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(Intergang is getting desperate. As are a couple villains for their technology. A series of hits results in some probably expected results.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 02:53, 10 September 2017

Apokolips Now: Intergang Long Island
Date of Scene: 09 September 2017
Location: Long Island
Synopsis: Intergang is getting desperate. As are a couple villains for their technology. A series of hits results in some probably expected results.
Cast of Characters: Triplicate Girl, Black Canary, Gypsy Moth, Crusader, Martian Manhunter, Spider-Woman (Drew), Deathstroke

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The news media, of course, has been blowing up lately with news of Intergang; of their various heists, attempts, hostages, injuries -- and, most recently, the kidnapping and disappearance of Superwoman. That news, imparticular, has struck a chord with both Metropolis - and the world. Even with their defeats at robbing a bank and priceless works of art, if they're able to kidnap a Kryptonian as strong as Superwoman ... what else are they capable of?!

    It had been a few days, since the devestation of the gala at the art fair, and the kidnapping of Superwoman. In Long Island, Washington D.C., San Fransisco, and Manhattan all, security is at a maximum. Any tighter, and there may well be national guard being called in. SWAT trucks are openly patrolling at key points of the city, banks, national historical museums or art muesums, government centers. Police patrols are even more visible. The cities, and the suburbs are keyed up. And it's in people's faces. The way they walk, go to work, it's in the way they avoid talking about it, fearing that speaking of it will make it even more real and bring it to their doorstep. The fear of the unknown. The fear of knowing it's coming.

    But Bruno Mannheim had had enough. He was losing too many weapons. Too many men. And, there was pressure. Pressure from Desaad. Even the kidnapping of Superwoman hadn't been enough to sate his sponsor's desires. So, a plan of action was decided upon. Men were chosen. Vehicles were selected. And Manhiem's plans were set to go into action at any moment. The 'sleepy' county of Nassau was about to get lit up like a Christmas Tree. And the world, and all those damn heroes, were going to know that Intergang was a treat to be respected. They, afterall, had the weapons to do it. It was only a matter of time.

Black Canary has posed:
    Since the last attack, Black Canary has been one of the 'on call' League members watching for any signs of more Intergang activity. The majority of the League is currently covering the larger cities around the United States; the remainder are standing by to be dropped at the first sign of trouble. She's currently in the Watchtower response center, waiting for a sign she needs to be deployed. As Nassau wasn't considered a high priority, no one has been assigned there yet.

    But with the situation developing...it's only a matter of time until she's deployed.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
In theory, Sybil Dvorak is house hunting. She has been staying at a hotel in the area for months, so looking for a new place is only reasonable. Of course, as she is secretly Gypsy Moth, she is also looking for opportunity. Whether it is places for her Sybartic cult to expand, or places to rob, it is pretty much the same to her. However, Intergang is putting a dent in competitive drug dealers and prostitutes, and the drug trade and prostitution are major sources of income for the Sybarites. Something has to be done about Intergang if she is to break into the market...so she is watching the area for their activities as well.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader was stationed in Long Island - intergang was now hitting /very/ close to home, his home(s). They have hurt several innocent bystandards, and caused unrest and disharmony (more than usual) where-ever they went, and no end in sight was near.
    But still the massive knight-like being stayed calm as he took up a position on Long Island - as messing up an entire island like area sounds like something this intergang would do. Luckily the city was working with the League due to this unsual threat and while not an official member....Crusader was a good enough Ally to allow in on the situation. He himself has been stationed at Long Island patrolling the streets alongside officers - though he stayed in Stealth Mode'
    He signals over the comms to other League members "Is there anything acitivites in your areas?" he asks over the comm links. Hidden within his person was actually one of the apokolip rifles he had snagged in his first encounter with intergang...just in case

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The disappearance of Superwoman is the exact reason why J'onn has begun his own investigation into what is happening with these gangs. The rest of the Justice League has been working on various parts of the investigation, J'onn has been able to review some of the notes left in the Watchtower database, but he has not had an opportunity to speak to any of the members directly. J'onn is prepared for any mental links from the League members, one of his functions is to quickly relay a surge in activity, and transport team members as necessary.

He is currently at the Watchtower Monitor room, monitoring the various systems for any sign of increased threats across the glohbe. Over the Leagues communication channel, he responds to Crusader "Nothing that has been obvious yet, Crusader..." The Martian pauses, before continuing, "...I have Black Canary at the Watchtower, and will be ready to transport when a threat is identified."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The Actions of Intergang have been enough to get them on the Radar of SHIELD, no doubt their advanced alien technology helping in this endeavor, and so SHIELD assets are in the area, in the process of tracking potential sightings or leads the shadowy organization has received.

To this end, Jessica Drew is currently aboard a surveillance aircraft circling over Nassau County, sitting in the back while SHIELD Technicians twist their knobs and push their buttons. Spider-Woman, however, is not monitoring devices, she is watching Re-Runs of Friends, sipping on a cup of coffee from her travel mug, and waiting for the spooks to catch sight of something, and generally 'supervising' the operation.

Deathstroke has posed:

Another day, another criminal organization backed by even more sinister and perhaps otherworldly forces. Slade Wilson has done the song and dance before: in his tenure as the world's greatest assassin and a mercenary presence in nearly every conflict in the last several decades, it takes a lot to surprise him. Nor, even, does he hold the greatest of earth's 'heroes' in such high regard or unrestrained awe to be impressed when one of them gets herself in hot water. Kryptonians have always seemed a little overated to him; such a readily exploitable weakness.

In truth, he wasn't even in Long Island for these high-tech criminal upstarts. That story, too, is one that tends to repeat itself. Days, maybe a week earlier, he'd discovered his son working for one such orgnization, a group of mad scientists with the usual 'turn the powers of heroes against the world' schtick. The only thing is, working for them had gotten his son killed. And the home base of some of the heroes involved just *happens* to be in this neighborhood.

So he has unfinished business here. But there's always that saying about the enemies of your enemies, and while Slade Wilson - also known as Deathstroke the Terminator - isn't stupid enough to think he'll make *friends* with these people, he's not sure they can't be put to use in dealing with his own enemies.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu Durgo, better known to a select few on Earth and especially those in the time-travelled Legion of Superheroes as Triplicate Girl is walking away from a particularly well reputed foodstand, with a rather large sack of take-out food and extra orders that she's carrying. Apparently, she's either really, really, really hungry or she's grabbing a bunch of food for friends. Afterall, Earth Food is so ... interesting. And good. And, well, Luornu has become somewhat of an aficianado. Good thing she has a pretty rigid exercise regime to not put on the extra pounds.

    But Intergang doesn't care so much about food. What they care about is reputation. Power. Prestige. And, now? Now they're fighting for their 'lives'. Because Desaad is threatning them. All of them. Especially Mannhiem. And that's why, just across from Luornu, a SWAT vehicle explodes in a sudden shower of blue light, and red flame and a defeaning sound.
    The shot, fired from the back of a deliver truck marked 'Brunnhilde's Busty Bagels' with the picture of a rather happy, overweight nordic woman on the front handing a tray of steaming bagels out to the world at large, is a devestating one. The SWAT vehicle flies back in the air a good twenty feet, crashing into other parked cars, rolling onto it's side. And then, another blast, from another vehicle - this one a 'Tom's TV Repair Service' truck parked at a meter lights up a police car. Intergang is looking for attention.
    Four men, out of each truck file out, each with a dangerous looking weapon that to some like Bjorn, will seem all too familiar.
    Two blocks down, as those explosions are heard, another SWAT vehicle is roasted as if they'd all been given a verbal cue, or an agreed upon time had been met. Two men from that truck get out to begin robbing the nearby jewelry store at laser-gun point, while four more set up defenses. This time? They're prepared for hero intervention.

    At the National Bank of Long Island, four more armore cars pull up, and armed men begin to run into the bank. Their tactic is clear: Divide, Conquer, and Pillage.

    "Oh no!" Luronu forgets all about her bag of food, dropping it as she splits into three selves, one wearing white, one wearing black, and another wearing grey. "Let's go." Their first target? The men in the SWAT vehicle, each of the young heroes moves to the rent vehicle to being to pull some of the very injured, but somewhat alive officers out of the debris before the fire suffocates them entirely.

Black Canary has posed:
    The first alert comes through at the Watchtower...reports of energy weapons being used to attack police vehicles, and a bank. "Well at least they're sticking with what works..." Dinah mutters as she hops up on the pad, then nods to the tech running it, before she vanishes in a flash of energy, reappearing nearby to the bank as she takes a moment to look over the scene, pondering. Under the circumstances, the bank is still the priority...there will be hostages. And this time, they seem a lot more ready to cause casualties. She starts to slip towards the armored vehicles, staying out of sight as she looks for a way to slip closer to the trucks. This time...she's going to make sure they're not going anywhere once they try to make their escape. Money doesn't matter..she's not going to risk busting into a bank full of heavily armed men without backup.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil was in the Jewelry store...why not, she is rich. Stealing Jewels is a bit hard for her to do, but she does like to have them. As long as she does not touch them with her telekinesis. The two men who rush in to the store with strange weapons get her attention though. She has been looking for Intergang, it looks like she has found them. Now, how to approach them?

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
The explosions quickly draw attention of the agents aboard the aircraft Jessica is currently on, and her reruns are paused, coffee quickly gulped down, and her hood and mask pulled on. "I'm going down." Spider-Woman says to the crew, "Contact the Triskellion for backup, it looks like we've got something." She is then off, back into the cargo bay of the aircraft, lowering the ramp, then out into the sky, freefalling much of the way down before kicking in her glider for the remainder of the descent to come in for a rooftop landing nearby the bank the robbers have just gone in to seize.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
Then the alerts are off, and J'onn pinpoints where the alert has been triggered. He checks that the other team members have already deployed, and then phases through the Watchtower walls. He immediately begins descending towards the coordinates he was given with a rush of speed that leaves a trail in his wake. He mentally begins linking the various members of the League that are headed to the disturbance. *I have created a mental link for us.. feel free to use it in place of the communcaitons units.* As he closes in on the armored vehicles, he shifts his form so that he is no longer visible in the Normal or Infrared Light spectrums so he can close as quickly as possible with the gang members.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader having been situated in in Long Island quickly makes his way to the bank saying over the comms "Their are four men hitting the banks" he says
    He see black Canary arrive there, but none the less stays hidden. he tells her over the link "One is going to head inside and get the scope on what they are doing" he tells her
    And true to his word the invisble Crusader approaches the bank quietly - but not through the front, but instead flows in through an open Window. Once inside he connect himself to the banks secureity feed to see what they are dealing with

Deathstroke has posed:
It should be noted that Deathstroke isn't here to save anyone. First, it's not his deal. Second, no one's paying him. And third, well, there's that vengeance mission and reconnaisance mentioned above. That's going to be put on hold, but still. They're all reasons he couldn't give two shits about the local bank, the guards, or even most of the civillians. So let them rob the place, if they want. Or let the heroes stop them. From his vantage point atop a convenient building, he already has a good view of the various do-gooders on intercept courses. It's what they're good at, and he's of no mind to interfere.

Slade was here looking for payback, or means to go about it. And these guys seem to just be overflowing with 'means.' Through a high-powered rifle scope, he scans the whole scene, watching them blow the SWAT vehicles and police cars. One, two... but three is further up the street. That one seems like a good bed. Whether it's an escape vehicle, a distraction, or just there to cut off reinforcements, it's separate from everything else, from the fiasco at the bank.

So a little ninja parkour as the Terminator heads that way.

En route, he radios through his helmet: "Wintergreen, I may need exfil in a few. Come in on my signal but don't engage."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    In the street, the Luornu's work together to pull the last of the SWAT members out, before the fire really begins to burn. Thankfully, their uniforms are mildly heat retardant even though they, themselves, are not.
    "Let's fly," calls the one in black, and all three girls alight, taking to the skies and moving in erratic patterns -- a keen eye will detect this is a 'flight manuever' used to sew distraction, chaos, and draw fire while evading to allow ground forces to attack. It works. The men on the ground begin firing energy beams towards the 'new' threat of the three heroes almost immediately, saving on further civilian casualities or damage. At least, for now.

    Outside the bank, at least three men await in each truck. A driver, a passenger to keep lookout, and someone in the back. All armed. The Black Canary, though, is too well trained and manages to slip by unseen for the present. Neither do they see Crusader -- though, they're on the lookout for him. He's intereferred with them too many times. A few men are already blasting open the safe, while severarl others are holding hostages, and the rest are robbing the tills. Twelve men inside in total.

    Inside/Outside the jewelry store, one of the man begins filling a big sack with display items, gesturing and shouting at the clerks to fill the bag with everything. Thousands, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of jewels are stuffed into the sack in rapid order while his 'buddy' keeps the few people in the store in line and from doing anything 'stupid' while two others outside wait, and watch. They'll be done in another minute or two. This is a smash and grab, Sybil will be able to see easily.

    Of course, nobody notices Deathstroke. They're on the watch for heroes. Interference. Police. Authorities. Somehow, in all of this it's never occurred to them other agencies, organizations, or, mercenaries would be on the hunt for the technology that has, nearly literally, fell into their laps from the heavens.

Black Canary has posed:
    Canary pauses as she hears Crusader, responding over the link. "Going to see if I can sabotage their vehicles. There are too many in there with just us...if they open fire a hostage will get hurt." Not might. Will. "Keep me posted...I'll move to you when I'm done here." She slips up under the vehicles. Right now...she's concerned more with sabotage than anything else, pulling out a small knife she flicks open as she starts to make small cuts and punctures where she can...wheels, linkages, whatever she can reach to keep them from getting far.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader takes note of everything he is seeing and quickly broadcast over the mental link "*We have 12 men inside. They have blown the safes and emptying the tills. So far no hurt hostages, of which there are several." he informs Canary and J'onn.
    He knew they would be on the look out for him. One bad thing about being a Thorn in someone side after all. But the hostages need to be kept safe first and formost. The last two time he tangled with these guys...they almost killed some of the hostages "Hear you loud and clear Canary - One will attempt to get a better vantage point meanwhile" he was going to go in gun-ho this time
    Crusader dosn't melt into a puddle on the ground this time. Instead he floats up to be near the ceiling and flows along that. Slowly and carefully as to not draw attention to himself. He stops /over/ the hostages, but otherwise makes no move - he is simply in a position to quickly act should things get worse, as well as to have a better view of what is going on

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil shakes her head silently, how unprofessional. They are on the lookout for attacks from outside, but are ignoring her. In a place where heroes (and others) exist, ignoring anyone can be a mistake. She sees two guards and two robbers. She walks up to the guars and says, "Excuse me, I need to talk to your boss."

Deathstroke has posed:
Although he reaches the roof of the jewelry store in question, Deathstroke's interest in this robbery, much like the other, remains at nil. Not only are they small beans compared to a worthy contract, but the point where he did any of what he does for *practical* financial reasons is long in the rearview. He does pause to place a device up there as his vastly superior mental facilities work out the many ways the situation could play out and simultaneously prepare for all of them. He never goes in without a plan, or without multiple plans in parallel. Call it insurance.

As he's closed with his target(s), the rifle is rapidly collapsed and returned to his back. All ranges here will be short to close, and the barrel would be awkward. One hand holds his do-it-all staff, currently collapsed down to a shorter batton. The other pulls something from his belt.

A quick leap takes him from the roof to land atop their truck (attatching the object in hand to the roof), and almost as quickly, he hops down off the back end to swing in through the rear hatch, coming in feet-first for anyone he meets within.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Spider-Woman clings to the rooftop above the bank, peering down at the vehicles in place, her keen hearing tracking the sounds of the bank robbers inside, and a pensive little frown crosses her lips, "Alright.. this shouldn't be too bad.." She says, starting down the wall of the building before moving to leap onto the roof of one of the getaway vehicles the Intergang folk have parked out front.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    At the bank, The Black Canary's clever cunning circumvents ceaseless circumferential surveying of the crooked criminals. They're looking for attacks from the sides. Even above. Inside, video-survelliance on the trucks make sure that they're not caught off-guard in such manners. Crusader, too, is just as clever. The criminals are watching the floor. Watching the ground, the area around them. It's not typical for threats to come from the ceiling - so, he's safe. And, in perfect position to protect the civilians should things go awry. Spider-Woman lands on top of the vehicle, and that does get a bit of notice, and two of the men jump out of the back of each of the trucks to step a little ways back, and find the threat, immediately.

    Inside the jewelry store, the man holding everyone at bay smirks at Sybil. "You, and everyone else, lady. Back off. Nobody talks to the boss. Not if you don't want to get roasted. You want to get roasted, lady?" And, he points the gun straight at Sybil, clearly ready to fire it while his partner mutters, "We got the goods. Let's scram." But, the first mook is a bit on an ego high suddenly. Advanced weapons will do that to you. It's probably a good thing too -- as outside, even as Deathstroke lands on top of the vehicle the single man in the back of of the truck is pointing his gun up and getting ready to fire, even as the backdoor opens to reveal the Terminator. Instant recognition, and the mook fumbles to levy the advanced rifle to be the man who killed Deathstroke even as the driver gets out hurridely, to come to his buddies aid, and flank Deathstroke's entry with his own weapon.

    In the street, as the Lu's, three, duck, swerve, and shift between each other constantly one or two of the men get frustrated, and stop firing. Only then, too late, do they notice now it's only two girls up in the air, and the third, the girl in white is flying at them with a kick to send one of them to the ground. The others turn to focus on her, and in synch, the other two Lu's descend rapidly onto the men, while the first Lu disarms, and jitsu-tosses the fourth man. Let's face it. The men of Intergang are not all that bright - which might make them more dangerous, as Canary and Crusader are very well aware. "Triplicate Girl here," Luornu calls to the Legion. "These men have weapons that they should not have. They appear to be from Earth's future," one of them says, while the other two make sure the men are knocked out, cleanly, and the weapons secured for the incoming authorities.

Crusader has posed:
So far so good - the men are not shooting up the hostages - and said hostages are co-operating. The chances of this ending without incident were increasing (relativly speaking). "They are on high alert for ground-based attacks" he informs Black Canary knowing it would be good for her to know what they are searching for
    Crusader maintains his position - but was begining to spread himself out to cover a larger surface area. "Canary, One has an idea to take these guys out in one go - but One needs them carraled togeather as close as possible - think you might be able to make that happen" he asks over the mental link

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah shifts along from truck to truck, moving from the back to the front. It's entirely possible the trucks might move...but not for very long with leaking tires, steering lines, brake lines, etcetera having been cut, puncutured, or otherwise dealt with. Now...how to deal with the men inside. She thinks over the link. "Let them leave. We don't care about the money. We care about stopping them when they're clear of the hostages. If they try and open fire, then we hit them. I'll deal with the men in the trucks, you two get the men in the bank. Remember...those guns will punch through a wall easily. Don't make yourself an easy target.
She rolls on her front, watching quietly now. The bank is insured. And they'll stop them before they get far.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil reaches out with her telekinesis, touching the muscles and nerves of the arm holding the gun pointed at her. She momentarily paralyzes the trigger finger, then "taps" the arm muscles to cause the gun to jerk aside...then lets the finger pull the trigger while it is tasrgeted on the other guard. She says, "Pointing weapons at me is a bad idea."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
As J'onn takes in the scene, he first determines if there are any innocents at risk. If there are, then J'onn uses his speed, and shields to remove any innocent civilians before they can be seriously injured. Once that's taken care of he decides to remove the gang's ability to quickly leave the scene of the crime. He focuses on the internals of the armored cars engines, and removes it's ability to start. He sends a mental question to the connected League members *I have removed their vehicles ability to start. They should not be able to quickly leave the area.* As they engage, J'onn provides a shield that further protects each league member.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Spider-Woman isn't particularly trying to hide herself, as the would be bank robbers emerge from the trucks, standing up atop one of their vehicles as she looks down on them. "Gentlemen. We seem to have a major problem here." She states, casting a glance sidelong towards the bank, then back at the trio. "Your parking meters are expired, and that, fellas, is one thing I cannot abide as a fine, law abiding citizen." She says, watching the group of Intergangers carefully, ready to spring into action should they make any aggressive moves.

Deathstroke has posed:
This is all pre-calculated, and Deathstroke's motion is continuous: with one hand holding the lip of the back entrance, he swings in, bursting through the door and feet already aimed at the man he rightly predicted would be standing there, slamming into his center mass. The split seconds it will take his target to adjust from pointing up at the roof to forward at the back entrance? That's calculated too, and the man simply doesn't have enough time. There's a bit of a crunch as the armored figure's mass (and considerably enhanced strength) bowls the man over and flattens him against a portion of the truck's interior. Although that might, on a good day, only knock the wind from him, when the Terminator lands atop him, he quickly grabs the man's face and slams the back of his head against the floor of the truck before pulling loose his weapon and giving it a quick look over.

And then, in turn, the rest of the truck interior. This is what he's here for, after all.

Of course, guy #2 is on his way around, but that's... that's just too easy. He can time it to the millisecond (or probably less, but for human foes, that's more than enough!) when this brilliant 'flanking' maneuver will bring him into view. The man will literally walk into the shot that kills him- fired from his fallen ally's weapon. May as well test the hardware, right?

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    At the bank, Canary finishes sabotaging the trucks, and getting ready to deal with the criminals in the trucks, J'onn is utlizing both his speed and his sheilds to get all the civlians to safety in a blur of motion that catches the robbers off-guard. They'd been prepared for the Titans, perhaps. Even some of the minor Leaguers -- not Martian Manhunter. A few shots go off, in J'onn's direction. No mistake. Those shots hit. /Hard/. And, by the second shot with J'onn's spread sheilding as he takes the last of the civilians out, his own sheilds are either depleted, or close to being so. Damn powerful guns. But it does leave Crusader, J'onn, and others to 'clean up' the criminals with no worry to civilian life. -- Whereas outside, one of the men is already taking aim at Spider-Woman, and fires a hot white-blue beam of laser destruction at her without a moment's hesitation.

    At the jewelry store, mook #2's suddenly lost control of his body it seems, and his eyes widen in disbelief, even horror, as he rounds his gun onto his partner. His partner looks at him, annoyed, "What the hell you playing at? Let's go." And, without waiting for his partner, he begins to file out of the store, slowly, "And nobody follow. Call the cops if you want. We'll kill them. So you probably shouldn't," he warns, boastfully. Then again, they've already proven they can, and will. Mook #2, though, "Help! She's ... doing something to me! Freddy, don't leave me here!"

    Lournu, making sure the men are secured, nods to her selves, and the girl in black points to white and grey, "Follow me. There have been other explosions," she says, and after ensuring paramedics are on the way as well as authorities, each of the girls take off, heading next towards the jewelry store as it's the closest, and the SWAT vehicle they initially shot is smoldering, still. Most of the SWAT members have already have crawled out, or been pulled out by now, but she's moving to check on them anyways - civilians first! Then fighting.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The back of the truck is clean, save two additional rifles that will be available for grabbing - in addition to the other two that the men themselves presently have. A nice haul, for Deathstroke, to be certain.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil says, "I could have made you kill him...but I did not. Now take meto you boss, or I make you kill each other until someone is left who WILL." To provethe point, she makes the thug fire his gun past Freddy and destroy a car near their getaway car.

Crusader has posed:
"Good Job J'onn J'onn...now to clean things up" Crusader says over the connection "One is going in, and going in hard" he warns Canary and J'onn.
    Yes he knew how powerful those weapons where...but the faster the guys are taken out, the better.
    Crusader becomes visible once more, but he as still at the ceiling. Time for a thunder drop!
    Quite litterly - Crusader body seems to become entwined with lightning...and he lets himself drop. The first boom would be him hitting the ground - the second boom being equalivent to thunder as when he hits the ground - pulses of lightning shoot out from Crusader to to try and knock out as many goons as he can at once.

He may or may not have stolen that Infamous move from a video game

Black Canary has posed:
    "Well, that's done it, nice job J'onn. Crusader, let 'em run and hit 'em in the doorway. I'm gonna give them a reason to stop there. J'onn, take out the men in the trucks next, between the two of us we should be able to shut them down hard." No point going with the original plan now...the thugs don't have hostages and the bank is likely insured. Now it's just a matter of reducing the number of armed thugs as quickly as possible.

    Which she starts by leaning, inhaling, then...


    The blast actually causes the truck she's under to leap upwards like its been goosed, the sonic impact lifting it up then bringing it down again with a tremendous crash on its side in front of the bank doors to make it harder for the thugs inside to escape as she rolls to her feet, then dives into the back of the next truck in line, launching into a brutal muy thai kick to the thugs side as she moves to disarm him.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
*All, be very careful of those weapons...* A bit of strain evident in the Martian Manhunter's mental voice *...they are extremely powerful. I'm not sure how much I can protect others at this point. The innocents have been removed from the battle field. Proceed as necessary to capture the criminals.* He then focuses on the minds of the criminals, attempting a scan to identify who among them may be the leader, and who has the information that may lead to where the guns come from or where they take their captives... potentially even Superwoman.

Deathstroke has posed:
It's probably mildly dissapointing there isn't a cool doomsday device inside the van, but opportunists can't be picky, right? As for the rifles, one or four is probably more or less the same as far as the Terminator is concerned - it'll be going to the same people responsible for a lot of his best weaponry, to see what they can make of the underlying tech. And walking around with four rifles is probably a little awkward. Also it doesn't look cool. And we can't have that. So he slings the one he 'test' fired over his shoulder, does quick checks on the two inside (he might palm power cells if those are handy) and then rather casually hops out the back of the truck.

At this point, the rest of the chaos is more a point of curiousity, like the woman apparently puppeting the would-be jewelry store robbers.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Spider-woman was almost certainly expecting the ganger to shoot, so she's already moving even as his finger starts to tense on the trigger, leaping forward at the trio of gangers in an acrobatic flip over them as she begins a balet of liberal ass beating with the three intergangers.

As the SKREE is emitted, Jess glances towards the source, while still brawling, and asks, "Is Juistn Beiber with you clowns?" she asks, "Or is he on our side today?" The question rather self-answering as the transport vehicle goes catapulting into the air.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Inside the bank, as well as the criminals were prepared, they were -not- prepared for the multi-booms from the thunder-drop of Crusade. Not at all. The deployment of the attack takes out four of them overall, the shock to their system too much for them to overcome it, systemshock, and their inert bodies collapse to the floor, twitching. Of course, that means others are now turning to aim their weapons at the bouncing mass of Crusader, and fast. They've heard of this odd, malleable, strechy hero before now and they want him exterminated, as quickly as possible. Luckily for Crusader, he's shielded from the brunt of the first attack, and the second. The third, though? That third one is -really- going to sting.
    J'onn will get some curiously conflicting images of who the boss is. Some picture a man in purple robes of - curious humanoid descent named Desaad. Others will be of the mind it's a brutihsh, big, square-headed and well muscled man named Bruno Mannheim. And, one of the criminals in his mind has the knoweldge that new weaponry is being delievered to Manhattan because Desaad was pleased with the capture of Superwoman, but needs them to 'start showing they're worth the gifts given them'.
    Outside the bank, The Canary Cry makes short work of the van, and a great distraction for her quick feet and hands to make short work of one of the men aiming at Spider-Woman even as Spider-Woman is already cutting a karate-swath through the rest of those gang members. The final few pour out of the trucks, after realizing the trucks aren't going anywhere. But unlike all the other times? These guys are just plain running. Weapons abandoned. They're overwhelmed. They know it. They've heard the stories. And, they're running. Making a break for it. And leaving their 'friends' behind.

    Inside the jewelry store, as the gun goes off past Freddy's head - the car right behind the truck explodes. That's probably something Deathstroke had not calculated on, the gang members firing towards themselves because they're being body-controlled by a woman. It seems the jewlery store i the place to be if you're a villian, or wanting to become one. "I-I dont't know where he is," the man insists, fear creeping into his voice at Sybil, "He just gives us the guns, and tells us what to do! I swear! All I know is he's in Manhattan!" Poor guy is sweating, profusely. Losing control of herself, and being controlled by another person is, perhaps, afterall, more terrifying than the thought of being shot. It's like having puppet fingers in your brain.

Black Canary has posed:
    Canary trusts that J'onn and Crusader can handle the bank for the moment...or hold out long enough at least for her to help Spider-Woman deal with those trying to flee from the trucks, as she barrels into them in a flurry of strikes, kicks, and sweeps. She's looking to disable over seriously injure. To her mind, they're 'surrendering'...they just don't know it yet.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
Sybil says, "Tell whoever you report to that The Sybarite wants to discuss business. He can contact me through my drones and workers in San Francisco and arrange a meeting." She then paralyzes them briefly and flies away over the building. Of course, holding them while flying was pretty tiring, so she only flies out of sight before landing, no reason tolet others know her limits.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader was thankful for those shields J'onn provided...but knew it wouldn't be enough. They were fireing to kill. But than that third shield hits - and it hurts like hell! Sheer burning pain - of course it wasn't the first time Crusader has been hit....but damn it hurts
    "Four down, eight to go inside" he tells J'onn and Canary. With the criminals locked in with him via the door blocked by a Van...it was all or nothing
    With more beams bound to be incomming, Crusader dosn't stay still for long - he begins ducing, bobbing and weaving. But 8 weapons - One Crusader. Not good. "J'onnn, think you can drop a few of these guys?" he cordially request despite the situation.
    Another beam or two hits him and he is racked with more pain. He retaliate by...ding a sweep kick

That is to say he drops down and as he bring his leg around - it stretches out a good 20 feet to give these goons something to dodge instead of shooting at him!

Martian Manhunter has posed:
*Interesting. I may have some clues on where to look next from some of the men* J'onn sends to the team, forwarding the images he received from the group about the two different men. Of the men that are escaping, J'onn uses his telekinesis to trip as many as he can that are running, and allow them to be caught by the rest of the heroes here. Upon hearing Crusader's call, J'onn phases through the wall, and uses his psionics to incapacitate the others that are still up and a danger.

Deathstroke has posed:
Indeed, that one is a little off-script.

General chaos and explosions, however, are par for the course on an impromptu battlefield. Slade moves quickly, ducking debris, vaulting up onto another vehicle, generally abandonning the scene. But he saw where the shot came from, and not *entirely* sure what's happening there between Sybil and the men around her... well, he activates one of his contingencies. With a quick tap on a carried trigger, the device he left behind on the roof of the store goes off. It's relatively small, but set close enough to the sign hanging over the storefront to send it tumbling, and generally spray that gathering with debris. Explosion for explosion. Whether that's a help or a hinderance for the woman's plans, who knows! Who cares? Not this guy.

In the chaos he's offered them in return, the Terminator evacuates toward the other side of the street. Soon, he's back on the rooftops, sprinting and leaping. Wintergreen was signaled earlier and meets him at a distance suitably removed from the fray, a dark aircraft hovering and dropping a line that the mercenary grabs and rides off into the sky.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Judicious application of her 'spider venom', the Bio-Electric blasts Spider-Woman can shoot, help with the fleeing gangers as well as she works on cleaning up the exterior crew of the bank. "What's the ETA on that backup??" Jess calls out into her SHIELD communicator, "A bunch of costumes are here incapacitating, but we'll need clean up and retrieval units for prisoners and tech."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    At the bank, between Crusader and J'onn inside the bank, the rest of Intergang is fully taken care of as the heroes are free to use their abilities to their full potential without risk to civilian safety. The poor mooks never really stood a chance. They just didn't realize it, until it was too late. The Black Canary and Spider-Woman take care of nearly all the rest of the fleeing goons, working with an efficiency and matching teamwork that both SHIELD and the Justice League, as well as any karate or kungfu master would be more than proud of. No doubt some of this footage is getting on tonight's newsstream.

    That just leaves poor Freddy at the jewelry store -- who gets triple-teamed, and not in a good way, by one very upset trifecta of Luornu's, whose too startled by the exploding car, his dead allies, and the falling sign that he just narrowly avoids dying from thanks to Deathstoke's visit to be able to react much to her coming up on him. "Brainiac, contact the authorities, have them localize on my coordinates," she calls into the Legion Cruiser. Then, "Moving onto the last known location." And, after neutralizing Freddy, securing his weapon also, the three girls take flight - and now descend upon the bank, arriving just as Black Canary manages to take out two of the fleeing goons -- and two of her selves pick up the third, and fly him back to the others, dropping him a few feet above the ground where her third self neatly drops into a flying kick formation into his chest to send him sprawling to the ground while her two other selves follow up with attacks to knock the man out.
    "Hello," the girl in white greets. "I'm Triplicate Girl. There are four more of these men located a few blocks south. One block north, someone killed two of them, and another is neutralized. Is everything safe here?" She seems concerned.
    And of course, now that the sounds of fighting and battle are over, sirens all over the city can be heard as responding units start making it through the city, to the various affected sites.

Gypsy Moth has posed:
That explosion tumbled Sybil a bit as she flew away, but she was pretty much unharmed. The capture of the thugs will make the contact from their superiors doubtful, but if Intergang gets in touch with the Sybarite cult, she will be ready to work out a deal for mutual profits.

Black Canary has posed:
    Canary finishes off the last two men, then blinks as another is grabbed by two flying girls, turning to watch then nods to the black-clad version of Triplicate Girl who floats down. "....hmmm..." She looks around, watching Spider-Woman finish off her last group. "LOoks like we're almost done here..." She uses the link still in place. <You boys got the gusy in the bank sealed up?" She then verbally says to Luornu. "We've got a bunch in the bank that are being mopped up and plenty scattered around here...should have first responders in here soon to deal with getting them properly shipped off and behind bars." She frowns a bit, walking over to scoop up one of the discarded rifles. "If you could help us make sure all of these are gathered up though...I don't think we want any of these things getting into anyone else's hands..."

Crusader has posed:
Crusader looks to J'onn "Thank you" before replying to Canary over the connection "The Inside of the bank is secured and all criminals neutralized. They are being gathered up as we speak" and true to his word he was rounding them up - as well as engulfing any of the tech the men had on them for future studies and possible assimilation. "Think the info you obtain will be of any help J'onn?" he asks with some hope in his voice

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Of course," exclaims the girl in white. And, after a brief glance towards the bank from the girl dressed in black, the three girls begin half-hovering and swiftly moving over the scene, to gather the alien guns, while the one in black does observe, "These weapons are extremely advanced and should not be in your timeline yet for at least another hundred years or so. Have you been able to detect any anomolies in the time fields, Black Canary?" Yes. She knows who Black Canary is. Luornu has done her homework. "Spider-Woman?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
A little juice is given to the Intergangers jess has already trounced in the form of Spider Venom, to ensure they stay disabled before she too starts rounding up people. "I trust none of you are going to be wandering off with any ill gained gadgets." She calls out, "If you don't want to be detained for questioning by SHIELD I'd recommend you all make yourselves scarce in the next couple minutes as well." She calls out. The question from Lournu, or one of the Lournu's at least, gets a nod, "Yep, that's me."

Crusader has posed:
After gathering and storeing away the guns within himself Crusder moves to the entrench...and tilts over the van blocking it. Sure he could get around it in other ways, but cops have to get inhere somehow! He is even kind enough to carry it back to the street and set it down