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Latest revision as of 05:30, 29 September 2018

Bad Medicine: Your Average Patrolling Heroes
Date of Scene: 17 September 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Zeitgeist (Julius), Amarok, Red Ranger, She-Hulk, Carrie Kelley, Squirrel Girl
Tinyplot: Bad Medicine

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The Sun has gone down in Gotham, or does it ever rise in Gotham? The sounds of Gotham crickets, known as Police Sirens herald the arrival of night. This particular part of town is mostly commercial, so it's mostly a place that those who have some money might spend it before rushing home, or those who work here head out towards home.

Amarok has posed:
High above the streets of Old Gotham, Amarok treads in silence from rooftop to rooftop, expressionless mask scanning across dim streets, it's cold blue "eyes" never blinking.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott had come to Gotham, because of how close everything was built close together, which allows the physically enhanced high school senior to leap from roof top to roof top with relative ease, using handholds and foot holds as he eats up the rooftops under him. Wearing bluejeans and a red hoodie over his red tank top The Red Ranger just concentraits on his exercises leaping off one five story tall building to grab hold of a horizontal flag pole using it as a lift bar for chinups before he's using the wall it's attached to to leap across the street back into the steady jog he's been using for the last hour..

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk has finished one of her many shopping sprees this month and is carrying a large load of bags filled to the brim with clothing. There's even a new purse hanging from her shoulders. Her happiness is short lived however, as she recieves a text to contact the police immediately, but before she can do so gun fire erupts from an alley not too far away from her. A cruel voice laughs, "Your husband ain't going to save you now BITCH!!" A woman screams for help and the sound of heels clacking on concrete can be heard. She-Hulk narrows her eyes, "Batman?" She looks around, "No Batman.. I guess he DOES need a bit of help sometimes. Lucky for him I don't take vacations from my night job." She sets her bags down and leaps into the air, clearing the distance to the alley easily, and lands in front of a dimly lit corridor, "My my.. look what the cat coughed up.. a hairball with a gun." She takes in the scruffy thug who clearly needs a shave a shower.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The alarm at 'EZ Pawn' goes off, Noone noticed anything particularly wrong with the front door though to set it off, until a hand or two bends the metal bars that block the front door from the inside as if they are trying to escape the store.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott stops mid stride, catching a loose piece of roofing tile and skidding to a halt. Listening to the echos of the alarm Jason slowly makes his way to the edge of the building he's on hoodie pulled up tight over his head leaving his face in shadow as he calmly watches as the door of the pawn shop is being ripped open.. "Alpha, get a fix on my location and contact Gotham PD.." he says into his communicator..

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The door gives way as a man comes through, he's got another hand full of gold. His eyes are glowing red, he glances around quickly as he pulls himself through, and starts to run down alleyway. The pounding of footsteps could be heard by most in the area... if not all the now gone door.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk soaks the bullets as they hit her, "Not used to the good guys being so fit and fierce huh?" She grins and leaps above the thug, landing behind him, and grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt, "Now we wait for Gotham's finest to get here and check you into your steel house resort.." She winks. The thug starts to kick and flail, "Let me go you.. you FREAK!" She-Hulk shakes her head, "Unless you want to sit on your hands you'll stop that tantrum young man!" She says in a mock mommy voice.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The sheer amount of alerts that start to buzz alive into her ear is enough to make Carrie realize it was going to be a long night. Unlike past nights though she had some gear now, and a means of communication with others if she got in over her head. Though she'd yet to do any actual outings with the other Birds of Prey, given the situations all sounded small as well as nearby, it seemed like it would be a good test of her abilities to step in where she could. Newly garbed with police-level bodyarmor over the bodysuit she wore, she still wears the face mask covering chin to nose so as to not obscure her vision.

The first she runs across as she leaps from rooftop to rooftop is Shulkie shaking her swearing shooter. Pausing there she regards the pair, and the woman who was being attacked, with bemusement. "Not the big bad Bat, but I might be able to keep him from running away until the PD gets here," she offers cheerily as she rebounds off one alley wall to the other to land on her feet nearby. Her hand lifts up holding a few zip-ties in her grasp to indicate her plan to the green woman. "There's more going on around here that might need some attention if the police radio is any indication," she explains matter-of-fact.

Amarok has posed:
As the man with the glowing eyes makes his way down the alley, Amarok grapple-lines down onto the upper part of the alley wall, bouncing between the walls on his way down and ending the movement with a spinning knee to the attempted escapee's face, pushing him back to the ground, where he rolls back to his feet to stare the man down, red glow to blue glow.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott is tracking the running man, about to spring into action when someone else doe.. "That batman?" he asks nobody in particular as he just relaxes.. "ok.. So We've got Big green lady dealing with the gunman down that alley, and Batman dealing with the robber.." he says talking to Alpha Five through his communicator.. "I'm not going to join in if things are under control." he says still keeping a close eye on everything.. He might even be visiible standing there on the corner of the building and watching everything in the fading dusk, Jason not really trying to be stealthy..

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The big guy with red glowy eyes absorbs the hit from the blue eyed fellow, he grunts from the ground, "Leave me alone.. I just need money.. need my stuff." He stumbles back to his feet and he keeps on going down the alleyway trying to make his way away from the heroes.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk doesn't see Red Eyes yet, however she does smile at Carrie when she pops up, "Well I am guessing you aren't working on the new Avengers website tonight huh?" She looks at the thug, "Don't even think about it. This is as comfortable as you're going to feel until you're sitting in a cop car. So think about that before you start making me angry.." She looks back at Carrie, "Did you call the police yet? Tell them we need to book a room for one.."

At Carrie's mentioning of OTHER things happening tonight, "They never make this easy though do they? Where are these other life dropouts hiding? Friends of his?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grimaces as she's easily recognized. Ah... but then she wasn't really expecting to run into someone she knew. Go figure. "That's the day job," she offers to Shulkie as she steps closer to zip-tie the gunman's hands together, and then feet for good measure. He wasn't going anywhere yet. "Not yet, I just heard the call to begin with. Sounds like the other one is a B&E at the pawn shop across the street." Her hand lifts to tap the device in her ear, and she gives a quick run-down of where to pick up this guy to someone on the other end.

Amarok has posed:
The red eyed man's protests and attempt to flee is met with a grapple-gun line latching onto his ankle and dragging him back to the cold uncaring lifeless blue "eyes" of Amarok. Once he's been dragged within stomping distance, he is! Specifically his back, and then shortly after, the side of his head, no words, just brutality. Not hard enough to kill him, thankfully, but certainly hard enough to leave bleeding bruises and potentially cracked bones.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
Of course, escalation... perhaps as Fate would deem it, Carrie gets signalled that a bank robbery is in progress, apparently the safe was just broken into.

The man however that is being stomped by the glowing blue eyes worms about and grabs the food doing the kicking... "Stop it." he grunts and he attempts to one arm flip the vigilante away from him. He has taken a little damage from the stomping though.. so he doesn't quite take how much he gives.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk can hear yelling and fighting some ways off, "Well it looks like the breaking and entering has turned into breaking and.. breaking.. of bones most likely. I didn't even know that you had a night job honestly. Or did I? We really do need to talk more you know."

She drops the thug who is now helpfully tied up, "Now you're on the cold hard ground. I told you that you were as comfortable as you were going to get." The thug grunts and gasps in pain from the tight plastic around his joints, "I didn't even say another word! You said not to piss you off!" Shulkie shrugs, "You pissed her off though apparently and I don't defend crooks."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances down to the crook as she steps over him. "No guns in Gotham. You should know that," she shoots back absently as she continues on alongside Shulkie. "Never mentioned it. It's kind of a new thing," she admits only to frown, and reach up to her ear again. "Bank robbery in progress. What is with tonight? They just keep comign in." Was something bigger going on and these were just to lure the usual vigilantes away from what it was? A bit trope, but not unheard of. "Shall we?"

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter stomping foot is slowed, but not quite stopped, but as it descends, it diverts, landing on the pavement....And on the guy's hand. The boot grinds on it a few times before the wait increases even more as Amarok kneels down, leaning in close so his quite monotone can be heard, "Tell me what you're stealing for, and maybe you crawl out of here with enough of your legs to someday walk again..." The sawed-off strapped to his leg being casually drawn out and it's payload checked as emphasis, the snapping of the gun being re-readied to fire echoing off the walls of the alleyway.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The man blinks at the gun, "Need my stuff.. It makes me feel good."

Elsewhere, a man strains to push the safe door open... "Come on John, you knocked the first one off easy enough." Another fellow, with fire-red hair with a white stripe is overseeing the operation, he smiles and pulls out an inhaler, "Well, let's see what Boost thinks..."

He takes a hit of the inhaler, his eyes glow red a moment... and he waves an arm towards the safe door... it starts to vibrate and move but then it turns into dust... he blinks, "Woah, that's rad."

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott leaps into action as the shotgun is produced.. "Whoa Woah woah there.." he calls out his voice undisguised as he leaps from his three story tall perch right leg tucked under him, left foot extended in a kick.. When the man blocks the kick sending him for a throw Jason catches himself on the concrete cracking the pavement with loud cracks as he quickly spins to try and leg sweep the vigilante "Guy's been punching and kicking, doesn't mean you need to start bringing out guns." Jason says

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk looks in the direction of the bank heist, "I need to start carrying a human sized hanger with me so that I can hang up the bad guys. Spider-Man kind of got me thinking you know.. I mean what if this guy breaks out of his plastic?" The thug starts shaking his head frantically, "No no no no! You don't have to worry about me! I won't do that I promise!" He maneuvers his bound hands so that he is sitting on them.. mostly, "See? SEE?! Sitting on my hands.. just like you wanted! Right?!"

Shulkie looks at Carrie, "What do you think? Urine soaked pants tend to mark honest men you know.."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley looks over the fellow that's sitting there. "Yeah I think it's safe enough for him. I could tie him upside down from a light post like the Bat crew does..." She lets that idea hang a moment before shrugging. "Let's go see what's going on at the bank then. It's this way," she offers as she sets out in a jog down the street passing by the spot where Dan, Jason and the guy were already being dealt with as well. Huh.

Amarok has posed:
Dan Richter reacts on rote to Jason's attack, pushing up to a half stand, catching the leg and flinging him past. As Jason goes for a leg sweep, Amarok jumps over it and dropkicks him back, landing back first on poor dumb junky thief's face, almost certainly robbing him of consciousness...And any potential beauty pagent wins. This is excerbated by Amarok's kip-up back to his feet, sawed-off already raised and aimed for Jason's centermass, "....Back...Off..." Is all that's rasped out by the monotone psycho in the mask. Any movements on Jason's part will find the shotgun tracking them without fail.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Ruckus? Kerfuffle? Some sort of tomfoolery? That can only mean one thing...

This is a job for SQUIRREL GIRL.

Doreen arrives by racing along the rooftops, a hooded sweatshirt pulled up not so much to protect her identity as to keep her from getting grit in her ears. These roofs are filthy! She leaps off one and grasps the trunk of a tree next to the bank, whipping around it like a fireman's pole until she lands on her feet, "What's happening? What's going on? How can I help? I have a chapstick!"

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The man on the ground falls unconscious during the fight between heroes. The bank heist continues on, the two men quickly begin to go through the various boxes of stuff in the vault. "Grab the cash.. make sure no packs." says the red haired hair fellow. "We should get as much stuff as we can handle for this much money.. We're gonna ride high.." He looks over to the security guard, "Glad I didn't turn him into ash.. that would have been bad.."

Red Ranger has posed:
"Can't do that if you're trying to put a couple of shotgun shells in someone's brain pan. That's murder, and on the scale of crimes a lot worse than just trying to kick over some pawn shop for fake rolexes.. " Jason says simply his arms brought up in a defensive pose the martial artist circling to the center of the alley to keep his options open.. "So, he's knocked out, cops are on their way, why don't you just put up the gun and go on about your night." he suggests politely..

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances over at the entrance of Squirrel Girl to ... nearly trip as she jogs along. "Well that's... Fluffy," she remarks catching sight of the girl's tail. That was a new one. Looking like a ninja of sorts (with police type bodyarmor over her chest at least) she raises a hand to wave at the girl to signal that, hey, she's not one of the bad guys, really. The fact that she was near Shulkie might help that. "Bank robbery," she calls out to inform her with a gesture toward the bank in question where... Fire comes out? Oh boy. "That might be beyond my abilities," she admits to Shulkie with a low whistle.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk is running towards the bank now, leaping to cover more ground quickly, and hoping that Carrie will be able to keep up somehow, "Sorry!" She shouts back, not really sure what else to say at the moment. Shulkie lands in front of the bank. Unlike most heroes there's no real need to plan this out, she just charges right in and will try to rush the first robber she sees. If there are hostages she can stop on a dime.. or try to. Either way the element of loud surprise is an advantage.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok's aim holds steady to Jason's chest, "I was going to question him...." The monotone cracks a bit with the speaker, the sound of irritation, ".....Three steps back....Last warning." The monotone is reformed in full, not the slightest waver across the board, voice, body, or weapon.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green may not know what's going on, but she knows a She-Hulk when she sees one, "Holy pecans!" she cries out and then quickly moves in to run in behind She-Hulk. She lets out a high, hissing battle cry that rattles the trees as nuts fall down, a variety of long-tailed scamps dropping their momentary urges to come to the aid of the one true...um...squirrel girl. Monkey Joe, her primary pal, sits on her shoulder, letting out a roar of his own as he rides Doreen into battle like a mighty steed. She has a classic, tried and true plan dating back to the fabled time of the Ghostbusters.

"GET 'EM!"

Red Ranger has posed:
"Guys a waisted junkie, what're you going to get from him right now other than he hears purple?" Jason says keeping his shoulders squared off infront of the gun toting vigilante. "Put the gun away, nobody's getting shot.." he states not moving back, but not stepping forward either.

Zeitgeist (Julius) has posed:
The Bank has two unconscious guards by the entrance, the vault is open and two men are grabbing at items there. THe closest one is tackled by She-Hulk, or more like rammed and sent knocked unconscious on the rear wall. His comrade blinks and raises his hands, "I... give up.." he raises his hands, a glance to his unconscious fellow bank robber.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk grabs the surrendering thug by the scruff the same way she she did the other one in the alley, "Okay so.. I have you.. blah blah.. you aren't going anywhere. Now let's go outside where you will be somewhat gently strapped in plastic and laid out for the police to have their way with you.. no I don't care how that sounds." She also grabs the unconscious robber and starts to drag him out too where Carrie is hopefully waiting with plastic straps.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green has her arm pulled back in full preparation to hurl what appears to be a can of Blue Diamond Almonds at one of the robbers, only to have him surrender almost immediately. "Oh. Yes. That's what I wanted. An easy surrender without a colorful fight to the finish. I don't have any interest in the thrill of adventure," she says. Her tail droops. Monkey Joe pats her on the top of the head and gives her a comforting squeak.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok is apparently good as his word when it comes threats, as Jason's lack of compliance is met with two of gun's four barrels popping off with the sound and fury of a howitzer! With the spread's size, dodging simply isn't an option.

Red Ranger has posed:
Jason Scott doesn't dodge, he couldn't if he wanted to, but as the trigger is pulled, and the gun fires Jason does react jerking in a defensive nature there's a sudden flash of red light that flares out washing away the colors of the alleyway and potentially blinding anyone looking at him The Red Ranger's armor takes the less than lethal riot round deflecting them without taking any damage himself. "If someone appears unconcerned by you pointing a gun at their chest, that's generally because the gun's not a concern." comes the disguised voice of the ranger as he suddenly launches himself at super speed to try and disarm the gunman..

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley pulls out the zip ties again once the main bulk of the work is done. Hey she was okay with offering an assist. It's quick work as their arms are bound, and legs as well, then she steps back and lifts a hand to her earbud. "Called in, PD will be here shortly. They were already en-route due to the alarms going off," she explains as she steps back and gives a nod to the pair she's with.

The flash of lighting outside earns a sidelong glance in that direction, but she doesn't go to investigate. If it's the same guy as before he could handle himself after all. "I think maybe I should call it a night. This is getting out of hand for a newb like me."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods at Carrie, "My night's just started actually, ending my vacation in Gotham. I think I will bounce.. literally." She looks at Doreen now, "You came out of nowhere with your adorable friend! Why don't you tag along with me for a bit? I need to check on my.. cousin. No time to really explain but you'll need to see this to believe it."

Amarok has posed:
The Red Ranger's comments on the gun's effectiveness is met with more monotone, "This is Gotham. Stupids and crazies are our bread and butter." How very patriotic. The super speed charge is met with a roll over across the Ranger's shoulders, overbalancing him and pushing him across the sprawled out junkie, "Besides. If I wanted you dead..." He stows the shotgun as he spins around, his stance confident, "...you'd've bled out by now." The monotone once more shifts to a more ominous and malevolent tone.