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Revision as of 07:29, 26 November 2018

Defying Gravity
Date of Scene: 24 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Captain Marvel (Danvers), Ant-Man (Pym), Power Girl, Ultragirl

Ares has posed:
It was such a perfect day too. Kids were out playing across the street in the park, people chatted along the street. There was even a flash mob going on that had some killer dance moves. But, as with all happy things, there's always one jerk with a superiority-complex and utter lack of coffee to ruin everything.

A man in blue spandex and silver armor was floating in the sky, giving a monologue that would-...okay, honestly, it was fairly okay as far as villainous speeches go. "Rejoice people! I will now give meaning to your meaningless lives through chaos! Try not to run too hard...it's only death by happenstance."


Suddenly, large pieces of concrete and earth, ripped from the ground and even chunks from buildings as the man who controls gravity starts hurling these large projectiles at innocent civilians with his gravity powers.

Just another day in the office.

The God of War, Ares, is one of the first people on the scene, wearing his pitch black armor, but with no helmet, he had caught one of the large mounds of hard stone thrown at a kids way, and he chuckles. "Well, and here I thought today would be boring."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
The thing about trying to start trouble in NYC, Manhattan in particular, is that you have such a high density of heroes, you could easily wind up with some already on scene just by sheer roll of the dice. Which is the case, as Carol was just doing some jogging, but her plans for quiet exercise were shot down once Graviton started his speech.

A quick Kree-powered costume change, and Captain Marvel takes to the air, pointing at Graviton, "do you have a license to give public performance? Because if you're not sanctioned by City Hall, you're in violation, buddy."

But then concrete pieces are hurled about as projectiles against innocents, and Marvel has to ignore any replies, as she fires photon beams to pulverize the pieces, to avoid getting people crushed. Sure, pellets could still hurt, but preferable to getting squashed to death.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
The sensors at Hank's lab detected the gravity warping going on in the area even before Graviton so dutifully revealed himself in all his villainous glory. Hank arrives as Ant-Man, flying on the back of a winged insect and zipping into the park until he zips up to full size. His silvery helmet hides his face and the antennae on top of it twitch.

"You know, you really do give scientists a bad name!" he calls up. Not that he can talk. He's had his share of 'lab accidents'.

With the debris coming down, he focuses for a moment and goes from regular sized to giant, growing to nearly forty feet in height and using his body to shield civilians from being hit by any that Captain Marvel misses.

Power Girl has posed:
    Captain Marvel might've missed a few, like one tossed at a little girl. The little girl screams, but the chunk never impacts, as the girl looks up and sees Power Girl gently easing the concrete chunk to the ground. "Shouldn't be taking cover?" Power Girl says with a smile....and she's gone pulverizing another about to hit a family with a punch. "I'd head for trees if I could. I mean...it makes you harder to hit at least." And she zips off and pulverizes another concrete chunk. "I've heard of dodgeball, but dodgeconcrete is a bit of a mouthful!"

Ultragirl has posed:
    And then out of the sky comes an orange blur of movement as one of the newest arrivals to NYC catches a chunk mid-flight but she catches it by the top. She flips around in mid-air and reverses all the momentum of the chunk, adds a dash of her own super strength, and flings it right back at Graviton, "Blah blah blah, why do you people always have to go on and on?" She then turns and grins, "Fear not everyone, Ultragirl is here!" She then strikes a pose mid air and grins before turning and pointing at Graviton, "Surrender villain, we all want this over with quickly." She nods her head.

Ares has posed:
Look at all these heroes! Graviton finally getting the attention he deserves. To Captain Marvel, Graviton gives a very exaggerated bow, much so like one would see in the theater. "But of course. I am a licensed physicist after all." he seems to be implying a hidden meaning because that's not quite how that works. A look to Ultragirl. "As do I." then, with a lift of his arms, he fires blast of gravitonic energy with enough force to make TNT start blushing. He aims specifically for Power Girl and Captain Marvel, letting his continuous debris keep the other heroes busy.

take out the big guns first, after all.

Then, Ares, after helping civilians get to safety, is at least glad he's not alone for once, and he leaps up to try and strike Graviton with a sword he's summoned, but...gravity. He gets thrown straight back to the ground, despite landing on his feet. "Right...gravity. This will be complicated." Ares does look at Hank. "You said you're a scientiest right? Think you can crack this guy with your know-how if we keep him busy?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I think you need to re-read how that works, Doctor," Marvel quips at Graviton, while taking a quick survey of all the heroes who joined the fray with a smile on her lips. "I'd say you're just a bit overmatched here...pure medical opinion, of course."

She knows of Power Girl, and has no doubt she can handle the powerful energy attack Graviton launched her way. Leaving Marvel to handle the one aimed directly at her, which she actually flies into, before bracing herself. She gets showered by it, only, for some reason, she doesn't get knocked back. If anything, the only affect seems to be her hair flailing in the surge of energy, while her eyes radiate a white glow.

"What's your goal here? Because if it's getting your ass kicked, you're making all the right moves," Marvel warns.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Hank Pym swats down one more piece of debris, turning his head at Ares' question, "I might be able to disrupt his gravitonic field if I recalibrate my...y'know what, it'll take too long to explain, just...keep him busy while I work on it," he says.

Hank returns to normal size and reaches into his pocket, drawing out a device that enlarges in his grip, growing until he can pry open one of the panels. Good thing he brought his tools along. Easy enough to do when you can miniaturize them.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl can definitely handle the blast, even if she's caught off guard. Which is the case where she's helping another kid who was too scared to run. She blocks the beam with her body and completely shields the kid from the force of the beam. Once the beam is shut off, Power Girl makes a bit of a strained 'run along now' to the kid. Once the kid is clear, Power Girl turns her attention to Graviton....and noticing that Pym is working on a solution and Captain Marvel starting her own attack, POwer Girl smirks. So, all she had to do was do what she does best....

....Be a Distraction.

She flies into the air and takes a place on the other side of Graviton from Captain Marvel, and fires her eye lasers at Graviton just powerful enough to hurt....so he's not looking at Pym.

Ultragirl has posed:
    The fact that she isn't attacked kind of is annoying. Ultragirl watches the beams go after Captain Marvel and Power Girl. She then watches Power Girl strike and she doesn't want to interfere in that. So she goes up. SHe flies straight up into the air and waits for Power Girl to do her eye beam thing before she suddenly comes flying down and tries to plant both feet right into the top of the man, "DOwn you go!" She declares and nods her head. She could have sworn she saw a guy in black armor or something try to take a swipe earlier, this should make life easier.

Ares has posed:
"Sounds like a plan to me." Ares smirks at Hank, before he also takes flight, joining Captain Marvel and Power Girl, unleashing a magic bolt against Gravitron...who is just smiling to his heart's content.

Power Girl's beam seems to be repelled by some gravitonic force field, though she could eventually break it if she ke- Ope, then there's magic. The magic bolt from Ares bypasses his gravity and hits him square in the shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain, but because of this, Power Girl's heat vision hits him square in the chest.

"INSECTS!" well, one hero studied insects his whole life, so...not inaccurate, but Tsu-Zana gets her moment! Because he was too busy yelling at the other heroes, Tsu-Zana finds that her feet connect with Graviton's hands, pushing him downwards but not all the way. He looked really angry.

He once again uses his gravity powers, but in a different way. Seeing that Captain Marvel could absorb energy, he tries to make the gravity around her specifically MUCH heavier, attempting to make her plummet to the ground. To Power Girl, another blast of gravitonic energy to try and knock her back. Tsu-Zana, he foolishly tries to overpower with his own gravity-enhanced strength. "I will show you all the meaning of despair!" ohhhh he forgot about Ares.

A metal beam hits Ares right in the side of his head, flying with the beam but manages to get himself right. "That was just rude..."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel grins at Graviton as he's hit by an assembly of heroes, true to her words, he was proving to be overmatched. As he starts to affect her with an increasing field of gravity just focused on her, Marvel struggles against it, though she does slowly start to descend as he increases the force.

But she doesn't go down without making him pay for it, thrusting her arms in his direction, she fires a continous photon stream at him, giving him the choice to focus on sending her lower and getting blasted out of the skies, or deal with her attack and release her from his gravitational field.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Hey, don't talk bad about insects. Insects are some of my best friends. I know insects that would kick your tail!" he calls out. See, he can do witty banter during the old superhero gig. Although it's a little harder as he tries to rearrange a circuit board, carefully threading microfilament from one chip to another and hooking it back around again.

"It's really so much easier fighting robots. Robots I know how to fight," he mutters to himself, wincing as he gets a shock from the device he's working on. "Almost there!" he calls out to nobody in particular.

Power Girl has posed:
    NOW Graviton's attention was divided, all according to plan. Shame Power Girl didn't really think too hard about the plan. When the beam came up for her, she uses the old anime rule of fighting against lasers.....use your own laser to cancel it out!

With that thought in mind, Power Girl's heat vision focused on the graviton beam to cancel it out, and to make sure it didn't curve to hit anything else.

Now Graviton truly had a dilemma, focus his beam on Captain Marvel, or Focus his beam on Power Girl. He couldn't do both, and either way he focused, Ultra Girl would have backup when she decided to attack again.

Ultragirl has posed:
Wincing, Suzy is pushed back and down a bit. The thing is, she is not a weakling. She floats down and back a moment and her arms are pushed down a moment before she looks up at him and says, "This doesn't feel like despair." She takes a breath and then suddenly pulls back her fist and says, "It feels like desperation!" She then clenches her fist tight, "Time for me to show you the meaning of going Ultra!" She then rushes forward with all her might and aims an uppercut right for his jaw.

Ares has posed:
Talk about being hard pressed.

Hank's call gets a scowl from Gravitron, who aims a blast of that energy directly at Hank! Thankfully though, Ares blocks the strike with his shield and stands his ground. "any day!" Ares calls to Hank. Meanwhile...

Graviton is stuck between Power Girl and Captain Marvel. He knows he's in a tight spot, and he growls, releasing the beam he held on Captain Marvel. But, he's a smart fellow. As soon as he sees Tsu-Zana flying with her might to try and strike him in the face, he moves out of the way, and tries to angle her to be directly in front of Captain Marvel's blast, attempting to use her as a shield. Now...now his attention is on Power Girl...but she was stronger in a few ways, namely, in the energy of the beams. He winces, but eventually, she powers through to cause the clashing beams to explode near him, leaving him briefly stunned.

"Maggots...all of you! Can't you see I'm giving you the gift of death?!" Yep, he's insane.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel maintains her vertical level once she stops struggling with the gravitational force pushing her down, but Graviton was a slick bastard, and ensures her attack which forced his hand, would instead be in direct course to strike the oncoming Tsu-Zana, to whom Marvel cries out, "out of the way! I can't stop it!" Hopefully, Tsu-Zana is manuverable enough to fling herself out of the way, or even elect to crush into the ground or a building and not take the full taste of Marvel's photon blasts.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Hank Pym ducks his head as Ares manages to block the blast. He fiddles with the instrument in his hand a few more times and then jams his hand down on the switch, cranking it until the whole thing starts to glow with an incandescent radiance.

"This'll give you an opening, twenty seconds worth at least. Take it. If he's still up when it's over...then I gotta recalibrate the damn thing...that's my very polite way of saying knock this guy the hell out," he says.

He throws the device, sliding it underneath where Graviton floats and it unleashes a cascade of blue-green light, spiralling up like a funnel cloud and dispersing the gravitational energy around him, temporarily negating the villain's powers.

Power Girl has posed:
    Just as the beam engulfs Graviton's field around him, Power Girl moves out of the way of the beam aimed at her, to let it fly off into the sky, and just slugs Graviton in the stomach. Of course, she pulls a lot of the force back so she knocks the wind out of him.....instead of exploding part of his spine out of his back.

Ultragirl has posed:
    And then suddenly she is in the path of an incoming beam of energy. She goes wide eyed a moment and puts up both arms. The Blast sends her flipping backward and sears the front of her arms. She lets out a gasp of pain as she ends up nearly on the ground before she plants both feet and looks up at the man known as Graviton. She glares at him and then states, "That was a mistake." And then she blasts off from the ground. She isn't as fast as some but covering the distance between him and her is still a blur of movement. She watches Power Girl catch him in the gut and she follows up with a tried and true clothesline. Her arm catching right across his chest and neck if she can get him. She'll then attempt to carry him on her arm around in a circle and angle him right for the ground. "Graviton meet gravity!" That plus a good ol' fashion home grown mutant/human/kree hybrid might.

Ares has posed:
Graviton likes his spine where it is, thank you!

But alas, as soon as Hank's device goes off? Well, the rest is history. Gravitron loses his powers, so he starts to descend out of the sky...only for the strike from Power Girl launching him back up into the air as he loses all the air in his lungs from such a strike. Then Ultra Girl's strike connects with his throat, finding such purchase that he's literally pinwheeling from the hit. Finally, Ares appears suddenly, his fist clenched, and he backfists him straight to the ground. And in seconds, this fight is over.

Graviton is defeated.

Motionless on the ground, the police eventually sends their villains division to take the vile Graviton into custody.

The heroes have won the day.

"Well, that wasn't so bad." says Ares, the God of War. He looks to the heroes as he lands back on the ground. "all of you, thanks for the help. He was a sly little bastard."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl floats her way down and....ponders something. "One second, Officers." She says as she retrieves a sharpie....and proceeds to write on Graviton's forehead. If anyone looks, it'll say 'LOSER' backwards upon his forehead. "There....That fits his standing as a villain now." She then chuckles. "Those blasts are painful."

She then looks to Ultragirl. "That's a debut and a half."

Ultragirl has posed:
    A grin and she looks at Ares and then glances over to Power Girl, "Well, New York City debut." She gives a thumbs up, "I am at least a little bit known out west." She nods her head, "I'm Ultra Girl and I am here to help." She then looks back at Ares, "Also, no problem. Not sure that sounds very heroic, the way you put it, but I'll take it." She chuckles and nods before brushing hair back a little. If anyone notes her arms, they are fully healed.