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Latest revision as of 05:37, 29 September 2018

The day the Squirrel went Berserk
Date of Scene: 18 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A Demon Possessed squirrel calls for magical help, and Doreen responds
Cast of Characters: Modred the Mystic, Squirrel Girl, Kid, Kar'ras, Doctor Strange

Modred the Mystic has posed:
It seems like a peaceful day in Central Park, a number of families are out enjoying the warm weather. Squirrels are bustling about gathering food, which a number of people willingly give them.

However, in a small clearing near the middle of a group of bushes, there is lit a small fire. A Man in a black robe stitched with mystic sigils in red sits in a red pentagram facing the base as he tosses various unholsome things into the fire and chants in a language forgotten to nearly all. His skin is covered with tattoos and he picks up a black knife engraved with and duts his hand with in, the runes fiilling with his blood.Hiss the diabolical ritual reaches its peak, a sqirrel chases another through the area and one of them crosses the red line into the pentagram. There is a tremendous flare of mystic energy as the summoned powers is suddenly released from its paths and channeled into the body of the squirrel...which is surrounded by crimson magical flames as it expands to the height of a large man, it's teeth becoming fangs and its eyes glowing red...

Somewere Modred the Mystic feels the disturbance in the energy of the Ley Lines and shists nearby to find out what is happening.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
The panicked cries of the other squirrels travel like electricity through the trees. That squirrel's mother, their sibling, their mate, their friends - it spreads and spreads until it reaches the ears of Doreen Green as she sits outside of a cafe on the edge of the park, sipping a Pumpkin Spice Foam Tornado. The drink appeared to be 96 percent froth.

Monkey Joe, her companion squirrel, sat on her shoulder and got the signals first. He related them to Doreen in a whispered, urgent squeaking in her ear.

"Oh no, poor Sassafras! C'mon, Joe, let's kick it into gear," she says.

She pulls up her hood on her sweatshirt and there's a pop as she frees her tail from the rear of her pants, the fluffy extension of herself bushed and a little frizzy still from being in the shower earlier. Towels at her apartment were a hairy affair. She breaks into a sprint, heading into the park and followed by a flying V of her squirrel brethren that run and gather in her wake.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm, a large 'man' who looks like a brute in a suit was in the area. The park was one of his favorite hang outs, and so he decided to be here, in his favorite illusionary form! Well mostly illusionary - this time the suit was real! He was simply walking, feeling the various minds. Not reading...just feeling.

Untill he feel two that make him shudder.

It felt...similar to an imps but less mischiouf more punch your face with evilness. As well as someone dark enough to do something stupid.

It is ALWAYS the stupid ones doing stupid junk for stupid reasons. Yes Kid has the angst today...mabey

None the less he begins heading towards the source of this stragne sensation...noteing an...increasing number of squirrels on his radar? This...this was going to get weird.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras was flying along, rather lazily. Koriand'r suggested doing things in the city and overall all he managed to do was nearly fly into a bunch of birds. Clearly he needs to watch where he was going. Seeing the small creature however become a larger creature, He takes a breath and flies down to the man in the robes and the demonic squirrel. "Sir do you need help?" He asks as if unsure if this was normal or if he was needed. The squirrel was regarded with a curious gaze. He tried chasing a squirrel once and took out a tree trying to catch it.

Modred the Mystic has posed:
The Demon lashes out at the cultist, not wanting him to attempt to control him or send him back. The Cultist, knowing his protection magic is ruined, tries to run but bumps strait into Karras, though the Tamaranian is stronger the impact sends them both sprawling..fortunately that means the Squirrel's razor claws pass over them without doing any harm. Modred arrives on the scene, flying on the ley lines the evil cultist was tapping. He immediately realizes the situation could quickly get out of hand, so containment is his first priority, "Fire with thy burning purity, wind with thy blinding force, earth with thy strength and surity, water of life the source, gather in a circle to me, the the evil ones find, there now will be, no escape from thy bind!"

While Modred is chanting, glowing with summoned mystic energies, Doreen and Kid arrive and behold the scene...a giant demonic Squirrel attacking a tattooed man in a black robe while another man stands nearby glowing and chanting and a gilden-skinned alien struggles to his feet.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green narrows her eyes. She suspects that robey guy might have something to do with the squirrels currently engorged condition, but she supposes she'll have to dish out the blame later. She calls out in squirrel speak <SASSAFRAS CALM DOWN. THE WIND IS NORTHERLY AND THE GRASS BREATHES WITH THE ANCESTRAL PETALS>

Whether any of that can penetrate its demon-soaked brain is, of course, hard to say. In the meantime, Doreen focuses on spreading out the squirrels through the park, having them try to herd innocent bystanders away while she rolls up her sleeves and hopes she doesn't have to punch Sassafras in the snoot.

Kid has posed:
Somehow...this was still better than those nightmares Malcolm has been having. Still. That was a giant...really really REALLY angry looking squirrel....and than he sees a really really REALLY human looking squireel in Doreen.

And than there was everything else. Malcolm decides not to question it. Humans have always been weird. And so has magic he has found in his experience.

And typically getting physical with magical has worked thus far, so why not keep up the record? This only ment one thing - tackle the guy doing the chanting! Cause well who WOULD assume the man chanting is helping?

Needless to say, Modred had 600 pounds of muscle trying to ram into him.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras falls from being ran into and gets up easily enough. He looks around to the various people and when the squirrel begins to try and attack the person, Kar'ras moves to try and grab the giant squirrel by the arms to keep him pinned. "I suggest someone try and stop this creature!" He calls out as he uses all his strength to keep the squirrel pinned

Modred the Mystic has posed:
There is a momentary pause, the Squirrel says "Help!" in squirrelspeak while the possessing demon is momentarily distracted which mage to attack first. Then Kid tackles Modred, which lets the demon be free to attack the summoner and Kar'ras. It breathes out a gout of Hellfire at the two of them. Meanwhilethe clearing is surrounded but a whirlwind that seems to pull up earth from the ground, which is quickly joined by bands of water and fire, all spinning around the area...

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green intervenes boldly, running forward as Kid wrestles Mordred down. <I'M TRYING TO HELP THINK OF YOUR NUBBLIES AND YOUR SOFT FUR DON'T LET THE DEMON WIN> she cries in squirrelspeak, which seems largely to be a lot of squealing and clicking of her teeth.

Still, she's also balling up her fists to throw a punch if she needs to do it, much as she would normally be averse to punching one of squirrelkind, but this one does appear to be monstrously warped and breathing fire so...probably for his own good, really.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Suddenly, behind everyone's back there is a splashing sound and a sudden whiff of stink fills the air, as a man wearing a blue outfit with a large red cloak is suddenly standing in Central Park... "What the F-! Hey!" Stephen Strange shouts as he lifts his left foot to walk forward and is suddenly stopped by a barrier, a small circle even.

    Strange finds himself within the circle of the pentagram and he lifts a fist to smash into the invisible barrier. His breathing is rushed and his eyes are red with bloodshot and he's looking hurriedly around as if someone might harm him, so he's a little exaserbated, "Would one of you please let me out of ... this."

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras Shoves the summoner out of the way and raises his hands to the hellfire. At first nothing happens then the hellfire seems to be absorbed into the palms of his hands and soon nothing is left. His muscles seems to grow with the absorbing of energy and he growls as he moves to grab the squirrel and pin it down once more, stronger then before.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm growls as he hears strange. He wasn't much of a talker and simply begins squeezing Mordred. Squeezing him with the crushing force of a full blown gorilla.

While trying to avoid hell fire, cyclons of water and whatever else this funky magic voodo was conjuring up! Even going so far as to jump back when the squirrel begins breathing hellfire.

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Modred is being held with the force of a powerful Gorilla, perhaps ten timed the strength of a normal human, and stregth greater than his own normal levels of strength. He calls upon his personal magic to strengthen him similarly, "As said Samson, brave and Sure, mine is the strength of ten for my hear is pure." He then breaks free of Kid's embrace, though it is clearly an effort and aided bu surprise.

The Hellfire, though Kar'ras does succeed in absorbing it, is not any pure healthy flame, but rather a demonic energy summoned from the creature's Darksoul. It is rather like eating a heavy meal that does not agree with him. On the Goos side, the demon seems surprised that Kar'ras is still intace and takes a moment before spinning around and hitting him with is tail. Doreen can sense the squirrel is still there and struggling for freedon, which is likely weakening the demon. Strange notes the Tattoos on the Cultist and is fairly sure they are a Demon Cage, the Cultist intended to trap the Demon within his own form and use its powers for himself.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green doesn't have any telepathic rapport with squirrels. Her connection is social, natural, built on trust and relationships. The squirrels trust her because they know her and acknowledge her as one of their own. That said, sometimes you have to yell at your friends.

"WAKE UP!" she yells at the possessed squirrel, then sees the seemingly trapped Dr. Strange. He at least seems semi-familiar, from the Hulk brouhaha, "Hey, you! Sparkles! Fix this!" she yells, running over and trying to grab his sleeve to yank him out of the pentagram.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange frowns at his sudden misfortune and yet he's no longer fighting the Hulk, so he sets about solving this personal problem. The demonic looking squirrel seems like a good place as any to focus. The wizard clasps his hands together and a wind begins to form within his confines, the flapping of his cloak indicates that he's doing something. Doreen's hand wouldn't bounce off the barrier like Strange did, but instead, because she's not guarded mystically as the spell caster would have been, she would feel an almost instant sensation of pure heat.
    It would be beyond hot.

    "I have to get out first. Retrieve the individual who created the summoning circle." Strange commands at Doreen while his hands open apart with a singular ball of green glowing light, a sphere of pure magic, something he's created to entice the giant squirrel to try and allow everyone a chance to breath and refocus themselves.

Kar'ras has posed:
    The cybernetics making up Kar'ras burned from the absorbtion of that energy, but still it was energy, energy which he can spend into strengthening himself which he does. He continues to pin the squirrel down, looking like he is wrestling with it. His focus was on doing this, he didnt notice anything going on around him.

Kid has posed:
Kid is knocked back from Modred sudden increase in strength' He growls and puts up his fists. He wasn't going to let Modred go THAT easily. He throws a powerful left hook at the mage, and he clearly wasn't holding back. There was no need fool around here. Other folks seem to have the massive squirrel anyways!

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Doreen is burned by the mystioc flame, but like touching an electroc outlet, it stops whe she pulls free. Strange tells her he needs the one who created the circle.

Kid punches Modred, who is knocked backwards into the pentagram holding Strange...however, unlike Doreen, HE can absorb Magic Fire. The result is the area where he falls has the magic broken, releasing Strange...and also giving Modred a temporary power boost.

The Squirrel tries to wrestle free of Kar'ras, though so far it is not doing well, perhaps because it is fighting itself as well...the Demon has control of the body but lacks the body's instincts, do it is having to learn everything through experience.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green is just about to try and snatch up the cultist when Strange is suddenly freeed by Modred's power. Since the magic types seem to be doing their thing, she figures she'd better do hers.

She jumps in front of the squirrel and grapples, wrestling, her body still twitchy from the magical shock that hit her a few moments ago, her tail all frizzy and bushed. She's stronger than she looks, though.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    With a man now breaking the seal on the containing spell, Strange steps forward out of the circle, over Modred and once on the other side, he turns around. The ball of magic dispelled as Strange extends his hand outwards to help Modred up. "Seems we have work to do. Best get to it." Strange says calmly. This is more his speed. Instead of fighting the hulk. That sucks.

    "Tailed woman, I know not who you fight for, but we have the same foe in this moment." The doctor says as his hands create mystical sigils and simple floating orange mandala's around his wrists up to his elbows and he creates a funnel, like a chearleader's horn. "Speak into this towards the rodent once more." He says, before his opportunity is missed and she dives into battle, leaving the wizard on the outskirts alone.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras grunts as he keeps the squirrel pinned down. When doreen jumps in, he moves so she can help pull him down. Kar'ras moves to the creatures head and forces it's jaws shut and seem to be holding it's head and mouth shut, being careful not to snap its neck.

Kid has posed:
Malcolm was far from stopping. He had the edge her and that was...frankly a first. Being as strong as a gorilla was not as useful as one might think. Hence when he has a chance to brawl he takes it. He jumps up and comes down with both fists intending on knocking Modred out cold! In his mind, the faster he knocks this Mage out, the better for everyone it will be most likely. And he didn't much care that Strange was there...he bash him down too if he needed too!

Sides....there were enough squirelly people to handle the squirelly demon!

Modred the Mystic has posed:
Strange helps Modred up, but he is promptly knocked back down by the confused Malcolm. Fortunately Modred is far tougher than most, so it is not going to kill him, but it is very annoying. While he flounders under the weight of the disguised Gorilla, Strange is left holding his crafted mystical horn as Doreen helps Kar'ras Wrestle the demon. Meanwhile, the summoner tries to hide, as he has found he can not escape Modred's conjured elemental whirlwind.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green grabs a handful of squirrel pelt and tugs hard, trying to pull the squirrel roughly down alongside Kar'ras, "Just hold still and let the magic people make you good again!" she says, as straightforward as she can, legs wrapping around and trying to tug him down to the ground.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "We were going to ask you to help! But that's fine, I'll do it the hard way." Strange says with a frown as he casts the mystic horn aside into a whift of nothingness and he puts his hand onto the Eye of Agamotto at his chest and he frowns with a twist of his head towards the squirrel. "Sorry little- big fellow." The wizard says as a sudden wash of light errupts from his amulet and bathes the giant squirrel in it's mystical light. "By the Vishanti, begone demon, lest I return you to your hell myself. BEGONE!" Strange commands.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras was careful not to snap the creature's neck. it would be all too easy to do it, but they are trying to save it, not kill it, so he tries his best to keep the demon restrained. He begins to hum softly to the creature, an alien lullaby he remembers faintly from before his enslavement. It always calmed him down and he hoped it would help.

Kid has posed:
Kid for his part puts Modred in a headlock, begining to choke the air out of him. Well he wasn't QUITE paying attention as he sees Strange unleash some fancy magical light - so he was distracted. Which ment he would either be squeezing far to hard or Modred could escape.

Modred the Mystic has posed:
The good thing about having been prepared to be a host for a powerful demon lord is that Modred is very tough. The Goirilla would probably have killed a normal human, but Modred, while he is in pain, is nowhere close to death. He whispers, "By the power that is mine, let me ride along the line." And vanishes, appearing on the other side of the clearing (still lying on the ground). The Demon screals as the Light of Agamotto strikes it, it is like acid to the demonis soulfire that makes up the Darksoul. Facing that threat from outside and a renewed attack from the spirit of the Squirrel, the demon flees back to it's home plain, leabing a small squirrel trembling in the hands of the Cyborg.