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Latest revision as of 05:04, 29 September 2018

And Another Thing...
Date of Scene: 13 September 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue, Harley Quinn, Squirrel Girl

Gambit has posed:
South of the Manhattan Bridge, the Lower East Side. Graffiti in colorful abundance marks the rooftops of an apartment complex, though, alone its a sight what makes it more impressive the building next to it has the same artistic exercise printed across it as well.
From the bridge these are visible, not the streets below. For people who fly likewise.

It's mid day, humid to the point of almost muggy, though not as hot as it has been. The reason these rooftops have become popular at this moment in time is the gathering of bodies on top of the southern most complex. The weather conditions no concern for those above apparently, they stand looking up, gazing at the skies pointing, watching something... This is a world thats grown used to the otherwordly, the supernatural, extraterrestrial, mutants, super technological anomalies, most people can ignore it, carry on and the like but sometmes, wen it is right in your face, thats hard to do.

"What is it doing? What are they?"

The odd mewling sounds have been going on for almost forty five minutes, two large whale like creatures were sighted above the neighborhood. They very much appear to be elephant sized hump back whales that fly, however, odd multicolored tendrils dangle off of their backs and along their bodies glowing colors spread, one of them cold colors of blues-purples the other warm oranges and reds. It's an interesting display, it has people captivated, more so than they should be likely as even below cars are starting to back up the already horrible New York traffic of these hours. Horns blare, gawkers gaze to the heavens and a couple shouting yelling matches have broken out.

Just another day in the life of...

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had gotten out of class for the day and she had no real responsibilities at the Avengers mansion since they sort've just contact her on open mics if they need her to come Tank things, the X-Men had had a training run last week but there'd been no word from then since... so the young mutant is just on her way to find out where Remy is. She's on her long skateboard that Doctor Strange of all people had bought her as a gift to help cheer her up when she'd been brought back to New York, and she's just rolling on down the side street with her phone in her gloved hands texting Remy to find out where he is.

The commotion of whats going on in this area gets her to come to a stop and put one foot off of her board. She looks up at the sky, her hair loosely blowing in the wind around her shoulders as she stares upward and joins in with the gawking. "Holy shit." The southern girl whispers.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Kinda wild, huh?" asks a blonde off to one side, standing away from those that gather in twos and threes. She's in a black leather bustier and a tufted tulle skirt in black and red netting. Black and red striped stockings come up just above her knees, and she's rocking back on the heels of black combat boots as she looks skyward. Her pigtails, one dipped red, the other black, are tossed carelessly in the wind sheer off the buildings around her. "They been goin at it that way for a while!"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green heard the commotion on social media, having been scrolling through her phone on the subway. When she saw she was at a stop near all the hubbub, she hopped off and took a quick moment to change. Not that she has much of a costume, but she does get her tail out at least, the bushy length of it thrumming and swishing behind her as she makes her way in. She comes across Harley and Rogue. They look superish.

"Are they hurting anybody or are they just freaky?" she asks.

Gambit has posed:
Wild, absolutely. Otherworldly a key word as those flying shrunken whales twist and turn around one another, the James Cameron Avatar like vines hanging off them them intermingled, their motions almost like some swirling Yin Yang.

Around them the visuals blur and like a blooming flower colors and tracers start to whir together in to a sort of cloud or circular flame...
Mesmerizing, not just due to it's oddness but there is an actual hypnotic effect being cast out thats making those present just 'stand' talking starts to die off as those watching it are mouths agape, eyes glued and glassy.

There are some not so afflicted, those paying more mind to cell phones, tablets or bickering heatedly at one another but to even glance up they too begin to pull the Zombie trance card out.

Weaker minds, distracted ones, people unlike X-Men trained hardcases or the psychologically mixed. Those sorts are largely unaffected.

Remy is near Harley Quinn, cell phone in one oddly gloved hand and texting responses to Rogue with ridiculous emojis, he really should lay off the eggplant and cards. Hearing the Gothamite he blinks, pulling odd red-black eyes from the display in the sky, "Dat an understatement. This like something outta Hitchiker's Guide."

"Not sure what it is... " He murmurs. "It's getting more... energetic and dangerous though."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes pull away from the sight above when she hears Harley and Doreen beside her. She does a bit of a double-take on Harley, only cause the woman really stands out (and because she hasn't really noticed Doreen's tail yet!). "For awhile?" Rogue asks Harls. "Just kinda floatin' around up there and making noises?" When Remy appears, Rogue steps fully off of her longboard and flicks it up into her hands where she attaches it to her leather satchel with all her school stuff in it. She walks over to Remy. "So this is what ya ask me t'come see? And here I thought it was gonna be another card trick." She smirks at him, before glancing back skyward. "I better send out a message t'the Avengers. But... somethin' tells me they've already heard about it."

Harley Quinn has posed:
To be fair, glassy-eyed and staring is sort of Harley's signature look, when there's something around worth gawking at. But she is very aware that there's something playing tricks on her mind, and this time it isn't the Joker. "They're not just floatin' around tho, Chica," she replies to Rogue, wild blue eyes still glassy and fixed on the creatures. "They're upta somethin', and bein' mesmerizin' is the least of it." She shrugs, finally tearing her gaze away from the spectacle and looking back to the others. "OMYGOD YOU HAVE A TAAAIL! Oh for CUUUUTE!" She's distracted now by Doreen. But if it hadn't been her, it would've been flirting with Remy. She has the attention span of a...what do you call those things...with wings. Not mosquitoes, but sorta like that except they don't suck blood. Does that make mosquitoes vampires? Huh.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green blushes a bit as Harley makes a fuss over her tail, "Yeah! Comes with the territory when you're...Squirrel Girl!" she says, puffing out her chest a little bit.

"The Avengers are probably in space or Qurac or Atlantis or something. We can handle this! C'mon, let's get a closer look!" she says. She takes a few running steps and leaps, landing on the side of the building and popping her little claws to help her get traction so she can start to wallcrawl up towards teh things.

Gambit has posed:
"It uh, its somethin' new. Figured you'd wanna take a look, ma chere." Remy grins at her but his attention reorients on to Harley again and now what appears to be yes, a tail and he snaps a finger pointing at Squirrel Girl, "I seen you! Now yeah... "

A lean towards Rogue, his hand brushing fingers along her forearm with his own two gloved ones as if to get her focus and that taunt of touch, which, for them is truly impossible in the reality of it. "Plus, you an Avenger an' you fly."

Flight though, if one is daring enough probably not a complete necessary with the outcroppings, signs, ledges and options of urban jungle. Those present are all very capable of making the Parkour like ascent if they so chose to.

The rapid twisting dance of the two mystery whales is getting faster, their noises are growing louder and they are starting to thrash about. It's going from National Geographic safe to something more frenzied, terrifying. The onlooks are beginning to sway with the motions, frothing at the mouth now and some of them are even toppling. The intensitity of the emotional and mental trap growing...

"She right, somethin' need done quick."
A flash of a handsome smile at Harley and hes moving past her, "Excusez moi, pretty lady." He offers, not having a clue who she is nor really letting it sink in that unlike those around them, she is one of the unaffected. As Squirrel Girl leaps and latches on Remy takes a long legged run and hops from the top of a stuck cab, grabbing ahold of a low ledge and hiking himself up, showing off some of his mutant associated prowess.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to look back over to Harley when she fangirls over the tail and then notices it herself... but within seconds Doreen is on her way up the building and Rogue's looking after her. "They wouldn't go anywhere without tellin' me..." She mutters, and questions whether they would or not. Most of the Avengers are WAY OLDER than she is, which is why she doesn't hang out with them socially much.

Remy's touch draws her eyes back to the Cajun and she softly nods her head at him. "Yeah, somethin's up. Its gettin' a little NC-17 up there, or so it seems like it. But damnit..." Remy takes off and she watches for a second before looking back to the Sky Whales. "I hate weird shit that looks like its from space..."

Within a moment, Rogue is lifting off the ground though and shooting up into the sky.. she also hates doing this kind of thing in civilian clothes cause then it takes hours to explain to the Police who she is afterward.

Rogue's flight course is leading her on a perimeter loop around the Sky Whales to try to find... anything, visually, to tell her what to do next and she's on her Avengers comms reporting what she sees.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well, Goddamn it." Harley spouts, as the squirrel starts to climb and the thuggy emo skateboard chick flies off. "YOU GUYS /SUCK/!"

Feeling confident in her assessment, Harley flips her pigtails back as she turns on her heel and stalks inside, stopping at the elevator doors and pushing the "Up" button.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green looks back over her shoulder at Harley's shout, "I don't suck! I'm just...perky!" She scrambles up and finally reaches the top of the building, perching herself on the ledge. She stares at the undulating and odd figures, her head cock and tail flicking.

"I dunno, they seem...kind of pretty to me. But I like nature! Is this nature?!?" she asks.

Gambit has posed:
Remy's sly smile only curves up more at the exchange between the ladies, keeping his thoughts to himself as he makes for his flashy upwards ascent until hes on a balcony, just shy of where the whales are turning in to... one thing? That is definitely what it looks like right now. The two have merged and lost their own forms, sort of just some fleshly blob surrounded in colors and thrashing tendrils.

"Pretty went to gross, real quick... " The man remarks, "We got a plan any one? Dis awkward an people below startin' to seizure..." They are and not only that a nearby News Chopper is starting to spiral out of control, its pilot obviously caught in the same mind altering trip everyone else is.

The elevator ride for Harley is sooooo eventful. The music is some old Ace of Base at least. So thats not entirely bad but the final ding at the top no doubt eagerly awaited as shes on the upmost of that first apartment complex. Take a stairwell up and shes on the roof, opposite the balcony and building Squirrel Girl and Gambit are monkeyhugging.

"Plan bout needed cause am thinkin' they about done and hopefully all dey want is smokes... "

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is quick to action with regard to the helicopter and she's flying her way over to it and settling up beneath it to grab hold of it, or to try to.... Its difficult though cause its flailing all around and she doesn't want to make this worse... It slides off of her head and she has to narrowly avoid the roters so that her body doesn't break them right off... plus even if she's invulnerable its still kind of freaky!

Rogue rips her gloves off of her hands and then flies back to the chopper with intent!

She grabs hold of it by its tail and then slides down its base between the roters and the body of the chopper before she just... reaches right up and shoves her hand between them, grabbing one and stopping them like they had no power or force compared to her tiny arm.

This action causes the helcopter's engine to start spouting out black smoke as she is now completely in control of where the air craft is going and she's taking it down to land it on the building Harley just got to the top of!

"I don't know what to do about the whale things!" She says over her comms. "Its kinda outta my league, I think!"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley's still rocking some Ace of Base on the rooftop as the Roguecopter comes in for a landing. But she's a little too focused on the whaleblob for comfort. She's still jammin'. Singin'. But she's intently focused on the blob, and doesn't seem to notice that Rogue brought the Smokey Joe.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green scratches her chin, "Huh. Well, I'm always one to give the benefit of the doubt. So let's give it a chance. Who knows, maybe it's not hostile at all. Maybe it...they...them...are lost and just confused. I mean, I don't even see the eyes. Where are the eyes?"

She hops down onto the roof proper and begins to approach slowly, holding her hands up, palms out, her floofy tail swishing behind her, "GREETINGS FROM EARTH! I AM SQUIRREL...GIRL...IF YOU ARE LOST OR AFRAID, I AM HERE TO HELP YOU! YOU ARE FRIGHTENING PEOPLE WITH YOUR JIGGLING, PLEASE CALM DOWN!"

Gambit has posed:
The kalediascope of color and 'otherworldly' fireworks abruptly dies down as Squirrel Girl speaks. There is an odd lingering silence in the air other than the city itself or more just the feeling of it.

That chopper is set down easily enough, the pilot and his passengers unresponsive but the camera man fumbles forward, dropping the object off his shoulder as he lands on his face. The footage still rolling.

Harley is upon that same rooftop as well. Though her focus, clearly elsewhere...

Remy's scaling has ceased as he listens to Doreen attempt first contact, whic may be working with the sudden quiet?

There is an odd ripple through the strange mutated 'sack' of what was once whales and then it begins to expand, grow in size and bulb outwards, like things inside are trying to punch their way out. Just a horrendous racket of screeching and mewling from inside...

"It gonna blow? What... " Remy says, awestruck.
"Maybe we shoulda not interrupted... "

Then it happens, an intense squeal loud enough to hurt ear drums, especally hyper sensitive ones, windows crack, splinter and some even burst out. Amazing as some of these are wind proofed and multi layered up so high. Popping? Absolutely and first one orange-red Whale rips free, swimming in the sky in a dance. Then the purple blue one does as well, going the opposite direction. Leaving behind that hovering deflated 'flesh' sack... thats squirming.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is helping the crew out of the chopper and she's dragging them over toward where Harley is. "Make sure they're okay!" She tells Harley, having no idea who this odd and attractive woman is who's singing the music from a long gone age. She just ASSUMES Harley is here to help though!

Rogue then turns and tries to spot where Remy is. She runs and leaps back into the air all Superman-like, then rushes past him. but STOPS when the... thing happens?

"Did that thing just give birth t'another thing?" She has to ask, her nose wrinkling. "I'm... I'm not sure what t'do here." She's saying this over the Avengers comms but all other team members are indisposed... they really need a bigger team!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley's doing the robot, which is a dance and not a euphemism for automaton coitus. She stops when Rogue starts piling humans at her feet, only half-distracted by the mobeus whales now. "Awww ya shouldn't haaave." She rolls one of them over with her boot and looks down at him. "Dude. DUDE. CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME?"

Harley turns to Rogue and sighs. "These people are broken, can I exchange em for new ones?"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green stares with wide-eyes at the strange happening, the way the animals seem to disengage and give birth, the way it all just writhes and wriggles. It's disgusting. It's horrifying. It's unearthly.

"IT'S AMAZING!" Doreen shouts, clapping her hands, "Oh my god, you guys, did you see that? THey were all squoosh and the they went BLORP and for a second I thought they were gonna KAPOW all over us but then they...hey, is that thing still moving? Oh my god, did they leave, like, little baby...thingies?"

Gambit has posed:
"I think Imma be sick." Remy says, the seafood he had earlier today no longer sitting like it should. "Never in my lif.... " Yeah, he looks off. Green around the gills as they say.

The pilot and crew dazed as they are make for easily manipulated bodies, tossed about and staring. At least now that the ritual appears done theyre no longer siezuring or convulsing.

While Harley shouts down at the deposited co-pilot he starts to move his mouth, whispering something, "so... " He rasps, "So beautiful." Then hes blinking. People around them are stirring below the streets as well. Snapping out of the trance they have been held in.

"What you do is get me a bucket... " Gambit groans.

Squirrel Girl will be the first to see it, the lashing whips at the air as colorful bright tendrils flail about and then a row of teeth, more teeth, no several rows of them as something the size of a big dog lunges out, slashing those whippy vines about at the air. It is soaring right at her and chomping. Clearly starving, grossly shiny and upon closer look very much one of those whale thiings just lacking form, more a blob with teeth and tentacles. Lots of teeth, as mentioned... teeth that look very capable of tearing through flesh maybe even bone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is only getting the run around from the Avenger A.I. on her comms as its telling her what to do in case of a space invasion like its pulling directions out of some boring ass manual that some nerd wrote. This just makes the southern belle sigh heavily before she shuts off her comkm feedback and then sees the creature lunging out of the other creature toward the girl with the tail. "Look out!" Rogue shouts toward Doreen.

She leans forward and SHOOTS off toward where the Squirrely Girly is, intending to provide some backup and aide, if not outright block this creature from harming the floofy-tailed-one!

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I feel like I missed someth--HOLY CHRIST!" Harley screeches, as she sees the teefy thing coming at the other two. By the time anyone else can even react, she's building a barricade, sandbagging herself in with the people gifted to her by Rogue. Then she ducks down behind them.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green springs up into the air, her squirrel strength letting her at least get a pretty good vertical leap. She'd do great for the Knicks, if she could fit into those shorts. She feels the teeth snapping at her heels just as she backflips up and over Rogue's head.

"Look out, flying lady, it's a snapper!" she says, "Don't worry, I'll save you when I land!"

Gambit has posed:
The co-pilot waves Harley aside until shes hefting him up to set him in front of herself and that thing, "No, theyre beautiful theyre so... what are you doing? Stop it!"
The cameraman lets out a groan noise then is shoved also, "What gives?" His Brooklyn accent thick, "What... who are you?" He actually tosss an elbow at Harley, to get her and the other man away from him.

Remy's hunched over, hair framing his features as he leans on that balcony, then turns around wriggling at the door and walking inside. Retching sounds will follow along with the shouting of people inside, "NOT IN OUR SINK!" Something along those linges...

Squirrel Girl going high and Rogue playing blocker that be-tentacled thing with the teeth clamps down on Rogue's forearm with a bite, for her, barely a pain but its got a good clamp to it. The leverage Doreen has above them with that jump mid air she can watch as it's tentacles, each a glowing color flail about, one then another coming at Rogue, yet a second swinging high like it knows shes there. They sting on impact if they hit but the odd thing is. Each time they land they strike a person with a forced emotion.
It's chewing, gnawing and trying to gulp down Rogue's limb. To no avail... its squirming self then starts to yank free and shoot towards Harley away from the two other heroines and at her struggling 'people bunker'....

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Doreen sail over her head, but that happens in a split second and then she feels the LATCH of the bitey creature grabbing her arm... Rogue's eyes narrow and she scowls back at the thing. "Oh look, he thinks he found somethin tastey." She chides the strange thing before her other hand just reaches out and she starts to slam her fest into its 'face' repeatedly. Probably fifteen quick punches from the southern belle, squishy wet noises as she's tryuing to slam her fist INTO its face with her considerably strength. "Floofy Tail!" Rogue shouts out. "Are you all right?" She's starting to lose her temper though so her ability to track the safety of others will get worse the further gone she gets into anger.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As the teethy thing releases Rogue and bears down on Harley and Floof, Harley does the only sensible thing. She grabs the pilot and tosses him into the waiting maw of the approaching creature. "Here, eat THIS! He'll probably taste as disappointing as he was as a pilot, tho!"

There...she fixed it.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green lands in a crouch and immediately springs back up, hurling herself towards Rogue and the beastie with her fist drawn back to punch, "I'm okay! I just had to get a big order of KNUCKLE SANDWICH for this guy!" she says, her tail stretching behind her as she tries to shoot forward and try to throw a punch at the thing as well.

At the edge of the roof, a group of squirrels has begun to form, a half dozen or so, watching with bright black eyes and...are they cheering?

Gambit has posed:
Mr.Teeth at first appeared intent on devouring something, anything and then in a rapid series of punches its wobbling left to right in the air, its large bite that is intended for the thrown man Harley just gave up goes wide, knocked away with Squirrel girl's impact. It's punchdrunk currently, waffling in a twirl to land on the rooftop on it's side, looking like a fish out of water as it flops and chomps. One of it's eyes busted shut and the other darting everywhere.

That pilot cries out as he is hurled off the edge of the rooftop, soaring towards the flying baby toothy fish thing then at the streets below. Its New York, the people down there have already lost interest in what they just seen, horns and traffic picking up again.

Unfortunately, Chomper is downed, laying there, lashing around with those colorful Na'vi tentacles; maybe critically injured or just dazed, its hard to tell.... but it definitely doesn't belong and did not get to eat!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't aware of their Squirrel Audience and its probably best that she not be... cause it'd just make this all the more odd! So once she beats the beast off with one hand she flies backward and tries to get a bead on Doreen. "I don't know who you are, but I like the cut'a your jib, lady!" She shouts at the Squirrel Girl... but then she catches sight of the man falling and its like its a sudden reaction, a reflesive act that has her flying suddenly at her full speed to go and try to save him!

Rogue catches the man, but she catches him at a tremendous amount of speed, and tries to shove him away from her to lessen the speed at which he'll slam into the ground... while she in-turn hits the pavement and goes rolling right into the side of a parked Air Coondition & Heating repair truck! CRUNCH!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley has made her way to the edge of the roof, sidestepping Bitey, and she's peering over just in time to see Rogue smash into a Steve's Heat and Air truck. As Steve gets out, he doesn't look happy.

Harley sucks air in through her teeth. "Ooooh, that's not good." She's forgotten all about Bitey by now.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen lands on her feet and looks down at the wounded monstrosity, an unmistakable look of pity on her cherry-cheeked face, "Sorry, little nipper. Sometimes this world's a hard place to be born...OH FLYING GIRL," she says, suddenly remembering Rogue.

She stands next to Harley and peers down to see Rogue's crashed form underneath. "It's okay, she's totally invulnerable. Right? I mean, that thing was biting her and it didn't even...maybe I should call an ambulance..." she says, fumbling for her cellphone.

Gambit has posed:
The alien's gnashing slows to no movement as the glow of those tendrils goes out, splaying around it like some ugly fallen angel.

Steve clutching to Rogue and screaming for dear life is out when they impact, likely from the 'fearfactor' of it all, wake up to a crazy clown and get hurled like a bowling ball off a ledge... just, so much. Plus the trauma of watching sky whales get their freak on.

Remy is climbing off that balcony again to make his way down, fresh faced now at least and headed to check on that smoosed vehicle.

No doubt SHIELD, SWORD or whatever department of MIB will want their hands on the dying and or dead creature.

Where as those struggling people on the rooftop are backing away from Harley and Squirrel Girl, one pointing out she just tried to kill a guy! The clowny one not the tailed one of course.