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Latest revision as of 03:08, 27 March 2019

You Are Doin' Me a Bamboozle
Date of Scene: 26 March 2019
Location: Steve's Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Steve wants to sleep. Janets want to Steve. T'Challa wants to help. Thor also wants to share buttered chicken. Wade wants to sow chaos. It's all chaos -- glorious chaos.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Jocasta, Captain America, Black Panther, Deadpool, Thor

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
For the Avengers in the mansion, two nights after the dramatic rescue of Janet and Janet, there was... a bit of an 'incident'.

Specifically, the sound of a hell of a shouting match from Steve's dormitory room. Not a 'someone being loud' at 11 PM event. Screaming, yelling, some shrieking, and all of it sounding *angry*. And then the sound of a bowl or plate being broken.

When the present Avengers show up, they're treated to quite a sight. Steve, in baggy sleeping pants and a white tee-shirt, between the two Janets, who are clearly attempting to kill one another with their bare hands. One of them is in a rather revealing red silk nightie, and the other's in a brief kimono-style black silk evening robe.

Fortunately for Steve, the two women are more intent on killing each other than trying to get past him.

"I warned you, you roboslut! Stay away from him!" one of them screeches, and tries to clamber over Steve's forearm again (rather ineffectually).

Jocasta has posed:
Janet is doing her level best to throttle...Janet. "*Me*?! You're the one who already stole my telepathy, you glorified toaster oven! You can't have my boyfriend!" Glares of death are being given at the other Janet. "They should have left you there, you cheap knockoff!" She kicks out at Janet...probably ineffectually, with Steve between them.

Captain America has posed:
"Hey now, just -- "

Steve grunts as one of them tries to surmount his stiff-arm across her torso. He tries his hardest to not enter the No-Fly Zone as he resets the posture and keeps his other arm out as a secondary barrier against the other Janet.

"Ladies, please -- " Looking from one to the other owlishly, it's very clear that while the Captain can easily direct those of military ilk, this fiasco is above his paygrade.

"Look, let's just talk like -- "

Poor guy can't even finish a sentence.

"I don't want to have to raise my voice, it's late and I just wanted to -- "

Long-suffering sigh.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa hears the noise from his room, moving over the doorway and pausing there as he listens. After a moment's indecision on whether to intervene, the sound of Steve's frustration is finally what breaks the stalemate.

The African walks down the hallway quietly, knocking on the door jam as he gets to Steve's door. "Do you require any assistance?" he asks towards Steve in an even tone, his face perfectly composed, ever the straight man.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet bounces off Steve's arm and scowls angrily at him. "Get out of my way!" she tells the Captain. "I warned her! I told her, I said 'no fooling around with Steve!'. And then first thing, FIRST THING she does, is, is, she--" Janet splutters angrily and gestures at the woman in the red nightie.

"Yeah because you're a glorified toaster oven and you know Steve would be able to tell the difference between us like--" Janet finger-snaps, hand describing an arc near her head. "Afraid he'll smell your silicone?"

Jocasta has posed:
"Yeah, RIGHT!" Nightie Janet glares back at Kimono Janet. "And I'm not the one made of silicone around here, fleshlight! You're right though, he CAN tell the difference!" And with that, Nightie Janet will do her level best to use Steve's distraction as an opportunity to plant an epic kiss on him.

On the plus side, she does kiss *exactly* like Janet.

Captain America has posed:
T'Challa might as well be a god-send. He receives a beseeching look from Steve, stuck there as unofficial referee between the spitting fashionistas. With a small grunt of effort again, he shifts his weight and looks between the two women in exasperation.

"Ladies, please, calm down! Right now!" The first hint of steel enters the Captain's tone as he looks back at T'Challa again. "If you could please escort one of them at least out into the hallway, that would b -- "

Then there's the impact of lips to lips and Steve doesn't get to finish his sentence.


Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther manages to take one step into the room when the kiss happens. He crosses the distance to the trio a little bit faster now. There's a flicker of indecision only before T'Challa moves to try to gently take hold of red nightgown Janet's shoulders and pull her away from Steve rather than trying to pull Kimono Janet back while the kiss is going on.

"Janet, please," he says, putting on a sterner voice than he ever uses with her. "This situation... this is not an appropriate time," he tells red nightie Janet.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
the other Janet stares in shock when Steve's kissed, jaw going slack. Her eyes bulge with spluttering outrage and she almost looks like she's having a stroke.

Tiny fists bang on Steve's granite-like bicep. "Will you ... STOP!!! ... quit-- kissing her!" she gets out, finally. "That's not even me! That's her! Who isn't me! I'm not her! She's not me!" The petite Avenger's almost red in the face with outrage, her cheeks both pale and mottled with an angry flush. She looks slightly mollified when T'challa grabs the other Janet and hauls her away, sneering at the woman mockingly. "That's right, toss her into the recycling!" she tells T'challa with a gleeful bounce. "She shouldn't have been in here anyway! I *told* her, I *told* her, 'stay away from Steve!'" She glares at Steve again. "If I hadn't walked in when I did, you'd be *dead*, Buster Brown," she fumes at him.

Jocasta has posed:
Janet gets grabbed and moved by T'Challa. It's not hard; she's wee and doesn't weigh very much. She gets pulled back, and her voice is indignant. "This whole *situation* is inappropriate, T! SHE'S the fake, and here you are pulling me off my own boyfriend! C'mon, that was a perfectly valid test to help prove I'm me!"

She glares at her counterpart. "Hey! Don't you threaten Steve, you...you Terminator, you! I'll take you apart!"

Captain America has posed:
Able to breathe when separated from the kiss, Steve's red to his ears and down into his neck at his point. A man beleaguered, he swallows //hard// and rubs a hand down his face. He's no longer got arms out to separate the two women and is likely betting on T'Challa's presence to keep the two from actively trying to shred one another again.

"T'Challa's right," he gets out, voice rough and wonky in places, looking between the two fashionistas again. "I just wanted to sleep. I figured I'd talk to you both tomorrow. Separately," the addendum comes with another uprising of the steely note.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther keeps his hands on Janet's shoulders, though one hand gives her a gentle, reassuring pat. "And would you readily accept her engaging in that 'test'?" he asks the Janet he's holding. "I know it is stressful my friend, but we just need time to sort the matter out fully."

T'Challa pauses a moment, not seeming to do anything. Unless anyone notices he's drawing in a deep breath. The Wakandan finally lets go of Janet, but moving over to be in a position to get between the two women if need be. He continues until he's closer to Janet in the black Kimono. Again he draws a slow, deep breath, though not leaning towards her or otherwise being overt about it.

Deadpool has posed:
    "A teeeeeeee-ssss-t?!" Somehow, the single word is sing-songed into lots of extra syllables.

"Is it wet t-shirt test? I will judge the fuck out of that. I am ready."

And in comes Wade, hands on his belt, upbeat, cheery, mercenary in black and red, a swagger in his robust and overblown body language.

"Oh hi," Wade adds, cheerily, as if he hadn't been talking. Maybe that was just in his head? Sometimes it is. It isn't always out loud. "I did say all that, right? T-shirts? Wet? Et-cetera? I think so. Still an offer."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
The berobed Janet looks even more incensed than before at T'challa's calm deliberation and Steve's attempt at disarming the situation. "Would you quit blushing like a teenager?" she hisses, and pinches his arm. "You and I are going to have a *very long talk* about this later!" Her tone is a furious grating to go with the pale anger in her cheeks.

She casts around, fuming. The situation's spiralling out of control and she isn't quite sure where to vent her anger. The other Janet's looking smugly assured, Steve's embarassed, and T'challa's trying to play the diplomat. Fortunately she doesn't notice T'challa sniffing around her like a curious housecat-- because Wade blows into the room and throws a proverbial match on the gasoline.

Janet grabs a plate off Steve's low table and cocks her hand behind her head to throw it at the red-clad mercenary. "WADE! OUT!" she screeches.

Jocasta has posed:
Nightie Janet is not in anything she really wanted outsiders to see. ESPECIALLY WADE. His arrival gives her something to focus on, though, and it stops her from answering T'Challa's question with another insult against her kimonoed counterpart.

"For once, I agree with her!" Janet says, looking about for something to fling at Wade.

It's probably a very good thing Steve isn't in uniform. With, you know, the shield. Because there would have been a (comically bad) throwing of it at Wade. Instead, her hand lights up with a bioplasma aura. "This is not the time!!!"

Captain America has posed:
Wade's arrival inspires both expected and unexpected results. Steve outright gapes at the Merc and almost asks him how the hell he got into the mansion, but remembers at the last second that nothing's kept Wade out save for his own meandering interests.

However, the combined force of the Janets is enough to snap him out of staring. He takes a quick few steps to place himself between the Merc and the aim of the Janets' projectiles and plants himself right in their way.

"Do not throw my things," the Captain says in an eerily-calm tone of voice.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther has a curious expression on his face for a moment, though the arrival Wade pulls his attention that way. As he notes the reactions of both Janets, T'Challa lifts his hands to motion to them. "See? You already are agreeing on something," he says helpfully.

Though he sees the plate and, shoot, Janet's hand is starting to glow. T'Challa moves back over in front of Janet that is rocking the red nightie. "Janet, please!" he says, holding up both hands to her in a calming manner. "Let's put the stingers down and... maybe you both should smoke something?" he suggests.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade automatically bats at the plate he thought was coming, like swatting a frisbee out of the way -- but since it wasn't thrown, it just looks a little insane. And that's fine. "Holyshit, it's a FIGHT? I didn't know it was a /fight/," Wade enthuses, with a fierce energy and almost venomous excitement. He draws one of his guns with an easy flip, twirling it through his fingers.

"Wait, wait. I'm not in /theme/, though." He holds up a finger in a clear 'just one second', and then manipulates the image inducer watch on the wrist connected to the hand with the gun.

Abruptly, a third Janet appears, via image inducer. Armed with a gun. Who them promptly pulls the side of black AND red diamond-patterned kimono/nightgown/thing back to show off thigh. And the new diamond-clad Janet taps the gun against said silky thigh. It's not subtle.

"Fiiiiiiiite?" Wade coaxes (in his own voice), with a draw of tongue over lower lip and wrinkle of nose flirtatiously.

"You tell them, Stevie," Wade echoes. He mouths, 'Fiiiighhhhht?' at the girls from around Steve (and ALSO T'Challa now).

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Frankly, it's a good thing that T'challa and Steve move to intercept the two women. Both are looking well past 'incensed' and well into the kind of outrage usually typified as 'psychotically homicidal'.

Even then, it's a near thing that neither of them has a clear shot at Wade. Clear-ish, anyway. The plate's dropped and bioplasma curls around Janet's fingers. In eerie tandem the two prowl forwards with an almost atavistic hunter's pace towards the Merc with the Mouth. Like two lionesses executing a hyena.

A dumb one. With terrible personal hygiene.

Janet catches Steve glancing over his shoulder when Wade flashes something. She barks an erring buzzer sound at him. "Do *not* even *look* at him," she hisses at Steve. Danger, Steve Rogers, Danger! She emphatically points from her eyes to Steve's face.

Jocasta has posed:
Indeed, the fact that both Steve and T'Challa are there is probably a really good idea. It prevents an immediate shot at Wade. So instead, Janet resorts to verbal shots.

"Oh. Hell. No." If looks could kill, there would be a death beam blowing its way through Avengers mansion right now. "First, I have get chaperoned from my own man by C-3PO over there." She holds up a single finger, still glowing with bioplasma, mind you. "*THEN* I get told that I'm only allowed to have HALF my clothes, and half my makeup, because I have to *share*."

As if that is almost the greater offense. Janet is not good at sharing.

"I am NOT SPLITTING my things three ways, Wade Wilson. Don't even think about it!!!"

Someone is *really* not good at sharing. And decidedly shrill. Something is going to bleed. Or burn. Or SOMETHING, dammit.

Captain America has posed:
"Don't think smoking's gonna cut it," Steve replies tightly to T'Challa. "Good idea though." Credit is given where it's due in the situation now on tenterhooks. Then Wade -- oh Wade. The glint of movement behind him does draw attention, but only in passing. The Captain straightens in place at the reproach and then sets his jaw.

"Wade. Please. You're only going to annoy them more." There's an undercurrent of beseeching heard again despite his low voice. His arms are held out to the sides yet again as more of a bulwark.

"Ladies. Please stop." Now Steve's voice has risen noticeably without reaching mid-force of volume.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa is facing Janet-in-red, trying to get her to let the bio sting go. So he doesn't see Wade's transformation at first. He looks back over his shoulder as he sees the reaction of the original two Janets and the Wakandan lets out a groan. He looks over to Steve and says quietly, "Would it kill him if we just give them each one shot?" he suggests.

T'Challa doesn't seem serious though. He runs his fingers through his short hair in an exasperated way though. "Janet," he tells the one he's in front of. "Come, Steve's had enough of this. I know it is difficult. If we make a list of the makeup, I will see if we cannot get a second, full set together," he says in his soft, gravelly smooth voice. "Let us go to the kitchen. Some rum. A blender and some ice. Yes?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Yes, I am very talented at annoying," Wade says, so flattered that Steve told him so.

Wade leans in to loudly stage-whisper to T'Challa playfully: "/I shoot back/."

Owait. "Oh, I misunderstood the situation. That happens. A lot. I could not even tell you how many times that happens. Also that it's not really a problem: I mean, there's a Clone Wars or something here and that's cool. I mean, twins is always hot. HEY. Let's go into Revenge of the Steve," Wade-Janet suggests, putting his gun away. His mood has remained relatively consistent: fierce and upbeat. Not quite manic.

Wade's free hand moves back to the image inducer, after a brief visual scan over Steve's back and rear assets. He swaps over to mimic his buddy, instead of the Janets. Considering the physical space that Wade actually takes up, it is a far closer cry to reality, which makes it far more believable visually. "There now. I fixed it," Wade says, adjusting vocal tone on the fly. When it /matters/ to him (and when he can hold focus), Wade is a great actor. He gives an excellent disapproving little sigh-frown at the ladies. Such disappointment. Much crossing of arms with some accidentally sexy flex. Ho hum.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Weirdly, Wade manages to defuse the situation somewhat by shifting into a Steve-Clone. Both Janets come up short at the same time, their readied bioweapons dimming a little. Heads tilt to the left in eerie mirroring as they complicate the same notion running through their heads.

"Twins *are* hot," one of the Janets murmurs. The other's about to say the same thing and smirks wryly, glancing at her counterpart. "Right?"

Jocasta has posed:
Janet puts a hand on her hip, and looks back at Janet. "Really?" Dry sarcasm drips from her voice. "You are saying that *while you are busy being a fakey hot twin of me?!*

Death glare returns a moment, aimed at other-Janet. That said, she does look to Steve. And...other-Steve. And then back to other-Janet. "You know, I think I'm almost offended he's not having this kind of hormonal reaction to *us*."

She looks back to T'Challa, who suddenly gets her full attention. "You know...right now? Rum. Sounds. SPECTACULAR."

Thor has posed:
    The front door closes with a /wham/ and accompanied by the rustle of paper bags being jostled for position as none other than the current Asgardian monarch returns from his appointed task. The security systems likely make their quick normal sweep and any that might be keyed in to such would be noted.
    Down the hall he strode, for some reason a smile on his face and he even seems to hum a bit of a tune with his step, something old and with a simple rhythm. But as he enters the den, shoulder pushing the door open with a casual thud, the tune stops once he espies what greets the gaze of his good eye.
    Still in his civilian clothes and wearing his elaborate disguise of a black baseball cap, Thor God of Thunder, freezes in his tracks and looks from Cap to Cap to Janet to Janet to T'Challa even as the words, 'Twins are hot!' floats in and out of his consciousness.
    His brow furrows, his head tilts, and then with a sly tinge to his voice he asks the room warily. As if the answer would solve all mystery. "Which of you..." He looks between the Janets now. "Ordered the butter chicken?"

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa gives Janet-in-red a quick smile as the notion of the rum drinks seems appealing to her. Anything to help keep them calm, right?

And hey? When has alcohol ever led to anything but calm?

T'Challa turns to see there are now two Steves. "I really should have had Okoye stay at the mansion. This would have been exactly what she needed to forget about tonight," he comments to himself.

Thor's arrival is timely. "Thor. I am going to prepare the ladies some drinks. If you could... assist Steve perhaps?" he asks. T'Challa looks over to Steve. Sorry buddy, his expression seems to say, before he steps out to head for the kitchen.

Captain America has posed:
With the situation diffused visibly to the point where each Janet is no longer eyeing Janet-Wade like he deserves death by slowest manner possible, Steve blows a sigh.

"Wait." The word leaves his mouth once 'twins are hot' floats in one ear and nearly out the other. Maybe it was also a helpless call to T'Challa who's definitely on the right path to further calming of the Janets. Still, he wheels in place to see //himself// giving himself a stern look, wearing identical clothing, down to the socks on his feet.

It's a bit like a thunderstorm breaking on the horizon. An index finger is held up an inch before Wade's face and then comes an incensed, half-choked tirade in Irish-Gaelic that would have blistered his mother's ears. He's so occupied with laying into Wade in his birth-tongue that he misses Thor's entrance entirely at first.

Regardless, Steve Rogers says some very, very terrible things.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade was going to say something like that HE was having a hormonal reaction, but that's not very Steve-like, and there's more fun in trying to be a proper clone at the moment than breaking character. That's truly a fight, though, an inner war of saying things and not saying things and it partially breaks Wade. Fortunately, Steve is a lifeline. Wade turns dramatically towards him, 'horrified.'

"/Language/," Wade says disapprovingly, with a slow shake of head. He's only been told that line like 80 kajillion times: he's got it DOWN.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
When Steve's blistering vituperations come to an end, there's a peculiar silence from behind him. The two Janets are standing in almost mirror postures, weight over their left foot, head tilted slightly at the same angle. One has an arm across her stomach to support her elbow. Her free hand floats near her face and she bites the edge of a thumbnail in an unconscious reaction to Steve's stentorian fury. The other stands with a hand on her outcocked hip, her free arm dangling casually at her side. The expression in their oddly dark green eyes is one of smouldering interest.

When Steve turns to look, they answer in stereo: "No no, don't mind me."

Jocasta has posed:
Indeed, the two Steves get inspected there. For a moment, it would seem, the two Janets have accord. But then, after a moment, Nightie Janet drags her attention away enough, aided by the smell from the bags. "Thor! Me! Shrinking Janet!" She waves a hand. See, that's super important because Shrinking Janet is real Janet. Really. This was covered earlier, before the catfightpocalypse.

Thor has posed:
    In the doorway with the bags, Thor is busily trying to make sense of the scene. For a moment he smiles as he espies Jocasta waving for him and the bags, in that instant he looks like he's about to advance to her to give her the bags...
    Only for his attention to be drawn inevitably to the steady snap and chop patter of a good Gaelic rant that slices down syllables with such verve and gusto that it's not surprising how Irish children can wilt under the torments of their mother tongue.
    But for the Asgardian, who understands every hurled invective, every twisted sharp word, every snarl of derision... it causes his good eye to widen and then with such /authority/ he declares. "Ah hah! That one is clearly the impostor!" Even as he motions to the real Steve with one of the bags, then _tosses_ them down onto an empty straight back chair that sits decoratively beside the doorway.
    In the next moment Thor gestures to the side sharply with his empty hand as if reaching for something.

Captain America has posed:
"WADE!" comes the leonine roar out of Steve for his own reproach being leveled at him, even in jest. More venomously-melodic Gaelic leaves him towards the Merc and he thankfully loses steam shortly afterwards, his cheeks gone red and eyes manic in his checked temper but for words. He glances briefly back at Janet(s) and lets out a short sound of irritation.

Thor's presence dawns on him and he takes a visible step away from Wade-Steve even as one of the Janets flounces by for what appears to be buttered chicken...? The Asgardian's shout is most definitely part war-cry and his eyes grow wide.

"Wait, Thor -- no, you've got it wrong, I'm Steve Rogers!" Oh god, he knows what that hand gesture just might entail. "I'm Captain Rogers!" Palms are held out towards Thor even as he looks wildly around the room for something particular in turn.

Deadpool has posed:
"Don't worry, imposter, I will share my chicken with you, for everyone should be given a chance to be a better version of themselves," Entirely-not-Imposter Wade-Steve says kindly to Imposter-Steve.

I have no idea who is which imposter anymore.

Everyone's an imposter, it's fine.


"We are all Captain Rogers in the best of our heart of hearts; I forgive you, imposter," continues whoever the hell it is Wade is being right now, who attempts to pat-pat the other Steve and comfort him, other hand pressed against his own chest, looking skyward as if to visually take in the 'More you Know' rainbow with the kindness and even quality so known to being true Captain America.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:

The Janet in the brief black kimono can't shrink, no. But that doesn't stop her from dashing towards the Asgardian. Red flashes under the hem of her black robe as she leaps for Thor and grabs him firmly by the ear on the same side as his hammer arm.

"If you hit Steve with that hammer, SO HELP ME I will *end* you," she grates at the Asgardian with all the venomous vituperation she can muster.

Jocasta has posed:
And of course, this is when Janet decides to "help". She looks over at the situation, and adds "Besides, you're supposed to be smiting the fake *me*, not the fake Steve! No getting it wrong and squashing him!"

She takes a moment, looking from Real Steve to Imposter Steve. There's a moment where it goes: look at Real Steve. Look at Fake Steve. Look at Steve's bedroom.

Then, of course, she shakes her head slightly like she's clearing it. "Bad Janet." she says, quietly, to herself.

Thor has posed:
    From perhaps thirty feet away they'll hear a /KOOM!/ as Mjolnir flies from the foyer through one wall of a sitting room, a /KACHOOM!/ as it crashes through the next wall in that room, and then it /whommmmms/ its way down the hall and through the open door into the den to clap into Thor's hand.
    The hammer is drawn back and held low at the Asgardian's side, but he does not look as if he's about to attack. Instead he looks between the two Steves. The two Janets, then back to the two Steves.
    Only for one of the Janets to leap forth while the other rails at him and the former /grabs/ his ear. "Ah!" He grimaces and says sidelong even as his good eye scrunches with a touch of pain, "Janet, I am saving you!" But no attack is forthcoming on Steve. At least for now.

Captain America has posed:
"WADE, THAT'S NOT HELPFUL!!!" The Captain reels away from the brief pat-pat on his shoulder as he waits for the arrival of the famous hammer. The first sound of impact through the mansion's walls has him backpedaling towards the bed itself. The next two are timed for Real-Steve to dive half-beneath it as if he were to grab --

The shield, star-spangled and all. He rolls sideways after he snags it and then stumbles upright behind it, holding out an imperative palm towards Thor and the Uru-metal weapon.

"Janet's right! It's me! I am the real Steve!" He then shifts his attention towards the Merc.

"Wade." Steve levels the calmest possible tone at the Merc reveling in his Ultimate Boy Scout state of imagery. "Wade, please change back now. Do me this favor?!"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade looks crestfallen when he's yelled about how unhelpful he's being. SO HURT. "/Wade/," Wade addresses Steve, with an extreme level of considerate patience. "It would not even harm you for very long if it hit you," he reminds .... Wade?

The thing is, I'm really good at talking to myself. So this isn't even hard.

So hard.

That was bad.

So /bad/.

Don't turn it into -- you know what, nevermind. Type your damn pose.

"You know we don't negotiate with terrorists." He pauses. "And your knowledge of the shield under my bed only makes this creepier." DISAPPOINTED LOOK.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
There's a *kaboom* of bioplasma being discharged and the Janet bracing Thor fires off a needle-thin shot at StevePool's perfectly emulated rear. IT's less than the force of a bullet, admittedly, but it probably still stings a fair amount.

"Stop trying to get Steve killed, Wade," Janet snaps, at the end of her patience. "You'll survive a hammer to the face. He won't."

Thor has posed:
    There's that flash of venom blast lancing out towards one of the Steves. Thor tenses, grimacing, and wincing a little as he turns and lifts his hand to gently curl it around Janet's and draw her grip away from his ear as he looks at her... so mournful, so betrayed, as if he were being so wronged by her wicked wicked violence. It almost looks as if she were cruel to a golden retriever puppy, such disappointment in his good eye.
    But he turns back towards the Steves and seems about to say something...

Jocasta has posed:
Janet has confidence that Thor isn't going to make it Hammer Time on Steve. Mostly. But it's been quite an evening, and her attempt at boyfriend cuddles (or hot steamy boyfriend sex, *wouldn't you like to know*) has been interrupted by an overgrown toaster oven and a visit from Deadpool, who had the extremely bad manners to become her hot boyfriend and not even attempt to make out, and oh god why is she thinking that and DAMMIT clonebot for wrecking this, because at the point when you're lamenting that WADE WILSON didn't make out with you...

It's time to go to bed. Nightie Janet looks about in a huff. "*I* am going to have my butter chicken." She stalks over towards a bag. "And my rum."

And she starts towards the kitchen. "And you can't have any. NONE OF YOU."

Captain America has posed:
Steve gives himself a gimlet look. Even as he watches the results of one of the Janet's shots land straight into the pert hindquarters of his own personal clone, he remains silent. His voice carries loud and clear in the room seconds later.

"Then when did Janet stub her toe on it last, Wade?" The Captain straightens in place, still holding the shield before his person. "When. You tell me." The challenge is leveled. He still shifts attention to one of the Janets leaving and his throat bobbles in a swallow. However, back his blue gaze goes to pin himself in place again.

Deadpool has posed:
"HEY," yelps the Stevepool with a hurt puppy look, as his very nice butt is accosted with a stinging attack. Ouch, that /smarts/. Only briefly, his healing factor takes that sting apart quickly, but still. He automatically stepped sharply away from it, one hand dropping to grip the injury, and shuffles directly towards Steve and his shield-- probably even far enough to bang into it and add more confusion.

Wade also just can't maintain this much longer. His attention span is stretched thin, like a condom on his impressive dingaling.

"Nobody in this room is /actually/ confused about if I'm Steve or not, are they?" Wade asks, suddenly, surprised. "Did I really do that good?" He tilts his head.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet doesn't kid herself, ear violence only works on Thor because of the psychological factor. She lets him de-earring himself and folds her arms across her stomach. When OtherJanet goes to get the buttered chicken, she just stares huffily at the contents of the room.

"Wade, literally every one of us watched you use your hologram machine," Janet tells the mercenary, peevishly. "And we can still *smell* you." She eyes the other Janet.

"So what, you're just taking everything that isn't nailed down? First my boyfriend, now my food! Fine! Hell with it, just take everything!"

She turns on her heel and flounces past Thor and out the door. There's a moment of jockeying as the two women try to leave at the same time and then push past each other, bickering the whole way down the hall.

Thor has posed:
    The hammer in Thor's hand lowers as Jocasta storms off, though she takes one of the bags, only for Janet to follow suit. For a brief instant he seems like he might say something to them but the way they look with that mad on... he thinks better of it.
    Turning back to the Steves, Thor frowns and looks between them, then attaches Mjolnir to his hips. He straightens up, folding his arms over his broad chest and seeming /so/ severely displeased with the Steves and the situation. A deep breath is taken, exhaled in a chuff and he shakes his head. "This was very unfortunate, and dangerous." He looks towards Steve, the Real Steve, and says with such heartfelt sincerity. "I am disappointed in you."
    That said he turns and follows in Jocasta's steps, leaving the room while he shakes his head. Sad Thor. So Sad.

Captain America has posed:
At the end of a long, long sigh, after he watches the Janets and Thor leave the room, Steve continues to stand there. He doesn't look directly at not-Steve. Instead, he stares at the empty doorway and seems to be thinking to himself.

The shield is kept as he then turns to the chair tucked into his oak desk. He briefly sets the vibranium disc aside to shrug on the coat and then takes up the shield once more. Sneakers are toed on with their loose but not untucked laces.

"'m going to my apartment. Might wanna leave, Wade, you'll probably end up hurt otherwise. Rather you not." The Captain's tone is ironed flat as he then makes to leave his own room and exit out into the hallway, headed for one of the side stairwells and eventually the cold night itself.

Deadpool has posed:
Everybody's leaving. That's fine. Kind of REALLY THE USUAL. Wade is often thrown out or left alone with himself.

"I'm /always/ gettin' hurt, but thanks, Stevie," Wade says thoughtfully, quietly. 'Stevepool' heads over to the remaining bag of food, and begins to happily unpack it. He got to play, nearly fight, and now there's food. A good visit to the Avengers as always! He didn't get to make out with either Janet. Maybe next time.

Wade settles with the food, removing his image illusion-maker, and peels up his mask to relax and munch away on the couch.