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Daughters of Daratar: Double Date
Date of Scene: 04 January 2019
Location: Omega
Synopsis: Gigas registers himself, Sindr, and Aphrodite for an arena match on the lawless planet of Omega.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Gigas, Aphrodite, Sindr

Mon-El has posed:
    Deep into the furthest reaches of outer space, a desperate call for help has been broadcasted from a planet in the little-known star system of Faryar. An Emperor Corlis of the planet Daratar has sent out a call for help to any hero, adventurer, or mercenary out there in the rest of the galaxy regarding his missing daughters, Thea and Teya.

    He believes they have been kidnapped by slavers and taken to Omega, a planetoid on the fringe of the system that was once a penal colony but became a lawless land after getting overrun by pirates many years ago. Anyone who brings them back to him alive is promised a handsome reward...and Corlis, as ruler of his planet, seems to be type of individual who -really could- reward quite well.

    What is known about this particular place? Well, it is home to a fairly advanced civilization, but one that hasn't really made contact with anyone outside of its own system, despite having space travel capabilities and, obviously, subspace communication technology.

    The message has been relayed through many of the typical channels for this sort of job, along with coordinates to both Corlis' home planet of Daratar should anyone wish to speak to him in person, as well as Omega, should anyone wish to simply head straight there...

Gigas has posed:
    It has been some time since the blue titan known simply as 'Gigas' has been seen in any sectors of space worth mentioning. For a time, the galactic strongman-mercenary-walking natural disaster...had simply gone under and vanished from various records, bounties and sources of activity.. And so the sectors of space he frequented breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Well..he's back now! Whatever wormhole, portal to another dimension, rift in space and time or just whatever is to blame for this..the brute is once more plowing the space ways in his ship, The Gargantua - a cargo ship repurposed as a personal transport ..basically a space-semi truck complete with provocative paintings of scantil clad Kree, Shi'ar and even Skrull women upon it..and in it he barrels towards Omega without much consideration of subtlety or subterfuge. It's good to get right back into a familiar routine after all.

Aphrodite has posed:
Aphrodite appears on what sshe can only describe as a 'space' truck, and looks around a bit with a frown. Sshe liked tshe Skrull women, but inside it was just a mess as sshe seemed to try to be careful not to touch anything like it was contagious. Sshe was just thinking about sheading to tshe Omega planet to find a follower that went quiet, as sshe had sheard tshe rumors that were about, and decided to give sher diplomacy skills a try for old times. This though.. This was too much of an opritunity to simply pass by. Sshe smiled a bit, looking at tshe large man/creature infront of sher as that simple look would melt normal men.. "Hello tshere stranger.. I am just a passer by, and I had some buisness on that planet." she nods towards tshe planet that was growing infront of tshem. "You mind shelping a lady out.. Those mean men down tshere just want to hurt me." and gives a small grin. Tshe men down tshere might not do near as well as this one against sher charm, but one of him was worth many of those down tshere.

Standing next to, but smartly out of arms distance just in case is a woman, but not just any woman. Easily tshe best looking woman currently in existance, as it was kind of sher thing. Tshe charm sshe put out went beyond simple things like tshe type of species. Sshe was known on many planets as tshe charmer, and sometimes tshe manipulater sshe just looks at you with a look that seems to look through even tshe giant infront of sher so sshe is no simple human as sshe may seem physically to be right now. With a simple toss of sher hair sshe adds.. "So how bout it.. Team up?" and gives a bit of laughter that sounds different to everyone, but usually something from ones past that brings good memories.

Sindr has posed:
It seems Aphrodite isn't the only galactic hitch-hiker around these parts; a collection of floating... embers? appears and floats into proximity of the other two dot by dot, forms a roughly feminine shape, and then with a brief blossom of fire becomes an actual woman! A bit of flair at the cost of subtlety or surprise, but worth it for effect, right? And fire /totally/ isn't a problem on a space vessel at all, is it? Nahhh...

"Some rock named Omega, right? Anyone mind if I tag along; I'd like a different view of it before setting foot." she asks, looking from being to being. There's no smile, mind. Simply the question and in all its sincerity.

Mon-El has posed:
    Omega is located on the outer rim of the system. The Daratarians had attempted to retake it after the pirate fiasco a few times, but had eventually given up...thus, it is now filled with criminals and lowlifes. Gambling, slave trade, trafficking of illegal goods, all of it blatantly flaunted here, for there is no fear of retribution from a law of any kind.

    Yeah, and it's dirty, smelly, and nothing is well-cared for at all. No one really cleans or maintains any of the streets or other public facilities (again, no law, no government) on a regular basis.

    Therefore, no one really questions Gigas' monstrous freighter as it pulls into the docks. As long as he pays his due for parking, he is not pestered with any probing questions about his identity or what business he has here. Neither are Aphrodite or Sindr, for that matter.

Gigas has posed:
Well then. Any other day of the week and he'd be all for this! It's basically raining hot women. (Literally!) As it stands, he is on a mission to earn him some money and this does kind of startle him so the proverbial space brakes are slammed on when Aphrodite appears and he just sort of stares at her, blankly, as she explains herself. It takes him a few seconds to truly catch up when all is said and done but before he can give her an answer...Sindr appears and Gigas does a double take and an antic that shakes his ship as he recoils in surprise. His attention is pulled from Aphodite to the new passenger and then back again. Best laid plans have seemingly gone awry.

After contemplating them both he eventually just sort of shrugs and turns back to his controls to fire the ship up again. "..Well then!" he rumbles in his deep voice before cranking up whatever passes for Kree Death Metal. "On to Omega!"

Whenhe finally arrives, he does bother to pay his due. He's a law abiding titanic force of nature after all. He then heads to the back of the massive freighter to begin to open the cargo doors so he can exit with the two space goddesses. "Try not to get sold into slavery!" he advises cheerfully.

Aphrodite has posed:
Aphrodite turns to look at the other women after she appears. At least she burnt away all the dirt when she arrived so after a quick blink she is standing behind her.. "Oh who are you..." she takes a small snif.. as she moves around her a bit in the open area she made. "You smell of earth, but that is wierd out here." as she looks at her up and down in curiousity. She doesn't seem to be teleporting anymore around just floating a bit as she moves around her inspecting the new arrival. Thankfully Gigas decided to pay the thing as she wouldn't be bothered by such petty things... and she forgot her purse at home even if it did have the right currency in it.

After the Slavery comment though she glances at Gigas "You would let those men slavers take me away would you!" she acts surprised, and saddened by this which waves out feelings through the ship of just that. Though she collects herself and it stops shortly after.. "We are Teamates now!" glancing at Sindr.. "All three of us?" and gives her a small wink.

Sindr has posed:
Sindr merely smiles thinly at the remark about earth. Or maybe it was the crack about slavery. Or... well, it doesn't really matter, because she doesn't explain her smile in the least. As they get moving from the ship, she says, "Oh yes, team-mates for certain. You can call me Ember, by the way."

On departure, she is definitely paying keen attention to their surroundings. If one is observant, they might catch her taking note of various vantage points where bad people might be able to ambush them, or gazing at some people far longer than others - perhaps gauging how dangerous they are. Sizing up opposition, or the potential for it.

Gigas has posed:
"We are?" asks Gigas of Aphrodite, sounding sincere in his confusion as well as bemused. Mind you she -did- ask for his help but he's not necessarily conjoined that, or Sindr's presence, with the fact that he's here on a mission to possibly earn a big payday at the end of it all. As far as he's concerned, he just gave them a lift and, he supposes, act as a bodyguard for Aphrodite. Still he's not immune to her 'charms' to say the least, even if he reacts in a round about way.

"Hmm..well perhaps you stay close, hmm? You look like a breeze might blow you away. She seems sturdier!" he nods to Sindr and then straight away begins marching through the space port, heading for the nearest ga slavers markets. "I am looking for someone." he adds, "Big payday!"

Mon-El has posed:
    As far as the potential opposition that Sindr is attempting to scope out, sure, there appear to be some other aliens around here who are pretty rough around the edges and look like they could do some serious damage in any fight. Others might look more fragile...but who knows? Looks can always be deceiving, and in a place like this, it's always best to be on guard at all times--it's brimming with shady characters.

    Of course, there are plenty of slave auctions going on. In particular, there is one occurring at the center of a janky-looking market square. Several depressed and hopeless-looking creatures are lined up in cuffs and standing on a circular pedestal while a crowd of buyers shout out higher and higher sums of credits here and there. None of the slaves up for sale really resemble images Corlis provided, though.

Aphrodite has posed:
As Aphrodite walks out the best word to describe her is oblivious. She doesn't give these people a second look as to her they had neither use nor faith in her like most of their type out here in the recesses of space. So she just followed Gigas out of the ship to look around. "Well big guy, whats your mission? I hope it isn't to kill those two girls that were taken, as one of them is the one we were talking about." and she smiles at him again. As she steps out of the ship the first man spots her and stops what he is doing to stare. Then the next, as her charm radiating out seems to be just stoping the normal traffic.

Aphrodite smiles, and covers her mouth... "Oh my... look at that" as the two original men start fighting at that very moment. Some yells of "She is mine... No mine!" comes as the struggle begins right infront of them. Of course the ones not close enough to see her, or strong in mind enough to resist the original wave might do something about it, but just the sight of her drives some insane and would only get worse the more people there were. Stepping a bit closer to Gigas she smiles up at him... "Lets go get you your money, and save my friend!" holding up a flat hand moving it forward like a 'charge!' sign, and gives another small laugh.

Sindr has posed:
Sindr rolls her eyes a bit, but otherwise says little of those fighting - she but notes where they are and keeps enough track that, minus distractions, she might know if and when they become a problem for the trio.

"Right, friend, payday." she mutters, having said nothing of why /she/ has actually come this way. Such an enigma!

Gigas has posed:
    The blue behemoth isn't -exactly- pleased at the sudden rioting nor does he understand the source. He does, however, perceive it as in the way and a possible tip off to the ones they are seeking in regards to the princesses they are here to collect.

This is troublesome." he rumbles, irritated sounding as he plows forward and makes his way through the slavers market. His eyes flicker onto the slave stands but nothing matches the descriptions. At the same time, he considers and rhen rumbles, "They are princesseses..perhaps they would command a slavery auction of some..merit..and not these more low ball ones..."

He steps forward at this, attempting to sweep his gaze over the various auctions in search of more affluent looking ones.

Mon-El has posed:
    The fight starts out between two males, but as Aphrodite comes even nearer to the auctions and the crowds, it starts to get bigger and bigger as 'collateral damage' hits some of the many less savory types. Chaos grows, and soon enough no one is even paying attention to the slaves any more, resulting in some of them trying to get free of their bonds and escape...though they are not very successful at this.

    Finally, the entire square seems to have fallen into a massive brawl, and property damage is starting to happen. Now just look what you did Aphrodite!

    However, in the midst of it all, a huge blue energy field of some sort suddenly hits the fighters and levitates them into the air and holds them there like some kind of large-diameter tractor beam, rendering them flailing and helpless. It's coming from a very advanced-looking piece of machinery hovering above them, which appears to have a convoy of silvery mechanical beings accompanying it. They are winged almost like dragonflies, and one of them floats out in front of the craft.

    "Calm down, friends. Save your fisticuffs for the arena, hm? No need to damage the property of Alpha." Then the field deactivates, dropping them all to the ground in an unceremonious heap.

Gigas has posed:
    Gigas observes these happenings with a mixture of distaste and mild restraint. He glances over the images of the two girls on his wrist band projectors but nobody seems inclined to pay attention to him, especially in this colorful crowd and especially with a riot going on. He does hear something that gains his attention though.

"Arena!" This seems to get the gears churning and he starts plodding forward, thundering his gigantic physique one of the mechanical beings, "How does one get a chance to see this 'Alpha'? Is it through the arena?"

Aphrodite has posed:
As Gigas moves forward Aphrodite float right behind him the hole he leaves in the crowd is quite easy to move through besides if anyone gets close.. Well not even Aphrodite could help them out. As the machines speak up she frowns a bit, and whispers to Giga "I hate those things... All mechanical.." sticking her tounge out at a random one. She gives a little hurumph as the people calm down, but not because of her. Then when he speaks up she smiles.. "That is thinking... This Alpha would prob know where she is at." she tells him whispering it into his ear as she floats next to him now.

She glances down at Ember to watch her as they talk about this person to watch how she reacts.. Her face calm with just a small hint of a smile though she doesn't ask her the question yet. No.. it was better she play the game as she had the stronger stance for now so why not play a bit more... After what might seem like a long moment she mearly nods, and turns to listen to the conversation again.

Sindr has posed:
Sindr's attention sharpens... in a way; on the one hand, it's like she doesn't really consider anyone here a serious threat. On the other, she is definitely entirely too observant to be some casual galactic hitch-hiker. The chaos caused by Aphrodite seems to annoy her, but she seems disinclined to do anything about it herself; it's enough that the machine men take control of the situation and diffuse the fighting throng.

'Alpha' is mouthed, not spoken aloud and 'Ember' takes interest in the response to Gigas' question. She glances at Aphrodite, smiling again with that 'give-nothing-away' expression of hers, and goes back to watching the machine men. Some attention is spared for the crowd, just in case any of them get rowdy again.

Mon-El has posed:
    The formerly violent crowd finally manages to get to their collective feet and resume their normal activities, trying not to look at Aphrodite any more...no one -really- wants to piss off the Alpha.

    When Gigas comes thundering up to them, their glowing blue optics focus in on him, their interest piqued just as his is. The one in front who had spoken previously and presumably the one in charge answers him. "We are Alpha." There is a sort of buzzing undertone in its digitally-sythesized voice. "And yes, I did say 'arena' didn't I? We do have a new champion--he has not yet been defeated. The Alpha will award the one or ones who first triumph over him with a favor, as long as it is both reasonable and possible. Fuel, credits, ships, drugs, drinks, and...sexual intercourse are all among the most commonly requested prizes. Are you interested in signing yourself or your team up for a fight?" it asks, glancing at Sindr and Aphrodite.

Gigas has posed:
Now this is -indeed- interesting. So much so Gigas nearly forgets why he's nearly here. Old habits die hard. Purple energy crackles over his body like tendrils of statice electricity as his muscles begin swelling, piling on sienw after sinew and his eyes grow wild with excitement at the prospect of a competitive challenge and facing something undefeated. By the time he calms himself he's gained a full foot of height, looming more then thirteen feet and basically eight or nine wide. "Yes!" he rumbles, grinning full toothed at the 'Alpha' though he pauses and calms down slightly especially as he considers his mission and the two ladies with him.

He turns towards Sindr and then Aphrodite and then looks back to the Alpha, "You will sign me up. If they wish to sign up they can do so.."

He turns to face them and then grins, "No offense but you are sexy hitchikers. I do not know if you can fight.." he touches a finger to his mouth and then considers 'Ember' "Well you seem like you can but I presume nothing."

Aphrodite has posed:
There is a "Yeow!" from behind Gigas.. "Hey.. watch it up there big guy!" and she gives him a tap on the back. To him not even enough to move him slightly as she didn't even put what strength she had into it. She rubs her arm a little bit looking sad to anyone brave enough to look her way. Maybe that is why she didn't object as she was focused on rubbing her arm, or she didn't care enough to pay attention but she nodded to Gigas.. "Yes.. Yes.. As long as it gets my follower back."

She would still follow Gigas to sign up, but a little further back now as she was a fast learner on that one. Her arm never did show outside damage, and she wouldn't rub it too long but for a little bit she made fists like one would if hit by electricity, and shake her head. Muttering to herself a bit, "Sure.. give them fire... what could it hurt..."

Sindr has posed:
"I can fight if you want a partner." replies the dark-skinned female calling herself Ember, though she does inquire of the 'Alpha', "What is the consequence of losing in the Arena?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Excellent!" The mechanoid doesn't quite have the facial features that most humanoids typically have, but it sounds rather pleased at this development. "So, a team of three. That will be a 200 credit non-refundable entry fee for each member of your party to battle the current top tier champion." A holographic readout comes out of an arm, looked to be a typical signup form. "Please fill out the form and sign your names at the end. I can get you into a slot 2 rotational periods from now."

    The machine looks to Sindr at her question. "Ah, there is nothing worry about in that regard. There will be no punishment beyond any injuries sustained during the battle itself, however Alpha will not be liable for any expenses incurred for equipment repairs or medical care. Does that answer your question?"

Gigas has posed:
    "Hmm..awfully lenient." remarks Gigas, apparently used to there being far more dire consequences to such things, "That seems almost..downright civilized. I suppose there must be a certain degree of confidence involved.."

he frowns mildly at the indication it will be a team of three after all but he ends up shrugging although he eyes the registration fee. "Hrnnn..."

He exchanges glances with Sindr and Aphrodite and then finally grumbles and signs his name and then hits a few buttons on his gear to transfer the credits for himself and the other two. Such a gentleman, "Fine. I hope this is no scam and your champion worth my time.."

Sindr has posed:
"It does." replies 'Ember', and she does her part with the forms. There's a light smile adorning her face now, seeming eager at the prospect of battle even though she remains largely reserved about the whole thing.

She looks over at Aphrodite and Gigas, and tells the latter "I'll see you compensated for my fee, win or lose."

Aphrodite has posed:
Aphrodite hears fight, damage, and medical.. "Waaait.. what is going on here? She glances around again, but sighs as Gigas pays for her entry. She looks at the hologram, and then the other side of it like she isn't sure what to do. After investigation though she finally signs the paper, even dotting the i with a little heart. With no magic there was nothing to bind her to such an agreement so she didn't mind signing it, and the last time someone took her to court they paid her for showing up.

She waves over Ember.. "Such wierd devices they have... No heart, but no magic either it is fine!" and gives her the thumbs-up of approval! "I do so hope there are a few people there it will be so good to preform for a crowd again!" she says to Gigas as she walks back over to stand behind him.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Perfect!" the mechanoid exclaims as they all sign off. When Gigas seems to be concerned about the champion being worth his time, it assures him, "Oh, do not worry Mr. Gigas. He will most certainly be very much the challenge you are hoping for. And perhaps even -more-." Then to Aphrodite. "And yes, there is always quite a crowd for any fight involving the Daxamite...everyone here is eager to see who will finally beat him. If anyone at all, that is. But I'm sure someone will come along--perhaps it will be you." There is an odd little whirring sound that might pass for a chuckle.

    Once the documentation has been processed, the mechanoid hands each of them a data slug. "Here is your purchase confirmation. Simply present it at your allotted time, and you will be granted entry. Should you have any questions, you may contact me--I am Alpha Unit 232150. Good luck!"

    Then the group flies off along with that tractor beam craft.