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City Fall: Coin Consultation.
Date of Scene: 13 March 2019
Location: Shadowcrest, Zatara manor, New York
Synopsis: Zatanna divines one of the coin's functions, and provides the Shadow with a means of tracking its creator.
Cast of Characters: Shadow, Zatanna Zatara, Quicksilver
Tinyplot: City Fall

Shadow has posed:
    Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

    The Shadow... Doesn't know yet, actually. But they have a lead -- a judge whose actions were influenced, and a coin that may be responsible. The Shadow isn't unfamiliar with the concept of clouding someone's mind, but this feels different. Magic may be involved - which is not the Shadow's field of expertise.

    Fortunately, the Shadow knows of someone who is an avowed expert -- an entertainer, although the Shadow's own associates claim she's much more skilled than she lets on.

    Natasha plays the coin between her fingers as Benny drives towards Shadowcrest. "Cabs don't come out here this often," Benny comments. "Most of the posh folks 'round here prefer limo service..."

    Natasha smiles and meets Benny's eyes in the rear view mirror. "Is that a subtle hint that you'd prefer a limo of your own for your birthday, Benny?" she teases. Benny laughs and shakes his head. "Nah. It'd take forever to keep clean. Anyway, we're almost there."

    Natasha nods and pockets the coin, then slips into her greatcoat and reaches for her hat and scarf. "I have no idea how long this will take, but it shouldn't get exciting. I'll call you when I need to be picked up."

    Benny is long used to the change in voice, and doesn't bat an eye. He simply nods and slows the cab to a halt near the curb just long enough for an already fading shape to exit and make their way to the Zatara domicile...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
    â??And there we have it. Itâ??s not a hat out of a rabbit, or a rabbit out of a hat trick, but itâ??s something close.â?? Zatanna mutters to herself, staring down at her wand, not in her formal show-girl attire but she does wear the hat.

Or the hat wears her.

There was a turn towards Pietro, shaking her wand in his direction, though the smile upon her face was tell-tale and teasing. â??Donâ??t say that anything I do is wonderful. I need constructive criticisms. Especially if Iâ??m really going to put on a show in Chicago.â??

She turns now, facing the mirror, in which the surface itself begins to warp of itâ??s own doing. Or quite possibly hers.

â??The crowd is relentless. The critics are cold.â?? She steps closer to the mirror, her head tilting, which would seem as if the hat itself would fall. But it stays true upon her crown of black. â??And itâ??s been a while since Iâ??ve done something live. I donâ??t want to land a Netflix deal, Hulu would be nice. But I just want to dance..â??

The mirror appears to crack and shatter, the pieces hanging upon the wood of it like a curtain, then solidifies itself anew.

â??But if that doesnâ??t work Iâ??ll just live off of Shadowcrest and eat magic food!â??


Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro was mainly zooming around Zatanna's room as she seems to be playing with her magic. A thing that Pietro never quite understood, but took perhaps a great deal of pleasure watching. But, when he finally stops and the world is NOT in slow motion, he just smiles at her. He wasn't wearing his usual casual attire. He dressed a little nicer. A dark blue longsleeve shirt that fit him rather well, black jeans, and some converse shoes. His silver hair the main focul point for the fastest mutant alive.

"Well anythign you do is-" then she's waving a wand at him! "I swear to god, if you turn me into a frog, I'll run you to Ethiopia and leave you there." he teases light-heartedly, a big smile on his face. "Well, if you want to dance..." he walks over to her and gives her a little twirl. "I like to think I'm at least an okay dance partner." his romanian accent peeking out for just the slightest moment. "Though I didn't know you could eat magic. I know you can drink magic....like....what, you make bread that gives eternal life or renewed vitality?"

Of course, he has no idea a Shadow was coming.

Shadow has posed:
    Zatara and Pietro's banter is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. A look at the security console shows a tall figure in a black greatcoat and opera cloak, wearing a crimson scarf and black slouch hat to conceal most of their face. From the positioning, they've taken a step back from the doorbell after ringing it and are waiting passively with their hands behind clasped in front of them, perhaps to appear less threatening.

    "Miss Zatara?" the figure asks when the comm buzzes. "I am known as the Shadow. I require a magical consultation, and an... Associate assured me you'd be able to help..."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I will not turn you into a frog!" Zatanna blurts out, busting into a fit of laughter as she spins around in dance. "Just think about it, exposure to the magic world by movies and sight. We can create whole banquets and buffets, though since it's been a very long time, or what I can remember of doing it, I'm unsure if it'll give anyone the lasting feel of feeling full they need."

She releases the grip she did have upon him, twirling away into a sombre dance, arms akimbo and joining into the delicate sway with the rest of her form. "Or they can eat themselves to death." Zatara, was in a dark mood it seems!

The dancing stops as the doorbell is rung, Zatanna moving closer towards the entrance to the foyer as she presses a few buttons to bring up the view of the person standing outside. Her brows furrow, and a shoulder shrugs as she gestures towards the door. "Mind making some tea? Consultations usually take long."

And with that, she was making her way over, crossing the path to a separate room, her hand flicking up to close that door, the other gesturing outwards to open the door to invite the guest in. As it creeks open slowly, she too, places her hands in front of her, presenting a smile with her lopsided hat hanging just so.

"I'd like to know who this associate is, but please, do come in."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods, briefly gripping the brim of their hat in an almost archaic gesture of polite greeting. "Most people know her as 'Power Girl'. We have some acquaintances in common," they reply. "I bear neither you nor any of yours any ill will. May I enter?"

Quicksilver has posed:
"You better not!" The laughter of Pietro Maximoff echoes through the magical home, even as he swayed and danced with Zatanna. "A wonderful sight, until the eating. Dark analogy, Zatanna." Before she leaves his grasp, he gives Zatanna a kiss on the forehead, but remains cautious....

Especially someone who's name is 'The Shadow'.

"Justcause she sent you doesn't mean you're trustworthy. But...It's Zatanna's house." Thus, he defers the decision to her.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna stares at the both of them, her lips pursing in thought. Power Girl. She knows the name, but her own afflictions does not allow her to recall most of the woman that was mentioned. But there was nothing like pretending.

The house wasn't on alert. There was nothing 'magically odd' in a sense that would allow the alarms to go off. Everything on the surface seemed right as rain, but that wouldn't stop her from being on the defense. An arm raises as Zatanna steps aside, allowing this stranger into the home. She.. or it was polite enough, creepy voice aside, so Zatanna saw no need to be entirely too rude. "We'll be okay." She assures Pietro, then moves towards the innermost foyer, where the chairs and lovely things were.

Fine china and all of that.

"Fancy a bit of tea?" The offer was extended to Pietro as well. She was sure he wasn't going to leave the two alone.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods. "That would be appreciated," they reply, with only a brief glance at Pietro as they follow Zatanna into the foyer.

    Once seated, they begin speaking. "My agents recently alerted me to a pattern at the judicial level; cases that should have been shoe-in convictions being dismissed entirely on the flimsiest grounds, even by some judges not known for a lenient touch."

    Further investigation led me to one of those judges, who honestly had no idea what I was asking about until he found this," they open their hand, revealing what looks like a solid gold coin with an odd foot-shaped symbol as its only marking. "He also expressed some confusion when asked about the coin's origin. I suspect a mental influence of some form or another, but my own expertise in magical phenomena is extremely limited. I was hoping I could persuade you to take a look."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro calms considerably at Zatanna's soothing, and he was so willing to fall into the habit of being an asshole to mysterious visitors. He nods to the Mistress of Mysticism and he turns his full attention to the Shadow.

He tilts his head. "Could just be a telepath with no influence in magic at all, but take it from someone who has no idea how to use magic. I just run fast." Pietro remains standing, and still seems cautious, like some speedy watchdog.

But, he at least retains his manners.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna remained quiet, her eyes darting back and forth to make sure the house itself doesn't arise to an occasion that it didn't need to. The need of tea was dismissed, which was good. All of her faculties were running at top notch, from the little tester of a magic show that she did just a few moments before. But it looks like Pietro hit the nail on the head. In a sense. She could feel it, the magic radiating around it. If no one had any clue about it, it would be mental.

Her hand reaches out, hesitating, drawing her hand back as she looks towards Pietro to reassure herself. "Do you mind?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks to Zatanna and he seems to pass the coin to her so she can look at it. Yet, he also seems to move behind Zatanna, wrapping his arms around her from behind somewhat protectively, letting her know that if shit hits the fan, he's with her the entire way.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow nods, placing the coin on the table within Zatanna's reach. "I've felt nothing from it myself; as a result, I don't know what might or might not trigger the effect..." they caution.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
There was a slight wariness when she gazes at the coin, giving a nod to Pietro so that he could excuse himself because the magics that will be in play. Once he speeds away, she snags it from its place, her bare fingers rolling over the gold, which soon is brought to her lips. She stands just then, not abrupt, but with a movement that sets one to think. The slow pace back as the coin is still held there, her eyes a bright, yet somehow dimmed glow that seems to lack the life behind it.

"Alright." She murmurs, still keeping that same pace, though it almost as if she were drawing a little path with her feet. "There does seem to be some telepathy tied to this." But, then she gets honest. Which is sometimes rare, especially when personal fears are involved. "I hope you do understand that I won't put myself at risk to find out who and where it comes from." The coin was still clutched, possessively so.

"But if you're willing, I have an alternative. A little old school, and I don't know where it'll get you, but it'll get the job done."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow tilts their head. "You have my attention," they reply.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna nods. "Scrying." She says, then moves back to her chair to settle. "Anyone with a soul can do it. I charge the energies that are in this coin to a crystal. You hold it over a map. Go where it takes you." She studies the Shadow carefully, "And I'm only doing this because you look like a capable person. Not easily.. overcome. Else I'd send you out of here and handle it myself."

Shadow has posed:
    That elicits a chuckle. "Thank you for the vote of confidence," they reply. "I'll do my best not to disappoint. By all means, proceed."

Quicksilver has posed:
Zooming back into the room is Pietro maximoff! It was like if you blink you'll miss him, but, he's standing back in the room, next to Zatanna specifically, but his arms appear crossed, looking between the two. Pietro just didn't namely trust magic, so he shows appreciation to Zatanna for giving him a brief leave.

He says nothing (for once) and simply looks between the two women.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna nods, standing from her chair only to startle once Pietro zooms into the room. "Feel better?' She asks after a brief moment of calm, her path taken towards the drawers. "It's not much preparation at all." She calls out, rifling through the items within, retrieving a string and a thick crystal that seemingly comes from.. well, the earth.

"It's just a simple attunement of the coin to the crystal. The attunement will essentially call the crystal to the energies within and lead you to the source. I say essentially very, very loosely."

Shadow has posed:
    "That seems straightforward enough," the Shadow comments, waiting for Zatanna to finish.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at the Shadow, before he looks back to Zatanna. There's always a 'but' in there somewhere. Wanda taught him that much. But, at Zatanna's question, he nods. "Yep." then he falls back into silence so Zatanna can do her work.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The work was quick and easy. The coin, pressed against the crystal, soon lifted to her lips as she murmurs a few quiet words. All spoken backwards, as if someone touched a finger to a vinyl and wound it counter-clockwise. "I dnib eeht."

The thing of magic, her magic, is usually there's no display of fireworks. Nothing grand to show off her level of skill, now preferring the quiet over the grand display. Though her eyes, they still retain that little glow of light until it all dies down coupled with her own satisfaction. And then a sigh.

"There. All done." She holds the crystal and the coin out separately, turning to walk towards the table that was once in between the two, setting them both down. "Hold it over a map. Give it just the tiniest of swings, circular. It will get heavy over time, let it. The point will drop on the location and that is where you need to go. But a warning."

And of course, Zatanna holds it for dramatic effect.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow picks up the crystal pendant and looks at it for a while before taking the coin as well. When Zatanna mentions a warning, they turn to regard her again, a slight tilt of the head prompting her to continue.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro simply keeps silent, looking between Zatanna and the Shadow. Though his eyes linger on Zatanna.


Though the dramatic effect is very much so noted AND appreciated by the fastest mutant.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Magic is unruly. It's a thing that's constant and never, ever certain. There's a give and take to this; none of which you have to pay. But you do need to recognize and realize how chaotic in nature it could be." She smiles a little then, gesturing towards the door. "Keep in mind, nothing is sure and everything is ever changing. No guarantees, yes?" She glances towards Pietro, uneasy. "If you do need help, however. Do come back. We can probably try a more hands-on approach for the right price."

Though, Zatanna wouldn't make The Shadow pay, right now, she's just bull-crapping.

Shadow has posed:
    "... always a price, and always a cost," the Shadow intones, nodding. "It will be paid."

    With that, they pocket the crystal and the coin... And pull out a rather thick envelope. "On that note, this should cover your fee."

    And with a bow and a touch of the hat, the Shadow turns to leave.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks to Zatanna, perhaps moving to her side as if to show that he'll be there for her if something happens, but then...the Shadow just turns to leave, though his eyes shift warily to the envelope. But he pays little mind to it. His hand moves to take Zatanna's, and he lets out a breath. "That...went better than I thought it would."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna takes pause, accepts the envelope without looking into its contents. It was like a held breath, her hand gripping Pietro's.. waiting until she finally clears the room, a smile drawn upon her lips as she nods in agreement. "It did."

She does look a little regretful, then pulls her hand from Pietro's to handle the envelope, looking into its contents and the amount of money that rests within. "I.. feel bad. I was joking." But, at least she can donate the money to a wonderful childrens fund! Or perhaps..

"Do you remember what he said about the judges and the like? I want to put the money towards the peoples defenses. Want to do some research with me? We may have to go to New York, which.. I assume that's where this thing started."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro released Zatanna's hand so she could investigate the contents. Oh! Nice and simple cash. You won't see the silver-haired heir of Magneto questioning anything, but he does nod. "Well, hey.." he looks over to Zatanna, and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Don't feel bad. and sure, I can do some research. I doubt going to New York would be all that hard. but are we going your way or mine?"

He smiles warmly to the raven-haired magician, and he shrugs. But he does glance to make sure the Shadow had left, and wasn't sticking around to snoop.

Shadow has posed:
    The path leading to the street appears deserted - but just for a moment, Pietro sees a shadow on the ground cast by no one he can see, in the shape of a tall figure with a hat walking down the path, passing under the streetlights -- and then the shadow moves out of the pool of light underneath the streetlights, and there's nothing there but the quiet night-time traffic...

    ... And as she strolls down the street waiting for Benny to pick her up, Natasha smiles to herself underneath the scarf. She'd gone seeking information, and came away with a lead.

Now, The Shadow Knows...