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Vanya (Scenesys ID: 201)
"Come on, at least try to get my blood going."
Full Name: Vanya
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Prize Fighter
Citizenship: Russia
Residence: New York City (Wanderer)
Education: Incomplete High School
Status: Shelved
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: 82
Date of Birth 11 November 1943 Actor:
Height: 172 cm Weight: 163 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Violent, hungry, primitive, and selfish, Vanya could at best be called an unfettered wanderer out to master her own body, or at worst a self-centered thug enslaved to the basest instincts of feeding and conquering - a wild animal in human skin. Only truly alive tasting her own blood in the shadow of a beast larger than herself, she lives for adrenaline and the clash of sinew and bone, but Vanya has gained her share of vices that blunt her feral passions and the siblings of boredom and disinterest keep her claws sheathed out of sight... most of the time. Stories that pass in underground fighting circuits and backwood communities in her wake hint at the messy results of drawing them out.



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Discarding the garbs of civility, Vanya's pure, animal form is on display. Her tightly-bound hair is now a loose and wild brown mane that falls around her shoulders, sunglasses have been thrown off her sharp brown eyes, and under the suave and conservative jacket and slacks there's nothing left but tattered red pants and an over-sized gray tank-top hanging loosely from her shoulders. Stretching the full span of her face, her large black runic tattoo looks ever-so-slightly closer to dark-red when the light strikes it and smells faintly of fire and blood.

The young woman's body is primed and coursing with the oldest of human energy - thick muscles rippling and flexing across her bare arms, naked toes squeezing the ground, and her baggy top flutters and twists at every movement of her dense torso. The half-together rags of her pants expose peeks of fair skin the whole way down until they're roused into movement by the body underneath. When she does move, it's slow and effortless grace - or it's an animalistic blur.

This is humanity at a primal apex.


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Vanya's past is a broken tapestry of faded dreams and another time. Born in the Soviet Union in the midst of the Great Patriotic War, her formative years were ones of austerity, upheaval, the brutal repression of Stalinism, and the black market faux-capitalism of Khruschev. Vanya's early life was ugly, overcrowded, but also all she'd ever knew, and so against the backdrop of long breadlines and grim winters, she found a measure of happiness and community.

One happiness, exploring the vast wilderness beyond her family's Arctic home, would spoil that. On October 30th, 1961, the largest man-made explosion in history occurred four kilometers above a Siberian island - and Vanya was within the blast radius. Partially shielded by friend who'd snuck out with her, fire and radiation ravaged her body, leaving her badly injured and deteriorating at a genetic level. Vanya's friend was less fortunate and died from the blast. With frigid arctic waters separating her from civilization and nothing left alive for miles, Vanya did what she had to to survive until Soviet military discovered her while inspecting the blast results.

The helicopter and truck rides that lead her back towards the nearest military base would be her last coherent memories for fifty years. Stunned speechless, inconsolable, and alienated by the changes taking over her own body, Vanya escaped and fled into the Siberian wilderness, with only instincts left to steer her.

In that time she lived as an animal; hunting, feeding, killing, and aggregating each new prey into herself. The closest she came to human interaction was stealing crops or food, and for the rest of the 20th century, Vanya was a bogey-man that ranged across Asia and Europe - a werebear, a sasquatch, a devilfish...

The spell finally broke near the warm coastal waters of Spain in the modern era with cell phones, hybrid cars, internet... and no more Soviet Union. No longer herself or even fully human, it was sensory overload for Vanya, but half a century of wild living had primed her body if not her mind and the relic of older times adapted.

Using her abilities and new physique, Vanya's chosen to continue living only a slightly more civilized mode than her instincts had dictated. Working odd jobs, fighting, and hunting for income, money passes quickly through her hands and into food, pleasures, and martial lessons. Some might still call it a base existence but in Vanya's view, why fight her instincts?


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Violent, impulsive, egotistical, and pleasure-seeking, Vanya has wasted little time in absorbing modern vices in this bountiful age of plenty. With no plan for the future and a marrow-deep understanding of what she truly needs to survive, money passes through her hands like water through a sieve and the primal old woman is quicker to run to a bar than others would be to run to a bank. Thanks to her inhuman physique and in part her long period of feral amnesia, the sheer scale of Vanya's life is a weight that's mostly kept from her shoulders, if only by keeping herself living in the moment.

The roots of old-world, Stalinist life still poke through the pavement of her psyche from time to time, but before anything else, Vanya lives for and from her body; training it, refining it, testing it, indulging it, and yes showing off, it's become her one anchor to the world she used to have in the crazy westernized world she's now in. While she can be trusted to honesty and forthrightness, and blunt to a fault, Vanya views most of the world through a predator's lenses; the strong are to be challenged or avoided and the weak are stepping stones for her desires. This makes her paradoxically safe to those deemed beneath her notice, and to the rest... this apex predator likes having her ego well-stroked.


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Vanya can copy the features of an animal by eating their DNA. A few bites of meat, blood samples, or hair are enough for her body to unravel and memorize a genome, and any time afterwards she can reconstitute it as part of her body, granting her qualities like a tiger's claws, carapace armor, or the eyes of a hawk.

Vanya can only morph as much flesh as she's gathered from the target animal; to form a three pound turtle shell, she'll need to eat three pounds of turtles.

Vanya has eaten a single human and assumed its form permanently.

Vanya's body has sequestered pounds upon pounds of animal biomass into her bones, muscles, and organs, forcing them to adapt a hybridization of human and animal traits to function under the increased pressure. This adaptation has made her stronger, tougher, and faster at the cost of weight and a tremendous appetite (Voracious Vegetarian). In effect, some of her body is a permanent amalgam.

Vanya can use her stored animal mass to quickly replace injured tissue, allowing her to regenerate rapidly by sacrificing the cells used by her Amalgamate.

Vanya's unique physiology, blended from animals with wildly different aging rates, has adopted the greatest common denominator. By human standards senescence sets in very slowly for her, keeping her body young and vital well beyond her years.


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For fun, fitness, and function, Vanya has practiced free-running and acrobatics - skills she enjoys showing off.

Familiarity has taught Vanya how to read body languages and moods across the animal kingdom - mostly those of predators.

From years of picking fights, finding teachers, and even fighting wild animals barehanded, Vanya has syncretized a fighting style that favors her sharp reflexes and unnatural physique. What she lacks in disciplined experience, she makes up with pure physicality.

Vanya fluently speaks Russian and English.

Vanya knows what a human would need to survive in frozen tundras, dense forests, open plains, and even out at sea. Combined with her ability to adapt traits of the local wildlife, she can be trusted to get along in most biomes.


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Vanya's one true possession of value is the accumulated corpus of genetic material from peak predators and unique creatures that resides inside her body.

Money in Vanya's hands is short-lived and her earthly possessions could fit in a day-bag. Some dogs have more resources than her.


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From immediately after her chimeric abilities emerged in 1961 (Amalgamate) until over fifty years later, Vanya existed in a feral, animalistic state living on pure instincts. She has no clear memories of this period. She does however have old bounties on her head from this time - most fortunately describing her as an abominable creature.

Whenever Vanya consumes a new animal (Amalgamate) her body involuntarily expresses its traits. Since no two animals are ever quite the same genetically, this has made her an obligate vegetarian in human company and while the transformation isn't physically painful, even alone she finds the process extremely annoying.

Vanya carries no identification and her Soviet citizenship is over half a century old and difficult to prove.

While not unintelligent, Vanya enjoys a simple and unfettered existence. She eats when she's hungry, sleeps when she's tired, picks fights when she's playful, and generally indulges her senses and fancy with little concern for who or what is around her. This can sometimes make her difficult to deal with and easy to predict.

Vanya's inhuman physiology is enormously calorie-hungry, needing a diet on par with professional athletes or mountaineers to sustain itself, and even more when recovering from heavy exercise or injuries. Getting all those proteins and calories purely from plant sources (Forced Transformation) is an even greater challenge.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Pintos and Salsa April 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Old Beasts, New Haunts. April 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Log 4034 March 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Saline and gauze February 24th, 2018 Claire drops off some medical supplies at St. Margaret's, and Vanya and Juggernaut get a chance to catch up on mutual hobbies.
Animal House February 1st, 2018 Summary needed
An Offer for the Big Leagues January 21st, 2018 Shadowlite looks to recruit new talent for a team and offers Vanya a chance to move up to the big leagues.
Log 3674 January 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Bars and Bad Ideas January 16th, 2018 Summary needed
If You Give a Bug a Vodka December 26th, 2017 Summary needed
untitled November 29th, 2017 Summary needed
'Boxing' in Central Park November 25th, 2017 Vanya and Lar 'box' in Central Park.
Grand Central Conversations November 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Creepy Creatures November 5th, 2017 Peace is kept in Sunnydale, despite a small catfight.
What Goes Bump in the Morning November 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Central Sparring October 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Chasing a Trail September 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Social Drinking September 28th, 2017 Summary needed
2 Russians, 1 Bar September 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Not the Tiger He was Looking For September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Mutant Town - Heisenberg September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Fast Food, Shark Style September 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Just Cloudgazing September 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2272 August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
3 Russians, 1 Coyote August 21st, 2017 Mercy, acting on impulse, tracks and assails the Winter Soldier after running across the result of one of his jobs. The encounter is complicated by the fact that not only was the Soldier talking to Akula at the time, Vanya followed Mercy's trail as well.
Tiggers on Parade August 20th, 2017 Diya runs into yet another Russian in mutant town. Originally concerned this might be an operative for Russian Intelligence, she instead realizes that Vanya is some kind of thug, possibly for the Bratva. They do not part on good terms.
Cats, Angels, and Spies Oh My August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Aftermath, Thy Name is Vanya August 13th, 2017 Summary needed
13's a Lucky Number August 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Fight Club: Bloodsport August 5th, 2017 The Fight Club is used as a battle between Roulette and the one behind Blood and the Tall Man, the one controlling the Hellspawn.
Log 1732 July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Teenage Wildlife July 29th, 2017 Yana gets accosted by a gang, she and Vanya beat them up, and they bond, somewhat, over being Russian, hungry, and money.
A Herald's Help July 29th, 2017 Vanya joins the fight against the Winter Soldier.
2 Russians 1 Park Bench July 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Fight Club: Part Deux July 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Just a Little Hot Soak July 15th, 2017 What better way to celebrate a promotion than a naked soak in a hot tub? Well, maybe a big dinner too...
Earning the Title July 13th, 2017 Vanya takes the next step and accepts a challenge to earn the title of 'Herald of the God of War'.
Just a Flesh Wound July 9th, 2017 Sparring between gods and animals: always fun and safe!
Stick Around for the Stick Up July 8th, 2017 Summary needed
strange visitor from another country July 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Faeries, Chimera, and Magi, Oh My! June 25th, 2017 Paisley introduces Traci to Vanya, and a roadtrip is planned.
A Lesson in War June 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
A Cat of a Different Stripe June 18th, 2017 Again near the town closest to Cat's Lair, Tigra meets another feral type sniffing around.
Dinner June 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Cool Down June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Not My Pack June 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Tracking Rover June 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Investigating Rover June 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Memorial Day Hangout May 30th, 2017 Following a wild animal around can lead to all kinds of places. In this case it leads to a massage parlor.
A Trip to Yin-Yang Spa May 30th, 2017 (Continuation of 670) Sibilance puts up with some snake-face prejudice but gets some long-overdue pampering for her troubles. Some people just don't mind.
A Chansssce Meeting in Gotham May 28th, 2017 When you've got animal super powers, even eating apples is fun!
Here Comes Trouble May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
ESCAPE from the Savage Land May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
An Unexpected Catch May 15th, 2017 A chance encounter on a beach turns into dinner and a camping trip. What did mom say about talking to strange animals?
Rousing the Bar May 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Splash Fighter II May 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Cats and Dogs in New York May 7th, 2017 Zhao meets someone new while roaming a park and it is tradition, when meeting a fellow martial artist, to challenge them.
Evening At The Bar May 6th, 2017 Carol can't help herself and goes out to an evening at a bar, where she runs into other people.
Super-Splelunking May 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Crash, Man! May 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Medic Medic! May 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Sunday Brunch April 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Ready, set, FIGHT! April 29th, 2017 Summary needed


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