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Revision as of 04:02, 30 August 2017

Point of Order
Date of Scene: 29 August 2017
Location: Hyperion Hotel Lobby
Synopsis: Wesley returns from Council Business to Angel Investigations and is debriefed on the general goings on.
Cast of Characters: Angel, Winifred Burkle, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Tinyplot: Blood on My Name
Tinyplot2: Tayaniye

Angel has posed:
    The day was long, and now it was night. Quiet. warm, amd summer, it was a night like any other. Angel is walking around the Hyperion Hotel as though he has something on his mind. Grumbling to himself a bit, he walks downstairs when the sun sets, and moves into the main hall of the hotel. His thoughts are on the Winchesters, the Winter Soldier, and the myriad of other things going on in this neck of the universe.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
There has been quite a bit of activity within the Hyperion Hotel lately. There has been research, junkyard fights, talk of blood and addiction...things have been busy. Much as she has been when she's been in the Hyperion, she is either in or outside the office with all of the books she can find dealing with demons - reading through what she can. There are post-it notes sticking out of half a dozen books and hundreds of pages. Winifred Burkle is still a woman on a mission. She glances up at Angel as he descends the stairs. Her neck is still bruised from the Winter Soldier's deadly grasp, but it is slowly starting to heal.

"Hey Angel," she greets with a smile.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has been gone for months. He has sent the occasional word that he's all right, but no more details than that. It started out as a favour to the Watchers' Council. A small task, at first, one that he didn't think would take more than a week. A week became two, and then several, and well, months. He hasn't dropped a word in several weeks.
He shoulders open the door of the Hyperion, weighed down by a pair of bags, one fairly new, one that looks like it's been dragged through a jungle. There's a freshly dressed wound on his neck and he looks, well, like he just got off a red-eye flight from London.

Angel has posed:
    "Hey Fred." Angel says with a nod, as he rounds the corner and sees her there. "Still working hard I bet. Sam and Dean are gone I suppose?" Angel nods, not hearing them...but hearing someone else.

    Turning at the sound of the door, Angel regards Wesley for a moment, before smiling, and saying, "Mr. Pryce! You made it." Angel's eyes land on his neck and he moves forward to help. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"I haven't seen Dean for awhile," Fred nods. "Sam's..." There's a frown, a look down at the books. She has no idea what to say about Sam right now. "No, he's not here." That's the main thing. With a shrug, she smiles at him. "Yeah. Gotta figure this out, but I still don't really know a bunch of these languages. What we need is---" And then, her thoughts about what they need appears.

Fred immediately perks up. "Wesley!" she greets with a smile and some relief. The notice of the bandage around his neck is met with some worry. Angel asks the question first and she nods in agreement of wanting to know what happened to him.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
"Wyndam-Pryce. I know it's a mouthful but the whole thing //is// my name," says Wesley, but there's not really the heart there might have once been in it. He smiles wearily and lets his bags slide to the floor.
"I'm fine. Things are finally sorted. Let's just say if there's anything we need from the Council for the next decade, we should be covered."

Angel has posed:
    "What we need is Wesley." Angel finishes for Fred, as his eyes land on the man himself. ALthough he looks the worse for wear, Angel simply nods, and doesn't attempt any form of physical contact. "Wyndam-Pryce. Indeed. True." Angel allows him that. "Thank you for doing all that Wesley."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Pushing herself upward, Fred makes her way to Wesley to give him a hug. "Wesley!" Her relief to see him is evident in her voice. "That's not really an answer," she tells him with a smile, but she doesn't press. There's been quite a lot that she'd wished for Wes' insight on. "I'm glad you're back. We really need your help."

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
Wesley hugs Fred gingerly. When he pulls back, he frowns at her injury, "Fred, what happened?" Then he looks to Angel. When he speaks again, it's Serious Voice. "What did I miss?"
Then, "I'll tell you all about my globetrotting adventures at some point. But the short of it is, the Council discovered a group of vampires and werewolves working together, with the assistance of witches." A beat, "...yes, and I do realize that sounds like some sort of Universal Movie Monster team-up."

Angel has posed:
    Looking at Fred, and then at Wesley, Angel smiles and nods. "I am sure with the two of you working together, you can come to a solution for the several issues we currently have on the go." Angel smiles. "Welcome back Wesley. Your experience and knowledge were missed. And you missed...a few things." Angel looks to Fred and says, "Let me know if you need me for anything else. Just point me in the right direction, and I'm good to go." Wesley's words hit home. "Which adds up to something not good. As usual." Angel shakes his head. "Figures. It's never easy..."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"A metal arm assassin," Fred dismisses what happened to her with a bit of a shrug. Despite all that's happened, it's in the past and it didn't send her to a hell dimension. It's certainly a step above that, despite the worry that's still on her face. "There's been a lot. I'm glad you're back."

As for vampires and werewolves, she smiles. "Oh! I've made friends with a mechanic who can turn into a coyote. She's lovely. I'm sorry your trip came with injuries." Angel's offer is met with a nod and a grateful smile. "Of course, I will. Thanks, Angel." He always seems to come through for her whens he needs him.

"There's been a lot. There's been Hydra and an bestial hydra and some deals with demons and devils."

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
Wesley listens to what she has to say. He looks at her for a long moment, then inhales a sharp breath before speaking. "Fred, do you ever pause for a moment to reflect on the rather ridiculous and unbelievable scenarios we each find ourselves in?"
He reaches to touch Fred's shoulder to guide her further into the Hyperion, leaving the bags where he dropped them. "Now, please tell me there's some terrible coffee available, and then tell me about what's most urgent, how about that?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
There's a bit of a smile. "There's always bad coffee," Fred assures Wesley. As for about their ridiculous lives, she tilts her head just slightly. "You mean like living a couple of years in a hell dimension and then being saved by a Champion Vampire and helping him help the helpless?" There's quite a lot about Fred's life that is ridiculous.

As Wesley guides her further into the Hyperion she doesn't at all fight against it. Instead, she takes a breath. "Well. So. There's an assassin. He's called the Winter Soldier. Apparently he was brainwashed by Hydra, but I don't trust him. He's going to help us find our friend that was kidnapped. Right now, that's kind of under control. I think. But, right now my main problem is that someone I knew made a contract with a devil. We need to find a way out of it. I saw a card for some lawyers a little bit ago. I've been debating contacting them."

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
"And...like being raised from a young age to guide and in some ways, control a young woman with the destiny to save all humanity?" Perhaps they shouldn't compare their lives to ordinary people.
Wesley takes in Fred's explanation despite the fact that he's weary and spent. "Unless the devil is employed by Wolfram and Hart, I don't believe a conventional lawyer would be of much use. Most of the contracts I've dealt with have been ancient, not built on torts and objections."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Perhaps they shouldn't. Fred doesn't exactly realize that Wesley is spent and weary. She's been keyed up for days. As a light sleeper and a woman been through a lot, sleepless nights are par for the course as far as she is concerned. "Wolfram and Hart! Yes, that's the card I saw. I thought they might be able to help. I know they're not exactly on good terms with Angel, but this is a contract. And who better to get someone out of it than someone used to contracts like this?"

There's a bit of a frown and a nod. "I'm not sure what all the minutiae are. I do know that Dean sold his soul about nine years ago to save his brother. In about a year he'll be sent to hell. Now he augmented his deal to do favors for another devil. There's gotta be a way out of this, right?"

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
"I've had very little personal experience with demonic contracts, but I do know others who have." Wesley lowers himself into a chair. "Blood exchanges are notoriously tricky," By that he means, a life for a life. "Demons don't tend to enter into that kind of deal when there are any loopholes."
He reaches out for the coffee, sniffs it, smiles a little at its awfulness, then pours himself a cup. "And very much like those creatures, Wolfram and Hart is not an organization you ask favours of lightly. Their advice might come at a cost too high in this instance."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"I haven't either," Fred replies with a sigh. "But, this is important and I need to find a way to break it." As Wesley lowers himself into a chair, she follows and takes a chair opposite of him. She needs no coffee. Instead, she pulls a post-it noted book and pulls it into her lap. "I'm not doing this lightly." She looks down at the book, frowning. "Sorry, Wesley, I know you just got here and I'm already trying to get you to fix things. But, if there's a price I can pay it. But, I need to know more about what's going on and if there's a way to do this."

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
As Fred speaks, Wesley yawns comically large. He tries to raise a hand to cover it, but the maw is too wide. He looks contrite and drops the hand. "I'm sorry, Fred. It's been a very long trip. I may need to rest before I can tackle this problem. I don't suppose there's a spare bed around here that I can..." here comes another yawn.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
At the yawn, Fred gives a bit of a look, but then smiles. "It's a hotel, Wesley," she tells him with a bit of a laugh. "We have a a plentitude of rooms." AS for the apology, she nods. "It's alright. Just, think about it. I think I might go to Wolfram and Hart soon." Pushing herself up from the chair she grins. "I'll show you the most put together room around here other than mine and Angel's."

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
"Fred, please don't do anything rash until I've had a chance to look at this situation with fresh eyes. I understand that it's urgent, but these matters really are my bailiwick." Wes stands, weaves a little, then corrects himself. "Why don't you make a list of the books you've checked and leave out any of your research. I'll have a look once I've got my head back on."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"I'm not being rash," Fred defends, though the fact that she's being defensive might just give an insight. She looks about. "Anything with post-it notes Sam and I have looked into. But, we don't have your insight." She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "This really is your wheelhouse." When he weaves, she reaches out a hand to steady him. "Sorry, I've been talking your ear off. Let's get you to bed, Wesley. It's real good to see you."

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce has posed:
"When I've rested, you will have to tell me who all these people are. If they do deals with demons, I do not approve and will look at them quite sternly." That's Wes's way of making a joke, but it's so close to what he'd actually do - is it really a joke?
He reaches out to squeeze Fred's shoulder. "Good to see you as well. Oh, by the way, if you smell something foul from the bathroom, it's me." He winces, when he realizes how that sounded. "...it's...a poultice I have for this wound." He points to his neck. "It's a rather long story and it exhausts me just recalling it."

Winifred Burkle has posed:
There's a bit of a laugh. "Yes. We'll talk." There's a look as to him disapproving of Dean, but she can't say she disagrees. Fred doesn't agree with Dean's own choice lately - though his previous deal is much more complicated.

The warning about the bathroom is met with a curious look and a bit of a blush. Then, though he explains. "I see," she laughs. "Don't worry. If you need help, let me know, too. If you're going to turn into a werewolf or a vampire, we've got contacts to help you out with that."