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Latest revision as of 20:46, 4 February 2019

Picking up the Scot.
Date of Scene: 03 February 2019
Location: Airport
Synopsis: Rahne returns from Scotland and is met by a few people from Xavier's.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Iceman, Pixie, Wolfsbane

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie offered to let anyone who wanted to ride to the airport with him come along as he was coming to get Rahne. He parks his mini wagon in the parking lot, and grabs his cardboard sign, and a goofy chauffer hat.

Iceman has posed:
"What do you think, too much leg?" Bobby asks as he is settled into the back of the miniwagon. He's wearing a tablecloth like a kilt, even in this terribly cold weather. "Wanted to make sure that Rahne feels at home after all." he says with a grin. He leaves the back door open so that Megan can come out of the vehicle.

Pixie has posed:
Rolling her eyes Megan follows with a smile. "Only you would show any leg in this weather." She notes dryly and tucks her hands quickly into her pockets. Looking to Sam she shakes her head. "Should just wait about with tea at the ready. Was it a long flight do you know?" the welsh mutant wonders curiously. "Could stop and buy some on the way over to the gate..."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Back on Muir Island in Scotland, it's easy to lose some track of time. Rahne had already planned to be there for a number of months following graduation, but the New Year came and went with only occasional word from her for those she kept in touch with at the school. The question from one person got her thinking about it: "When are you coming back?"

After some consultation with Moira, they decided early February would be a good time. It'd give them the chance to wrap up some projects, some studies they were in the middle of, and allow Rahne a little extra R&R before making the flight out. And, she chose to do it the normal way rather than make use of any of the special benfits Xavier's could provide, whether it be one of their own planes or a certain someone capable of teleportation.

Some of that time on the flight was spent sleeping, but Rahne also took the chance to read up on some of what was going on around there thanks to some basic info that was sent to her, including information on a few students. Nothing would beat actually talking to people face to face, though, seeing who was able to do what. Finally, the aircraft touched down, no complications there, taxiied to the gate, and the diminuitive mutant deplaned en route to baggage claim. All she'd done was give her flight info, just in case. She was dressed normally, a coat over an Aberdeen F.C. shirt, jeans, sneakers. No fur.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lead his gang of folks through to the bagage area to hold up his sign that just says "Little sis." He tels Pixie, "I think it was direct or maybe at least minimum stops from Muir." He will look at Bobby and says "You could have at least got a plaid one, not one with olaf on it."

Iceman has posed:
"I didn't have time to prepare!" Bobby protests, doing a little model twirl in the tablecloth, decorated with little Olaf snowmen. "And they're /awesome/ legs, Megan Gwynn." he points out to her, bumping the pink-haired girl's shoulder as they stand and wait for Rahne's arrival.

Pixie has posed:
"It's better that it was Olaf. Now we call all be scared for life. So long Frozen 4." Megan nudges Bobby back lightly. She draws out her hands and blows into them to warm them before calling out "Aberdeen sucks!" The Welsh girl stands on her toes looking for the Scot. "Besides I think we only have gingham, not plaid."

Wolfsbane has posed:
There are other groups spread out waiting for arrivals, a few families, a boyfriend here, a girlfriend there, but they all look normal. The trio waiting for Rahne is decidedly abnormal. Sam is at least mostly plain, but she'd recognize his ears anywhere. Pixie has the hair and the wings for starters, and as for Bobby...

"Robert Drake, whit in th' world are ye /wearing?/" comes the Scot's accent, her eyes squinting at whatever he's wrapped around himself. As for the Aberdeen comment, Pixie gets a rolling of the eyes. "An' which fitba team is yuirs, an' how did they do?" Sam, at least, is approached for a warm hug. "Missed ye. Nice sign."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and lifts Rahne up in a hug, and says "Hey Ah get alot of use out of that sign." He jokes, and sits her back on her feet. "Good to have ya back here, Illyana would have came but she has been handeling a few things back at her house if ya know what Ah mean."

Iceman has posed:
"This year's latest fashion in kilts, Rahne. Wanted to make you feel at home." There's a wink at the Scot as Megan makes her comment and he puts one hand on his hip, shifting it. "If anything, I'd totally make Frozen way better." He is an ice based mutant, after all.

Though the question about football gets his attention. "The Patriots won the big game again." Apparently he has not had the 'football' talk yet. His hand moves, slipping over to Megan's as he gives her a smirk, before his attention returns to the others. "So where's your bags, Rahne, so we can get this show on the road. We're totally doing car karaoke." Especially with all the accents from Bostonian to Kentucky to Welsh and Scot.

Pixie has posed:
"The New Saints, up to number one in Wales you know." Megan says and looks to Bobby with a roll of her eyes. "Not your bonkers American rugby. Proper football, with your foot Bobby." She teases. Looking to Rahne she reaches out to squeeze her arm lightly. "Welcome home. I was jockeying for tea but maybe on the way out." She says, accent thickening being around the Scot and grinning ear to ear. She keeps her other hand loosely clasped with Bobby's.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne eyes Bobby with a high amount of skepticism after Sam's embrace, getting her toes off the ground. "Och, aye. It looks well-worn noo tha' I look a' it. An' if ye mean whit I think ye mean about Illyana..best she stay focused on tha'."

Stepping back, she considers Bobby more closely. "I suppose I appreciate th' effort, but if ye were looking tae make me feel more a' home ye'd ha' come wi' a good fish supper, neeps an' tatties, some haggis, oooh, or some salmon." Can they guess someone's grown famished after the long flight time? Even a non-stop is close to eight hours in the air.

A pause. "Noo I want tae go back."

She stays out of the talk of American football, a sniff of something following Megan's prideful boasting of her club's position, and she nods to the mention of tea and the contact made. "Och, noo tha' I could go for. I had enough o' whitever Lady Moira calls coffee." A buzz behind them and motion of the conveyor belts indicates luggage is due shortly. "There we are."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks, and says "Even Ah know the difference between our football and theirs. Soccer is ok, but Ah still prefer baseball." He will walk over to watch the belt for the baggage. And another one ah aint been able to sway to real tea." He jokes at he two girls, well women now.

Pixie has posed:
"Iced tea is glorified juice." Megan maintains and looks to Rahne. "Oooh. Could swing by....Harry's does fish right?" She asks and looks to Sam and Bobby curiously. "Have to head to the city proper to get a decent pub. Even then-American laws." she looks to the other woman like she knows the pain. "You sound famished though. No in-flight fare?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I've tried frisbee golf..or I guess disc golf, they call it," Rahne says, shooting Sam a quick look lest he be thinking of something funny to say about how she might play it. As they move over to wait for her bags, she explains, "I'll be watching for a couple o' larger bags. I'm having a few more things mailed oot that are less important, but I'm leaving some other stuff back home."

Talk of Harry's leads to her growing thoughtful. "I mean..whit they make is just fine, but it's no' home. Ye know whit I mean. An' nae, whit they had on th' plane was barely whit I'd call food. We should get something on th' way."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and will start to say something but stop at the look and grin "Yes Ma'am." He teasingly calls her, and says "Well Ah am game for anything but Pizza." He will put in his two cents on the food menu." He will go to grab any bagage Rahne points out for her.

Pixie has posed:
"I would kill for a good black pudding with my eggs some mornings. This Jimmy Dean fellow must have wilted at the sight of blood or something." Megan nods to Rahne's sentiment and stands along side her to eye the baggage as it moves by. "Good to have another regular person about." She nudges the Scot lightly and looks to Sam with a wink.

Wolfsbane has posed:
A bit of confusion shows in Rahne's expression after Pixie mentions regular people. Must have missed the joke, if that's the case. "I guess so," comes her somewhat lame response. She's also quiet on the topic of blood, especially around strangers. "We'll have tae get a few non-pizza things."

After a few more minutes, the bags begin to cycle through enough that most people have theirs, and a couple bright green ones are what she's waiting for. Once they've left and are safely back in the vehicle, only then does she wonder, "Is there anything important going on tha' I should know about before we get back tae th' mansion?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look at Pixie "First my tea, and then my breakfast sausage, ah should make ya fly home." He teases but does hold the door for both of the ladies. "Well, Ah guess the newest thing going on would probably be Rachel." He says and is there a tint of blush to the southerns face as he mentions her.

Pixie has posed:
Looking at Sam, Megan doesn't miss a beat. She lofts her brows. "I'll let you explain Rachel, Sam. You've been spending a lot of time with her." She says and settles into a seat looking from Rahne to Sam. "Did you see about the sentinel in...was it Russia?" She asks the Scot. "Ugly piece that was."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Who is Rachel?" is the predictable question from the Scot, leading to her studying Sam and the coloration of his cheeks as Megan leaves it on him to cover. "Is she a girlfriend or something?" A brow shoots up at the thought, but a frown comes afterward at the mention of a Sentinel. "I heard something, but I didna get any details. How bad was it?" Sentinels are always a cause for concern.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Rachekl is a friend, he says maybe a little to quickly, "And Ah am trying to help her get accustome to this time. She is from a future time, sounds similar to the one where you gys met the Future Dani and Me that time. Sentinels were even more in power though. They had concentration camps for mutants. She came back in time and is here now. And the fact her mom and dad are both alive and not dating right now Ah don't think aint helping." He adds "Oh yea, Jean is her mom and Scott is her dad.""

Pixie has posed:
Rolling her eyes, Megan smiles. "Just a friend Sams?" she wonders and looks to Rahne. "Rachel has part of the phoenix force or all of it?" She shrugs and leans back. "She's a bit quick to flash powers but like, sounds like her world was very life and death. And the sentinel thing in Russia-vaporized the mutant. It was on me-tube." The welsh mutant shakes her head and shudders.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's still looking at Sam as if trying to tell how much of a friend Rachel is, compared to something more than that. At the least, the news of her being from the future - and the kind of future it is - has her shaking her head and frowning. "That's bad. Why does it seem like any time we hear o' something wi' th' future, it's never a good one? I canna imagine whit she must be going through..an' /those/ are her parents?" Time for a good rubbing around one of her temples and ears for a few seconds as she grows quiet again.

Then, as to the Sentinels, she scowls. "Tha's horrible. Is it still oot there? Has anyone stopped it?" Other questions will have to wait. She must have been shut in quite a bit on Muir.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will avoice the just a friend question with saying "Aint heard anything about it being delt with for sr,e but ah do know Forge is looking into them, and trying to figure out some counter measures. Oh, and in case you aint heard Megan, emma is going back to restart the Academy, well take it back from the hellfire club's control.

Pixie has posed:
"I didn't hear." Megan says and arches her brows. She looks back to Rahne. "They were branded as peace keepers. There were at least two in the video and more coming from the sky before the feed cuts." She pushes her pink hair back. "The mutant that got vaporized was a flyer. Light green butterfly wings. Poor thing. Tossed a brick and got zapped."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane grimaces, growing quiet for a spell, though her lips move in a subtle, almost unseen way. A silent prayer? Might be, given her religious nature. "Is there anything else? Newer people I should know about? Has anyone seemingly died an' come back somehow?" It's a weak joke, but one she tries making in light of the Sentinel news. Talk of Emma receives little in the way of a reaction, just a tightening of the lips.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "No unexppected returns, but there is a rock star you might want to talk to, she has very similar powers to yours, She is a bit of a handfull I believe, but you might be able to teach her more than the rest of us can.

Pixie has posed:
"Oooh. There's the Logan thing. Apparently he has offspring too." Megan says and looks between them as she considers. "What else..." She rubs her cheek. "OH, the medlab got a hole in it. I think that's been fixed though. Jean was gonna get Ms. Lorna on it."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Like mine? I'm no' sure I have anything in common wi' a rock star," Rahne says, coming off as skeptical aside from gathering enough to assume, "So she's a shapeshifter like me? Some type o' animal-based change? I remember Catseye, but..." She trails off at this point, head tilting in Pixie's direction. "I'd be more surprised tae hear he /didna/ have any children, Megan." The news of the medlab just draws a momentary shake of the head. There's always something.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, she is even a wolf like you. Ah tried to use stuff knew from what we learned as you were learning more, but you know me, and talking to a girl, open mouth insert foot, but hey at least she did not punch me." He grins at Rahne in the mirror.

Pixie has posed:
"We haven't punched you in ages. Though if you like we could." Megan offers to Sam and looks to Rahne. "I see your point, but from the way he laughed at Scott's fainting I think he was a little relieved to not be the only one surprised with offspring." She leans back and loops her hand behind her neck.

Wolfsbane has posed:
The mention of someone else with wolfen powers, even if they're different from hers, results in Rahne looking more curious than before. "How long has this rock star been a' th' school?" she wonders, then she eyes Sam with closer scrutiny. "Och, I felt bad about tha' later on, but ye didna even recognize me after.." Shaking her head quickly, she waves it off. It was a makeover she hadn't wanted in the first place, then it became something she reluctantly liked, and when she answered the doorbell and Sam saw her and didn't even realize it was her, she saw red and reacted.

"Anyway, I reckon muh old room's been given oot to one o' th' new trainees? I guess I'm no' fit for th' student wing any more," she comes to realize, at which point her stomach growls and she looks down at it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah am still in it, got a bigger room, with a bath and all to myself, but still in the student wing. Actually prefer it there, and Andrea been here a while, think she came right as we left (Probably longer but hey it is comic times) We have a few students now one of whom might seem a bit odd "Evan's a good kid, but worried, as he seems to be a clone from apocalypse. Then Laura, Logan's girl. Kaydin is a speedster metahuman, not actually a mutant, and erika. "Psychokentic, reads items and picks up skills from the previous users"

Pixie has posed:
"Kaydin's a handful. He will hit on you." Megan tells Rahne and considers. "But Erika's nice. Just have to be careful what you hand to her and all that." She looks to Sam. "She's starving, lets take her to get some food before she gets hangry. I'd be by now to be sure." She looks to Rahne as if to confirm she's still hungry and raises her brow. "Oooh, and there's this assassin guy that keeps showing up."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ahh, thanks for th' warning," Rahne says, a hint of that old, shy reservation bubbling to the surface as she's told of Kaydin, though the description of Evan gets her blinking a few times. The others named draw a slow nod out of her, with her adding, "I'll just have tae meet them an' see for muhself. For noo, aye, I think I'm so hungry I could eat a..well, let's just say I could eat a lot o' food."

Thinking that might be it and a little quiet is about to settle in, she finds she can't quite get there without a somewhat blank question to the last of what she hears from the winged young woman. "...whit?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ok, want to hit Harry's or burgers?" He asks to know wihch way to turn. "Guy's name is Wade, and he is sorta a friend of logans, and a bit... wel bit special I would say is the best way to describe him.

Pixie has posed:
"Next time that wacko dives at me I'm dustin' him." Megan grumbles and pats Sam. "Harry's we can get fish." She opines and looks to Rahne. "Right? Fish and chips?" She asks with a cheerful smile. She looks back between them. "Old times isn't it, but bigger. Or older."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane peers at Megan after her talk of dusting, then the light bulb flashes and she remembers, nodding with a faint sniff. "Let's go wi' Harry's. It's something familiar, an' I think it's a good way tae finish th' trip."