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(Batman has more than one Robin up his sleeve?)
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Latest revision as of 04:18, 14 August 2017

The Robins Gather!
Date of Scene: 15 July 2017
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Batman has more than one Robin up his sleeve?
Cast of Characters: Batman, Clayface, Batgirl (Cain), Red Robin

Batman has posed:
Batman sits brooding infront of a large Batcomputer. He is in the suit, but the cowl is pulled back so he can better see what he is doing as he seems to be looking up Talia, and her recent activities. It is early in the day, and he hasn't left to fight crime today.. Yet. Lately he had been busy, real busy out there fighting crime all night till he got back when the sun was just coming up, sleeping for a couple of hours before looking up more on the Batcomputer for more crime the next night with a little bit of Training in the middle. Burning the candle at both ends some may call it, but if he was he was using a flame-thrower as Alfred had already warned him about taking it a bit easy now as the current schedule he thought was too much for him though the dedication Batman showed the people who were his Robins, and Gotham would not stop, and neither would he.

Batman had taken on a few people now, and had another that was going to be joining their ranks soon. He looked back at the training hall to consider what he was going to do about this... son thing. He didn't want the league to control him anymore, but the whole thing could be a trick. It was a sticky situation, and maybe one of the reasons he is working so hard. After his computer finally finds nothing he peers at it.. "humm.." is all he says as there are no records connecting Talia to Damian, but of course there wouldn't be if it wasn't a lie.

Clayface has posed:
The Batman likes to keep his secrets. One of them is that he has had a secret apprentice for quite some time. She is mysterious, appearing and disappearing at the command of the bat, training in every spare moment, studying the files on criminals, immersing herself body and soul into what it is to be a Batman.

Flexible, lithe, and a fast learner she learned quickly that the Batman knows what he is doing so just do what he says. She put aside her own ego and gave herself up to the process letting the bat reforge her into this new role. Favoring the bo staff, she has opted for light armor in favor of mobility and secrecy. Always wearing her mask, even in the cave.

She only answers to the name Robin now. Giving up her past to forge a new future. Honestly, it's probably disturbing for poor alfred to watch someone so whole heartedly embrace the punishing schedule and training of the Batman with such gusto but this new Girl Wonder rarely ever seems to question his instruction. There is a strange knowing in her brown eyes like she and the Batman are old friends even though she can't possibly have known him that long.

Descending like a spider on a silk line the new Robin drops almost silently along a grappling line from the cave's ceiling trying to finally sneak up on Batman while he is distracted. This week's training was all about stealth. Her mission: Startle The Bat.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    If anyone kept the same sort of insane hours at Batman, Cassandra is one of them. The girl shouldered many burdens. And, she had something to give to Batman. So the young girl arrives into the Batcave, in costume and cowl through one of the side entrances outside of Wayne Manor. She had not used her BatCycle the last few nights, but that's to be expected. She had been at the Hall of Justice the last few days. But she has returned.
    Her entrance is quiet, though that's more of habit than trying to sneak up on Batman or into the cave. As she walks out of the small, half-hidden tunnel she pauses, seeing a 'new' Robin approaching the Batman. The other girl is costumed, like that of a Robin. And, has access to the Batcave. Cassandra pauses, moving her cape to hide the bright yellow of her utility belt and the Bat-Sigil upon her chest, she lowers herself against the dark in the dim Batcave, and she waits. Watching. Observing.

Red Robin has posed:
There's a soft warning light that the elevator down into the Batcave winks on and when it arrives, the doors open on Tim, still in his Robin outfit but lacking the cowl, a large plate of nachos in hand courtesy of Alfred. Cheesy goodness is forgotten immediately, however, when he spots the 'intruder' attempting to sneak up on his mentor, and with one hand he draws and tosses a batarang at 'Robin's' back shouting out a warning at the same time: "We've got company!"

He clearly doesn't have Cain's patience.

Without even waiting to see if the 'rang connects, he's got his cowl back on and his trademark bo staff out and is rushing the newcomer, preparing to fight what could only be a trained assassin of the highest order -- perhaps sent by Ra's if they're attacking in the Batcave!

Batman has posed:
Batman sighs to himself, as he turns off the Bat-computer infront of him, as the light comes on letting him know that someone was entering. Looking at the now black screen with his reflection, and that of the person behind him. "Your descending is off by three seconds, and you need to pactice your attachment of the hook when in a place that echos so easly." he says as he stands turning to look at him as Tim enters. His hand moves fast, just a blur as soon there are two Batarangs flying out of it one towards the one Tim's, and the other aimed to hit the Nachos. "Don't throw Batarangs at the Batcomputer, and get down from there it is time for more training." he adds moving away from the Bat-computer further into the room to intercept Robin he does not look amused. True he never looks Amused, but seems in a bad mood before he pulls up his Cowl again hiding his face.

"I would save that energy you are going to need it." he adds as he walks away from the two. He doesn't tell Robin who it is or why they are here yet as Batman decided it was best he found out for himself depending on his answer would mean how far he was. The assumption of danger he considered it might be time for Tim to take a more detective approach on learning though he doesn't say so out loud. As he approaches the Training room, he stops.. "You must always be prepaired.. Analyze, plan, act... The time maybe short in how long you have to do this but we don't make mistakes." he looks at Tim as he talks, though glances at the other Robin as well at times. "If you were paying attention you might of found the real intruder.. Or at least the hidden one at this time."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Batgirl continues to watch the 'new' and 'unfamiliar' Robin briefly before the object of her suspicion realizes she hasn't eaten in some time and goes to get some of those nachos. It does not give her enough to go on, certainly, of the new Robin.
    So, she unfurls herself, raises the grappling hook and crosses the chasm from where she'd entered into the cave with relative ease, landing onto the floor and moving to intercept Tim, aka the Real Robin, and Batman.
    As she approaches, she moves to take something out of her utility belt. Up until now, Cassandra has had little cause (as she saw it) to keep such contraptions as Batman and Robin both did in her belt, using mainly just batarangs and her grappling hook. But now she is extracting something from one of the previously empty pouches. A flash drive, that is made into the plastic model of Superman. Silently she extends this out to Batman as if to say: Here. Do Your Batman Thing With It.

Red Robin has posed:
Sometimes it can be rough being Robin. Tim stops short as Bruce deflects his batarang, realizing instantly that whoever the newcomer was, Batman was already aware of them. With a quick, practiced movement, he collapses his bo staff and slings it across his back in time to catch an earful from his mentor. He seems ready to reply with some sort of comeback, but he processes the last bit of information and suddenly looks confused. "Real intruder?" he asks, only for Cass to reveal herself. He then lets out a sigh of exasperation, "How is she an intruder?" He very definitively decides to ignore the fact that the real point was that he didn't notice her sneaking around, and instead focuses on the thumb drive she offers out. "Dude..." he mutters, looking up at her, "Where's your sense of brand loyalty?"

Batman has posed:
Batman walks over to Cass watching her, and nods holding a hand out for the flash drive. He gives the Superman model that is attached a head tilt, but doesn't say anything of it. He hopes this is part of Diana's influence, though he figured it was someone elses idea. He looks down at Cass in a stern voice adds. "You learning?" asking the simple question, and waiting for the response before he turns to once again head back to the Computer since this new development. He gives Tim a look, as he knows Tim knows just as much as Tim knows that he knows that he knows... Though how to say that in a clear way the boy would understand, he just leaves it as unspoken. Before he just stuffs it in to the batcomputer he pulls out a smaller box, that has a usb port in it.

Plugging it in a small process bar appears on it, checking it for Viruses, Trojans, or just any bad software just incase, as he trusted Cass though it might not be directly from her so it was best to double check. He turns to look at Tim, and sighs.. "Welcome back Tim, I am glad to see you back down here." as Alfred had told him he needed to give him positive feedback more, and he does try. It was difficult for him to do at these times, but especially with Cass here he wanted to show her that their way was not the only way. "I hope you had been training, with the lack of school you should have more time now? Or have you been spending your time talking with Nightwing again?"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    There comes no explination from Cassandra where, exactly, she got the flash drive. And as Batman scans it for anything that might damage or ursurp the Batcomputer, which it shall turn up negative for, she simply gives him a small shrug. She is uncertain, yet. But neither is she showing that she dislikes the assignment he's given her. It is, certainly, a chance to see things she otherwise would not.
    At Batman's prompting of whether or not Tim has been training, she takes it upon herself to test Tim. There is a flash of leg, aimed at Tim's least defendable point from his present stance, that being the back of his heel in a flawless leg sweep.

Red Robin has posed:
"Sorry it's taken so long," Tim responds, rubbing the back of his head as a silent part of him wonders at receiving said positive feedback. "The Titans keep me busy, which... is kind of why I came." He hesitates before continuing, and in that moment Cass strikes. He was never the best martial artist to train under the Bat -- Tim always took more to the Detective side of things. Still, he knew how to handle himself well:

Her sweep lands, drawing his leg out, but he instinctively readjusts his body weight and pivots on his other foot so that his fall is controlled, allowing him to stop himself with his hand and turn the whole thing into a capoeira style kick aimed for Cass' shoulder. "Okay, okay -- /have/ a Superman drive," he calls as he slides back to put some distance between them, his pose defensive as he waits for a potential follow-up, "I always was a fan of red anyway." He offers Bruce an apologetic shrug, "Not that black isn't good too."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Almost effortlessly it seems for Cassandra to block Tim's kick, and step to the side. One word comes from her, hard, and tight. "Focus." If she had a sense of humor, Tim probably was never around enough to see it, really. In her mind, Tim clearly has -not- been training. But no follow-up attack comes. Her point was proven. And Batman's question answered.
    She points at the flash-drive, and it's one of the rare times in which she speaks multiple words at once. Each one costing her a moment of concentration. Each word pronounced as if it were a singular sentence of it's own. "Lives. Save. Threat." She looks then at Batman pointedly.

Batman has posed:
Batman waits for the readings to finish he just listens to Tim watching the exchange. "Good... I am glad the Titans are keeping you busy, though do not forget your responsibilities here." he was usually just by himself that is how he worked, though this was Tim's home for the longest so knew he would want to help out where he could. He was fundemently different from Cass in most ways, but with things going on as they are especially with Damian showing up he could use Tim here in Gotham at times. "And you didn't mention anything about Nightwing.. I am hope you are not trying to hide anything again." he busys himself on the computer, but speaks back to Cass.. "Continue.. Lets see if he is out of practice or not.. Don't hurt him too bad, enough to get home if he needed." he falls back into silence for a moment moving the drive back over to the main computer once the scan is done. "And do not break anything."

He loads up the information that he had heard about multiple times, he sighs and nods at the data before turning it off again. He shakes his head... "We need to find these mutants... They have a organization. I have waited for the League to make their move long enough. It is time we moved if they do not see how important it is." he speaks looking at a map now. As they are most likely fighting he speaks back to both of them... "Listen while you fight.... We have a new mission.. We need to find where the X-men live, and approach them. We can not strike this Creed without their information." he peers at the disk she gave him. "First though... we need to understand what we are walking into." he points to all the new articles. "And find out what their powers really are."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    As Batman seems to get the intent of the message, Cassandra turns on Tim. This time, at least, that particular Robin is aware of what's coming. It doesn't neccessariliy make anything easier. Batgirl is moving like water, fluid and fast. Where Tim is the more detective type, she is almost solely the combat-type. And she does not fight, or spar, to be nice. She fights to win. Even with Batman.
    Tim is no exception to this rule. Her punches fly, slamming into Tim as she seems to know exactly when, and where, the Bo Staff might be landing; she is either never there in that moment when the staff strikes or she's already countering, blocking.
    The blistering, unceasing attack only lasts ten, twenty seconds, before Batgirl goes for a nerve-strike towards Tim's shoulder, to render that arm - and thus his Bo Staff, completely useless for a few hours. Or, until she restrikes and reactivates the nerve again.

Clayface has posed:
Her attempts at sneakery foiled the new Robin only makes a pfft sound but says nothing. She turns too slowly to block the batarangs and almost gets one to the face. She was expecting Alfred not an attacker. Fortunately Batman is there to save her from a life time of asking, 'You wanna know how I got these scars?'

After that she just... kind of stood there, watching, listening, learning. When the kids started brawling she became really interesting, her brown eyes following the movements of the two, learning how they fight, studying them like an enemy learning their moves. As batman continues speaking she just continues to stand there, motionless, watching, absorbing, because he didn't tell her to do anything yet so she just is, waiting, calm, centered, just like Batman has been teaching her.

Anger is power but only if it is focused. You control is, it doesn't control you. Talking less to learn more has been the hardest lesson for the new Girl-Wonder. She has so much she wants to say but she lets the thoughts flow from her mind. To be The Bat, you must see everything and she has not yet mastered that.. Not even close.

Red Robin has posed:
"I just haven't talked with Nightwing in a bit, that's all," Tim responds almost defensively, but then Cass has her orders and he knows her well enough, at least, to know she'll be coming at him seriously. "Why's everyone so obsessed about my training," he asks to no one in particular, still maintaining his defensive posture, bo staff now in his hands.

When Cass comes at him, she comes at him just as he expected: With everything. His strikes are few and far between. He's on the defensive and staying that way, taking far more hits than he'd like, but much less than if he actually tried to compete with the more extensively trained Bat on her level. Finally the nerve strike comes, and it's more or less what he was waiting for. He doesn't try to dodge or block, instead he lashes out with his bo staff by flinging it at her hand, suddenly pressing the attack, looking to knock her hand aside and deliver a palm strike to her abdomen and more or less relying on the sudden switch in style and aggression to take her by surprise.

Batman has posed:
Batman loads up the information scrolling through, he is watching though right now he is looking at the screen infront of him on the reports Cass sent to him. He gives them a little bit of time to say hello again as he types in some information. It was the details that hacked from the Senator he scrolled through it looking for details of operation as he had delt with many evil organizations he knew there was one thing they all had in common.. Money. They had to have it, and move it frequently to hide their projects. If this Senator was funding some of these projects then Batman hopes he would find them in the information that was hacked. He didn't do it himself, and maybe could with the Batcomputer he did not intended to move that rashly.

He turns to Clayface, and comments.. "Watch the control... It is as you may know the most imporant part. You will have a harder time then normal as there is more you need to control." he doesn't say what he means by that letting the others come to their own conclusions. He continues scrolling information before he continues, "If the Titans have let you go untrained then it might not be the best place for you." he doesn't say how he would 'restrict' you if he didn't want you to, but leaves it at that. Maybe that is a bad thing, or maybe he is not saying the consiquences because he was not disproved of his level of fighting. Though he says nothin else as he returns to typing on the computer.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra saw the press coming a moment before it did. Reading body language. It is what makes her so absolutely dangerous, in this setting. Seamlessly she transitions into White Crane technique, obtaining perfect balance while turning her body to the side to deflect the Bo Staff's onslaught without injury to herself. Still, there is a measure of acknowledgement in her silent form that will probably go unnoticed by all. She saw it, but had not expected Tim to be able to avoid the nerve strike. She'd underestimated him since their last spar.
    As Tim presses further, she dodges again, only this time she spins towards him, allowing his momentum to carry him just a shade forward as he extends the Bo Staff towards her. At the same time she lopes her arm around the staff, pinning it to her body and, with her other hand, executes a palm strike of her own and with the same side foot, her other anchored, attempts a leg sweep, following it up with a shove, down, on the Bo Staff to put Tim down on the ground.
    Despite these actions, Cassandra has to acknowledge that Tim /is/ focusing now.

Clayface has posed:
In creating the person she is now, Clayface watched days of footage of Robin training and fighting. That's why she looks and fights so much like younger female Tim. The mud-brown eyes of the young woman studies the both of them but mostly Cassie because there was less footage of her to study.

Watching the two combatants fight the girl Robin slips her grappler into the belt under her cape then runs her fingers through her dark hair in exactly the same way Tim does when he is watching something fascinating. Who is this new Robin? Did... Batman clone Tim?

Red Robin has posed:
For just a moment Tim gets to savor the fact that he actually put Cass on the defensive for about a split second. Then, all at once it's over and he's on the ground, his legs swept out from underneath him and Cass bearing down on him. He doesn't even bother trying to struggle. He knows well enough when he's been beat and he lets out an exasperated sigh as he taps out. "Fine, you win. Again," he relents, waiting until she releases him so he can lean up on his forearm and rub his chest where she struck him to bring him down.

"So," he finally grunts, pulling himself back to his feet, "X-Men, huh? I've done some digging on them. Haven't found much of anything. Just a few witness vids that have gone viral. They've got some swank tech, though." He collects his bo staff, and in the process of doing so gives the still mysterious fourth member of the group a curious look. "Wait..." he says slowly, then straightens and looks at Bruce, "Are you replacing me?"

Batman has posed:
As they fight it goes well, and with Cass gaining a slight edge he finally stands just saying one word.. "Stop.." he turns and walks standing next to Clayface. He says in a low voice, "You getting too specific again, remember to incorporate yourself." though says nothing more to him as he continues watching the two infront of him. He moves sundenly the two fighting would easly realize it isn't near as fast as he could, though he is moving with it putting a great deal of his force behind it. He did it in a way he knew Clayface would be able to defend to hit wasn't the point the point was when Clayface blocked other then stoping the blow against a soft sufface the arm would go in a bit sinking in as if he were hitting against clay. He points at each person as they say their name... "Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Basil Karlo.." then goes quiet as he walks a little forward..

"We have a problem, and need to move carefully.. His name is Graydon Creed.. Sentor Creed, and he is researching on mutants for what he calls a cure." he akes another step towards the two, if clayface follows that is up to him as Batman didn't say it, or didn't say it. "Batgirl do you know who gave you this information? If we can find them, maybe it would lead us to the Mutants we are looking for. What information do you have?" though then looks over at Tim, "I have something I need you to investigate.. You are with the Titans now correct?" he eyes him with that glare that looks like one is looking at him. "Can you handle investigating a genetic lab there might be things there.. can you keep your team in check if you find something?"

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Once Tim hits the ground, Batgirl seems to relent. She nods once to him as if to say: Better. Then she gives him his space to rise. The young woman's attention is again drawn back to the other female in the room who is dressed so similarily to Robin. Slowly, certainly, she begins to stalk the other Robin. Walking around with a slow, purposeful, almost predatorial gait about her steps around the entire circumference of the broody, just-as-silent-as-her Robin. Sizing up the competition, it would seem.
    And, one might think by her posture, she is going to attack this other Robin at any given moment. To test her, as she did with Tim. She watches. Asseses. Then, gives Batman another word. This one harder for her because she's never spoken it before. "Cy. Pher," is her answer to his question of who gave it to her. But she is not looking at Batman. She is looking at Basil Karlo, still. Coming to rest in front of the other girl. And just staring at her, through her entirely face-covering mask of unseen eyes obscured by the black cloth, and the sewn patchwork over what otherwise would be the open space for her mouth.

Clayface has posed:
Is... is this...woman trying to intimidate Clayface? He has to wonder if she knows who he is. The fake Robin looks confused at first then squints her eyes and looks into the space where the eyes should be on Cassie's mask making a determined stare-down face. "Senator Creed? I like him. He's always giving the suits the business. I don't think he's that bad. Certainly not Joker bad or Two Face bad. Why do we care about him? Isn't he just a politician?" the fake Robin asks while having the stare down with the masked fighter. Staring and not talking at the same time is beyond Clay's abilities it seems.

Red Robin has posed:
Even before Batman fully introduces Clayface, Tim starts putting pieces together, 'too specific,' 'more you need to control.' "Is that..." Basil's name only confirms it, "Clayface." His question turns into a statement and his hand reflexively falls to the pouch on his belt containing cryo-bombs. "Why are you training Clayface? Why is Clayface in the batcave?!" Clearly someone forgot to CC Tim on a very important memo.

It's a little hard to pull his focus from the revelation that Basil Karlo has apparently been chosen to be the next Robin, not as a trick or scheme on the (former?) villain's part, but of Batman's own choosing, but when Batman asks you a question, you don't just ignore it...

"I... I..." with a great amount of effort he pulls his attention from Basil to Bruce and nods once, "Yeah, I'm with the Titans. I can put together a team. Just one question though..." His hand comes up, his finger pointed right at Clayface, "You know Basil is Clayface, right?"

Batman has posed:
He stands quietly listening to the answers, and a bit to the conccerns though he just nods to Robin in answer. He walks forward this time towards Tim, he stands a bit taller espescially since he is in his suit he looks down at Tim, maybe to remind him who he was talking to as Tim had started becoming more and more like him. Not trusting, questioning things for the 'better' wanting to know why at each step he just eyed Tim not answering his questions about Clayface. He was Batman, and there was a reason behind this, and clayface.. He was just expressing that face brooding down on Tim.

He then turns without a word, "Go to the Batcomputer, get all the information on the computer relative to it. I want to know what he is doing there, and you not to engange directly until you have reported to me what you have found." Standing next to Cass he says, "This isn't a League issue.. If they were to ask while you are with her." as for now he was keeping them out of his own actions.

Giving Cass a brief nod, he turns to Clayface.. "You are not ready.. if these two can tell so can the enemy. You are going to practice holding your form under duress here, until I say you can go on mission." the way he said it did not sound like it was any question in his mind about this one.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Batgirl may have been poised to call out Clayface, but Tim did that before she could. And so her eyes are moved from the small girl form to that of Tim, scrutinizing the 'real' Robin as she wonders how Tim came to that conclusion. It was obvious enough to her that she was not who she claimed to be - or rather, who Batman claimed she was.
    She steps back, some, and gives Batman a look like he's lost a screw, or two. At least, as much as one can give such a look, without having eyes or facial features visible. Her head is tilted, her body posture forcibly asking the question that her mouth does not.

Clayface has posed:
The fake robin shrugs and looks at Bats then says, "Well, seems like none of this has anything to do with me so I'm going to go drink heavily and flick it in the tub till I pass out. Holding my form while in water seem to be like weight lifting for me. It's making me more cohesive. Practice, practice, practice! "

Red Robin has posed:
Tim's defiant for all of three seconds, but he withers under Batman's gaze soon enough. He won't press it, but he does give Basil a look that, should he be paying attention, makes it very clear he doesn't trust him. "Fine," he assents, moving towards an empty terminal and drawing out a cable tied into his gauntlet which he slots into a specialized port for high-speed data transfer. "Observe and report. No engagement until you give the go ahead," he repeats out practiced habit from all those times Bruce would make him spout back every little instruction to make sure he understood them properly. "I assume Oracle is already involved? She'll make communications with you a lot easier." Once the transfer is complete, he steps away from the terminal and puts his cowl back on, moving at a brisk pace towards the elevator, "My friends are good. They'll handle it professionally."

Batman has posed:
As Batman turns and he seems to be getting ready to go out now, as he hears Alfred clear his voice coming from somewhere Alfred often enters from quietly. Batman stops, and looks at Tim.. "I understand your doubt, when I can explain I will, but for now keep in mind when I heard the same about you." then he gives Alfred a look, and returns to prepairing for the night. He glances at Cass, "Find this computer hacker, use the resources avaliable to you here, and the Hall to find them... quietly."

The top of the BatCar comes in and Batman jumps into it... He looks at them intently.. "You have 48 hours... Both of you." then the tops shuts, and the car spins around the flames comming out the back as it shoots off down the road. It was patrol time, as he speed away!

Clayface has posed:
Doing her best to make Tim uncomfortable, the younger, female version of him sliiiides into the elevator next to him to ride up stairs. The Robin costume morphs and reshapes itself into the slim teenage girl wearing only a sheer silk bathrobe tied around her waist. The cloth is too thin so as she leans sideways towards Tim in the elevator it is entirely too revealing outlining the detailed shapes of flesh.

As the doors close on the elevator Batman and Cassie might hear the soft, feminine voice of the monster in lady's clothing, "You know, it wouldn't -technically- be incest."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim's face remains completely stoic as he looks straight ahead and draws out a handful of cryo-bombs from his belt. "This is my side of the elevator. You stay on your side or I will freeze you and hand-deliver you to Victor to keep as a trophy until civilization itself boils away into nothingness."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra watches Tim and Clayface-Robin go into the elevator. She looks at Batman. "Bad." Bad what? Clayface is bad? Certainly she knows that. Bad decision? Is she calling The Bat out? Does Cassandra have the bravery, or the stupidity, to do that? But, she yet nods once. She will Do The Thing that Batman has requested her to do. Lives take priority. Still, she's made it clear to Batman she does not like this new development.
    And with that, she moves towards her BatCycle, to begin to track Cypher down.

Clayface has posed:
Oh well, looks like it's just Clayface and her best friend Jim tonight, Jim Beam that is. "I swear. It's like he's a fun vampire. None of you have a sense of humor. Not a single one." the shapeshifter says as they ride to the upper levels on opposite sides of the elevator. She mutters to herself as she steps out, "It does explain why his arch enemy is a clown too." as she walks off towards the west wing baths, "Fun vampire. Mystery solved."