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A Brother's Revenge: Investigation
Date of Scene: 02 March 2019
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Andrea, Cyclops, Cannonball, Gambit and Scourge respond to reports from Kamala Khan that Souvenir is missing, and find evidence she was abducted
Cast of Characters: Ms. Marvel, Rage, Gambit, Warpath, Cannonball, Cyclops, Isotope
Tinyplot: A Brother's Revenge

Ms. Marvel has posed:
> 4:06 Kamala: Hey Erika, how was classes today? Wanna hang out tonight?
> 4:30 Kamala: u around?
> 5:30 Kamala: Just finished prayers. Wanna hang? I can meet you at the park, you're there, right?
> 6:00 Kamala: Erika?

A few missed calls later, and Kamala became concerned. Her friend usually answered pretty promptly. Part of her goes over the night before. No. No problems there. They were supposed to meet to watch the movies tonight.

Instead, Kamala is in the park, looking at the locator on her phone and tracking where she had pinged.

Not knowing who else to call, she scrolled through her own phone before finding the contact number that Erika had given her. There's a short conversation that happens. "Uhm, hi. My name's Kamala. I'm a friend of Erika's and she's missing. I mean, her phone says that's near here. But she's not. Has she been at the school today?" Getting a negative on that, Kamala frowns. "Okay. Then can I maybe get some help here? A teacher or something. I don't know. Whoever her point of contact is at the school?"

The contact was quick, and Kamala is just now trying to figure out that maybe she should have changed into her Ms. Marvel garb.

Rage has posed:
Having answered the phone, Andrea took down the necessary notes, then lets out a sigh, especially when she saw who today's 'X-Man' on duty was for such purposes. Remy. Well, this will be interesting. She gave him a ping, filled him in and then the two were off.

As she strides through the park towards Kamala, the New Mutant is dressed in her gold and black uniform, having left her normal clothing back at the mansion. No reason to put them on if she has to shift and tear through them anyways.

"Hey." She calls over with a lift of her hand. "So, what's going on? Erika wasn't in classes today so I figured she was sick. I did a sweep of the school after you called and I couldn't track her down by scent. So... you were supposed to meet here or something?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau looks equally concerned. He'd been giving Erika some specialized training, and was rather fond of the girl. He'd driven Andrea here rather quickly, and likely racked up a half dozen traffic violations on the way. Still he lets Andrea ask the questions he would have asked anyway... He figures the other girl would respond better to a peer.

Warpath has posed:
The area is a jogging trail. There are exercise stations along the way every few hundred feet. The locator isn't doing a great job for some reason. It has been jumping about. Enough Kamala could get the general direction. But once she makes it to this part of the park, the app doesn't seem able to pinpoint it exactly. It may require some manual searching to see what is going on.

There is a waterfountain by the current workout station, which is one for doing chin ups. The jogging trail has rocks and gravel across it to keep the grass from growing across it. Little bits of snow still lie in some areas that don't see much sun, while other areas or grassy, or muddy from the melting snow.

The jogging trail makes a big oval around the park. The inside section is more wooded. This is one spot that the woods draw pretty close to the trail, not far from the drinking fountain on the inside of the path.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is driving the group of Sam, Scott, and Brian to the scene. An older mini station wagon pulls up to the park parking lot. Sam will let Scott and Brian out before parking so they can catch up.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Kamala wasn't expecting Andrea to show up in well.. a uniform. The girl's eyes widen for a moment and she glances over herself. "I uh. Didn't know." she admits, reaching up to rub the back of her head. Not only is Andrea a super famous pop singer/actress/mutant activist, but she's an X-Man as well?

Yeah, Kamala's feekling way out of sorts and class. "Well no, she had suggested maybe getting me to visit the school, even with all of the hoops she had to jump through, considering.." Well, noone really - except Andrea maybe - knows that Kamala has hidden abilities.

"Her phone has been pinging like mad here, but she's not answering texts or calls, and I've been trying to call out for her, without looking stupid." she admits, frowning as the young woman toys with the end of her scarf. As more people start to show up, she starts to ask. "Maybe I should just go, in case she calls?"

Rage has posed:
"No, you're staying here." Andrea says as she gives a glance about. "Tell Remy here what you know, everything, while I search." She says as she lowers herself down to the ground. "You also may not wanna watch this, unless you got a strong stomach."

What comes next is the sounds of bones snapping and cracking as she arches her back with a pained noise in her throat. Her body breaks, contorts and black fur sprouts along her body as her uniform melts away via unstable molecules. It takes roughly a minute, but instead of a woman, is a pure black wolf with a thatch of white fur along her chest. She starts to trot away, breathing in a deep scent, trying to locate her friend and teammate.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott climbs out of the passenger door of the mini and the man lifts his eyebrows towards the machine as he shuts the door. "Come on Brian. Do keep up." The x-leader says, though he's acting as a teacher and guardian more than anything else in this moment.

    Scott wears a dark brown bomber jacket with off white fluff around the collar and black pants as he rushes up towards the group of girls. "What's going on Rage?" Scott asks, almost saying the wrong name to the young woman wearing her New Mutant's outfit on her own in public. Then he spots Remy and gives the thief a nod, still not having made ammends from the conversation about two weeks ago.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau has a strong stomach, but that is still weird to watch. He shakes his head slightly, then he gives the young Muslim girl his most charmingly wicked smile and says "Alright chere, why yah not tell me everyt'ing yah know. Where 'zactlly did yah find 'er stuff." He turns as he sees the other X-men arriving. Nodding in their direction but keeping his grin on Kamala.

Isotope has posed:
     Brian keeps up as much as he can. Still recovering as it seems, but he was well enough to follow along. He was in jeans and a muted grey sweater at the moment. Keeping next to Scott as they assessed the goings on. He wasn't sure exactly what happened, so stays quiet for now.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Well, I haven't found her stuff yet." Kamala admits as she's looking around. When Andrea transforms, the young Muslim winces at the cracking of bones and such. "Still a better story than Twilight." she murmurs to herself, as she turns to explain to Remy.

"Erika and I went skating near here last night. I had given her a gift. A bracelet, so she could understand Urdu when we watched movied tonight. I was going to bring some of my favorite Bollywood flicks. Anyway! She wasn't here. I mean, she loaded her tracker on my phone. Just so we'd know where the other was." It was a little romantic, right?

"So I had prayers today, and went to the mosque. I tried getting a hold of her after, and she wasn't answering, so I got worried, and that's how I ended up here."

As the others start to arrive, she gives a little wave. "Hi. I'm Kamala. Erika's friend." She fidgets nervously. "I should have walked her home. She's always talking about her powers and how she doesn't think she does well. And I'm always telling her she's way cooler than she thinks and all and just.."

Rage has posed:
Flickering her tail a few times behind her as she sniffs about, Rage, the wolf, lets out a low rumble in her throat as she darts about a few times. At the sound of Scott's voice, her head jerks upwards, ears lifting as she gives him a noisy chuff. She makes her way over to him, bumps against his leg, then lifts her paw to point towards Kamala. She can't speak in this form, but she can at least point and gesture with her intelligence.

Then, she is off again, moving around the area as she roots her nose along the ground, rooting and isolating scents as she has been trained to, focusing on that which is /Erika/. Erika. Erika. Erika. Where are you Erika.

Rage has posed:
After a few moments, Rage gives a loud noise in her throat, then darts off at a quick pace. Follow me, humans! She howls out over her shoulder.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Scott, and says "What, she is big enough Ah can get all my brothers and sisters in one trip, you know how difficult that is?" He maybe packing a few in the back of the wagon to make that trick work. He is wearing a flannel jacket, and he looks around listening for now, to what is being said.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott laughs once at Kamala's joke, "Hey, you kids still say that!" He chuckles to himself and looks around, realizing he's the only one and trails off. Then Scott nods along with the rest of Kamala's words, stepping up to pat the girl on the shoulder and address her directly. "Self doubt and hindsight aren't going to help find Erika." He says before motioning with a hand for everyone to follow as he steps after Andrea, wishing he had some alternative to the sunglasses, because it gets hard to see when it's dark, but he doesn't voice his annoyance.

    "Everyone keep your eyes out, Brian, stay close, and focus on your breathing. Understood?" The mutant-leader says, knowing how a new mutation could trigger when afraid, he knows the young man is in a vulnerable state, but extra eyes could be helpful at this time.

Rage has posed:
The wolf gives another howl to the team as she moves along the jogging trail, snuffling loud along the ground, pawing at it. Uncovering a waterbottle lid, she stares at it for a few seconds. Her ears jerk forward and a low rumble echoes her throat, dangerous and angry. Here! She calls out back to them with another growl.

With a huff, she eyes the fountain as she trots towards it, sniffing, then starts to circle it a few more times before she gives a pause, then jerks her head up again. Her gold eyes gleam brightly as she stares at her teammates, then jerks her head for the woods. Her entire body reeks of agitation as the fur about her neck puffs up in a thick bristle.

Isotope has posed:
     Brian also had a good snerk at the Twilight dig, at least Scott wasn't the only one.

  Brian gave a nod as Scott gave him new direction. There hadn't been any true power activity from Brian yet, but he had been told to be on guard for it. Once they showed again, he could work on control. As instructed, he stays close to the group, assisting with the search.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"I'm just worried about her." Kamala says quietly. "She's closer than my best friend." there's a sigh of a breath, but when Rage calls out and starts to run, the girl is quick to try to keep up. Though as she does so, she feels the need to go faster, and it is because of that that Kamala's legs stretch out in growth, giving her extra height and speed.

Though her best friend would argue that she was still moving at the same speed, just making larger strides. Because he's a jerk like that.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is willing to let Scott take over leadership duties at this point. Remy's good with females in general, but this isn't really the time for charm. As Andrea calls for them, he runs after her, letting her lead the way. He pulls a few cards out, just in case though he does not charge them.

Rage has posed:
The wolf is staring at what appears to be a fox hole as she paws at it, letting out another loud round of noises back to the team. She's at the edge of the trail, staring at it with a deep growl in her throat. It's a hidden trap door of sorts, designed to be a camouflaged cover.

Warpath has posed:
Anyone with specialized training would see care and skill went into the camouflage cover for the fox hole. It blends in with the ground perfectly once it is laid flat. Anyone without it, but with an education based on Hollywood depictions of life might think, "Hey that looks like that place in Red Dawn where Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen popped up out of the ground and ambushed the Russian soldiers chasing Jennifer Grey!"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott raises his voice so the young woman can hear him, "Slow down, running off on your own when we have a tracker will not do Erika any good." Scott says, watching the stretchy girl get in a hurry. He's used to spinning plates, but this is closer to what it was like in the early days. When no one really wanted to listen and it was all by the seat of his pants.

    Scott takes another breath. "What's your name?" Scott asks of Kamala as he tries to get the girl to calm down and let the hodgepodge team of X do their thing.

    Coming up on Andrea's pointer impression, Scott steps aside and issues an order for Andrea to step aside before he motions with a flourish to Remy, "If you would be so kind Remy?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins slightly at the teams leader. "Oh sure, yah all Mister take charge when it comes ta talkin' ta de cute girl, but when it come ta searching de mysterious trap door in de middle of de park foh booby traps it's all If yah woul' be so kind Remy." The tone is teasing but playful even as he kneels down and begins to do just that.

Isotope has posed:
     Once the group made their way to the foxhole, he seemed to still be taking in the scene. "So why should she just go missing?" Brian watched as Scott and Remy had their exchange, cannot help but point out. "Umm, isn't she a teen?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Not skeezy at all..."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Kamala. Kamala Khan." the young Muslim girl introduces herself with a tip of her scarf covered head in greetings. "Erika and I are good friends." she explains. "She wanted me to visit her at the school because.." and she trails off. In her nervousness, she just showed everyone why Erika wanted her to visit. There's an owlish blink and Kamala blushes at Remy when she's called cute. But then Brian speaks up and she darkens further. Probably because of something. "Anyway!" she manages.

Rage has posed:
Perking her ears upwards, Rage gives a wolfish stare at the group, then paws at the foxhole again a few times before she trots away when Scott gives the order. She returns to the water bottle lid, plucking it up, then drops it down in front of Scott with a clatter. She paws at it, chuffing. She goes back to looking at the fountain again, then shifts herself back upwards into her human form. Loud cracks, snaps and grunts can be heard.

After cracking her neck, she says, "That's her water bottle. A man was hiding in there." She points to the foxhole. "He followed her to that fountain and that is where her scent stops, and his continues. I'm thinking whoever was in here, was waiting for her, then he may have hurt her and carried her away. That's why I can't smell her on the ground anymore."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods to himself that he didn't miss any sort of trip wire on the trap door and flips it open to reveal...a hole... a hole with the bottle belonging to that cap inside of it however. He sighs, giving Scott a bit of a worried look, but saying in his normal sarcastic tone. "Ah see yah sense of 'umor really is infectious Mon ami. Dis one obviously caught it.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott takes the bottle from Remy and stoops down to pick up the lid and puts them together and looks at them closely before he stands back up and frowns. "You can't smell her scent because she was hurt?" Scott asks, with his eyebrows pinching together over his nose behind his glasses.

    "Kamala, you're welcome to vist the school, there could be some benefit there." Scott says giving the girl an invite as he steps past her and towards the fountain, "You couldn't follow the scent from the man in the hole, or did it disappear too?" Scott asks of Andrea, wondering why she stopped.

Isotope has posed:
     "No evidence of blood? If she was hurt she may have left that as a trail." Obviously, Brian was one step behind in investigating, but he's leaving no stone unturned. He looks to Kamala and offers a small smile, whispering. "Sorry."

Rage has posed:
"I got the rest. It's in the woods. I can smell them out there. I smelled Chloroform. He knocked her out." Andrea motions as she starts into the woods. "I didn't want to go deeper without you guys. Come on. He hid here, they got into it at the fountain. I think he dragged her into the woods where he knocked her out." As she moves, she motions them on to continue. She comes to a spot in the grass that looks to have been flattened, roughly thirty feet past the fox hole. She kneels down, poking at a large foot print in the mud. Sunk in deep. "Huge shoes. Like something ... uh. the Juggernaut would wear maybe? Size fifteens or something, sixteens?" She says as she tip-toes her fingers along the outline of it, counting. "Erika's scent stops all together here. The man's scent goes into the park."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Really?" Kamala asks of Scott. Normally the girl would be over the moon at the invitation. But right now, her friend's in trouble. "Here. Maybe this can help?" comes the question from the girl. "I've been doing some work on scale. Oh." she feels a little silly now that everyone knows her name. But. I've been doing some solo work back home. Uh. As Ms. Marvel." Totally not because of Marvel Girl, promise!

As she steps into the footprint, she concentrates, allowing her own foot to fill the hole as she shifts and grows in size as her other foot finds another footprint. By the time she's done, she's a nearly seven foot tall Kamala. "Know anyone this big?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has been quietlly looking around. He has taken to watching the trees. Andrea has the ground covered, and the rest are normal eye level. Sam is a flyer, and he is checking for evidence of any other flyers round about. He looks to Kamala, and hmms "Known a few roughly that size over the years." He will start thinking, through what he knows of Erika's back ground and if he can connect any of the ussual suspects to her.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott looks up to Kamala and frowns as he looks back to Sam, "I can think of a few, but none of them seem the type to do something so, shady." Scott retorts with a frown.

    "Come on team, Rage, you take the lead again, we'll keep following you." Scott says, meaning he wants the girl to lead the way following the captor's scent.

Rage has posed:
Giving a nod of her head, Andrea takes her wolf form once again, then starts off through the woods as she follows along the scents from the aera she just led them too. She follows the footsteps as her keen eyes and instincts pick them out in the dark, her nose leading the charge.

Warpath has posed:
The scent continues, cutting straight across the park, past the jogging trail on the other side, and over to some buildings that run along the street beside the park. Even those without Andrea's nose and other senses can spot a few of the big footprints now and then, the ground too muddy to not preserve some of them.

The trail ends up going to the nearest building to the park. It used to be a diner but is now closed up and vacant from the looks of it. The windows are not only dusty, but newspapered over on the inside. The scent goes to the backdoor. The metal door is a little misshapen near the handle. There are obvious signs the lock has been forced open there.

Isotope has posed:
     Andrea is followed for now, meanwhile, Brian looks around and observes. "Sir, if they took her into the woods... it was to take her off her normal ground. And get her in their familiar place." Brian observes to Scott. "It's not a simple snatch and grab. It was planned."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk up to the door, and says "Ah got this." He will open the door standing in the way in case there is a blast, and prepared to blast himself into any explosion that might come from a booby trap.

Warpath has posed:
Inside, the diner is fairly empty, as if the furnishings, appliances, chairs and tables were all sold off, just leaving mostly empty space. There is a large bag for hockey equipment inside. It is empty, but the right size to have left the imprint back in the woods. A pair of hockey sticks lie beside it. Andrea will note the same chloroform smell in the bag, and much stronger.

The newspapers that cover the windows inside are dated from a week ago. There is not much else of note in the room except for a metal trash can. It just holds ashes, looking like various paper items were burned there.

Going through the ashes finds a small scrap that failed to burn. It appears to be a tag of some sort that has some visible text on it:

..eyenne Mounta...
.....ate Park...

Isotope has posed:
Brian makes an ingress with the rest, heading to the trash can, expecting to find discarded items. "Fire...hmm." Searching through the ashes, and finding the scrap. "Sam?" He calls out, handing over the scrap.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looking at the tag, he will pull his phone out to call Dani, and check on her, and make sure she is ok and not another taret.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks the paper over a bit while saying "Yea, yea." He will look to Brian covering the phone "Got a friend in colorado, might be the next target but does not seem it. This loks to be a clue though, good job."