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Latest revision as of 05:12, 22 September 2018

Fun in the sund
Date of Scene: 28 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Harry, Molly, and Mouse enjoy a picnic and meet Alek, thanks to one wooly puppy
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Molly Carpenter, Smart Alek

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden pulls in to the parking lot of the small park, the multicolored VW bug puttering, and giving out a little backfire as he pulls into a parking space, grimacing a bit. "I'm gonna have to take it into the shop soon, Ambush Bug's starting to give me talk back." he says to the two passengers, one Molly Carpenter Rave Wizard extraordinare! and Mouse, the biggest ball of fluff this side of the Mississippi. "You wanna go find a spot with a free grill, I'll grab the cooler and the charcoal?" he suggests to Molly once the engine stops..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter plucks the belt of the bug loose with an eagerness to get back on solid land. "Yeah she's kind of... Shaky today," she admits with a glance back over her shoulder at Mouse. "Sounds like a plan. Think you can find us one that's not too dirty and gross, Mouse?" Chuckling she opens the door and gets out, taking a moment to lever the seat forward to help get Mouse out.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Mouse gets out, a bright red and orange vest on his body that says Service Animal letting thouse know that the rather large foo dog is in all actuality not a danger, his tail wagging he lets out a soft snort shaking his lions mane of hair before lightly shoulder checking Molly's hip before he's bounding off into the park like a puppy actually tripping over his front paws to go rolling across the ground..

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek arrives on a bus, he's got a blanket in hand and a rolled bag, he glances around the park a bit, some memories of the place dance about and makes his way over to a sandbox, reaching down he takes handful of sand and lets it shift through his fingers. He just stands there a bit too long grinning to no one and nothing. He eventually heads to an empty spot in the grass.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden is soon moving to catch up with Molly and Mouse, two large igloo coolers in his hands a bag of charcoal briquettes resting on top of one, while a large pizza x'press box is resting on the other, his iconic jacket left at home for the day for bluejeans and a blue t-shirt he just shakes his head as he watches Mouse go tumbling along the ground.. "He is just the picture of grace isn't he?"

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter hefts her bag over her shoulder as she regards the tumbling and rolling dog with a wry grin. "Yep. You realize you're brushing him later," she informs him matter-of-factly. Still grinning she glances around the park looking for a good spot. "There's a grill over by the playground area," she suggests gesturing in the direction of the sadnbox that Alek had been at moments before.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek has an always wandering pair of eyes and Harry gets a good glance over and up and up, the very tall chap probably gets alot of attention and Alek's attention is easy to get for a brief period of time at least. He eventually lays out his blanket and sits down... he tears lightly up some grass which he rubs between his thumb and fingers.. he closes his eyes as he does so.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden snickers setting the coolers on a couple of low concrete little spots made for just that case. "Nah, that's why I brought the pizza." he says simply grabbing the pizza to open the cheese and pepperoni pie to flip it open at the end of one of the two picnic tables there in the grilling area. Spotting Alek and his glance, the dark eyed wizard just gives a slight upnod of his head in the universal mancode of 'sup?'

Mouse on the other hand is just circling around, jumping in the air and rolling in the grass, suddenly stopping, laying on his back, his head upside down in relation to Alek he just looks at the man his legs pawing at the air as his tail lazily thumps on the ground.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter sinks down to sit across from Harry and reaches for the pizza to steal a slice for herself. Looking over toward Mouse waving at the fellow playing with the grass she smiles a bit. "Careful Mouse, you don't want to scare him," she offers though she hardly thinks that he would really scare anyone. Not that big goof of fluff.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek hears a voice... the ripples bounce off his form.. he's attracted a moment in their direction. The 'dog' now comes into focus.. he sort of tilts his head to the side, he comments, "Big Dog. Furry Dog."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden rushes to slap Molly's hand "hey! Burgers and hotdogs in like twenty minutes.. That's for the guard." he says grumpily "You /do not/ want Toot and gang thinking you're nicking their pay." he says turning back to the grill to start filling it with the charcoal. He watches Mouse and the other man and calls out. "His name's Mouse, and he's harmless, once stepped on my foot, and the silly pupper was inconsolable for hours." he says as mouse just wiggles on the grass making his way closer to Alek without actually getting up off his back, just sidewinding himself towards the youth on the blanket..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter winces at the handsmack only to grump a bit herself. "I wasn't stealing their food. I was just..." Thinking quick, in case any of the guard were listening, she states, "Doing a poison check on it. You can never be too careful." She does however leave the pizza alone, and sits back with her arms crossed to avoid the urge to snatch a slice. While Harry works on the grill she looks over watching Mouse wiggle and approach Alek. "I don't think he's going to really be listening to you, Harry," she points out with a wry smile. "One thing at a time."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek watches the dog slowly sidewind his way closer, he reaches out to pet the wooly mammoth of a dog. "You never felt grass before? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary about it." He looks up to the other humans present but shrugs a bit, "Never quite seen a dog like him before.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden snaps his fingers a small fire lighting in the briquettes as they start to get ready for the grilling of a lifetime. "Yeah, he's a bit of a rare one, there aren't too many purebread Doggosarus Rex's around nowadays. He likes to think of himself as a chihuahua with thyroid issues though." Dresden says when he hears the young man's comment. "He's Mouse, I'm Harry, and the queens food taster over there is Molly." He introduces pointing a thumb back to Molly as she sits beside the pizza a couple of slices having gone missing..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter gives a waggle of her fingers in a wave. "I'm going to go get a walk around before dinner time actually, Harry. I'm sure Mouse will keep you out of trouble." Grinning she gets up with a stretch and starts down a path. "Give a holler when the dogs are done cooking!"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Hey Mouse." as he greets the Dog, and then he looks up to Harry and Molly, he searches for something to say, but eventually just looks back at the non-hotdog dog. "Doggosaurus Rex... King of the Dogs, must like the title huh?""

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden quickly slips over to give Molly a slight hug. "Have fun." he says before he's back to the grill, the fire read for the hamburgers and hot dogs. "I don't know about him, but I do.. " he answers as he opens the second cooler to pull out an ale from the ice filled box "Want a coke?" he asks Alek pulling out a glass coke bottle that he uses to open the ale for himself.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "A coke would be great, thanks." as his eyes go to the BBQ for a moment before darting back over to the dog, and then to his own bag of food which he opens and takes a sandwich out of it."