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Latest revision as of 21:01, 13 May 2019

How To Lure A Thor
Date of Scene: 05 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Thor, Black Canary, Vintridr

Jessica Jones has posed:
For her exceptional bravery in wearing the Jewel costume once more...oh, and also for saving the world from the Black Sleep, Jessica Jones has been gifted a tremendous bottle of unlabelled alcohol which was the best thing she ever drank in her life. That was no empty claim, because if it exists on Earth, Jessica drank it, and the fact she now got to taste some of the finest Asgardian elixirs just proves how truthful the statement is. Problem...? Jessica doesn't really do one or two sips at a time, and before long that magical bottle of golden liquid was just about done. This was a travesty, and one does not simply finds a God of Thunder on the phonebook. Or the internet. She tried.

But you know what one does finds? A new club just opened, in the neighborhood of Alias Investigations too! So walking distance, and it was Viking themed, and using the stupid name of Thor's stupid hammer! What better lure? So she called her 'friend' Black Widow. Ok, so she was Matt's friend, and she only answered when it was clear Jess wasn't stopping to try and reach her. For the promise of never calling again, Jess won herself one message relayed to Thor from Nat, on behalf of one Jessica Jones.

Jessica dictated a message, but that's not what Thor got, instead he got something more along the lines of: "remember the crazy bitch who told us about the Black Sleep? Where you totally destroyed the parking meter? She wants to meet you, why? Because I can't get anymore calls from her, go meet her in that stupid viking club, Widow out!" (note: this is a highly paraphrased version, it may well have been a much shorter and more to the point message).

So now Jessica is here, at the door to Club Mjolnir, and she lingers in the doorway, absolutely stunned by the total fucking majesty and astounding stupidity of the place. Who in the fuck opens a vikings themed place in Hell's Kitchen? It made less than zero sense.

Welp...hopefully Mjolnir in the name is enough to get Thor to actually show up.

Thor has posed:
    The message had been delivered, though with Natasha assuredly it would have been concise and to the point. Though she might well have been smirking when she delivered it, hard to know for sure with that woman when she was playing it close to the vest. But from all accounts, this Jessica Jones did deserve some measure of respect for her efforts. And so he had acquired Hrulfgar's latest honey mead from the current batch and had made his way back to the great city of Manhattan.
    The address he had been given was not one he was familiar with. He tried to convince one of the others to show him there, and eventually in exasperation one of the other Avengers called him an Uber. It was quite the ride, and the driver half the time just stared at his passenger and the other half tried to start up small talk that Thor indulged in... just not very well.
    Then it was to that new club, the King of Asgard was let loose after having properly tipped his driver. He stood outside of it for a time, holding that mead in one hand and tilting his head as he eyeballed the signage. His brow knit and he made a small 'hrmf' sound to himself as he slung the hefty bottle over one shoulder as he sauntered to the entrance.
    The bouncer might well have been about to turn him away. For though the blonde man was tall, he certainly wasn't dressed for the place. Jeans, a black t-shirt a size too tight, and a grey hoodie was all he wore. Well and a pair of brown work boots. He also carried around an umbrella as well... and a bottle?
    "Sorry fella, the bottle stays outside."
    "No, I assure you, it comes in with me."
    Perhaps there was a moment of furtive whispered conversation and then with little ado he was shown inside... into Club... Mjolnir.

Black Canary has posed:
Wearing a yellow sequin-covered dress, the subject of celebrity gossip magazines across North America - Dinah Drake - walks into the bar. She's wearing a choker around her throat - her hair is done up - the dress is rather modest with a high neckline but a slit halfway up the side - and four-inch stiletto heels. It matches her hair. She hmmmms happily - one of the most famous bars of Manhattan? She kinda misses the more seedy joints - but she knows she has to manage her reputation. She takes a seat, looking around, then raises an eyebrow as Thor walks in. Well - not really surprising for it's NAMED AFTER HIM. She ponders as she orders a martini, settling down - mentally counting the seconds before she's recognized.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Looking at the layout of the place, Jessica is still quite stunned, "fucking boats..." she grumbles, not appreciating the touch of private tables as viking boats along the walls, she's not going in something stupid like that. So instead she proceeds to one of the long mead hall tables, which literally force you to sit in the company of total strangers, and as the rules go, she sits where there's an open spot. This brings her to sit across from Dinah, whom she gives a single glance, before putting on her sweetest, highest cheerleadery voice, and asks, "oh emm gee, did he pop the question?" But that's all she offers, as she signals one of the waiters and asks for the house special, which soon gets her mead in a drinking horn.

Jess is stunned by the drinking horn, not quite sure how to hold it even, making it quite awkward. But even before she can ponder how the fuck one drinks from that accursed thing, she spots the unmistakable hulking figure of Thor at the door. She waves her hand, and calls out, "over here! You're with me...I'm Jessica by the way, in case you don't remember, I saved you a spot," she pats the open spot on the long bench next to her.

Thor has posed:
    The tall blonde man enters the bar proper, stepping past some of the people standing near the entrance, walking along with bottle on one shoulder and an umbrella in hand. He has this sort of... quizzical look to him as he looks the place over, brow furrowed and his good eye wide. As if he was King Arthur and is being shown the Camelot hotel in Vegas. Just incredulity in his features and a distinct distanced look to him as if whatever this... place is, it is beyond him.
    He shakes his head and smiles to a young woman who seems intent on filming him as he passes her, so he spares her a small wave then rounds and casts his gaze about the room...
    Only to hear Jessica's voice. He starts that direction and once he draws near he lifts his voice, "Ah, Lady Jessica. A curious place you bring me to." He sets the bottle down upon the table before her and still doesn't take his seat, not quite yet. He looks the place over. "Very curious indeed."
    But then he espies Dinah and for a moment there's something of the old Asgardian charm as he gives her a nod, "Greetings, lass." It's then that he takes a seat and gestures towards the Black Canary as he asks Ms. Jones, "Friend of yours?"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles. "Hi, I'm Dinah Drake." A few gasps from certain parts as some were speculating and they got confirmation. "You must be Thor. A rather unique look." She squints. "You look RATHER confused by everything here. Is this your first time? Curious - I would've thought that the club that bears the name of your famous hammer would be more familiar to you." She glances over at Jessica. "Hello, Jessica," she states, extending her hand for either to shake. "I hope that I'm not causing a scene - just wanted to get a drink." She turns to the barkeep. "Oh, instead of the martini, I'll take the house special too." The barkeep hadn't even started hers yet - and it seems easier just to go with the flow.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Yeah, well I needed you to actually come, wasn't sure you'd set foot in my dinky office again..." and as she speaks she motions with her free hand all around, "so, I figured some place like this...it's viking or whatever, and apparently the name? Club Meownew? Whatever it is...has to do with you! So figured, a place that honors you might be a good gamble, no?" Judging by the absolutely winning smile on Jessica's face, she expects it to be true, as she holds out the drinking horn in her hand towards Thor, "can you help me real quick...do you know what the fuck this thing is? I ordered a drink, not a mantle piece...?"

Jessica does shrug at the mention of Black Canary, "not really, she's a rich and famous type, or a gold digger type, whichever the case...but everyone sits with everyone around here, so, I guess it's cool?" She answers Thor's question.

When Jessica is offered Dinah's hand despite mocking her, she shrugs and takes it, before offering without apology, "I just keep hearing that godawful 'will he pop the question' for some of the garbage research I have to do, so, I'm ready to punch a TMZ reporter. And I'm not even the one they're bothering."

With her change of order, Dinah is also handed the house mead in a traditional drinking horn.

When Dinah expresses surprise that Thor doesn't seem familiar with the place, Jessica sneers, "think of it this way Dinah, they take something that supposed to fit with his home...or well...at least a viking home, and then they commercialize it and maximize everything for money making, right? PR spin, all that jazz? It probably looks like a replica, if it was meant to be ridiculous and not accurate. But hey, people are having fun..."

Thor has posed:
    It's clear Thor is not exactly at ease with the place. "It's... very strange." The Asgardian says, "Not bad, it is more just... strange. Like viewing oneself through a murky pond, curious to see what your reflection says of you."
    That having been said he turns his gaze to Dinah, "Aye, indeed. Tis my first time. I am here at Lady Jessica's behest." He gestures with one hand towards Ms. Jones as he settles further into his seat. He sets the umbrella down upon the tabletop with a faint /whom/ and then leans forwards on the table, elbows supporting him with his forearms resting on each other.
    Another glance around and he says, "I do not find it insulting. Perhaps disconcerting." And as he says that he does smile to the server but waves off an offer of a drink, "Mugs, please. Three?" He looks to Dinah as if offering for her to join them in the consumption of the mead.

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Yeah - those horns _do_ look odd to drink from. Sure." She then smiles as she pulls up a stool next to it. "I bet it'd be like George Washington at a 4th of July fireworks show or something. Or King Arthur at the Camelot hotel in Vegas." (Ironically vocalizing what Jessica had thought already.) "So - tell us - were you around when the Vikings were actually going? What was it like back then?" she asks.

She smiles at Jessica. "Well... he hasn't yet. But as far as I know, he's serious about me. Which is a good thing. I'm not the type to tolerate the behaviours Ollie was infamous for - I'm hoping he's a changed man."

Jessica Jones has posed:
When Thor either ignores, or doesn't hear Jessica's question about the drinking horn, she waves it to draw his attention, but in doing so spills some of the drink and finally gets it. "Fuck! The stupid thing IS the glass!? WHY!?" She casts a disturbed look at Dinah, then at Thor, giving it a bout a second or two for suggestion, before she uses the drinking horn as intended...and downs the whole thing in one go, slamming the empty horn on the table, but not too hard. "Mmmm...I guess mead is okay," she begrudgingly notes, before her eyes lock on the bottle that Thor brought with him. "Don't tell me!" She smacks her hand against Thor's arm and squeezes. Then stops. Turns her head and stares at his muscle, "...wow..." she gasps to herself, and lets go, before pointing at the bottle. "Would this be the same stuff that Dr. Strange got for me?" She asks, her tone like a woman who had just discovered an unending pile of treasure. Or pants with actual useable pockets. Make your pick. Either way, she is awe struck.

To Dinah, she offers very quietly, "if he behaves like a dick, punch him, that'll get his attention...if it doesn't knee him."

Thor has posed:
    Only now catching up with things, Thor does slip to the side a bit to get out of the way of the spilled drink and then smiles crookedly. "Ah, drinking horns." He perhaps tries to offer to help right matters, but she seems to have them decently well in hand. "Was more used when one traveled I believe." But he seems loathe to speak ill of the place, at least for now.
    But then she lights up at the prospect of the mead and he lifts a hand, "Ah, I do not know if it is the same, but it should hopefully serve." He'll make do with what serving implements are around and will pour hornfuls out for those who wish.
    Though as he pours he addresses Dinah's question, even as Ms. Jones squeezes his bicep and he takes no excepion of it, simply smiling as he continues to pour. "I do not know if this is truthful to the Nordic people of your time, Lady Drake. In truth I was here off and on at various times, the earliest was when we did battle with the Svartalfar. But that was... some time ago."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Ah..." she muses. "Well - it's a nice place nonetheless. Pity Ollie couldn't come by." She shrugs as she gets a mug of mead and takes a sip. "Nice stuff," she states, taking another ship. "The honely is excellent in it." She then blinks as her phone rings. And she pulls out... an old-style flip-phone. She opens it. "Hello? Ollie?" She then blinks. "Oh - right. Okay." She hangs up. "Sorry - Ollie's meeting ended early so I gotta get to the Queen Consolidated office now." She waves as she stands up, downing the mead. "Mmmmmmm. Maybe another time, Jessica and Thor." She then heads towards the door, callign for an Uber.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is readily placing her empty drinking horn for Thor to pour the fine elixir into. "This is the stuff..." Jessica notes eagerly, taking a quick sip, and closing her eyes as she takes a moment to saviour the taste. But then she opens her eyes and look oddly at Thor, "soooo...you're telling me all the bullshit stories on these tapestries," she points at some across from them covering the walls, "that shit's real? Or you've seen it? Because that's bonkers."

As Dinah is fleeting away, Jessica laughs and calls out after her, "ask him to let me know when he's ready to OH EM GEE POP THE QUESTION!?"

Thor has posed:
    Looking after Dinah for a moment, Thor scritches his chin with two fingertips as he ponders her thoughtfully, then shakes his head and looks back towards Jessica. "Somewhat," He says, though he does take a moment to consider one of the tapestries. Then another.
    "There is always some aspect of interpretation, poetic license. But the core facts are true. It is a curious thing how the people of Midgard in some ways know the legacy of Asgard as well as we do. But in other ways only have an understanding of the... broad strokes of my culture."
    She can tell he is loathe to speak ill of the place for some reason, as if it had an element of sincerity to it. But he shakes his head and looks back, focusing his attention fully upon Jessica. "So is it true we have you to thank for doing most of the work during the Sleeping Ailment?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jess listens to what Thor has to say, and when he takes a moment to consider, she gladly fills that moment with more drinking. She's actually reached to refill her drinking horn again since the last one.

"So you're saying these Viking fucks knew a damned thing or two about Asgard, huh? No wonder they worshipped you guys..."

Then Thor catches her off guard when he asks her outright a question she never expected anyone would ever address to her, and immediately she goes about the classic delay tactic of immediately deciding to drink all of her drinking horn yet again. Once she's done, she laughs nervously, "what would make you suggest such a crazy idea...me? What could I do? I'm not a god of anything or anything...just a P.I. really. I investigate shit, find results, report, get paid."

Thor has posed:
    A hand lifts to the side as he gently interposes it between her drinking horn and a refill as he murmurs, "I would warn thee against drinking too much too fast. You are a capable woman, Lady Jessica, but you are of Midgard still." A polite way of telling her she can't hold her liquor, clearly.
    But having said that he then takes a drink from his own horn and smiles warmly, "But if Strange decided to give you reward for your efforts then there must be some truth there."
    He pushes his horn to the side slightly and adds, "He is not known for offering such things of value to those around him frivolously."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica snorts at Thor's warning, "I can drink with the best of them...I regularly drink men under the table, nobody would even challenge me to a drinking contest anymore," Jessica grins as she makes her boast to Thor. Though truth be told, part of the magic of the Asgardian alcohol, is that she can actually feel it, and it's amazing. She does, however, quickly loses the smile when she realizes she has no way out of it, as Thor understands just what Strange's rare gift means. "Fuck, I've heard you're Thor the Mighty, a beast of a warrior, but never heard anyone accuse you of being a Sherlock Fucking Holmes...damnit." She still hadn't admitted to anything, but with the drinking she's been doing, her reaction along tells more than she intends. "Yeah, Strange is a weird freaky bastard, but he sure knows how to gift when he is grateful to someone."

Thor has posed:
    A laugh comes from the large man as he shakes his head, "Then come, we shall drink to your victory this e'en. Though best we not imbibe on an empty stomach. I have a hunger and it shall not wait to be sated." As Thor says this he rises up and /thumps/ Jessica on the shoulder companionably even as he stands.
    "Enjoy your drink, Lady Jessica. I shall acquire a suitable meal from the servers here." He turns and starts to step away, "Another is on their way here with a keg for you to use as you wish. But for tonight, we celebrate."
    And with that said he turns and starts to step away, but pauses long enough to mention. "Oh and if you see another of my countrymen, do not fear introducing yourself. She carries your reward."

Vintridr has posed:
    The door opens again to admit a tall woman clad in tight leather pants and a sleeveless top laced up at the sides. While that wouldn't be exactly out of place in a club like this, the fact that she's carrying a massive keg on one shoulder with the casual ease of some beatnik with their portable radio is.

    She looks around the room for a moment, then spots Thor and heads over to him. "My lord? The keg you requested, with Hrulfgar's compliments." She sets it down, and any notions that it might have been empty are dispelled as the floor shivers slightly under the impact.

Jessica Jones has posed:
For a moment Jessica's heart stops, as she's not sure just what Thor intends to do, her expression shifts for a moment and then she laughs at the thump. "I need to get friends like you, Thor, people usually tell me to stop drinking, you're a very awesome guy," she grins and raises the drinking horn again before drinking some more. "I'll never forget this gesture Thor, not that I can ever have any sort of help to offer you, but, what the hell, if you need it ask...I already faced one sort of apocalypse after all."

Then Vintridr comes in with the full keg, and Jessica drops her drinking horn, putting some of the golden liquid to waste, as she stares in awe, "I might have to clear some space in my living apartment...but this bad boy is coming home with me!" She's so taken by the gift, she still hadn't greeted Vintridr.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr smiles broadly at the woman. "It is yours, Lady Jessica, earned fairly by your noble deeds. Thor spoke highly of your efforts to cleanse the deadly slumber that fell upon this world. If you're ever in Norway, New Asgard will gladly welcome an esteemed guest."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Thanks...it's...fucking tremendous," Jessica can't quite contain herself at the sight, there will be much moving of things in her apartment, this keg will earn prominent status there as a most prized possession. "Yeah, I tried my best," Jessica seems uncomfortable when her heroics is recognized, "don't see myself getting away from NY, but if I get the chance? Sure...I'll go see where you crazy Asgardians hang out..." she then realizes she didn't even get a name and asks, "so who are you, friend of Thor?" She tries to mimic how she heard Thor talk, hoping it doesn't come off as offensive. In this case, she'd loathe to offend.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr laughs. "I am known as Vintridr of the Valkyrior, Lady Jessica," she replies, holding out a hand for Jessica to shake. "And you should consider it. If you'll permit the familiarity, you've the look of someone who needs to get out of the rut she's in..."