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Latest revision as of 05:26, 23 November 2018

Shakespearean Composition
Date of Scene: 18 November 2018
Location: Manhattan, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Slipstream, Smart Alek

Mon-El has posed:
    The days are getting colder and colder in Manhattan, and snow has fallen several times already. A thin blanket of snow is on top of every surface that it could stick to. Still, quite a few people are milling about the Great Lawn in front of the library, enjoying the winter wonderland scenery.

    Inside the iconic New York Public Library, Lar is browsing the shelves full of books and other media. There's still so much about human history and culture that he has yet to learn! He is currently peering at one of the classics, Shakespeare's famous piece about two lovers from rival families. It...resonates with him, to say the least.

Slipstream has posed:
Having received a message to meet up with his best friend, Drake heads into the library, giving a glance about as he does. It's been a long time since he has been in one of these. He takes a few moments to track him down, then lifts up a hand to wave. "Hey, bro." He calls over. He's dressed in an Avenger's bomber jacket, pair of torn jeans and a simple black shirt. That is about as much of a uniform as he wears these days. "Whatcha reading?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar looks up and waves to his friend as he approaches. "Hey." At the question, he closes the book to show Drake the cover. Though it is an old story, this particular edition of it is probably fairly new, with some more modern-looking cover art. "One of the more famous ones, I guess. Have you read it before?" he asks.

Slipstream has posed:
"I haven't read a book since high school." Drake says with a laugh. "Unless it's a comic book and even those are boring now since we're surrounded by superheroes." He peeks down at the cover as he reaches out to take it, flipping it about in his hands to read the back of it. "So what have you been up to as of late? Sorry if I haven't been around as much. Just doing a ton of travel with the team, we sorta lost our mansion but we got it back.. I was in Seoul for a bit for my last Overwatch championship.. then I've been in Gotham visiting uh.. my girlfriend, June."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, you know, the usual," Lar chuckles, letting Drake take a look at the book. Sure enough, it's Romeo and Juliet. The back kind of assumes that the reader already knows the story and doesn't really summarize, just kind of talks about the specific edition that it is, which is one that was published fairly recently and has some art pages in it. "So I've been in space a lot."

    "Oh, how are your teams going? You know, the both of them. And I didn't know you started dating someone. How's that going?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. Romeo and Juliet. I know this. Never read it. Boy meets girl. Both families hate each other. They get married in secret. Families find out. They make a plan to fake their death to sneak out of the city and run away but they end up killing themselves instead." Drake says as he puts the book down on the table, then lifts his brow up at him. "Well Overwatch team is champions again and I stepped down as my role of a leader. Now I'm more of a sub. Avengers is doing fine I guess... they're involved in this uh... psychic... astral flux.. thing.. and I'm too street to get too involved. Far as the girl goes? Uh..she was a ninja who tried to kill me.. and we.. got over it.."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeah, I gathered as much." Lar chuckles regarding the book. "I thought it was funny how much that first part reminded me of myself." And Kara. "Maybe you humans aren't so different from us after all. I thought I had you all figured out, but I still have so much to learn."

    He smiles at the mention of the Overwatch championship. "Well congratulations again. Even if you're not team lead any more, it's still an accomplishment."

    A brow arches at the ninja who tried to kill him. "Oh? Really, sounds like a story worth telling right there."

Slipstream has posed:
"Humans are easy to figure out. We fall in love, we fall out of love, we blow each other up with bombs, sometimes we become super heroes, we grow old, we die. We're like any other race in the universe." Drake says with a smile, then shrugs at the mention of his story. "Well, she was involved in this gang called The Foot. I fought against her when they tried to rob Star Labs. From there, we kept running into each other and we kept fighting, but more and more we got to know each other. At some point it became less a fight and more a game. She started visiting me, we started talking... I convinced her to leave..." He shifts his jaw. "They attacked me a few more times in an attempt to get her back, even came close to killing me... put a sword in my chest.. cut my bracelet off.. she um... she killed her mentor.. to save my life.. and then she left to Gotham to join up with Batgirl."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Sounds like an adventure." Though his eyes widen at the mention of how close he got to getting killed. "Well, I'm glad you 're still here. Seems to me like you're getting better and better at this hero thing." he says, smiling and clapping his friend on the back--gently. At least hopefully it was gentle enough.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek enters the library.. he walks as if the motion is unfamiliar to him, almost a like a zombie-shuffle in some respects. As he enters the large room, he pauses a moment... even in silence, the scents and the residues of generations swirl around him, he looks around a small grin on his face. He looks kinda high to most people who would see the young man standing there... he eventually moves forward towards the section that both Mon-El and Drake are.. his reading assignment was to get a physical book from the classics are read it. Reading this room gives him goosebumps already.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oof." Drake says at the pat to his back, though he grins. "I don't think me getting nearly killed by pajama warriors is something to be proud of. Either way, it's working out. I've got some muscle now." He says as he pats his stomach. "I put in a ton of hours in the Avenger's gym." He rocks on his heels a bit in a lazy sway. "How is the heroing going for you?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "That's good. You're getting stronger." Lar laughs. "Pajama warriors? Is that a slang term for ninjas?" he asks. "See, you said humans are simple and easy, but there's still a lot I don't know."

    Though he sighs at the last question. "Eh, it's about what you'd expect. Win some, lose some. Get knocked around. I don't really want to go into detail."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek walks past the two.. the aromas of various chemicals that seem and have settled on these tomes of relative knowledge is very overwhelming.. he notices an odd trail from one though.. as he gets closer it gives off a purple color.. alcohol.. he sniffs the book, woman's perfume.. he looks at the title 'MacBeth'. He hmms a moment... rubs his thumb along the front of the book.

Slipstream has posed:
"Ha. Slang is not difficult. Everyone has slang. So does your people I'm sure. It's just natural for you to use it." Drake says as he gives him a grin. "I call ninjas pajama warriors. It's just my nick name for them."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh, so that one's just from you." Lar chuckles. "I see. Well I like it. Sometimes the mood needs to be lightened, if just a little bit." he sighs slightly. "Well I'm glad your relationship with June is going well. And hopefully her...former colleagues will eventually leave her alone."

    He looks up, noticing Alek and recognizing him from the Hugo Building grand opening. "Hello there, I think I've seen you before. Were you at the Hugo Building some time ago for the grand opening?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I hope so too. I'd hate to keep beating them up. But, we're taking things slow so far. Very slow... too slow." Drake grunts out under his breath. He gives a sniff of the air at the wafting chemicals that touches his nose, then glances over as Lar greets the new person.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek looks around wildly... and it takes a bit before he notices Mon-El... is he looking at him? Is he being addressed? He looks at him a moment, "Umm.. I was at the Hugo Building.. I didn't do anything wrong right?" his eyes quickly go to the feet of Mon-el then his face.

Mon-El has posed:
    "No, I don't think so. You actually helped keep people calm, so that's good. Panicking never helps anyone." Lar replies to Alek's question. "Thank you."

He laughs at Drake. "Yeah, I don't like beating people up either. But but patient. You don't want to turn her off by trying to move things along faster than she's ready for."

Slipstream has posed:
"I'm plenty patient. June is actually uh... she goes at her own speed." Drake says with a laugh. "She's more or less afraid of hurting me, or damaging me or something, I guess. She thinks she is damaged goods, even though to me I see her as the most beautiful person in the world."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek hmms as he recalls this a bit, "I called the police... there was violence... lots of noises." he nods, as he puts the book under his shoulder, "Little I could do." he wanders closer to the two.. "Getting books to read too?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Hey, you helped. Don't diminish that." Lar encourages, nodding toward Alek. "Yeah," he answers, holding up Romeo and Juliet, the one he'd been reading.

    Then he turns back to Drake, nodding. "I can understand that. Sometimes -I- feel that way. Just give it time, I'm sure your relationship will turn into something really beautiful."

Slipstream has posed:
"Ha. If you met her, you'd say otherwise. You would so not approve of this girl." Drake grins at him. "She's a real rebel." He grins fondly as he takes out his phone to show him a picture of the red headed punk girl.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek hmms a bit, as he looks at the book a bit... and nods, "Shakesphere seems to be common assignments in school..." He looks to Drake and his cellphone, and then back to Drake. He goes quiet.. there is another conversation going on here.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar looks at the picture on the phone. "What, you think I'm not a rebel myself?" he smirks. "You should have seen me when I was younger, back on Daxam. My parents were always so frustrated with me. Still are, in fact."

    "Oh, is that right?" he asks Alek. "I was just browsing randomly I guess. But this particular story uh...kind of reminded me of some of my own...experiences."

Slipstream has posed:
"You are definitely not a rebel, Lar. You're pretty boring." Drake pats him on the shoulder a few times, grinning at him widely. "But you're a cool kinda boring. Type I like having as a best friend." He gives a glance to Alek as well, offering up a warm smile.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Daxam? What is Daxam?" he asks with a question.. Drake looking at him has him for a moment paused, should he say something.. should he keep looking at Lar... he looks at his own feet now, "I like books for their composition more.. a few centuries worth of dust and molecules make for interesting structures.. the words themselves are boring carbon usually.""

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar stares at Drake with mock indignation. "Boring? ExCUSE me? I took you on a tour of the Sol system and I'm -boring-? Tell me, how many of your other friends can take you for a ride past Jupiter?" he shakes his head. "I think I'd be just fine with June. She might not fit the typical fashion for women around here, but if she really loves you then it doesn't matter how she dresses." he pauses. "I mean...within reason."

    Back to Alek. "Daxam is my home planet. I didn't grow up around here, in case you haven't noticed yet." He tilts his head to the side slightly as Alek talks about molecular structure. "I take you're a chemist of some sort?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Eer.. she doesn't love me, dude. She barely likes me." Drake says with a laugh as he rubs the back of his neck. "We're dating... she's made it clear we're taking it slow." As far as the question goes about traveling through the solar system, he winks at him. "That is true, you took me on the best joyride of my life."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "I used to call them big one and small one... then I learned they were Protons and Electrons... I've learned that you don't all see the world like I do. Your missing out too. It's kinda like 3D artwork. You went flying through the solar system? Your an alien?" blinks, "ooh this is awesome... I... I.." he looks at his hand a moment, "Can I.. look at your DNA?""

Mon-El has posed:
    "But--you're so lovable, Drake! I mean think about it, I didn't exactly make a good first impression when we first met." Lar laughs, recalling how he'd accidentally spilled a beverage all over Drake at the train station. "And we've certainly had some rough times. But, here we still are. Because you somehow still decided I wasn't actually the biggest jerk in the galaxy. So I bet she does. I bet she just isn't showing it yet. But I'm sure she will, if you stick with her long enough."

    Lar nods at Alek. "That I am." Why are so many people still shocked at that revelation? Certainly, there are plenty of unusual people around these parts. "So, are you a mutant of some kind? How do you see the world? How about you tell me how you see, and I'll tell you how I do?"

    "Uh." Lar shrugs at the DNA question. "I suppose so, if you can see protons and electrons, then I'm not sure how I could stop you from seeing my DNA." he chuckles.

Slipstream has posed:
"I've had worse than drinks spilled on me by bullies in school. You needed me and I needed you. It's why we're best friends. Brothers." Drake grins at him with a wink, then gives a glance over to Alek with a quirk of his brow upwards. He grows quiet for a moment, then says, "Maybe he has x-ray vision and he's trying to see you naked, Lar." He says jokingly.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "I need to touch though.. I can only see the photons bouncing off you at the moment.." he moves a step closer, "I know I'm wierd but basically I see everything as colors, shapes and patterns. As I understand it, the electromagnetic spectrum... I can even surf the internet if a computer is nearby, access security systems.." he shrugs, "I've learned to talk in the various radio frequencies.." he seems to move his mouth but nothing comes out.. and suddenly Drake's cellphone starts to ring."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I know, I know." Lar replies to Drake. "You've said as much. Well, I'm just glad we were able to be there for each other." he says, smiling.

    "Huh. Interesting." Lar says pensively as Alek explains. "That must be very useful for gathering information. As for me, well..." he shrugs. "Basically, I can see through anything except lead. And see and hear things from extremely far away. Like a clump of snow falling off of a tree on the other side of the park--oh, some of it landed on someone's head. Or someone's dog barking from the down the street."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek hmms, "Ultra sensitivity... World is too loud and bright for me to notice that stuff... the power flowing through the air is enough to give me migranes at times. Umm, it was nice meeting an alien.." he looks to Drake, "That was me. Won't be able to return that call." he chuckles.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shakes his head. "Trust me, it takes a -lot- of getting used to. And that can be rough, especially when splitting headaches caused by that sensory overload can trigger my thermal vision randomly..." he sighs. "Thankfully I got my memories back so now I've got it mostly under control."

    He picks the Shakespeare book back up. "Well, I think I'm going to go ahead and check this one out. It was nice getting to talk to you without having to worry about violent criminals." He then heads off toward the service desk.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "See ya..." he looks down a bit and then shuffles off to a table.. looking at his book in hand. "Glad it is quiet here. Now to read this book..""