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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/01/24 |Location=Xavier's School, Westchester, New York |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1258, 1795, 145, 248, 106 |pretty=yes }} {...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:19, 27 January 2019

Date of Scene: 24 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Souvenir, Magik, Pixie, Deadpool

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the recroom. He is sitting in one of the comfy chairs watching the lasted cheesy sci fi flick from syfy channel. Seems he is the only one in the rec room for a change.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir roams in, with a notebook and a pencil and her phone, looking around the room. "Oh! Hey! What's up?" She slips the pencil into the binding and closes it, then drops it into her bag. Phone out, quick check of something, puts it away again.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks up and says "Oh hey there Erika. How are you doing? " he will ask, and then turn the movie down a bit and add "Hey, i have been wanting to talk to you a bit more about your powers and training.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Oh, sure!" She pulls up a chair and plops into it, crossing her legs and putting the notebook on her lap. "Just been trying to find better ways to buy souvenirs without getting super in trouble. What'cha want to know?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well, like the other day, you had three things going at one time. How many items can you use at once do you know? And do you keep a list of what all you have.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir tilts her head. "I've never tried to tap a whole lot of things at once. It doesn't seem like it's any harder to tap something than it is to just touch them, that bit kind of gives me a brainasplode thing while it, y'know. Compiles or whatever. And then it just hangs out in my head and I know what's in it, more or less. But I totally have a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. I have drawers and drawers up in my room and a whole filing system. I mean, I need to turn it into a database so I can search it easier sometime, maybe next time I get grounded I'll do that." She tilts her head a bit more and blinks. "Why, you got something in mind?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is sitting in one of the cofy chairs talking with Erika. "Well, I was thinking about with some of the people we know we might be able to get you some enhanced skills. I still want to see your base level skills on things and probably work on your combat skills some be it beating someone up or dodgeing. And also, we need to see if your skills are the same if your using two or if your using 5 or even 10. Or if there is a lesser access the more skills your using.

Magik has posed:
Through the use of a stepping disc, Illyana appears in the foyer then heads for the rec room. No need to stomp snow off boots this way. Not even a need for a jacket. So much simpler than normal transportation. At least, in her mind. Others might not find Limbo so comfortable.

She starts to pass the Rec Room the backsteps, leaning back to look in to the doorway. Turning, she enters the room instead. "Hello, Erika. I have not seen you for some time. Your mother is well, I hope?" she says with that slight Russian accent.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mmms and thinks. "Well, I haven't seen any falloff, personally. I have a whole bunch of stuff in my head right now mostly because I'm, you know. Not a nudist. It gets crowded, but there's a lot of room in here?"

She thinks some. "Just like.. I have a big square patch of grass under a lamp in my room and I have to sleep on it naked so that I *can* sleep. It sucks. Andrea had to rescue me because I hadn't slept in days and days, and then Betsy whammied me powerless to put me to sleep. So that's a problem. And then it's embarrasing having kids walk up and drop things down the back of my shirt. Because it has to like... load or whatever. Then I can just tap it anytime. Hey! She's so totally awesome. I'm kind of getting grumped at for taking the motorcycle though, so I haven't been doing much for a little."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Have you seen if there is an amount of time where the previous person's aura wears off an item, so it is a blank slate for you?" He closes his book, and seems to be trying to think of things that might help the girl.

Pixie has posed:
Coming in from the patio doors, Pixie lands and takes off her helmet before walking back in. She shivers and gives her wings a flutter. "Brrrr. What a day to fly. I thought my wings might freeze off up there!" She exclaims and puffs air on her fingers.

Magik has posed:
"I'm glad she's well. Even if you are in trouble. Though you shouldn't be. Your help with that family's injuries was invaluable," Illyana points out with a tight smile as she moves to find a chair that isn't occupied. She settles into it, glancing to the door as Pixie arrives and giving a nod her way by way of greeting.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmmms, "Well, if a bunch of people touch something, it kind of gets muddy, I kind of get the strongest thing on it, with maybe some smudges of other things, but I can't really pick them out. At least I don't know how to. Maybe it gets weaker after awhile? I'm not sure. I can read pretty old stuff. I haven't gone on any, like, archeological digs or anything to get dibs on arrowheads or anything like that. Probably I could pick up something cool if I did, but like, I don't know how much good it would do. I mean, like, is there a three million year old kung fu master you wanted a lesson from or something?"
    "But seriously, do you have something in mind? You always ask me a billion questions and it's like, the gears are turning but I never see what pops out, right?"

She turns her head to wave at Pixie. "Hihi! What's up?" Freaking perky emo chick. Black and red plain flannel shirt open, over a yellow Tonight Alive band shirt, black jeggings, black leather gloves like Rogue, black Converse with neon laces in hashtag form, curly hair and too-long bangs, heavy heavy eyeliner. Black shoulder bag in the chair next to her, and a notebook in her lap.

"Yeah, well like, it's that whole forgiveness not permission thing, you know? I don't think people have decided what sort of things I *SHOULD* use, yet? So like, I use lots of stuff I probably shouldn't be. Then they have to figure what to do."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, for one thing I was thinking about we might be able to set up some 3-d printed furniture for you, that might be a clean slate for you, so you can have a bed, chairs and such in your bedroom. I was also thinking that may want to put either stips of cloth from items, into part of your costume, for a base line of enhancement. You mentioned the socks, I was thinking perhaps those, maybe something from logan for some fighting skills, and something from Kurt for acrobatics."

Pixie has posed:
Returning the upnod to Illy, Pixie flutters a bit to warm her wings back up and gives Erika a crooked smile enroute to the beverage counter. Going around it she starts moving around to make herself a cup of tea. She occasionally peeks over to listen in on the discussion of the day.

Magik has posed:
"The furniture is a good idea," Illyana says, listening in openly to the conversation. Seeing Pixie move behind the bar, she rises to her feet and walks that direction herself. "Do they have any root beer hidden back there?" she asks the young woman.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Yeah, I asked around for silicone wristbands once, but I think it kind of creeped people out. And like, I dunno about the printed stuff, what if somebody walks in and touches it? I mean I guess it'd work. Or like sheets, maybe. Same problem, is all. And Kurt has a tail. Sometimes it throws me just a little just suddenly being, yanno, a girl and not a big muscley dude when I pop something physical."

She looks back at Pixie again. "I like your hair, that's a super awesome color. It looks like it takes like, an hour to take a shower is all? Like I couldn't do it, and I couldn't keep it half that good looking if I did. What'cha been up to?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well for your own room, I was thinking would not be many who would touch it knowing you, you could have another chair for visitors or such." He hmms, and says "If you touch a mouslebound guy, are you stronger, than you are normally, or just know how to properly lift stuff if he does." He looks over to the other two and says "Grab me an arizona ice tea please." HE asks since they are at the bar area.

Pixie has posed:
"I think it's the half fae thing." Pixie shrugs about her hair and looks about for rootbeer, pulling open the fridge. She spots a box of "Health snacks" and opens it. Pulling out a can she grins and hands it to Illy. "Some things never change." She notes and looks to Sam. Going to get him a drink as well she sets it on the bar and quirks a brow. "Bartender on duty apparently. Anyone else having anything?" She asks and looks to the plug in kettle while it heats.

Magik has posed:
That earns another of those slight smiles from Illyana. "I would have gotten it but thank you. Just did not think there would be room for two behind there." She takes her can o' soda and heads back to her seat, settling in and popping the top open very, very carefully. When there is not explosion, she pushes the tab down all the way, flips the opening back into place and takes a sip.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir umms. "I dunno, a big glass of ice water would be cool." She reaches in her bag and pulls out a wrapped plastic straw, considering and watching Pixie getting drinks a bit.

"I just know the form, but like, I already know how to pick up heavy things. Just like, if I grab some dude's souvenir and try to do copy his skating trick that's all body and balance, when I tap it sometimes have to readjust because, like.. wait what, since when did I have boobs and hips? My balance isn't quite where I expected. So I have to compensate."

Pixie has posed:
Looking at Erika, Pixie frowns thoughtfully a moment and then gets a glass with a towel and fills it before setting it down. She whisks the towel away and waggles her brows. "Not even a speck of pixie dust." She notes with a critical look at the glass. The kettle starts to whistle so she whirls about and makes her own mug of tea with delighted murmurs as she loads it with sugar.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk over and grab his own drink, and looks over and Pixie and jokes with her "See, now ya let that get cold it probably be pretty good." He will smile letting her know he is joking and looking at the towel, he says "That does make me wonder does the item have to be in sin contact with the person for htem to pick up the skills?

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir unwraps the straw and blows the wrapper into the trash, then takes the glass with a gloved hand and drops the straw in. "Thank you, ma'am!" She gestures appreciatively with the glass, then slurps a bit with the straw.

"Just carried or used. And no, I don't know the exact rules lawyery stuff on that, because the exceptions basically never come up that I've seen anyway. What have YOU been doing? You like, never answered my question." She considers. "Well maybe a little bit, but not quite what I meant. Like bigger picture."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Me? Ah have been working at the Pizza place, and trying to make sure Ah find ways of helping you guys learn more about your powers. Ah am thinking about some new classes to see if anyone is interested as well, maybe working on a guarden for the mansion this spring."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. "Okay. Well, like, what I really need? Is to figure out how to get more souvenirs. I can buy them, but like," She rubs her fingers together, "I don't exactly have a huge bankroll to work with. So if you want to help turn me into a badass, help me get either a bunch of cash flow or a bunch of cool souvies." She sucks on some more water, and glances over at Pixie.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well right now, I am thinking we should work on some to get things we can through normal means. What skills are you looking for primarily? I mean without knowing what you have already, and also might need to figure how many you can carry and want to carry with you most of the time."

Pixie has posed:
Pixie blinks at Erika, only mildly distracted by Sam's ribbing. "Look, iced tea's well, but this is a cuppa, and that's something sacred to my wee Welsh soul." She clutches a fist over her heart and pretends to look briefly pained. Her eyes crinkle in a smile and she goes back to looking at Erika. "Me? I suppose I glossed over where I been about. I took a gap year and traveled the Isles. Visited faerie mounds and cities, had proper afternoon tea. Pity I don't fit much back there these days." She adds mournfully. "Though some as-jerk asked me where Peter was and I clocked him proper." She looks back to Sam. "You'd have been proud."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. "Fighting, sneaking, ninja-ing, paramedics and doctor stuff, area knowledge, survival, various languages, fixing cars, welding, flying things, driving things.. All sorts of whatever I can get my hands on. The cool stuff seems like it comes up more, but like, weird stuff gets stuck in the library just in case."

She turns her attention to Pixie and listens. "..Peter? OH. Yeah, what a jerk. I wouldn't mind getting out and about some. I don't remember Iceland at all. That one.. fast guy that I forget his name offered to take me sightseeing wherever, but like.. I wasn't sure what to DO? And like, I never know what to expect with boys anyways. Do you have family there?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Kaydin? He offers with help for names. Ah gotta admit, Ah have considered heading over ot muir Island to see how Rahne is. He hmms a bit to this thinking abour Erika a moment, and wonders for a moment if she might end up the worlds most orginized horder."

Pixie has posed:
"No. My family's all here now." Pixie notes quietly and sips her tea with a mildly troubled expression. "My...people back home were the "pray the mutant away" variety." She tells Erika with a look. "Especially with the eyes and the wings." She looks thoughtful for a moment and then asks "Rogue has all sorts of abilities, right? Ever touch something of hers?" She wonders to Erika curiously.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods vigorously. "Yeah, yeah, Kaydin. Ouch! That's got to suck. My family is totally cool with me. Just I don't go to see them much, because it's kind of out of the way if I'm taking buses and trains, and I end up using too much daylight unless I leave at like.. five AM. One of the guys drove me there, but then we ended up in a fight, we all got in trouble, and I think he got expelled soon."

She hmms, "Yeah, but they're things she DOES, not things she DOES. Ugh, that didn't make any sense. You can't teach somebody how to shoot lasers out their eyes, kind of thing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "She also gets folks memories and skills as well, I believe." And if you want to make a trip home, I am sure we can find a way, the most direct you saw when we went and helped ya mom."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Sure. I'm not sure what else we would do there. Obvs I can't show you around, I haven't even been there that I remember. The fam doesn't travel if they can help it. And like maybe she does, but she'd have to use them, I think? I'm not like reading minds or anything. They have to do the Thing. Otherwise it's not there." She looks back at Pixie in obvious concern, biting her lip.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie looks at Erika over her tea and smilies apologetically. "Ah. So, like, if they can fly, you can't. But if they can fly a helicopter, you're golden?" She asks and looks to Sam as if to confirm she has that right.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "From the way I understand it, mental skills, not mutations and abilities

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "If they flew a helicopter carrying it, I can fly a helicopter. If they can swing on a rope and get in a duel, I can totally buckle that swash. If they wrote a letter with a pen, I can rewrite it, sign their name, and copy their handwriting. Stuff like that. But like, I can't abra their cadabra, and you can't teach just anybody to float in midair in their underwear."

Pixie has posed:
"I don't do it in my underwear!" Pixie says defensively as her wings flutter in alarm. "I at least always wear shorts!" She counters and turns about to get the kettle and add more water to her mug. "But I think I understand a little better now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah have flown in my underwear Ah have to admit." He does not add that he has flown in less, past this very window in the past. He will look to the ladies and says "I can get you a pair of my old goggles but probably only let ya know how to mine."

Magik has posed:
"I think it best if we don't share any items," Illyana offers briefly before sipping her root beer again. She's leaving the rest of them to the conversation mostly. She is listening and paying attention, just hasn't had a lot to add.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir grins at Pixie's flutter. "What, is your underwear that scandalous?" Back to Sam, "Well, I don't know what you do other than be, like, another Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Because that's not really a skill thing I can do much with." She sucks down some more ice water with her red plastic straw. "It's all good. I mean, if you ever really need me to know stuff, you can probably shove it in something and toss it to me. I'll just know it's Really Important."

Deadpool has posed:
An Ordinary student (with a capital Ordinary) in Uninteresting clothes has arrived. He's on the tall side, with average colored hair and eyes, and boring gray t-shirt and jeans. It's all very nondescript.

He looks into the rec room, flashes an overlarge smile that reeks of trying too hard, and starts to look around on the floor, as if he lost something. He starts with around the sofa, behind it, trying to not be intrusive. The Ordinary student's talking to himself a little bit, reprimanding himself for losing something, maybe.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie flushes. "I'm not going to say. But you don't just go flying where anyone can just look up and see your bits." She shakes her head at Erika and glances at the student. "Huh. " She offers not seeming to recognize him and walks around the bar to come sit with her tea.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts to add something but stops looking over to the new student. He hmms, and figurees it could be Kurt or one of the other students using an image inducer. "Missing something?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana glances at the newcomer as she finishes up her drink. She rises to her feet and heads to the bar area, throwing the can in the recycling bin behind it. She then leans against the bar, watching the newcomer. Sam gave voice to the question she was about to ask so she waits for the answer.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir gestures with her free hand. "You wear the underwear so nobody sees your bits! I mean unless it's like a thong or something. They cover more than a bikini."

She cocks her head at the Very Ordinary Student who is apparently unfamiliar enough with the student body that they walked right past the person everybody knows to ask 'Did you see my ____?' to first. "..Looking for something? Because, like, I pick up lots of weird stuff, and I'm totally the one that checks the cracks of the couches." She makes a momentary face. "Which is like, sometimes eew."

Deadpool has posed:
"Someone's flying without pants /or/ undies on?" Ordinary student asks with curiosity. His voice would be familiar to at least one person in the room, seeing as Sam's heard it really recently, and Wade's chatterbox quality is pretty memorable. He'd started to bend down to look closer at the floor, in proper contact-lens closeness.

"On purpose, or did someone fling them? I could see either way. As well as the lack of decency," shares the suddenly chatty student from where he is now looking. "Hold onto your butts for a second; I'm gonna lift the couch a little," he warns anyone seated on it, and begins to lift one side of it. He's stronger than he looks like he should be. "Missing something? Kind of perpetually. But. Yup. I'll remember what it is when I see it!" chimes Wade.

"I wasn't on the couch though, I was behind it. Did you find any treasures here? It's /probably/ an 'eew'," Wade 'warns' Erika, still hanging onto the raised couch end.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and stands a bit and says "Dagger or gun?" He will step forward to make sure he is between the girls and says "Or was it your application for assassination teacher.?"

Magik has posed:
Well those sorts of words will get Illy's attention. She pushes away from the bar, moving to the opposite side from Sam but in a position that either of them will be able to act if needed, in singular or coordinated effort. "Assassination teacher? Is that a position now?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir smirks. "I find all sorts of treasures. Some of them are *really* interesting, and some of them are eew, and some of them are really seriously dubya tee eff. What kind of mischief were you getting into when you were carrying it?" She listens to Sam and grins a bit. "Hey, I'd take that class. I doubt I could get the credits to count, though." She climbs off the chair, all happy emo, and stands to the side in a position to help Sam flank, bemused. God only knows what souvenirs she has on her.

Pixie has posed:
Noting Sam's shift in posture, Pixie will scoot back in her seat so she can move if she has to, but she doesn't get up or put her tea down. She looks between the "ordinary guy" and her old team. "Someone we know?" She asks and starts debating setting down her tea reluctantly.

Deadpool has posed:
"A dagger, for ME," quips Wade, "is a knife with edges on both sides." He drops the couch because he needs to use his hands to form a teepee shaped triangle. "Which is relevant because I have all four of my double-edged knives: but it could be one of the other knives that is not a dagger, unless I left those at Captain America's," considers the strange ordinary student in a blithe way, squatted now on the side of the couch, resting a forearm on the back of it, chin propped against his wrist in a strange 'Thinker' posture.

More questions distract him. "I am told it is not a position here, but I think it would be of high value and entertainment."

... "...for me." He flutters his fingers against his chin and mouth, and then looks down at the floor again. "Hey. Is Logan still AWOL?" Wade asks, directing that to Sam. "He hasn't appeared to yell at me yet, I noticed. He's usually on the ball."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "He is not here right now, and we were curious if you might know where he was." He will say to the man "Seems is a guy named Wade, old frienemy of Logan's I believe." He will tell the ladies "He has been here a few times and while distracting, and disruptive, he has not messed anything up or hurt anything yet.""

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Thank GOD, otherwise I wouldn't have had time to clean the mud off the motorcycle before somebody showed up to glare at me. So what, exactly, were you *doing* with this thing that wasn't a knife with edges on both sides, anyway? And if you don't know what it was that you're missing, what makes you think it's in here? Although really, if you can remember what kind of interesting mischief you were DOING when you were carrying it around, I can probably clear this up like super quick. I keep spreadsheets and everything. I don't always pay attention to where I found things though."

She nods at Sam, not taking her eyes off of Wade. Though not in nearly as hostile of a way. "So basically he's kind of like how people tell me I am? Cool cool."

Pixie has posed:
Pixie peers at Deadpool and then Sam. "Uhh, if he behaves himself why are you super alert?" She asks and gets up to carry her tea cup to the sink. She flutters her wings a bit and keeps half any eye on the Wade. "If you want me to dust him just say." She offers mid-going about her business.

Deadpool has posed:
"Distracting and disruptive? Hey. Hey. I also did not mess up that ice machine in the cafeteria. It was ffff...BLEEEEEEP..." he pauses, as if surprised by himself. He reorients quickly. "Oh, kids here. Sure, figures. Fucking censor," Wade announces, upset. He literally said the censor noise aloud. And also swore. He's slightly inconsistent.

"No, I don't have Logan in my spare pair of pants," Wade promises, moving a hand to cross his heart with his fingers.

Wade considers, then. "I mean. I /could/ mess things up and hurt people. On commission. Not just for exposure. I get paid." He itches his cheek and moves around along the other side of the couch. "Okay. Focus. What was lost. Ummmm," Wade says, clearly stopping to make a real effort to recall. "Did you find.... a live grenade?" he asks, as if that were logical. "Or a Hello Kitty Pez? Or a packet of doublemint gum? Or a Dora the explorer band-aid? Unused, obviously, and /not/ for my personal use as a sticker."

Wade turns away suddenly. Pixie's wings finally have registered. "Hooooolyshit. Is it magical flight dust? I'm so ready to go to Neverland, you have no idea," Wade beams, leaping over a small end-table without any warning to rush over to Pixie. He's disturbingly quick, possibly. He doesn't touch her, though, but personal space is a thing. "I just remembered. I lost it by the lake! Good call! Thanks!" Wade beams at Pixie, and is abruptly rushing off, top speed.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is starting to Blast to make sure Deadpool doesnot get to Pixie, but as he turns, Sam cuts the blasting field, doing a flip as he does and while he avoides crashing through things he does end up upside down in a chair, and disoriented a moment, in no position to chase after the merc with a mouth.

Pixie has posed:
Pixie looks like she's about to throw a face full of dust at Wade before he peels off and looks over at Sam. "Jesus H Christ. I should go back on holiday." She grumps and reaches down to pull Sam upright before flying towards the dorms.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir snickers. "And here, I actually did find a pack of gum back there. Oh well! His loss. Anyway, I don't think I can top that, so I think I'm gonna check a couple more couches and crash out. Want to get up early for my workout."