's a Witch here. Ain't really partial to burning either, as long as you aren't going to bring a houseful of deadites down upon us. See, it's not making sense to me that an agent of God can't just get on the horn to the big man upstairs, he snaps his fingers and Mr. Skinchanger explodes. Right? Instead, it's left to Which-Way over here to decide it needs doing, or some guy who introduces the bad man to the boomstick."

Gale has posed:
Gale tilts her head at Castiel. "Well. That's fair. It's just easy to be a bit jumpy around the subject when a lot of its history entailed setting you and yours on fire, or torturing them, you know?" Gale seems to be okay with Castiel, at least. "And I can see that. My ancestors were intermediaries between the magical and the mundane. People would ask for all sorts of horrible things." Hello, hexes! "Thanks for not smiting me, at least." Dang ol' heathens. Gale was probably expecting a giant fist or foot to come from the heavens or something.

"It's a bit tricky. Some things are ghosts in pain, or stuff like that. Trying to kill them would only make it worse," She notes. "Deadites? Like zombies?" Peer. At his comments, Gale looks thoughtful. "It is kind of odd to make something and not look after it, but I'm not the boss of everything," She shrugs. "Right now, I'm just warning tall men to be careful. The skinwalker really likes tall guys. He's somewhat resistant to tracking and divination, so I'm worried he's gotten his paws on some magic." Or eaten a minor wizard. "So I seem to hunt monsters as much as I heal people." Pause. "At least it's not necromancers again."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel gives a faint nod, and a half-shrug that involves one shoulder, tightening the trench coat across his back before the thing settles back into its usual rumple. "Augustine was an ass. Socio and political climes were ripe for a victim. Women were an easy reach. Notice you didn't see much protest? Same with the Crusades. Humans controlling humans and distracting them from what's really going on."

There's another shrug, and a nod to the bartender, ordering another boilermaker.

"You call it politics now."

Ash has a legitimate question, but it takes Castiel several moment of silence before he deigns to answer. "Ever hear of Free Will? Besides, boy, we've been saving your asses since you crawled out of the muck. We just don't stand around signing autographs afterwards."

Ash Williams has posed:
Ash looks entirely disinterested as the conversation turns to magic. One can actively see his eyes glazing over until the conversation returns to something more familiar. "Deadites. Servants of the Kandarian demon, although there's also that wimpy nerd demon still running about, and the Dark Ones." He gestures with what's left of his beer, "I guess they're close enough to zombies. They're not human any more, and there's pretty much no fixing a deadite unless you're fluent in ancient Sumerian."

Castiel seems to have an ego that could rival Ash, "Huh. See, way I read it is that this whole thing is a train in motion, and it's up to the passengers to make sure the track ahead is all clear. Since I tried the whole 'working in mysterious ways' thing, and I got my ass fired from S-Mart." A joke. Maybe. "So what about you, Which-Way? You like tall guys?" Says the tall guy.

Gale has posed:
"Yeah. There's not a whole lot of witches slash warlocks left. Though, most of the guys never take up broomstick riding." WONDER WHY. Gale goes quiet to listen. Magic is her deal now, but it wasn't always. "Technically... I could try, the ancient Sumerian thing." Fingerwiggle. "It takes a spell or two though. And it's not permanent." Sigh. "Thankfully, most of the necromancers don't really come out until Halloween." It's an important day, after all.

Gale's ego probably left her to go have mai thais with her self esteem. At the tall guys question, her eyes widen a bit and she goes red. No prizes if you guess who made it through college without a single date. "... well, s-sure. I'm kinda tall." She is. "But the last time one talked to me, I hid behind a potted plant." Gale has /a problem/ with courage and shyness. Fidget. "I think I might have a problem." Maybe.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel looks between the pair. First to Ash, then to Gale. "Do you two need a room?"

He mutters things under his breath. "...Adam... never changes..."

"Nothing permanent but Energy," Castiel informs Gale. "Magic wouldn't work otherwise. Can't manipulate what can't change. Permanent by definition is unchanging." Another of those shrugs.

Ash Williams has posed:
Casual flirting appears to have handily disarmed Gale, and Ash doesn't seem to struggle with the morality of teasing the Witch. "Hell, I've got time. You wanna get a room, sweetheart?" The ghostbeater suggests offhandedly, before he glances back at Castiel. "I'm happier not being able to read it. Every time someone says something in that language, bad things happen."

Gale has posed:
Oh boy. "Wait what." Need a room? Why? Uh oh. She's beet red, and tries to focus on the comment on Energy. "That's true, to a point." And oh geez. One can almost observe Gale trying not to implode into a small black hole. It's kind of a wonder she hasn't bolted to hide behind the fridge. "Uh." Stare.

"Well. A lot of languages have their own power, but there was something about the Sumerians. Guys could crack open a portal to Hell like no one's business," She comments. "I - I don't think I know you well enough just yet, but I -" Oh no. But he is kinda cute. But then. But. Oh well. "I should probably head back home, anyway. I don't want to hit any powerlines on the way home. Wasn't much parking so I - flew." EVASION 100.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel might not be all that savvy about humans, but he's seen Dean do the old pickup lines a few times now, and this wasn't unfamiliar to him. "If not knowing one another well enough had stopped your ancestors, they wouldn't be your ancestors," he grumbles. "Humans."

Ash Williams has posed:
"Hasn't stopped me before." Ash comments idly, "Well, I'll let you make your own way home, but if you change your mind I can always make some room in the Delta." His car, although he doesn't elaborate on that just yet. "We'll call it a raincheck. Until again, sweetheart."

Gale has posed:
At the quips about it not stopping her ancestors or Ash, it's time to go. Because it's far more true than she's ever going to admit. Gale just missed out on the confidence genes. Hard. Gale scoops up her cat, and waves. "It was nice to meet both of you. I hope to see you guys around." Beam. With that, the witch summons her broomstick and wanders on out in a hurry. Swoosh!

Castiel has posed:
Castiel watches the witch fly off (literally) and shakes his head over his freshened drink. "Why is it always with the don't burn us, please don't smite us? Was never Servants of the Lord who did that, just you humans."

He says that like he's not wearing a human suit at the moment.

Then peering over at Ash, the angel notes, "Is that how humans always are? If it is the opposite sex, you want to copulate with it?" He says copulate clinically, and asks as though he hasn't been privy to one Dean Winshester, flirt extraordinaire.

Ash Williams has posed:
"Beats me, buddy. In my experience, if it ain't people, it's evil, or some combination of both." Ash suggests with a shrug, looking after Gale until she's made her way outside. He pushes his beer away, waiting for a fresh one as she thinks. "Hell, it's that simple and it's not. Sex feels great, that's a big part of it. We need more of that in this world. More than that, of course, I just don't know what /that/ part is yet." Fresh beer, greeted by his human hand, and then raised to his lips for a long, slow swallow.

"I mean, what's a guy like /you/ do for fun?"