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Latest revision as of 07:18, 26 November 2018

Recruitment Gone Wrong
Date of Scene: 23 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ultragirl, Josef Forster, War Machine, Smart Alek

Ultragirl has posed:
A simple heist last month had gotten a certain gang a thing that was really going to up their game. The simple device wasn't anything spectacular other than when one could get a drop of blood inside, it would indicate if the blood came from someone who wasn't quite human. Now they were set up in the back of a restaurant, 'interviewing' prospective future candiates to join the gang. The problem was that they were getting a little too enthusiastic in their handling of things.

Now, the front of the restaurant was open for normal business but anyone who came inside who showed interest could go sign up for an important business opportunity. They merely had to undergo a few 'health' tests and pass an interview. Even now, though as some young man with ideas of making some quick cash gets grabbed by the men to be led further in because the device indicated he was more than just human, he gets cold feet and tries to get away. One yell and scream later and there is a commotion in the restaurant. People come rushing out the front even as that same young man comes running after them though this time he is scrambling on all fours and leaping up toward a building across the street only to stop mid-air and start flailing. A man at the entrance to the restaurant appears to be holding out a single hand, his hair flickering and moving in some unseen wind as he stairs at the floating boy even as another rushes out.

The second man chuckles and calls back something in Mandarin even as the flailing kid starts to get dragged back and down toward the restaurant.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster stops midstep towards the restaurant as the commotion starts, turning his head slowly to watch the man fail his escape, casually blinking a few times as the panic begins, ".....I knew I shoulda gone to Matt's..." He grumbles as he resumes walking along, attempting to simply walk through the assault/kidnapping in progress. Good ol New York jadedness at work!

War Machine has posed:
     Outside the restaurant War Machine hovers quietly as he had been for some time. He's clad in his stealth suit and suit of armor that's almost skin tight and hovering in the air without making a sound above an all but silent whisper.

     It wasn't easy tracking this meet and greet down, but it was a favor for an old friend and he wasn't about to turn down the chance to chill out enjoy the local food and raise some hell. The figure looks over the contents of the building with thermographic vision checking over the entire scene as it plays out.

     Arms folded one over the other it's difficult to make out that he's there the suit recolored to roughly match the surroundings. It's no invisibility by a long shot but it's enough to make it very difficult to notice unless you're specifically looking right at it for an extended length of time.

     "It's never just a meet with these people is it?" Rhodes mutters quietly inside his suit. A few swipes of his eyes from one side of his heads up display to the other is all it takes to send out the command.

     There's a sudden thunder clap as the sound barrier is shattered a pod careening through the air with no care for silence or subtlety. Bursting open the pod engulfs Rhodes and his stealth suit, a brilliant light shining down the sides of the pod as the thick armor plating is formed on over top.

     It's only a few seconds as that bright light shines before out from the bottom drops the large suit of armor. He hits the ground impacting with a loud crash, dust flies in every direction as he slowly comes up to a stand. "Everyone down on the ground" The dust around him cluttering sight of the man as little more then a set of three red laser dots shine through the window at the man who's doing most the talking. He then repeats it in Manderin his voice heavily modified by his suit, walking out of the dust he kicked up.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek was wandering along, catalogueing the various smells of food in the area. The colors and smells are not unique but they are do have different shades and different qualities. The wifi networks also get a once over as well.. it's amazing how ancient people let their wifi stay as. He's picked up everything between A,B,G,N and AC, but few really are operating the high-end stuff. There is no point, people are here to eat not game or download massive MMORPGs.

That being said, the sudden explosive arrival of James armor has him quickly get down indeed, but when he chances a look up, a wide smile appears. It's Warmachine! He could probably even tell which particular suit he's wearing by it's refractionary from here.. and indeed he basks in the presence of one of his favorite tech heroes. Go get em!

Ultragirl has posed:
The second man who was directly traffic pauses at the sight of Alek and squints at him briefly before snorting and nodding his head. The rabble knows best who is in charge here. Then he looks up at the fleeing man who is being drug back down only to blink with a sudden surprise as what appears to be WarMachine is now across the street pointing weapons at him.

A glare and a smirk later and he gestures, "Let the kid go, we have bigger fish. Shield us." And then the kid goes flopping to the ground and oofs. He scrambles along the ground to escape even as traffic halts in this area. The man who was using his power to hold the kid now has a hand up in WarMachine's direction and though it is not easily seen, the air before him is shimmering with an invisible field of force.

The man who was talking speaks up in English, "Huh, what a strange turn of events. You had best move along, Warmachine. Aren't you out of your element here? Also, your Mandarin is terrible." He then calls out in Mandarin for them to start packing up. Then he calls out for someone called, well, essentially the Chinese word for tiny to come out here and deal with the trash. With that, he is already walking back inside.

Of course, James isn't the only person interested. A girl, late teens, wearing her typical outfit, floats at the tenth story of a nearby building. She had been watching the strange occurances if only because James was there. It really wasn't anything other than him that had attracted her to this spot. She was flying over when she saw someone apparently using some kind of stealth floating above it all and was curious when the whole thing went down. She then blinked as it turned out to be Warmachine and some kind of gang doing some kind of kidnapping. Strange. For now, she simply floats there, listening in.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster throws his hands up as the War Machine drops in and starts with the laser pointers, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoooooaaa, I was just walkin by, be cool, man, be cool!" He calls out as he quickly sidesteps away from the dude being laser pointed.

War Machine has posed:
     "Oh sorry I didn't think you were worth the effort of actually trying in my pronunciation." Spoken in the sort of voice that says a lot about a big fish dealing with a few little fish. From the dust a single missile flies out at high speed splitting apart into a mass swarm of much smaller missiles. The wall of pure force slams into the force field shattering against it, and the explosion rolls off its surface to every side.

     What he says next is in perfect Mandarin of the like that one would expect of a native though anyone who spoke it would quickly realize it to be actually quite highly offensive against the other individuals status as a man, calling it into question in no uncertain terms and using the most severe of language.

     As the dust clears around him the sheer volume of his loadout becomes clear, multiple 50mm rotary canons as well as 20 and 30mm Gatling cannons banks of missile launchers and enough ordinance to arm a large militia, a spark of light ignites on the end of his hand shimmering against the tube of a wrist mounted flamethrower and his hands glow with a blue light.

     A quick scan is given of his surroundings nothing too in depth. "Nice shield for a coward." His footsteps echo out against the pavement as he walks closer brilliant chrome catching the light as he makes his way ahead.

     He's decked out in the full assault package this time, the brilliant chrome mixes against the pitch black of the over armored suit as it makes its way along the click of rotary, and Gatling cannons whirring up followed close behind is a series of clicks as new rounds are loaded into the missile chambers the bits of red peaking out from within. His eyes glow out towards the group as he scans from one target to the next coming to a stop as the smoke clears completely.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is enjoying the light show, the various lights and shiny things entertain him. He studies the various weapons on the walking tank. He remains on the sidewalk just a spectator at the moment.

Ultragirl has posed:
The man stops and looks back at the explosion and stares. The ForceFielder holds his hand up and squints through the explosion. He flinched a little at the initial impact but it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it'd be. He then blinks at the sight before him, looking back at the apparent boss with a frown. He is about to open his mouth when the second story of the building bursts open and a man comes flying out with a smashing crash and lands right in the street before Warmachine and lets out a cry of defiance.

Muscles flex, the man's hands up and he is easily...4'11". At best. Maybe. The little man is shirtless, muscular and well. Small. He stands there defiant though even as people rush out the back of that restaurant, getting equipment and people into a couple of trucks. The boss comes walking back out and says, "You keep him busy, Flicks should be out in a moment." And then the boss is heading back inside.

From up above, a man stands there calmly in the hole that Tiny just made and he glances around briefly before flicking a blade right toward Alek and one toward Josef. Neither are supposed to hit them but the man flips down with ease and lands near them while holding two more blades, "Hey, Warmachine. Be kind and let my friend there rip you to shreds so that these two do not have to die."

The girl floating above frowns as she spots the new arrivals and she takes in a sharp breath and nods. She flicks her hair back and nods, "I suppose now is as good a time as any." She isn't speaking to anyone in particular, just saying it aloud as she prepares to enter.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster screams and dives to the side like anyone would when being fired on by the litteral War Machine....Granted, he's a good ten feet away, but that's still nine hundred and ninety feet too few for comfort when missiles and rotary cannons are involved. He peeks up when the shooting abates, shooting Rhodey a glare, "Dude.....What the fuck!? You coulda killed somebody!...Like me!" He starts standing up, when a building bursts open and a dwarf bodybuilder drops down, roaring like a berserker. Josef then finishes getting up, "Awww, look at you, tryin so hard! That's just precious!" He says in the most condescending voice possible, just in time for a knife to whiz by his head, eliciting a yelp of surprise and a frantic check of his luxurious golden doo. After checking to confirm it's still there, Josef responds as eloquently as he began, flipping off the knifethrower, "Alright, now I'm gettin a little pissed, that was just uncalled for. I'd even go so far as to say it was rude, good sir!" It seems being assaulted is the on button for his snark.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek was just a random kid on the street, not certain what earned him a blade tossed at him. The knife comes at him in multiple dimensions: sound, light, kinetics, thermal. He dives for some random store front to hide behind something so that knives have a harder time of hitting him. He may live in his own bizarre world but he knows when something bad comes his way.

War Machine has posed:
     "If I didn't that knife would have gone into your chest and you wouldn't have proper time to react." The modulation causing the voice to sound perfectly calm outside the suit, though just by a quick reading he can tell Tiny isn't someone to be screwed with.

     War Machine takes a few steps back. "Thing about some people is they're predictable, take me for instance." He holds up both arms in front of himself. "I see evil, I punt evil." He moves with a quick blast of repulsion forward in a highly telegraphed kick. At the same time he's prepping a little chemical mix from back home.

     It's nothing more then a simple tube leading down the length of his suits boot. Normally it'd be used for napalm but this time he's got a little surprise waiting for the bruiser.

Ultragirl has posed:
The man known as flicks smirks as Alek dives away and then blinks at the mouth on Josef. He is pretty sure that Tiny would beat this kid's tail if it weren't for the fact that he was busy. Doesn't mean Flicks isn't gonna take advantage. He steps up to Josef and aims a blade at him before saying, "Kid, I'd recommend keeping your mouth shut unless you wish me to seal it permanently."

Meanwhile, Tiny really does want to hurt Josef but he has a James coming right at him. He does indeed reach out and with a bit of a grunt catch the incoming leg and he smirks with a ha at James, "You not gonna be able to hurt me, big man." He nods his head and then he attempts to whip James over him and into the ground by that leg...of course, he isn't really prepared for a blast of gas in his face and immediately lets out a surprised yelp. James will feel himself getting hefted up only to be released even as the tiny man stumbles back and waves his hands in the air, "Cheater!" He calls out.

Of course, with all that is going on, many might not even have noticed the man with the forcefields has vanished from sight. He was using his forcefields to hide and camouflage himself. A trick he was really good at and he had moved toward Warmachine's side and was aiming a force field right for him. Sharpened and with a yell he releases a nasty blade of thin telekinetic force. As it goes for Warmachine, the ground crashes and crushes with a sound similar to when Warmachine landed.

As the smoke clears a girl is standing there, frowning with an arm up in a blocking position with her other arm braced. She is skidded back several feet, not quite to Warmachine and Tiny. Her arm is pierced through and oozing but the Spear of telekinetic force stopped just after her arm. It vanishes and she winces as she then stands up straight and says, "Ultra uncool." She looks at her arm and already the bleeding is starting to stop.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster smirks at Knifey the Flickman's threat, "Oooooh, scary. Dont lie, you stayed up practicing that in the mirror all night, didn't ya?" He asks undaunted as he casually strolls towards him, glancing over to the kerfuffle that is War Machine's 'cheating' on Tiny.....I know what I said. And then a girl drops down to block an invisible spear, drawing a look of some surprise and mild concern from Josef, "Ooooooh, that looks like it huuuuuurts...." He says with a wince before glancing back to Knifey, "....Dude, you may wanna just cut your losses here.........Pun kind of intended."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek peers from behind a pikachu boggle-head. The heroes are doing their thing, and he's doing his thing. Mostly hiding and watching.. He tries to watch any wireless signals coming off those around him.. seeing if he can get a different look at the happenings outside. He assembles a few feeds from various security cameras and watches using those points of view.. to those in the stores they'd see an Autistic kid looking very out of it.

War Machine has posed:
     As the boot is caught Rhodes smirks inside the suit hovering in the air for just a moment as the chloroform sprays out into the other man's face. He's prepped for the impact the throw down mitigated through a careful application of repulsion tech.

     "So's bringing in civilians" He hovers slightly above the ground rotating himself flipped over to get back to a stand. "but you don't see me complaining. He's dusting his shoulders as he looks back over towards the little man.

     In the chaos of the moment, and tracking the big bad he almost forgot about Mr.Shield. He spins around for a moment on the spot. "Thanks for the assist." Added as he catches sight of the super who'd come in to save the day. He is now horizontal facing down towards the ground looking up towards the building. Truth is he's scanning. "If you could give me a second?" Boosters slamming out of his chest catapult War Machine into the air before kicking out as he dive bombs back down towards the bossman.

Ultragirl has posed:
The knife man frowns at the arrival of the new girl. He can't tell much about her but to take that spear the way she did gives him pause. Forcefield dude is kinda surprised, too. THat thing should have been able to skewer through steel and not stop. Sure, it didn't stop stop but it stopped. Either way, Flicks glares back at Josef and shakes his head, "You asked for it." And then he aims two daggers right for Josef's chest and gut. Thing is, those things are thrown with inhuman precision, accuracy and oomph. They could pierce a car door and kill someone inside. So, they are nothing to sneeze at.

Tiny isn't out but he is busy coughing and grumbling as he stumbles about, "I'm gonna crush ya, Warmachine! Let me at him!" He swings about in the air, eyes still closed.

Forcefield guy watches with some surprise as the girl's arm seems to be sealing up and she looks at him, "Surrender, we all want this over with quickly." She nods her head and then the guy shakes his head, "Heck no!" He then raises up his hands and slams them down. A wall of force forms above Ultragirl and comes crashing down. She drops down a little and frowns but she has both hands up. She slowly pushes up against it and the man begins to sweat and eyes go wide.

As for the boss? Well, you see. They don't call him the Dragon for nothing. When Warmachine comes flying down at him, he hears the incoming sound and takes a breath calmly before he turns and suddenly what sounds like the roar of a five story monster unleashes from him and a gout of massive flame bursts forth from his mouth as if he were a much larger creature. The fire itself has the force of a tsunami and the entire front of the building as well as the street outside is literaly blown away from heat and force as he tries to fry Warmachine.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster reaches up in a blink, catching both knives before they reach him by the hilt and stopping them dead, spitting right in the face of all laws of momentum in the process, "Careful, you're gonna hurt someone doin that....Like you." He says with a hint of menace as he tosses the knives aside and keeps advancing, "....Last warning, /KID/." He says with a crack of his knuckles for emphasis, stopping only to glance at the massive gout of flame obliterating the street to their side, "......Well....Glad I dont have to clean that up..."

War Machine has posed:
     War Machine speeds down at full hyper sonic speeds cracking with a low road of thunder as he speeds down faster and faster. The whole thing only takes but an instant flame meets firepower. War Machine unloads both barrels down towards the man the flames lighting and eating away at the rounds as they come raining down brilliant magma hot shards coating the ground all around the dragon.

     The flame engulfs him all around and from street level there's nothing that can be seen of the two's conflict just a sheet pillar of flame rising high into the air and the sound of a rather sizeable explosion the likes of which certainly is the War Machine armor bursting from the pure heat of the fire.

     That plume of fire raises high into the air with a scorching blistering heat that turns the clouds to steam above it. The image of a dragon fills the sky as the fire raises up to the heavens with no clear sight as to what's just happened behind the building.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek watches as some of his cameras are melted and destroyed by the fire blast, he looks around his own location and checks to see if he is on-fire or in middle of the inferno. He decides however to make a further retreat away from the fight, as he looks for a way out of the chinese shop...

Ultragirl has posed:
Whatever happened to the boss and Rhodes is unclear but that fire destroyed the front of that building. Lucky for Alek, his building is not yet on fire though it is not for a lack of trying. He can see the various signals moving about and one might catch his eye. One about the trucks being loaded and tehm heading out. It appears they are heading for a secondary base. Info that some might be interested in.

Meanwhile, Flicks blinks as he looks toward Josef and his two daggers in the boy's hands, "Kid? I am easily ten years older than you...now how did you do that?" He pulls open his jacket to reveal a whole pile of daggers, "Lets see just how quick you are, boy." He then starts backing up and flicking dagger after dagger at him with insane precision and skill. Obviously not fully human.

As for forcefield guy, he appears to be straining until finally He lets out a gasp. The gasp is because Ultragirl's fist came down and then shot up with a blast of power. The forcefield shattered and broke the man's concentration. He is wobbling there fo ra moment when suddenly Ultragirl is in front of him and she has her hand up. Her forefinger against her thumb she says, "Night night." And she flicks him right between the eyes. He rocks back as if he were being punched by Mike Tyson and he falls to the ground with a thud.

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster shrugs to Flicks question, "I dunno. I just focus, and you go all slow-mo-y. It's always done that." And then the dance macbre begins, Josef duckin, shuckin, and jivin' all about to avoid the torrent of blades, crying out in an almost cartoonish panic with each dodge, "Gah! Wah! Shi-! Fu-! Where! Are! You! Get! ting! So! Many! Knives! You! Prick!?" He yells out bit by bit as he moves and grooves, each dodge another blink of rapid movement.

War Machine has posed:
     Out through the fire and the flames slowly walks a figure dragging behind himself another. Which is which is hard to tell through the blinding heat as one holds the other by the head dragging him behind by it a single hand clamped on the face.

     Smoke trails from either side of the drug figure's head as he's carried along with little care. The figure doing the carrying launches him forward like a rag-doll allowing him to slide across the ground into view. The flames begin to clear as it becomes clear.

     War Machine was the one carrying the downed figure. He's currently doing his part to spray foam across the fire that the dragon, now unconscious fumes smoking from either side of his mouth which has now been plugged up by some sort of foam, with little more then a tube allowing him to remain breathing.

     "Now, we've all had our fun." War Machine states in that somewhat monotone voice. "I'll give one more chance for surrender." Those red eyes glaring out as the fire fades to smoke. "Take it, or leave it."

Ultragirl has posed:
Looking at the situation, Forcefield guy down on the ground with a broke nose, Tiny only just now getting his senses, and the boss on the ground with his eyes completely out of it, Flicks just puts his hands up, "Ya know, I give up." He states and then Tiny turns and looks to Warmachine. He finally is out of it and aims a finger right at Warmachine, "Hey! I never give up! I am gonna give you a right-URK!"

Tiny doesn't get to say another word. He falls forward from a boot to the back of the head from ULtragirl. She has her arms crossed and shakes her head as she floats there behind the now downed man and clicks her teeth, "He really doesn't know when to quit." She then looks up to Josef and asks, "You alright?" She nods her head to him and then looks to Warmachine, tilting her head, "And...you? Burning isn't fun. I know."

Josef Forster has posed:
Josef Forster picks himself off the ground and starts dusting off as everyone surrenders, "Yeah, I'm fine. Was just startin to have some fun, too." He remarks with a chuckle as he looks over to Ultragirl, "Ssssooooo, you guys got this? If so, I'm gonna go, cuz I'm still hungry." He says with a smirk as he looks from her to The War Machine a few times before starting to slowly back away in prep to leave.

War Machine has posed:
     War Machine stoically sprays the extinguisher foam against the building, sweeping from one side to the other. That emotionless metal chrome face reflecting back the flames it puts out. It's motions are cold and calculated there's a sense of distance given off.

     It's a wonder what could be going on inside that head. The figure doesn't seem to have even been phased by the absolute onslaught that it received going head to head with the dragon. It's as if he wasn't even touched.

     One could wonder what thoughts were going on in that silent figures head as he sprays one side to the other with the rest of the flame thrower tanks filled with the extinguisher compound that's putting out the building.

     Inside the suit however with the broadcasting turned off and the sound proofing keeping even the slightest peep from escaping the suit Rhodes is cursing up a storm. His EVERYTHING HURTS. He's using language that would make a sailor break down and cry.

     He feels like he'd just been flame broiled after being hit by a mac truck, like if it weren't for the life support systems he'd be just a pile of quivering crying jello on the ground. He's going to be feeling this for days, and all he wants is an ice pack.

     Yet his body language through the suit doesn't really pass any of that, and it's one thing he considers himself lucky for. It's hard to look like a bad ass when you're hurting so much you just want to curl into a ball and cry for a little while.

Ultragirl has posed:
"OK then." She states and nods to War Machine as she looks him over, "I suppose that armor is tough. Or you're tough. Or you're not even in there and your'e a robot." She then shifts some and then shrugs, "Anyway, I'm Ultragirl. Glad I could help." She then looks to Josef and nods to him, "Thanks for the asistance." She nods her head, "I don't know where you got those moves but you were pretty great." She gives him a thumbs up and a grin before she turns to Flicks and points at him, "Your time free ends here. Get down on the ground, the authorities will arrive soon."

And rather soon enough, the authorities do indeed arrive.