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Latest revision as of 15:53, 23 February 2019

Love, Spandex Style
Date of Scene: 13 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rorschach, Hulk, Superboy, M, Lex Luthor, Ravager, Doctor Strange

Rorschach has posed:
The Dibny mansion lays just outside of Central City and is currently decorated with rows of hearts and bows at the entrances. The party is a lavish affair, designed to encourage the spirit of love and goodwill with the approach of Valentine's Day. Ralph Dibny, the Elongated Man, and his wife Sue like to show off their marital bliss now and again, plus it's an excuse to get drunk.

Invitations have been sent out, fountains set up, bowls of punch put into place. There are servants in pink and white attending the guests and a man on stage crooning Sinatra songs in a cupid costume. Ralph is dapper in a tuxedo with pink tie, Sue in a white dress with little hearts printed on it. Canapes abound. Mingle and such as you will.

Hulk has posed:
    Wearing a spanking brand new shirt and tie that he borrowed from Tony Stark, Bruce Banner gets dropped off by an Uber driver. With a final nod, and closing the door, he turns to stare up at the mansion. Grabbing his invitation, he saunters up to the door, and enters the place with wide eyes. "My word..." He says absently, handing off his invite, and walking inside. Grabbing himself a bit of bubbly, Bruce moves to the side, and admires all the people coming and going. Certainly not what he was used to. Well, except for Stark's parties.

Superboy has posed:
It took Conner a while to convince Rose to come to this particular party. He promised of good food and drink, and maybe interesting company. And he also promised to go with her to a party of her choosing. Which might have been a dangerous promise, but whatever. It won't be boring, he is sure.

"We don't have to stay for long if you don't wanna," he offers at seeing all the hearts and stuff that is bound to make Rose belch.

For the party he has ditched the usual leather jacket and is wearing a more classic Superboy outfit. All red, blue and black. No cape, though. Some things he won't do.

M has posed:
    Social mixers are simply a part of life, when one is a member of the Idle Rich. It's not a formal group, per se, but it often functions as one, and Monet St. Croix was born into it. So, when she received the invitation, something of real quality, on thick vellum and scrawled elegantly in calligraphy, embossed with the Dibny family seal... Monet knew she was bound to go, even if she had no date to speak of -- shocking! It's not that she couldn't find a date, because she could and would, even if she had to grab a handsome-enough sales boy from a men's clothing store and pay him to just keep his trap shut and look nice as he escorts her around... It's more that Monet is kinda lonely, these days. So, this party is something of a sore spot for her. But, noblesse oblige and all of that.

    She arrives fashionably late, a talent honed by her ilk, and dressed exquisitely in a floor-length gown of white with iridescent pink beading in accenting places, which greatly complements her toffee skintone. Her hair is swept and coiled beautifully in an up-do. Simple but classy crystalline earrings dangle from her ears, her throat left bare, though a matching bracelet is on her left wrist, and a ring on her right index finger. She smiles pleasantly to all she encounters, steering her mundane date around with grace and an iron grip by way of psychic suggestion.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Of course, there are the idle rich... and there are the /rich/. Lex Luthor tends to see himself in the latter category.

The powerhouse of LexCorp comes through the entryway a minute or so after Monet. His formal blue tuxedo replaces his normal impeccable black business suit for the occasion, and both Mercy and Hope are impeccably dressed in their own slitted blue dresses; tasteful, but very much easily able to be agile within. While the Man of Tomorrow is all smiles and waves to those he already knows in this party, the two famous bodyguards are more attentive to security.

Lex does notice someone he knows within moments of coming in though... and is already heading in that direction with a friendly wave.

Rorschach has posed:
Sue and Ralph Dibny are more like the 'perpetually amused' elite. They don't need to work, but they do, solving mysteries and lending a hand in various crime-solving efforts. Ralph also consults with the FBI and occasionally teaches a class at Quantico.

He approaches Luthor and extends a hand, his dark red hair combed back from a high forehead, "Lex, good of you to make it. I'm sure your social schedule's usually very full. Would you care for a glass of punch? It's got rose hips in it. It's not busy, so even your muscle can have a sip."

Sue will intercept the others at various points, offering greetings and complimenting all on their attire, regardless of whether or not it's deserved. They are the picture of grace and social expertise, rarely sticking to a single conversation for long, like quicksilver between the fingers as they provide social lubrication with an almost rehearsed precision.

Ravager has posed:
The grumpy Rose Wilson walks toward the site of this party with an indignant stare, and she's dressed all in black for this wonderful occassion, heels, blouse, fingernails....dress.... Her black eye-liner accents her death-stare as she trapses up the little steps to the front door of the rich mansion, "I don't know how the f*** you got a god d*** invitation to this thing anyway," she mutters to Conner. She glances at him as they enter.

As she walks into the party, Rose trains her death-stare at the foyer and the house for a minute, then says, "Look at this, sh**. There's a god d*** crystal duck flowing in a bowl of red sh** over there," she points out helpfully, motioning to the table nearby the entrance. She shrugs off her black jean jacket and holds it in her hands. It is ripped, torn and looks like it's seen better days, though she holds it protectively against her. She glances around for someone to rip into, though sighs as if considering what the party might really be like.

Hulk has posed:
    Bruce Banner watches as Superboy arrives, then a girl he was unfamiliar with. While drinking his bubbly, he looks at her for several seconds, trying to picture where she had come up in his memory before. St. Croix. Hmmm. Shaking his head, his eyes find the latest arrival fascinating. Lex Luthor. Indeed. Watching as the host moves to chat with Lex, Bruce frowns. He tries to ignore the arrival of Rose Wislon with a chuckle, and a shake of his head, and tries to dodge her anger. Spotting something that looked very apetizing, Bruce moves over to the canapes, and grabs two for munching on while drinking the alcohol. Better to keep his stomach full and not just on liquor. Bad combination for his...disposition.

Superboy has posed:
"Well, the owners are old allies of the Justice League," explains Conner, trying to make up for the grump his girlfriend is bringing by looking happy and smiling to everyone. "Gotta say the duck is a bit excessive," he adds with a smirk. "On the other hand you look great in that dress. And this must be the first time I see you wearing makeup. New things are always interesting."

And then there is Lex Luthor. Erf. Kal has little good to say of the man, and Conner remembers some unpleasantness from his time living in Metro too. Whatever, he can focus in someone else. Like the stunning dark-skinned lady in the pink dress. Daaamn. Yes, he stares.

For a few seconds, then glances at Rose and grins again. "Lets get some drinks, okay?"

M has posed:
    Monet smiles brilliantly at Sue as she steps up to greet her, warmly clasping the elegant woman's small hand in her own, sharing a pleasant greeting. She doesn't introduce her date to Sue, though, which is basically social telegraphing that he's simply a warm body and nothing of more substance. "Oh, Sue, you've outdone yourself wiss z' decorations, zis year," she says with a small gesture to the room, which is nicely packed with people with plenty of space for mingling with ease.

    She converses with Sue for a short while and bids her a good time as the woman slips off to speak with others. This is the ebb and flow of high class soirées -- one speaks with people for a small time, then moves on to speak with someone else. To do otherwise would likely seem impolite. Monet accepts a glass of champagne from a proffered tray and she smiles to those who catch her eye before she takes a sip, scanning the room for a target to engage in scintillating conversation. Unassuming wallflower with a mouthful of canapes? Potentially amusing. Angry goth girl with death in her eyes? Pass. Her date, who's quite cute, but clearly distracted by trying to keep her from leaving... Mm, no. -- Well-dressed man with...a bald head? Lex Luthor, someone she's seen on more than one occasion, but has never had more than a passing greeting with from other social occasions. Possibly.

Ravager has posed:
The grumpy Rose Wilson has even styled her white, white hair for this annoying occassion. She angles her death-stare toward Bruce like a periscope searching for a target and catches him looking at her. She then glances at Conner to see what he's doing and NUDGES him with her elbow as she stares at the girl in the pink dress, "Punch is free, I'm guessing," she says, making her fist into a ball.

Rose then deftly avoids Sue as the woman crosses the room and Rose goes in the other direction to the punch. She looks down at the bowl of punch threateningly, "This punch..." she begins annoyedly and swipes a glass of it, tasting it almost immediately, "...has booze. How nice," she says pleasantly.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Oh, they don't drink too much, but they're welcome too for this occasion; sparingly." Lex offers in reply to Ralph, before he gives a look around... and an appreciative nod. "I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of coming here, but you and your wife certainly have colorful taste in interior decoration. It's definitely different from my usual at the Tower." Lex continues, before he smiles to Ralph, "if you'll excuse me though, I see someone I've been very interested in meeting for a while." And off he goes... in Monet's direction.

Rorschach has posed:
Ralph grins at Lex, "I never do anything sparingly. It's against my religion. Everything in excess, I always say." Which is what you'd expect from a man who gets his superhuman powers from a particularly experimental form of sodapop.

After a short period of time, the music grows a bit slower, tinged with strings and horns, and a dance floor opens up. Ralph and Sue take a moment in the heart-shaped spotlight, with the red-haired superdetective draping his wife over his elastic arm and giving her a spin before gesturing others to join them on the dance floor.

Superboy has posed:
Conner snatches a canape or two along the way, offering it to Rose when he catches up. "That is expected, not a high school party," he remarks, taking a glass himself. Technically he is underage. Heck, technically he is about five or six years old. Alcohol has almost no effect on him anyway, and he likes the taste.

"I kinda hoped Kal was here, you got to meet him soon," he adds, searching among the crowds. Sadly, he spots no one of his generation he knows well enough to join. Ah well. Still good food.

Hulk has posed:
    Looking around while munching on a canape, Bruce Banner ignores the death stare from Rose, and decides to approach the host when he isn't busy. Then, Lex leaves and heads towards Monet. With a smile, says, "Hello sir. It is good to meet you. Thank you for the invite! I can't stay long, but wanted to say that you put on a lovely party, with some very unique guests. Quite the ecletic night I see." Taking the final sip from the glass, Bruce wipes his lips with a handkerchief, and adds, "Quite a place you have here."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    There is a rather late arrival, and the man shows up wearing the most garrish outfit. A blue suit with dark blue slacks over basic dockers and yellow gloves that fade into black dots that transition seamlessly into the sleeves of his tunic. Lastly a mindful cloak with a colar up to his eyeline. The man looks incredibly out of place as he approaches the doors, but the cloak wraps around him and seems to fade or fold itself into a white three piece suit with a soft pink vest under the tailed coat he wears and a single large pink button below his chin acting as a tie.

    Stephen adjusts his cuffs and allows the pink gems to sparkle in the faint light before he reaches into the newly formed coat and pulls out a white hat that he pops into a full top hat with a matching pink band and his invitation.

    Stepping in, Stephen's hands are covered in delicate gloves and the wizard pops out a cane for him to lean against and walk with, looking as dashing as he can.

Ravager has posed:
Rose Wilson takes the tiny little canape from Conner, "Why?" she asks, as if confused. She hands Conner a glass of punch helpfully after she munches on her little canape. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, then puts a hand on the table casually and idly stews there next to it for a few minutes. She next eyes Doctor Strange because who could miss him and sizes up his choice of clothing, because that's a bit unusual. "Who's that blue and pink-ass pirate over there?" she asks Conner, leaning toward him to ask the question.

M has posed:
    Monet, catching Lex's eye, smiles as he walks in her direction. Without speaking, she sends her date off to fetch her some canapes, arching a brow of distaste at the glare she receives from the angry goth girl. The expression very much says 'Feelin' froggy? Jump.' But, more elegant. Somehow. Though, as Lex nears her, shortening the space between them, she turns her intense gaze to his, hypnotic hazel meeting glittering green. "Good evening, Mr. Luthor," she smiles, offering her hand, palm down. It's not to shake, after all. "How are you finding your evening with the Dibnys?" She glances briefly at Dr. Strange when he makes his entrance, because such an cloak is hard to ignore. She turns her attention back to the man with whom she's conversing, re-engaging fully.

Superboy has posed:
"Well, because he is kind of my brother and kind of my only relative," explains Conner. Somewhat clumsily. "Family is important," he adds, blissfully unaware of the mess of a family that are the Wilsons.

Doctor Strange gets a brief glance. Did he do some kind of clothes trick? Well, the party must have a good number of superheroes. "I have no idea," he replies to Rose. "But I like his hat."

Lex Luthor has posed:
The cue is taken as Lex arrives, Mercy and Hope flanking him from a respectful distance. "Much better, now that I've managed to find you at one of these affairs." The kiss is given, and Lex brings his hands behind his back in a casual manner as he gives a look over Monet's dress, "I dare say you'll be catching many eyes with that dress too. I like the way it shimmers with the colorful decor of our hosts." Lex looks back to Monet's eyes, and he smirks, "I've been very curious to meet you for a while now, but work keeps me busy. So when I found the excuse of you on the guest list for this event, I just had to make the time."

Rorschach has posed:
Behind the building, far away from where anyone can see, there is a moment as one of the waitstaff finds himself snatched and dragged into the darkness of the delivery truck. The door slams behind him and is quickly shut. The metal walls are thick and sturdy. More than enough to cover up his screams.

Even servants have sins. And sometimes payment comes due.


Hulk has posed:
    "Yes, quite a party. Amazing." Nodding to Ralph, Bruce Banner then waves to a servant as they move past, and pauses just long enough for Bruce to put his empty glass on the tray. With a polite nod, Bruce turns back to the host. "I hate to drink and run, but I think I may be out of my depth here. Parties were never my forte. However, if you ever need a rusty old scientist, please look me up. I shouldn't be too hard to find. I'm staying at Avengers Mansion lately." With that, Bruce heads towards the door, with a final glance at all of the amazing people present. As his Uber arrives, Bruce remembers a fun night, if a bit strange.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen pauses at the entrance to look around and spies several familiar faces, but none from direct conversation or encounters, no, this is all fame driven knowledge. Something Strange is more than capable of ignoring. He licks his lips with a smack afterwards and a large toothy grin that surgeon Stephen practiced well in his younger days.

    Stephen moves with a calmness, towards the punch bowls and plucks a cup softly before grabing a ladle unlike some heathens and pours himself a cup like a gentleman and misses the one person he would have known at least as an acquaintance, but that is how these things go sometimes.

Superboy has posed:
A few more canapes and another glass of punch and Conner asks Rose to dance. Yeah, not that kind of music. So the young couple is among the first to leave the party, if only to hit the closest nightclub for the next few hours.

But hey, at least he got Rose into a dress. It might be worth to have her grumpy at him for a week!

M has posed:
    Monet smiles softly as Lex kisses her knuckles, complimenting her dress, and she retracts her hand to, without looking, flit a dismissing gesture to her date...who was approaching with the plate of canapes she'd sent him to get. He turns on the ball of his foot and moves swiftly to some out-of-the-way place as Monet continues her conversation. Laughing softly at the comment, she replies, "Why, thank you, Mr. Luthor. I had no idea you were so keen to meet me." Her voice is soft and feminine, and though she speaks perfect English, she does so with a thick Monégasque accent. Which sounds almost identical to French-English, by the untrained ear. "I've been busy, myself, too. It seems a bit of luck zat we are able to meet tonight, ehn?" she smiles.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen takes a slow sip of his punch and smirks. "Good party." The wizard says with a raise of his tiny glass to the closest passing person. Some poor wait staff that rolls their eyes as soon as they're past. Stephen shrugs his shoulders and turns to start towards the largest group of people to get himself lost in.

Rorschach has posed:
The waiter wasn't a good man. He was a very bad man, in fact. The list of his sins is numerous, although not of the level that would attract the attention of most. Little cruelties, little perversions, little transgressions. Adding up slowly, leaving a trail of poison behind, tainting everything it touched. Like a slug.

So Rorschach treated him like a slug. He breaks his legs. And he breaks his arms. And he stuffs him in a box full of salt with a gag in his mouth to wait being found. It's cold in that truck, but he'll probably be alive when he's found, with Rorschach's ink-smeared signature laid across his chest.


Lex Luthor has posed:
"I try to meet all the movers, shakers, and peers. So far, I'm not disappointed." Luthor offers in casual statement as he continues to converse with Monet. Then, his eyes shift to Ralph with a side glance, "I get the impression our host likes these parties to amuse." Luthor looks back to Monet, "and I daresay the caped wonder is doing the job for most." Luthor gives a side glance to Strange as he moves around, "It's been a while since I've seen the good Doctor, so this is a rare occasion on two counts."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Finding his way into the small gathering, Stephen sees his opportunity to make a quick escape back to his home to get back to work on protecting the earth and its inhabitants. One moment the man in pink and white is there, the next, in the span of a blink, the wizard is completely gone along with any trace that he was even here. The Sorcerer Supreme is back in Greenwich inside his creepy abode.

M has posed:
    "Z' doctor?" Monet asks with curiosity, flicking her gaze in the direction Lex looks when mentioning the title. Ah, the man in the cape, yes. "He looks very interesting, and I have never met him," she replies with curiosity still tinging her words, her elegant neck stretching slightly to one side as she tries to look through the milling people to get a better look -- just as he pops out of existence. She lifts her brows. "Of what is he a doctor?" she asks, turning her eyes back to Lex.