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Latest revision as of 15:38, 11 February 2019

Valkyrior Recruitment Call
Date of Scene: 11 February 2019
Location: At the gates of Valhalla, Niflheim
Synopsis: Hela calls on Vintridr to hear her warning about Loki, and then gives her a new task. Rahne is treated for a brief visit to Niflheim that she never asked for.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Vintridr, Wolfsbane

Hela has posed:

On the stairs leading to Hela's Palace, the mighty wolf Fenris is laying down, eyes scouring the space between the palace and the shiny gates to Valhalla. He seems peaceful, with Hela standing next to him, even laying down he is towering over her as she reaches to caress him lovingly. "See my darling? Valhalla in our realm, and Odin fought so hard to keep it away...shame."

She had initiated a summons for Vintridr, and is currently waiting for her arrival. On the one hand she wanted to hear what she has to tell her, on the other, she had an update to provide to her glorious Valkyrie.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr's arrival is neither glorious nor loud -- apparently, at some point in the intervening centuries either Odin or this Valkyrie in particular has learned the merit of subtlety. Between one moment and the next, space twists and warps - and Vintridr appears on the stairs with all the ceremony of someone stepping off a curb -- although most pedestrians likely aren't wearing that kind of armour. "You called, My Lady?"

Hela has posed:
"That I have my dear Vintridr..." Hela speaks with her back still turned to Vintridr, for now her attention still on the mighty Fenris, giving him a loving rub, before turning to face the Valkyrie. "I want to commend you for conducting yourself with decorum when you answered a call to find me in the presence of Prince Loki, you did me and yourself credit."

But as can be expected, mere flatteries wasn't why Hela would summon Vintridr, and she is quick to get to the subject matter, "you spoke a warning to me, something to do with the conduct of this brother of mine...let's have it then. I will hear your words."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr nods. "If there's one thing I've learned on Midgard, it's that it rarely ends well when the military involves itself in matters of succession, but..."

    She takes a moment to gather herself, then continues. "Before anything else, know that Loki is your brother in truth and a Prince of Asgard, so acknowledged and beloved by Odin, Freya and Thor. That said, he has earned a great many names for himself... Not all of them complimentory. "

    She takes a breath, and then continues in the formal form of All-Speech used for Kennings. "He is Loki Sky-walker, Most-Cunning, Sin-Sly. He is Loki, God of a Thousand Masks, Father of Strife, Giant's Son. He is Loki Scar-Lip, Odin's Friend, Thor's Confidant, Heimdall's Foe. He is Loki the Sly one, Trickster, Lie-Smith."

    She falls silent for a moment, then resumes in more informal speech. "He is Loki, and the only thing you can truly trust is that he will /always/ be Loki."

Hela has posed:
"Lucky for Thor, he struck a good deal, hence I will not lay claim to the throne..." Hela assures Vintridr, before stating with a tone of assertion, "though it is rightfully mine, no matter what any of them say, Princes or not, they all forgot me. Now they feel as if I come out of nowhere for what is mine, at no fault of my own. By right I should take it..." Hela muses, but soon that teasing tone returns to her voice, "but I jest. New Asgard, such as it is, need not suffer infighting. We must unite and be strong as a people. What happened is shameful, but it happened because of blind leaders who see not what is best for Asgard." Does it seem like what she considers Odin's Betrayal wound her? Probably because it did. Deeply.

Hela leans against Fenris, who turns his head to brush against her, his own infernal eyes lock on Vintridr as if he was an active part of this conversation. "I have gained many names, most invented by Asgard's enemies were less than complimentory."

A Kennings is something Hela hasn't oft heard since being banished to Niflheim, which makes her a very intent listener as Vintridr recites, and she even applauds as it concludes. "Many a great names indeed. Odin's Friend, yet Heimdall's Foe? A Trickster? and a Lie-Smith?"

All at once Hela's amused visage turns quite dark, and it seems in response the dark clouds swirling about Niflheim intensify in their darkness, icy gusts wail about the realm, making Valhalla stand all the more in sharp contrast. "Are you saying, without saying, that my brother, such as he is, may have lied or tricked, or sought to decieve the majesty of me?"

Vintridr has posed:
    If the sudden literal change in atmosphere bothers Vintridr, she doesn't let it show. "I could not say. One might spend a lifetime contemplating Loki's intentions and actions and end up no wiser. I stopped counting the number of daggers I've had to pry out of Thor's back or side after Loki put them there... Yet Thor still calls him brother, and mourned when he thought him dead. As they are fond of saying on Midgard, it's /complicated/."

    She frowns, the first facial expression she's allowed herself so far. "I am not fond of complications. They are not in my nature, or I'd be something other than Valkyrior. But I will say this: In Asgard's most dire times, when his wit and cunning were most needed, he came through, time and again. For that, and because he is a Prince of Asgard, I choose to overlook the times when he makes life... Complicated."

Hela has posed:
"Curious..." Hela notes, whatever she makes of Vintridr's words, she had certainly gotten the gist of it. Whatever Loki says may hold several meanings, if not shift even as he speaks. Not one to be trusted, even if not always harmful. A true trickster it seems, oft tricking himself even as he tricks other to get out of his own failings. The very fact he's alive, coupled with what Vintridr just said, suggests he's a master of his craft.

"You are worthy of your title, Valkyrie," Hela says all of a sudden, sharply, voice devoid of any emotions as she pats Fenris once more before moving down the steps until she's right by Vintridr, and holds her hands over her shoulders for a moment. "I respect that, and appreciate your honesty. Then I have a task for you..." she takes a momentary pause, looking skywards, as the firmament seems to clear a bit, such as it does in Niflheim. Much less dark than moments ago, and the powerful icy gusts subside as well. "The Valkyrior are greatly dwindled in numbers due to Ragnarok. I will have more of your numbers...but, naturally, only the worthy would do. In your travels across Midgard, keep an open eye, Vintridr. If you find any who might be worthy, like that Dani Moonstar girl, if you remember her...inform me of that. Can I trust you to do that...?" Hela asks expectantly.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr was already standing mostly at attention, but she straightens as Hela lays out her task. An honor - and a responsibility, but then Tolkien not wrong to note that the traditional reward for a job well done is more work. "I remember the Lady Moonstar, yes, although I am uncertain of her current whereabouts. There are many on Midgard who have courage, honor and fighting skill; if I find those among them who might have what it takes, I will inform you."

Hela has posed:
Hela removes her hands from Vintridr's shoulder when the Valkyrie shows she has a solid grasp of the honor bestowed on her. While it was more work, true, it was one that showed trust. "It's good you remember, because than you might remember this one..." and Hela marks to her left where a swirling portal gate opens.

Wolfsbane no doubt was doing something, somewhere at this given time, but wherever she is, a swirling dark portal opens before her. She's not given much of a chance to ponder what to do with it, as a force simply pulls her within, and she'll wind up on the other side, appearing next to Hela and Vintridr on the steps leading to Hela's Palace in Niflheim.

The realm is cast in dark clouds, a dreary air, cold weather, and swirling mists. The one glowing source of light is a gate not unlike what someone like Rahne might consider the pearly gates to Heaven.

Also on the steps, further up before the entrance, is Fenris, Hela's mighty wolf, laying down and observing Hela and her Valkyrie in silence.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane had been outside for a walk, on her way back to the main building at Xavier's when the opening formed in front of her. Try as she might have to hop away from it, even thinking and reacting that quickly was for naught as something took hold of her, yanking her through. "Aie!" she blurts.

And then, she briefly stumbles upon the steps to the palace as she regains her footing, eyes sweeping the area as the chill hits her, an almost unnatural air to the surroundings, judging by that darkness, the mists that shift about. That light draws her attention, but so too does the exceptionally large wolf ahead of them.

Only then does the young wolfen mutant take note of the pair before her, and she takes two large steps back. "..Hela?! Whit is this? Whit are ye doing?" she blurts, some of the hairs along her arms and back of her neck rising.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr doesn't react much to the opening of the initial portal, save to angle her stance to have whatever might emerge in her field of view and action.

    When Rahne emerges, her first response is a twitch toward her sword, quickly controlled and suppressed as she assesses the wolf-girl's potential threat and recognizes the woman's language.

    She tilts her head to look at Hela for instructions or introductions.

Hela has posed:
Hela turns a rather menacing glare on Rahne when she speaks her name, which in turn makes Fenris stand up on all four, turning his more menacing gaze on Rahne. Only Fenris seems peaceful for the time being, with his Mistress present, he doesn't strike without given leave to do so. "Rahne...please...nobody spoke to you quite yet. Patience."

Hela then moves to stand at Vintridr's side, while looking at Rahne, asking quite openly, "this girl...what do you make of her, Vintridr? She is a friend of Dani Moonstar. Does she have the same potential as her friend? Or is she too cowardly? Too unruly? Unworthy..." it's must be strange for Rahne to be snatched into Niflheim out of the blue in this manner, only to find herself critiqued as if she was in the middle of a casting call for some play she never heard about.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane does not recognize Vintridr at all, but Hela she's already singled out by name. When the large wolf behind them begins to stir, she hesitates. It makes her think briefly of the wolf prince she'd met. Hrimhari was his name. However, she dares not bring him up here, knowing enough about Hela to think it would be a bad idea to have him on her mind.

In spite of the look Hela gives her, there's one of defiance in the wolfen mutant's expression. "I.." she begins, looking ready to act in some form before looking around once more at their surroundings. This is far, far from home. Something about it seems familiar, too.

It's when Hela brings up Dani's name that Wolfsbane grows still. What are they talking about? Potential? Potential for what? She maintains a slight crouch, looking ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr looks the girl over critically, taking in her stance and expression as well as her build and choice of attire.

    "Caution is not the same as cowardice, My Lady," she replies in an almost clinically analytic tone of voice, like a judge asked to give her opinion at a gymnastics event. "She was pulled from Midgard without warning, into a realm she's unfamiliar with and into your presence. Only a fool would not be cautious - and she clearly is no fool."

    "She recognizes you - and I'm fairly certain she has at least inferred who Fenrir is," she adds. "I doubt she recognizes me, but I'm wearing arms and armour and standing at your side. If it were to come to a fight, she stands little chance of victory, nor hope of escape, and she knows this -- yet her hackles are raised and her stance is solid. If pressed, she /will/ fight to defend herself, hopeless or no, rather than yield to threat or force. I'd say she has courage aplenty."

    "At the same time, she has chosen not to make a first move, and instead wait and see if she can't find out why she was pulled here rather than start an unwise argument. That takes greater discipline than even many of Asgard possess..."

Hela has posed:
Hela listens to Vintridr's assessment in silence, showing nothing of what she thinks. But it becomes rather clear her suggestions may not necessarily have been helpful hints, so much as a misdirect to see if Vintridr will simply accept her suggestions, or offer true judgement.

Hela is quite pleased with what she's hearing from Vintridr, "good. You are not blinded or fooled by much, you are worthy of the task given. Let me know if any catch your eye," Hela says again, before looking up at Fenris and cooing, "you may leave us, darling, there is no threat here..." the huge wolf considers the word, but rather than go away, he merely lays back over most of the stairs, keeping his close watch.

Hela appears quite amused by his decision, shaking her head with a smile, before turning to look at Wolfsbane. "You may inform Dani Moonstar that she did well to rub off on you, Rahne, that will be all for now. You've helped me ascertain a truth, thank you for that. Goodbye." It seems Hela was suggestion this very brief visit to Niflheim was at an end. No matter that Rahne didn't ask to come here, and is likely still confused over what the heck just happened.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane squints toward Vintridr as she listens to the woman's open assessment of her. What is she being judged or measured for? "Ye're one o' th' Valkyries," she remarks while she has the chance, showing recognition and knowledge many probably lack. It, however, doesn't have her feeling any more comfortable with any of this, for obvious reasons.

Attention is still mainly on Hela, seen as the primary threat here, a glance had toward Fenris as the giant settles back down. Back to Hela, she replies, "I'm sure I dinna know whit ye're talking about. Send me back home. I want nae part o' whitever ye're up tae here." As uncomfortable and scared as she is internally, she speaks with a boldness that runs counter to the fright. Likely, that's because it's all she's got to fall back on, lest she cower before them.

And then...she's back where she was, on the Xavier's grounds. She staggers forward a couple steps, then gasps. Only after that, as a hand is pressed to her bosom, does she gasp, "Tha'..tha' witch." Rahne must let someone know what just happened.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr gives Hela a Look of the type familiar to every single subordinate whose direct superior has just thrown their weight around in a way that will likely complicate their lives somewhat, but doesn't offer further comment. "Quick on her mental feet as well, and the courage to stand and say 'Nay' even to those in power. She'd be an excellent candidate, were she willing..."

Hela has posed:
Hela doesn't wait to be told anything, the moment Rahne starts to talk she gestures with her hand as the swirly dark portal opens again right behind Rahne, "I said goodbye, you may leave," she groans, as if she couldn't be bothered with what Rahne has to think or say about this entire bizzare whirlwind visit to Niflheim. With Rahne sent back to where she was spirited from, Hela turns to face Vintridr completely once again, "can you imagine? She speaks to me without being asked...she's lucky I'm in a good mood." Nevermind that it was entirely Hela who brought her here without warning, or question, nevermind an explanation.

"If you'd like to entertain her...you may give her consideration, I was using her as an example purely because of her relation to Dani Moonstar. It was a test of sorts, you passed," turns out it was Vintridr's judgement she was measuring, rather than Rahne's worthiness after all. "You do the host proud, Vintridr, you may go about your task. Thank you for your thoughtful warning about the smith."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr bows formally. "I am ever at your service, My Lady." With that, she turns and departs - touching the echo of the conduit that brought her here to wake it back to life fo the return journey.